The Rise of the Writers of the Republic of China

Chapter 194: 193 [Attracting Firepower]

   Peking University Publishing House’s publishing ability is relatively poor. If you leave Peking and Tianjin, you have to find booksellers from other places as agents.

   The distribution business of "Guns, Bacteria, and Steel" in Jiangsu and Zhejiang was represented by Beixin Bookstore, giving a full 15% of the agency distribution fee.

   Zhang Jiazhu, with a cigar in his mouth, drove a car by himself and rushed towards his second brother's house. He is also considered a celebrity in Shanghai now. He is in the underwear business with Zhou Hexuan and Xu Shenru, and he makes a lot of money.

   The only thing that makes Zhang Jiazhu unhappy is that there are now miscellaneous brand underwear blooming everywhere, occupying more than half of the underwear market in the south. Those underwear brands are obviously infringing on patent rights, but there is no way to fight the lawsuit.

   This is basically the situation. The guild president sits in the middle, first criticizing the fake manufacturers for being inauthentic, and then saying that Zhang Jiazhu should not be in a unique business. In the end, the two sides took a step back, and the cottage manufacturer compensated two or three thousand yuan to obtain the illegal production rights of underwear.


   Zhang Jiazhu frantically honked his horn and said to the belated door opener, "Hurry up next time, I've waited for at least three minutes!"

  The servant hurriedly smiled: "Eighth Young Master, Second Young Master happened to be at home. But he's in a bad mood today, you have to be careful."

"Understood," Zhang Jiazhu drove the car into the yard and stopped, took a book upstairs, and knocked on the door of the study, "Second brother, I got you a good book, which is about human society and political economy."

  Zhang Junmai (named Jiasen) was writing an article when he said without looking up, "Is the old man here? Sit down."

   "This is a good thing, you must like it." Zhang Jiazhu took out "Guns, Bacteria and Steel" and placed it on the desk like a treasure.

  Zhang Junmai smiled and said, "What good books can you read? It's like the romance of the New Moon Society all day."

   "Hey, this is a really good book, written by my friend, I recommend it to you." Zhang Jiazhu said.

   Several brothers in Zhang's family are very contradictory. Xu Zhimo divorced their sister, but the eighth Zhang Jiazhu hangs out with Xu Zhimo all day long. And the third Zhang Gongquan, at this time, was Principal Chang's money bag, busy all day helping the Northern Expedition to raise military expenses. The second child, Zhang Junmai, sang the opposite of Principal Chang, and also founded a magazine called "New Road" to scold the Kuomintang.

   Principal Chang now has to rely on Zhang Gongquan's Bank of China to raise money, so he turns a blind eye to Zhang Junmai. But this person was really scolded too hard. He will be kidnapped by the National Party next year. Although he was finally released, he had to flee to Germany for asylum.

   It is said that Zhang Junmai himself is also a person with extremely contradictory thoughts.

  In history, the word "Soviet" was first translated into China by Zhang Junmai, but he resolutely opposed communism and at the same time the Kuomintang Party, and rebuked both sides at the same time. Later, he pursued democracy in the West, and even drafted the "Constitution of the Republic of China", known as the father of the Constitution of the Republic of China. But he was a conservative at heart, and in his later years was known as the master of Neo-Confucianism.

   This is a pure patriot who pursues socialism, advocates democratic politics, opposes communism, abides by conservatism, and respects nationalism.

   At this time, Zhang Junmai was idle at home. He had nothing to do every day. He occasionally wrote articles and scolded the Kuomintang. He lived a casual and happy life. He didn't care about the eighth brother, he opened the book when he got it, and after reading the first few chapters, he couldn't help clapping his hands in admiration.

   After reading it for several days, when Zhang Junmai saw the last chapter, he finally frowned.

   "Absurd, really absurd! What a one-party dictatorship and democratic centralism, I think it is propagating dictatorial ideas!"

  Zhang Junmai said angrily that Zhou Hexuan's political views were completely opposite to his.

  Zhang Junmai patiently continued to read, his face gradually turned cloudy and clear, and even showed a look of surprise, and then laughed: "Mr. Zhou is really my confidant!"

  In the 1930s, Zhang Junmai worshipped the Constitution infinitely. In his view, as long as there is a perfect constitution and strictly abide by it, through the mutual restraint and promotion of multi-party democracy, China can develop rapidly and realize the great rejuvenation of the nation.

   But in the 1920s, Zhang Junmai was still a socialist and a nationalist. He witnessed the hardships of the people at the bottom of Europe, and believed that the existing systems in Europe and the United States would collapse. To avoid the occurrence of social revolution (the Soviet Union), the only way to do it was to carry out social reform and implement socialism.

  Zhang Junmai's socialist thoughts are three: "First, the land and production organs share, second, public management; third, to distribute benefits to the public."

   He also said that today's China's industry is not yet prosperous, and socialism must be implemented to develop steadily and healthily, so as to avoid class struggle. In particular, industries such as mines, arms, and electricity should be managed by the state to prevent capitalists from chasing profits and affecting the national economy and people's livelihood.

   Do you feel familiar with these theories?

   This gentleman seems to have passed through.

  Unfortunately, in a few years, Zhang Junmai gave up socialist ideas and pursued liberal democratic constitutionalism instead.

   Zhang Junmai was reading the last chapter of Guns, Bacteria and Steel, and the more he read, the more excited he became. Except for the different views of "one-party dictatorship and democratic centralism", the rest of the ideological content coincides with his, and Zhou Hexuan is instantly introduced as a confidant.

   Socialists like Zhang Junmai are rare in China, and most intellectuals pursue democratic constitutionalism.

Lu Xun satirized Zhou Hexuan without any scruples in the newspaper: "Recently, I read Mr. Zhou's book Guns, Bacteria and Steel. The first 300,000 words made me admire it. It is indeed a masterpiece of the world. But the last 20,000 words, but the Mr. Zhou's political face is exposed...he is a dictator in his bones, and he speaks for those in power!"

   Not only Lu Xun, but many democrats are spraying Zhou Hexuan and scolding him to the bone. These people persuaded Zhou Hexuan to delete the last 20,000 words and republish it, saying that without such a shit-like ending, Guns, Germs and Steel would still be a good book.

  Zhang Junmai instantly turned into a fighter and took the initiative to help Zhou Hexuan fight. He stopped scolding the Kuomintang and fought the democrats with one enemy and one hundred, and trumpeted his own socialist theory.

  The southern newspaper debate is revived. This is a debate between socialism and democratic constitutionalism, which ultimately leads to two results:

   First, "Guns, Bacteria and Steel" was well known by the majority of intellectuals, resulting in a huge increase in sales;

  Secondly, the democrats were successfully diverted and no longer bothered Zhou Hexuan, but caught Zhang Junmai madly.

  Zhang Junmai has nothing to fear. Anyway, he is a rich boy. He has nothing to do all day long, and refutes every article that criticizes him one by one. The people were fighting happily, full of energy, and even had to eat two more bowls of rice.

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