When Hu Ruoyu closed the door, Zhang Xueliang said with a face full of shame: "Brother Mingcheng, I regret not listening to your advice at the beginning, bereavement of teachers and humiliation of the country, is a sinner of the nation!"

   "The Sixth Commander doesn't need to blame himself too much, fortunately, he hasn't made a big mistake." Zhou Hexuan could only persuade him, and it was impossible to scold him.

   Apart from the fact that the war cost money and food and the army suffered heavy casualties, the incident on the Middle East Road really did not cause too bad effects.

   The Soviet Union behaved very generously this time, and did not make any unreasonable demands. It only hoped that everything would be restored to the situation before the incident, and did not even ask for any compensation. The main reason is that the Soviet Union was in the critical period of the "First Five-Year Plan", and it was facing the pressure of capitalist powers, and did not want to completely tear its face with China.

   As for the border islands such as Heixiazi Island, they were simply raking grass and beating rabbits, and they were easily captured when the troops were withdrawing. As long as the Nanjing Nationalist Government sent people to negotiate in Moscow and showed a sincere attitude to restore diplomatic relations, Stalin would probably go down the **** and return the territory. After all, those broken islands are nothing compared to China's diplomatic relations.

  Unfortunately, in order to curry favor with the United Kingdom and the United States, and to hold back Zhang Xueliang, the Nanjing Nationalist Government did not want to restore diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union at all.

  Zhang Xueliang asked Zhou Hexuan to sit down and asked Ji, "What should I do in the current situation?"

   "About the Soviet Union?" Zhou Hexuan asked.

   "The Soviet Union has withdrawn and there is no threat for the time being," Zhang Xueliang explained. "Wang Zhaoming and Yan Xishan invited me to Peiping to plan a joint anti-Chiang affair. Should I go?"

   Zhou Hexuan did not answer directly, but asked: "Liu Shuai, do you know what your biggest weakness is?"

   Zhang Xueliang said embarrassedly: "Please enlighten me."

Zhou Hexuan commented unabashedly: "Eight words, impulsive, indecisive. The whole Middle East Road incident can be used as a metaphor. You have a shotgun in your hand and want to drive away a bear that is occupying your home. You think that this bear is hibernating, and you just **** the guy without further testing. This is impulsive. When the bear wakes up and wants to eat people, you won't dare to shoot for fear of angering it, and you won't dare to use the terrain to entangle with it, just Blindly backing away and running away. And in the process of running away, you stop from time to time and want to wait for it to leave on its own, which is indecision.”

   Zhang Xueliang's expression has changed from embarrassment to complete shame.

   That is, Zhang Xueliang's character of not holding grudges, Zhou Hexuan dared to say so much, and he was too lazy to waste his words if it was someone else. Without waiting for Zhang Xueliang's response, he continued: "Ling Zun acts completely without regard for the country's righteousness and never considers the people. I hate this kind of person very much. But I have to admire the way Ling Zun acts. He is doing Before making a big decision, you have already thought about the way out. Take one step, three steps, and be able to bend and stretch, be soft and hard, pretend to be your grandson and be your grandson, and be ruthless when you should be ruthless. This is the way to do great things people!"

   Zhang Xueliang was silent, he did not consider retreating at all in this incident on the Middle East Road.

   At that time, Zhang Zuoxiang strongly opposed to provoke the Soviets, but Zhang Xueliang did not listen to the persuasion at all, and was very optimistic that the Soviet Union was not capable of fighting. Zhang Zuoxiang taught us that when we do things, we should not pin our hopes on our opponents, but look at our own weight. What if the Soviet Union really sends troops?

   Zhang Xueliang did not give an answer, nor did he consider the worst outcome, he only thought about the good side.

   Now being criticized and taught by Zhou Hexuan, Zhang Xueliang is not only not angry, but feels much better in his heart. He really deserved to be scolded, but no one in the Northeast dared to scold him, only Zhou Hexuan dared to speak up.

   After a moment of silence, Zhang Xueliang asked humbly, "Then how should I deal with it this time?"

   Zhou Hexuan said, "Which side do you want to help?"

Zhang Xueliang said: "From a personal standpoint, I hate Chang Kaishen very much. He didn't send people to Moscow to negotiate, and he didn't want to completely resolve the incident on the Middle East Road. He just wanted to use the Soviet Union to hold the Northeast Army back! Considering the level, Chang Kaishen represents the central government after all, and once a war against Chiang Kai-shek starts, I am afraid that the country will fall into a state of fragmented warlords."

Zhou Hexuan said bluntly: "I'll give you two choices: first, for the country's early peace and avoid a major loss of national strength, you can firmly support Chang Kaishen, and send troops to help as soon as possible, so as to minimize the country's losses. However, you won't get much benefit by doing this, and you may even lose money, grain and troops in vain. Second, for the sake of the Northeast and your own personal interests, sway from side to side. First support Yan Xishan against Jiang, and when Chang Kaishen once If the war is not going well, it will definitely promise you a lot of benefits. At this time, you will turn around to support the central government, send troops at a critical time to settle the overall situation, and may even take North China into your pocket. But if you do this, China’s national strength will be greatly damaged. , it may not be possible to restore the economy and people’s livelihood in five or six years.”

   "This...how do I choose this?" Zhang Xueliang was in a dilemma.

If    was replaced by Zhang Zuolin, he would definitely choose the second method without hesitation, but Zhang Xueliang was truly patriotic.

  The patriotic return to the patriotic, Zhang Xueliang also has a layer of identity as the leader of the three eastern provinces, he must consider his subordinates, and at the same time has the selfishness of self-defense and growth.

  Zhang Xueliang has been thinking about it, and has gradually tended to the latter. But he was too embarrassed to say it face to face, how embarrassing it was, did he directly admit that he didn't care about the country?

   Zhou Hexuan added: "I also want to remind you that if you choose the second method, then the Japanese Kwantung Army will 100% take advantage of it!"

   Zhang Xueliang was suddenly startled, his eyes widened and he said, "Why did you say this?"

Zhou Hexuan said: "The central and local forces have suffered a huge loss of strength, the deficit is staggering, and they are simply unable to fight major battles in the short term. And the Northeast Army has transferred troops to the customs, causing the defense of the three eastern provinces to be empty. The leased land in the northeast is about to expire again, how can you miss this golden opportunity? At that time, once the Kwantung Army invades, the central government has no time to help, what should you do?"

   "Yeah, what should I do?" Zhang Xueliang looked at Zhou Hexuan with doubts.

   Zhou Hexuan said, "I don't know what to do either."

   Zhou Hexuan is telling the truth, he really doesn't know what to do.

  The Kwantung Army invaded the Northeast by force. Although it belongs to the people below, it is definitely not an accident. This time it fails and there will be another time. Even if Zhang Xueliang insisted on resisting, the Japanese Army Department would do everything possible to increase its troops. First, the Japanese troops stationed in Korea would come to reinforce them, and then they would persuade the domestic troops to reinforce them.

   The power of the three eastern provinces is absolutely irresistible, and the Nanjing government is unable to send troops even if it wants to help.

   As far as the northeastern army is facing the bad situation of the Soviet army, let alone the increase of troops in Japan, only the North Korean army is transferred, and it is estimated that the northeast can be penetrated within half a year.

   Moreover, there are too many Japanese spies in the Northeast, and too many traitors.

   Even if Zhang Xueliang wanted to resist, his generals would rebel one after another. Especially those Manchu generals, who dreamed of establishing Manchukuo, the civil strife of the Northeast Army alone was enough for Zhang Xueliang to drink a pot, and Zhang Zuolin couldn't be suppressed.

   In the face of absolute strength, any strategy is only on paper.

  If Zhang Xueliang chose the first method, he would support the central government to quell the civil war as quickly as possible. But no one can tell what will happen next. After Chang Kaishen has taken care of Feng Yuxiang and Yan Xishan, if he still has spare energy, he will definitely continue to attack the Northeast Army.

   As long as the war resumes, Yan Xishan and other warlords will inevitably resurface, and a great chaos is inevitable.

   What will we do then?

   There are too many variables, Zhou Hexuan is not a god, how can he guess.

   Even if Chang Kaishen does not attack the Northeast Army, Japan may delay its invasion of the Northeast for a year or two, or it may still invade the Northeast. Will the Nanjing government really come to the rescue?

  By the way, the Northeast is in a dire financial situation right now. If you don't take advantage of the Central Plains war, you won't be able to fight a big battle at all. The Japanese are equally powerless to resist. This is a dead end that cannot be solved.

   said a thousand words, but the strength is still too weak, and the strength of the whole country must be united to withstand the Japanese attack.

   From a more brutal long-term perspective, Japan's military invasion of China is not entirely bad. The failure of the Sino-Japanese War of the First Sino-Japanese War shattered the dream of the Celestial Empire and awakened the national consciousness; while Japan's full-scale invasion of China shattered the Chinese people's idea of ​​luck and safety, and twisted the divided country into a single rope. This is the Chinese nation. Spiritual cohesion and sublimation.

   What's more, the Japanese snake swallowing the elephant is completely seeking death.

  The only people who suffered were the people of Limin. I don’t know how many innocent souls died under the iron hoof butcher knife of the Japanese invaders.

  Perhaps, this is the price for the rebirth of a great nation.

   Zhou Hexuan couldn't bear to think about it, he was just a **** at heart. In addition to the bottom line of not being a traitor and not betraying the country, his first choice is to protect himself, and then he is to contribute to the country.

Do unto others, do not impose on others.

   Zhou Hexuan does not force Zhang Xueliang to throw away his family and business to save China, because it is difficult for him to do it himself, and it only depends on how Zhang Xueliang chooses.

   Zhang Xueliang asked dryly: "Can't we mediate the conflicts between the central and local governments?"

Zhou Hexuan shook his head and said, "It's impossible. When Yan Xishan put Feng Yuxiang under house arrest last year, it was the best time to quell the conflict. But Chang Kaishen was insatiable, and after solving Feng Yuxiang, he wanted to kill Yan Xishan easily, and both sides tore their faces. ."

   "Is it possible for Japan to be content with the status quo?" Zhang Xueliang asked again.

Zhou Hexuan said decisively: "It is impossible. Japan is affected by the economic crisis in the United States, and the current situation is very bad. It must transfer domestic conflicts to foreign wars to survive. In the next ten years, Germany will inevitably invade France, and Japan will inevitably invade China. It cannot resist Japan head-on, but it can be arranged in advance so that Japan's invasion will not be so smooth!"

   Zhou Hexuan can only do this. He wants to persuade Zhang Xueliang to transfer those planes, artillery, gold and silver in advance, so as not to let the Japanese Kwantung Army grow rapidly. At the same time, it secretly supported the civilian armed forces in the northeast, and made a stumbling block behind the Japanese.

  Zhang Xueliang sat for a long time and made a decision: "How to arrange it?"

   Zhou Hexuan got up and said, "I don't have enough time today, so I'll talk about it another day."

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