The Rise of the Writers of the Republic of China

Chapter 171: 170 [Understanding people]

   Early morning.

  Gu Hongming stood in front of the mirror and sorted out his appearance. He wore a brand new silk shirt and kept his braids upright before putting on the hat made by his deceased wife.

  Gu Hongming is very etiquette, because he respects the way of Confucius and Mencius, and "li" is the core element.

   But this kind of "ceremony" is only shown to those he can look up to. For example, Zhang Zhidong, such as Cai Yuanpei, today reluctantly added Zhou Hexuan.

   There has not been a book for a long time, which can make Gu Hongming read sleeplessly. He is a person who is familiar with all countries in the world, but "The Rise of a Great Power" still allows him to see different things. Some doubts that have been in his heart for many years can also be found in this book.

  The rickshaw stopped at the gate of the North Gate, and Gu Hongming walked in tremblingly with a cane. He has been in poor health in recent years, and it was because he felt that he would not be able to live long, so he resigned from Japan and returned to China. He wanted to die in his ideal land.

   "Mr. Gu? Why are you here!" Peking University professor Ma Heng looked at him in surprise.

  Gu Hongming nodded and said in a commanding tone, "Where is Zhou Hexuan? Take me to see him."

   Ma Heng had worked with Gu Hongming and knew his temper, so he supported him and said, "Go slowly."

   After a while, the two came to Zhou Hexuan's residence.

  Ma Heng was about to knock on the door, but Gu Hongming stopped him and knocked on the door himself and shouted, "Principal Zhou, Gu Hongming is here to meet!"

   Zhou Hexuan opened the door, and was about to speak when Gu Hongming suddenly folded his hands in a bow.

   This is an ancient Chinese ritual. In daily use, it is equivalent to a Western handshake, but it is also often used in solemn occasions, such as meetings between officials and friends, and was often used in the late Qing Dynasty. But it is too cumbersome, and the waist is deeply bent when bowing, just like the Japanese bow 90 degrees.

   Zhou Hexuan was stunned for a moment, then immediately bowed in return, then smiled and said to Gu Hongming and Ma Heng: "Mr. Gu, Professor Ma, please come in."

   Ma Heng felt very interesting, so he didn't leave, he sat next to him and wanted to listen to the two of them chatting.

   Zhou Hexuan took out the tea leaves and pastries, and said with a smile, "Mr. Gu, for what you need, I specially brought the best Longjing, and the pastries are also made by the chef."

"I have a heart," Gu Hongming was different from yesterday. He took out a book very politely and said, "Yesterday I read Principal Zhou's masterpiece, and I was quite touched. This is my own work, "Spring and Autumn Great Righteousness." "

   "The Great Righteousness of the Spring and Autumn Period", also known as "The Spirit of the Chinese People", this book once caused a sensation in the West, was translated into multiple languages ​​and reprinted in one edition, and even set off a decades-long Gu Hongming craze in Germany.

  Gu Hongming is also a writer, he was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature together with Tagore.

   Zhou Hexuan took the book and said with a smile, "I've read this book long ago."

   "It's good to read it," Gu Hongming said straight to the point. "To avoid conflict of words, today we have three chapters of the law. First, we don't talk about women's liberation; second, we don't talk about vernacular writing; third, we don't talk about constitutional democracy."

   These are all strongly opposed by Gu Hongming, who opposes women's liberation, the vernacular, and constitutionalism.

   "Yes." Zhou Hexuan nodded.

  Gu Hongming said: "I read "The Rise of Great Powers" and highly praised the great powers. Does Principal Zhou think Chinese people are inferior to Westerners?"

   Zhou Hexuan shook his head and said, "I believe that all people are equal, and there is no such thing as a superiority."

  Gu Hongming smiled and said, "There is always a difference. Can African blacks be equal to yellows and whites? In my opinion, the Chinese are the best ethnic group in the world, what do you think?"

   "I don't agree with this point of view," Zhou Hexuan said. "Don't talk about black people, even those cannibals in the South Pacific, as long as they are human, I think they are equal."

   "You are called Fraternity, a believer of the Mo family?" Gu Hongming was noncommittal.

   Zhou Hexuan said: "It has nothing to do with Mohism, it is human beings, and nature is equal."

  Gu Hongming asked: "Since they are equal, why are there so many differences among the various ethnic groups in the world? This difference is not only reflected in cultural customs, but also in intelligence, morality and character."

"This issue is very complicated," Zhou Hexuan said. "First, let's talk about the American Indians and the South Pacific savages. Why are they primitive and backward? Because they are isolated overseas, they lack communication and communication with the outside world. China and Europe have always Influence promotes, and this exchange greatly accelerates the cultural and scientific development of mankind."

  Gu Hongming said with a smile: "The four great inventions of the Chinese have indeed promoted the development of European science. As for China, before modern times, it has always progressed independently."

"The same can be said, but China is still affected by some," Zhou Hexuan said. "For example, the erhu and the pipa, these musical instruments come from Central Asia and West Asia. The Western constellation theory was also introduced to China early, and Su Dongpo is a faithful constellation. Fans, he often jokes that Capricorns are unlucky."

   "Oh, Su Dongpo still believes in the constellation theory?" Gu Hongming asked in surprise.

Zhou Hexuan said: "There is a record in "Dongpo Zhilin". The poem of retreat says: The day I was born, the moon and the night fight straight. It is known that the scorpion (Capricorn) of retreat is the body palace, and the servant is the life of the scorpion. In my life, I have been slandered and praised a lot, but it is almost the same disease."

   The general content of this passage is that Su Dongpo complained that he and Han Yu had the same fate and pity for each other. (Lao Wang language: I feel that this is the worst time Capricorn has been hacked.)

  Gu Hongming laughed loudly: "Haha, I never thought that Han Yu was also a Capricornus. It seems that I will study more constellations in the future."

Zhou Hexuan added: "The characteristics of a nation are related to its original birthplace. In areas suitable for farming, agricultural civilization developed, while in shallow soil, nomadic civilization developed. Take China as an example, why did it originate in the north? Because with primitive agricultural technology, the hot and rainy climate in the south is not suitable for farming."

   "It's interesting, go ahead." Gu Hongming's study of Chinese people is from the perspective of culture and morality. Zhou Hexuan's point of view makes him refreshing.

Zhou Hexuan continued: "The Chinese civilization is a typical farming civilization. The development of ancient agriculture requires order and stability, so the Chinese people advocate collectivism. Down, it will become something like the Three Cards and Five Permanents.”

  Gu Hongming wanted to refute, but it seemed to make sense after thinking about it.

"And what about the West?" Zhou Hexuan added, "Today's prosperous countries in Europe were still barbarians in ancient Greece and Rome. But barbarism conquered civilization and ushered in the darkness of the Middle Ages, and it was not until the Renaissance that the light was restored. Because of their proximity to the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean, they finally gave birth to a marine civilization that was different from farming and nomadic pastoralism. Marine civilization is a commercial civilization, and if it is exposed, it is profit-seeking. The industrial revolution is for profit, and the colonial massacre is for profit. Ten years ago, the European The war is also for profit.”

   "This point of view is very good and I like it very much." Gu Hongming also believes that Western civilization is a civilization of interests, but he also emphasizes that Chinese civilization is a moral civilization.

   Zhou Hexuan said: "I have read Mr. Gu's "Spring and Autumn Great Righteousness", and I agree with your analysis of ethnic groups in various countries. But I think this ethnic difference is not born, but caused by long-standing historical influence."

  Gu Hongming asked: "Then do you agree with the point of view in my book?"

Zhou Hexuan said with a smile: "I agree with Mr. Gu, the Chinese nation is indeed a great nation, and the Chinese also possess four virtues: profound, broad, simple and spiritual. As Mr. Gu said, China is a country that never grows old. The nation has the secret of eternal youth. I dare to predict that in less than a hundred years, China will stand on the top of the world again.”

   "Haha, I'm a fellow man." Gu Hongming said happily.

   Zhou Hexuan's tone changed: "But I don't agree with Mr. Gu's words about rejuvenating the country with morality."

Gu Hongming was a little unhappy, and asked: "Do you think the western way of running the country by profiting can be effective in the long run? I don't think so, the western countries have been controlled by businessmen's consortium, and one day, these countries will be controlled by immoral businessmen. Broken down."

   So Gu Hongming knows the West well, he sees it very accurately. From the 20th century to the 21st century, European and American countries were indeed bound by the interests of the consortium, and gradually went downhill. His point of view also has some truth. He also predicted the destruction of German militarism in the book "The Chinese Spirit".

  It is a pity that the problem is right, but the prescription is wrong. Our Mr. Gu said that love and morality can save the world.

   How naive!

Zhou Hexuan smiled helplessly: "Mr. Gu said in his book that he wanted to be the Confucius of the Republic of China. But the pre-Qin turbulent times ended in Qin's unification of the world, and the Qin country just relied on profit-seeking. You talk to those warlords. Take a look at morality, I heard that Zhang Zongchang invited you to be the president of Shandong University, you can talk to him about morality and see if he listens."

  Gu Hongming was speechless for a moment, and then retorted: "Although the Qin State unified Liuhe, it died in two lifetimes. The pursuit of profit can only lead to collapse, and morality can last for a long time."

"But profit can gather people's hearts, as long as most people are profitable, China can be unified," Zhou Hexuan said, "but I also agree with Mr. Gu's point of view that morality can make the country last. My view is that benefiting for the country , to rule the country by virtue.”

   "Efficiently seeks the country, and rules the country with virtue," Gu Hongming muttered these two sentences, and suddenly laughed, "These eight words are well said. If you had become a warlord a few years earlier, I would definitely be a counselor for you."

   The two continued to chat. Overall, the atmosphere was very harmonious, but there were occasional differences of opinion. No one could persuade the other, and Gu Hongming was in a panic.

  Gu Hongming didn't stay for lunch, he returned home happily, and wrote a subscript for his servant to send it to Zhou Hexuan. The old gentleman later gave an interview to a German reporter at the end of the year, and he said boldly: "There are only two people in China who understand, one is Zhou Hexuan, and the other is me."

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