"Our career (archaeology) in the Taiping era can't talk about anything else now. It is the most appropriate way to maintain it in a very frugal way and restore it after the war. Personal life is already very hard, but it is not enough. It was unbearable. I was a woman, and of course I immediately became a typical example of pure scum. I rented two rooms to cook, study, do laundry, and make beds. Every day I passed by a revolving lantern. There were a few air raid sirens in between, and my life was completely changed. So full."

   This passage was said by Lin Huiyin and Shen Congwen when they talked about archaeology (mainly investigating ancient buildings) during the Anti-Japanese War.

  Lin Huiyin suffered from tuberculosis. Historically, she was bedridden for almost six years in Lizhuang. Even so, she dragged her sick body to help Liang Sicheng and Jin Yuelin look up materials, and even part of the book "History of Chinese Architecture" was directly written by Lin Huiyin.

   And Liang Sicheng was not easy. He contracted tetanus when he set out from Kunming. After he was cured, he went to Chongqing to raise funds for the establishment of a society. After traveling all the way, he finally met his seriously ill wife in Lizhuang. After arriving in Lizhuang, Liang Sicheng suffered from a disease on his back again. He could not lie down or sit, and could only stand for research for a year.

   In fact, the couple lived in embarrassment before they left Kunming. Liang Sicheng wrote to Fei Zhengqing to ask for American magazines, and Lin Huiyin wrote to Fei Weimei to ask for some old clothes. Talking about this situation, Liang Sicheng laughed at himself in the letter: "It seems that we have really become beggars."

  On the Internet, Hei Lin Huiyin is a friend of green tea. I don’t know if she really understands her life story. Only her performance before and after the Anti-Japanese War was not something ordinary people could do. Even without the war of resistance against Japan, a weak woman dragged her sick body over the mountains and mountains to inspect ancient buildings for several years. Without great perseverance, she could not hold on.

   Liufen Restaurant.

  Liang Sicheng helped Lin Huiyin in, and said gratefully, "Brother Mingcheng, thank you for your help."

   "Just a little busy," Zhou Hexuan scolded, "Brother Sicheng, why didn't you come to me when you went to Chongqing to raise money some time ago? How can I say that I am a disciple of Duke Ren."

  Liang Sicheng explained with a wry smile: "When I was raising money in Chongqing, you were still in the United States and didn't come back, so I was embarrassed to go to the Zhou Mansion to disturb the sisters-in-law."

   Zhou Hexuan asked Lin Huiyin again: "Does Mr. Lin feel better?"

  Lin Huiyin said: "After taking sulfanilamide, the fever subsided very quickly, and now my forehead is only slightly hot."

Zhou Hexuan said: "Sulfanilamide is now a government-controlled material, and I, the owner of a pharmaceutical factory, can't take out too much. I plan to donate a batch to Tongji Medical College every quarter. When you need medicine, go to Tongji University to get it. You keep one."

  Jin Yuelin said repeatedly: "This is good, this is good."

   In this era, there is no specific drug for tuberculosis, and sulfanilamide is already the most effective drug. At least Lin Huiyin does not have to bear the disease for several years.

   Just as the four of them were talking, someone suddenly walked into the restaurant with a laugh: "Mingcheng, you God of Wealth is finally here!"

   Zhou Hexuan looked back, got up and clasped his fists and said, "Mr. Jizhi, brother Meng He, brother Meng Zhen, long time no see."

  Li Ji, Tao Menghe, and Fu Sinian came side by side, and it seemed that they had a good relationship. But in two years, Li Ji and Fu Sinian are going to have a very unpleasant fight. It's all about money. In order to grab limited funds between departments, the two almost didn't fight.

   In fact, such a situation is very common in Li Zhuang, and there are countless examples of rivalry. The reason why Tong Dizhou left Li Zhuang was that he was forced away by the dean of the Department of Biology of Tongji University. Not all of these scholars were saints.

   Quarrel, abuse, gossip, broken friendship... pervades every corner of Lizhuang. Lin Huiyin sighed in the article: "I doubt that people living on an isolated island, relying on very meager supplies, will eventually fight each other in such a childish way."

   Zhou Hexuan and Li Ji are old acquaintances. They often met and chatted in Tsinghua Garden back then. Li Ji even participated in naming Xiao Lingjun. The two also went to Shandong for archaeology together. At that time, Zhou Hexuan took a piece of incomplete "eggshell pottery" at the scene.

   As for Tao Menghe and Fu Sinian, Zhou Hexuan only met once in the living room of Lin Huiyin's house, and it was a nodding acquaintance.

   One after another, some people came to the restaurant, all from Tongji University, including Zhou Junshi, Huang Rongzeng, Ding Wenyuan, Weite, Stubb, Yan Kelan, Stewart, Chen Yidi and so on. From Weitt to Chen Yidi, these people are all foreign teachers, mainly Germans and Poles, all of whom speak German, and Tongji students who do not know German cannot attend classes at all.

  By the way, the husband of Chen Yidi, a German female doctor, is the famous Chinese medical scientist Chen Yucang. Now Chen Yucang is still doing underground work in the French Concession in Shanghai, specializing in delivering information for Yan'an and Shanghai. Chen Yucang died before the founding of the country, while Chen Yidi stayed in New China to teach.

   The owner of Liufen Restaurant brought the white meat to the table and smiled: "Misters, this is the foot-binding meat that I cut myself."

  Weite, a foreigner who doesn't speak Chinese, just slaps the boss frantically on the thigh.

  The boss immediately understood and said happily: "Understood, you want to braise the hoof."

  Weite grinned, gave a thumbs up and said, "Boomstick, boomer!"

   Zhou Hexuan smiled and said in German, "Mr. Witt seems to come here to eat often."

  Witter said: "The braised hoof in this restaurant is delicious, very delicious, the most wonderful food I have ever eaten."

Tao Menghe said: "The best thing to eat is the foot-binding meat, which is fat but not greasy, and has a fragrant tongue. All the wages I saved have been contributed to the boss, and now I have become a pauper. However, it is the foot-binding meat. The name is too vulgar and hurtful."

   Zhou Hexuan smiled and turned to the boss and said, "Let's just change the name to Lizhuang Bairou."

   "It's a good name." The boss is also a wonderful person. He ran to get a pen and paper, "Please give Mr. Zhou an inscription."

   When Zhou Hexuan was swiping and writing, Li Ji laughed: "The boss's business is doing well."

After a burst of laughter, Zhou Hexuan said to Zhou Junshi, the president of Tongji University: "President Zhou, I have brought a batch of wires from Chongqing, and I also asked you to organize the students of the Engineering College to be responsible for the installation of the wires. This is a big project, and it needs to be installed from Xufu (Yibin) ), and the local Pao Gehui has already agreed to help set up the telephone pole.”

Zhou Junshi said: "Mr. Zhou has helped us a lot. You don't know, the anatomy class in the medical school has to be sunny, otherwise the students can't see the operation at all. Especially in the engineering school, now only some basic courses can be taught, and there is no electricity. To make trouble."

Zhou Hexuan added: "In addition, I also brought some paper, soap, tooth powder, ink, rice, salt, medicines and mimeograph machines, and donated them to Tongda University, Academia Sinica, Academia Sinica, Jinling Research Institute and Construction Society. They are all in the dock warehouse, and you can discuss the distribution yourself."

   Everyone was overjoyed, and everyone was so excited.

  Li Zhuang lacked everything. For example, Liang Sicheng could only write on the roughest yellow paper for the materials and documents of the construction society. When other institutions want to print materials, they all choose "lithography" - printing through slate and acid glue.

   In everyone's eyes, Zhou Hexuan really became the God of Wealth.

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