The Rise of the Writers of the Republic of China

Chapter 307: 306 [Endless Student Movement]

  Qu Yuan, Mi surname, Qu Shi, first name Ping, word Yuan, commonly known as "Qu Yuan" or "Qu Ping".

  Why do you call him "Lingjun" again?

   Because Qu Yuan wrote in "Li Sao": The name Yu is called Zhengzhixi, and the character Yu is called Lingjun.

  So people have always regarded "Zhengzheng" and "Lingjun" as Qu Yuan's names and characters, but these are not his real names and characters, but only a poetic beautification.

   As Nietzsche said: "I am the sun!"

   But "sun" is not Nietzsche's real name.

   Zhou Hexuan's daughter is Zhou Lingjun, and she doesn't care about the name of the sage, and she is not afraid of committing the taboo of Qu Yuan's suicide.

  Because it was too late, Zhou Hexuan was too lazy to rush back to Tianjin. He and Li Shuhua went to Peking University together and planned to stay there for one night.

   After leaving Tsinghua University, Zhou Hexuan said: "I am afraid that the cooperation units and research funds of the Peiping Research Institute have not yet been determined, right?"

  The big story was exposed, Li Shuhua's expression was a little embarrassed, and he forced a smile: "Although it has not yet been determined, it is almost inseparable. The monthly funding of 50,000 yuan, the Ministry of Education promises to be shared by the central and local finance."

   The central and local finances share the burden?

   This is such nonsense.

  The north and the south are about to fight. You asked Peiping and Nanjing to jointly fund the research institute?

   Zhou Hexuan shook his head helplessly, it's really hard to do something serious these days. However, he did not intend to get involved. In history, Li Shi once relied on his own efforts to run the Peiping Research Institute in a hurry, and Zhou Hexuan didn't need to worry about it at all.

  Beiping Research Institute is the predecessor of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in the future!

  Its strength in the fields of physics and biology is quite strong. Qian Sanqiang, the two-bomb veteran, is a member (academician) of the Institute of Atomic Research of Peking Research Institute.

   It’s just that the factional dispute between Cai Yuanpei and Li Shizeng continued to the two major research institutes in the north and south.

  The members of the Academia Sinica are mainly composed of "students in the United Kingdom and the United States", which have carried out various academic cooperation with the United States, and even sent people to participate in the study of the "Manhattan Project". Most of the members of the Peiping Institute are "students in France", and they actively cooperate with French scientific research institutions. Scientists such as Langevin and Bohr have all visited the Peiping Institute for guidance.

  For example, Mr. Qian Sanqiang belonged to the school of studying in France and studied under Joliot-Curie and his wife. The Curies and his wife had deep ties with the Peiping Institute, and even the Institute of Atomic Research of the Peiping Institute was established with the help of the Curies (a move that laid a solid foundation for the new China to manufacture atomic bombs).

  The two took a rickshaw to Peking University. Zhou Hexuan looked at the gradually darkening sky and asked, "Are Peking University students still making trouble?"

   "Noisy, I've never stopped, but I'm a little more restrained now." Li Shuhua shook his head helplessly.

  The students of Peking University are too busy, so they organized a group to Nanjing to petition, and also organized the so-called "School Rescue Death Squad" and "Military School Nursing Team". So much so that the Central Ministry of Education was forced to make concessions and promised to merge and reorganize the "National Pingda University Peking University", and the foreign translation name would still be called "National Peking University".

   However, the students were not satisfied. Because Yan Xishan cut off Li Shizeng's funds, the education funds were stretched. Students at Peking University and Beijing Normal University continued to petition for an increase in the school's budget, only to be suppressed by the Peking authorities.

  Although the crackdown did not result in any fatalities, several students were injured, so that students from Peking University and Beijing Normal University were electrified to protest across the country and held large demonstrations.

   is really funny.

   I have only heard of such and such warlords and such and such politicians who, after the failure of the power struggle, electrified the whole country to step down. Now even the students are playing this game, so let's just protest, and even electrify the whole country to protest.

  Li Shizeng was a joke. Students turned on the phone all over the country to protest this kind of thing. People all over the country knew that education in Peiping was a mess.

  The officials of the Nanjing government were outraged and ordered to rectify the style of study and punish the students who led the trouble.

   After the government arrested some student representatives, the students of Peking University and Beijing Normal University finally confessed. In mid-March, Peking University finally officially resumed classes, and it had been more than 9 months since Peking University was suspended.

   However, when classes are resumed, the specific situation is very bad.

  The school's teachers are divided into two factions, one is headed by Zhou Zuoren, who are vested interests after the school was merged and strongly supported Li Shizeng's educational reform. The other faction regards Li Shizeng as a beast, and believes that Li Shizeng's education reform is a mess, and he is not able to pay them normal wages, and defaulting on arrears is no different from the Beiyang government.

   The purpose of Li Shizeng's educational reform was to purify the school environment and avoid bureaucratization of education and academics. From this point of view, his education reform has failed very much. The Peking University professors who were originally united have now been turned into two openly hostile factions.

   There are no government bureaucrats to manage the school, but the professors are fighting themselves. Can they still study with peace of mind?

   When he came to Jingshan East Street, Li Shuhua was the host to treat guests and found a small street restaurant to sit down.

   As soon as he walked in, someone recognized Zhou Hexuan.

   It was a few Peking University students. They were quite excited when they saw Zhou Hexuan. They all stood up and greeted: "Hello, Principal Zhou!"

   "Hello, classmates." Zhou Hexuan nodded and smiled.

   Li Shuhua looks extremely embarrassed, he is now the vice president of National Peace University (Ninth National University). The students turned a blind eye to him, it was like hitting him in the face.

   When Peking University was in the most difficult time, Li Shuhua was still struggling to support the Department of Physics of Peking University. Today, the students regard him as Li Shizeng's lackey, and it is almost to the point where everyone is shouting and beating, which makes Li Shuhua feel that he is not a human being inside or outside.

   Before the food was served, some students asked, "Mr. Zhou, when will you come back to be our principal?"

   Zhou Hexuan smiled and said perfunctorily: "It depends on the government's arrangement."

   Those students actually ignored Li Shuhua's presence and said directly: "We plan to make a big move to expel Li Shizeng to resume the school on his own. Will Mr. Zhou be willing to come back and be the principal?"

   Zhou Hexuan was sweating madly and said soothingly, "Everyone, let's study with peace of mind."


Li Shuhua angrily scolded: "Mr. Shi Zeng is the dean of Peiping University appointed by the central government, how can you talk about expulsion? What about reopening the school on your own? Where will the education funds come from after the reopening? Do you pay teachers salaries? "

  The student retorted mercilessly: "Could it be that if Li Shizeng is left behind, he will be able to pay the teachers?"

   "Uh..." Li Shuhua was speechless.

   Since Yan Xishan cut off the funding for education, the teachers of the Ninth National School have been unable to receive salaries. Moreover, the teachers’ wages owed in the past have not yet been made up, and the grievances of teachers and students cannot be quelled at all.

   "Alas!" Zhou Hexuan shook his head and sighed.

  Peking University students are not just kidding, they have actually done this in history.

   Just next month, Peking University students will electrify the whole country and announce that they will restore the name of Peking University on their own. And Li Shizeng returned to Nanjing in despair, and the nine national schools that had been forcibly merged were disbanded.

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