The Rise of the Writers of the Republic of China

Chapter 360: 359【Vacant Pulitzer Prize for History】

   "Titanic" drama performance, gradually spread from Broadway to other cities in the United States, "You_jump, I_jump!" This line seems to have become a standard statement for people to express loyal love.

   Lead actor Andrew Polk and lead actress Linda Moorman, who first made their name in the play, became overnight Broadway stars.

  The Dutch Theatre also made a lot of money, unaffected by the Great Depression environment. It's a pity that this situation didn't last long, as more and more theaters began to rehearse "Titanic", and various copycat plays and copycat actors emerged one after another.

  Eugene O'Neal can't sue. This kind of copyright lawsuit is very troublesome. Moreover, many theaters do not use his adapted script at all, and directly invite people to re-adapt the novel, which differs in many details.

   Not to mention, some theaters have launched the musical version of "Titanic". Rose and Jack sang and danced on the stage in various ways. Such a form of performance was actually very popular.

  Whether it is a play or a stage play, the act of adapting a novel without authorization is definitely an infringement. As the copyright owner, Mike-Laure Books has successively sued more than ten theaters. But little has been achieved, because American theaters, led by Broadway, have always had a tradition of infringing the copyright of original works.

  Broadway got its start by stealing British stage plays!

  The lawsuit can only be fought slowly, and the legal fee is a lot of money. Moreover, with the existing copyright laws in the United States, there are actually loopholes in the adaptation of novels to dramas, and the final result is mostly a compromise between the two parties.

   In the face of "Titanic" being staged in full swing in the United States, the "Los Angeles Times" couldn't help expressing emotion: "The American theater industry in the early 1930s was already occupied by the Chinese, one was Mei Lanfang and the other was Zhou Hexuan."

   At this time, a debate was breaking out at Columbia University.

   At the end of March every year, hundreds of judges from all over the United States will gather in various colleges of Columbia University to review works of multiple genres, including journalism, literature, history, music, and drama. And at the beginning of April, 3 nominated works in each category were screened and submitted to the final evaluation committee (Pulitzer Prize Committee).

   Columbia University College of Arts and Sciences, the judges of the Pulitzer Prize Committee's historical works group, have been quarreling at the moment.

Antoine Jones, a historian from Harvard University, patted the table and said: "The book "Guns, Germs and Steel" is not strictly a historical work at all. Even if it is a historical work, it is not a special A book on American history is not eligible for the Pulitzer Prize in History!"

"I agree that the primary judges are derelict in their duty to select an ineligible work for the final review," said another historian, "if the committee insists on 'Guns, Germs and Steel' If I vote, then I decide to withdraw from the final review committee."

Taylor Dennett, president of the College of William and Mary, said: "The Pulitzer Prize in History only stipulates that works that study American history are eligible to be shortlisted. Although "Guns, Germs and Steel" is not a monograph on American history, it There was indeed a discussion on the history of the Americas, and the viewpoints were a major breakthrough in the study of the history of the Americas. I support the results of the preliminary jury!"

Antoine Jones sarcastically said: "Professor Dannett, you have lived in the Far East for many years, and I know you have a good impression of the Chinese. But please don't undermine the authority of the Pulitzer Prize for History because of your personal emotions. This work is not eligible to be shortlisted!"

  Taylor Dennett said: "In any case, we must respect the results of the preliminary review committee, and let's vote."

   "Very well, I decided to withdraw from the final review committee!" Antoine Jones got up and left the conference room.

   "I quit too!"

   "I quit too!"

   Two more historian judges left, and the remaining four judges stared wide-eyed, not knowing what to do.

  Taylor Dennett cursed: "Damn racist!"

   Three of the seven final judges left, and the final vote could not be carried out at all. They could only report the situation to the Pulitzer Organizing Committee.

  The Pulitzer Organizing Committee was overwhelmed and invited the seven judges to negotiate again. One of them relented and agreed, while the other two firmly disagreed, arguing that Guns, Germs, and Steel was simply ineligible for the Pulitzer Prize.

   Both sides seemed to have a reason, and the negotiation eventually turned into a quarrel.

   The Pulitzer Organizing Committee saw that the problem could not be solved, and finally had no choice but to announce that this year's Pulitzer Prize for History was invalid.

   This decision is not new, it has happened before. For example, in the Pulitzer Prize for Music a few years ago, the final jury resolutely denied the selection result of the preliminary jury. Without coordination, it could only announce the vacancy of the Pulitzer Prize for that year.

   However, it is the first time that the Pulitzer Prize in History has been invalidated, and Zhou Hexuan is a pioneer.

   At the end of April, when the theatrical version of "Titanic" was very popular, the president of Columbia University announced more than 20 Pulitzer Prize winning works this year. The vacancy of historical works for some reason immediately attracted widespread attention from the academic circles.

   You must know that the Pulitzer Prize for journalism is also selected at this time. The top reporters in the country are focusing on Columbia University, and they will understand the reason in minutes.

The Washington Journal reported the matter in detail the day after the announcement of the Pulitzer Prize winners: “This is the first time the Pulitzer Prize for History has been vacant. "Bacteria and Steel" won the award, which eventually led to this result. Mr. Dennett, the president of the College of William and Mary and a famous historian, said that it was incomprehensible that "Guns" was questioned because it is a great historical work, Groundbreaking for the study of American history, it should be the great work most worthy of the Pulitzer Prize in History."

Zhou Hexuan's loyal supporter, Columbia University history professor Woodrow, wrote an article to denounce Antoine. He said: "My paper this year, "A Review of American Civilization," has been widely praised by my colleagues. But what I want to say is, This paper of mine is just an extension and elaboration of the "Vertical Continent Theory" in Guns, Bacteria and Steel. Mr. Zhou Hexuan is a great historian who has created a new research direction of American history. My academic research mentor. The book "Guns" is of great significance to the study of American history. It is one of the most groundbreaking historical works in nearly a century. Such a work is questioned as ineligible for Puley. Policy History Award. I would like to ask Mr. Antoine, are you really a historian? Where is your moral bottom line?”

  Antoine quickly refuted in the newspapers, he firmly did not recognize racial discrimination, and only debated the selection rules of the Pulitzer Prize for History.

   There was a big discussion in the American historical circle. Most scholars supported Zhou Hexuan, but there were still a group of people who were mad at Zhou Hexuan, thinking that the book "Guns" was purely grandstanding and did not belong to a real historical work at all.

   These opponents are not all out of racial discrimination, but the contradiction between the old and new historical viewpoints, and they do not agree with the new historical viewpoints proposed by Zhou Hexuan.

   Not only in the United States, but also in the European historians at this time. The yearbook school was surrounded and suppressed by traditional historians, and it was a joy to fight every day.

  History revolution is also revolution, and revolution will bleed.

  Traditional historians with high morals will not give up their status easily. If they cannot overcome academically, they will use their fame and influence to suppress and attack challengers.

   What's more, the traditional old historiography has not yet reached its end, and the new historiography has not created a complete system. This historical revolution is not a simple success.

   Even in China, some historians have questioned Zhou Hexuan, which is a purely academic contradiction.

  In recent years, more and more scholars in China have begun to study Zhou Hexuan's series of historical works, these people are called "Zhou's School". Those who were influenced by Liang Qichao and others belonged to the "Kongtai School", among which there were many famous scholars with high morals. There are also international students who have returned to China in recent years, who believe in the "Rank School".

  The Kongtai School has gradually declined in China, while the Zhou School and the Ranke School have risen rapidly. Later, the two schools gradually merged, laying the foundation for modern Chinese historical theory.

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