104 episodes

“Does this mean that not only the traumatized, but also the wounded are the patients we need to treat?”

“… … .”

“Seeing that there was no answer, I must have said the right thing. I also learn a lot from traveling.”

Convinced by himself, Knicks looked around the building in Central and admired it.

“This is the first time I’ve seen the architecture here. It is interesting that it is different from Nouvel and Velium. It has broadened my horizons.”

Then the twins responded to Nyx’s words.

“When we first came here, we were very excited.”

“Priest Nyx is also here, so please do a lot of sightseeing. There are many good restaurants nearby.”

“What food is famous?”

“It is difficult to choose just one. Everything is delicious.”

Even after saying that, Chloe and Charlotte continued to move their mouths.

Ethan looked at him pitifully.

‘Even if they float in the water, their mouths will open.’

Not knowing Ethan’s pace, Chloe and Charlotte grinned at him.

“Priest Ethan, when would you like to have dinner with us? I will take you to a delicious place, thank you for helping us with our research throughout the trip.”

“no. I will decline.”

“Ah, of course it’s good, right? I knew it!”

“… … .”

Then even Nyx, who didn’t notice, asked Ethan in a whisper.

“Ethan apparently declined, but why are they like that? Are you still young and have hearing problems already?”

“… … .”

From this point on, Ethan was in a state of half resignation.

“We also did a lot of research on the deeds of St. Ethan, but it was nothing compared to Priest Ethan.”

“I was frankly surprised to know that there was only one line mentioned in other sources.”

The twins’ smiles were on Ethan’s face.

Ethan looked down at the twins with dead eyes.

‘That damn saint tried to kill me, so of course I have no choice but to know.’

Ethan remembered the deeds of the saint who was a natural enemy so well that his teeth were sharpened.

Most of the empty parts of the saint’s journey pointed out by the twins were related to Ethan’s assassination attempt.

However, in the love affair, the parts where the saint tried to kill Ethan were deleted.

‘Of course, you wouldn’t want to ruin the image of a saint.’

Because of that, there was a gap in the saint’s journey.

Did I say that writing history is a winner?

There was no way those who had even removed the fact that the Demon King had been betrayed by his henchmen could not manipulate the deeds of the saint.

“yes. Then go ahead.”

Ethan was exhausted and waved his hand dryly.

I wanted to go home and rest right now.

But there was still work to be done.

To do that, I had to get rid of those mind-eating pests.

“Are you going to your dorm right away, Priest Ethan?”

“no. I will go straight to the temple.”

“yes? I haven’t been able to get rid of my poison, but it’s a temple?”

The twins’ eyes widened at Ethan’s words.

On the other hand, Nyx nodded as if it was natural.

“There is no such thing as a surprise. Ethan is a very faithful priest. I am going to say hello to Pars.”

“Oh oh.”

The twins then looked at Ethan with interest.

‘Maybe it is.’

Ethan’s heading to Central’s temple had no such sublime meaning.

It was because of the pressure in his body that seemed to explode at any moment.

Ethan frowned.

‘My stomach is boiling.’

It happened after I entered Central.

It was because of the protective barrier.

“Then I will.”

Ethan hurriedly left.

‘I hope this barrier is still intact. What a terrible woman.’

Inwardly, while swearing at Saint Eileen.

* * *

All the way to the temple, Ethan let out a sigh.

The exhaustion from Chloe and Charlotte on their way to Central came rushing in.

“Ethan, you look tired. How about going to the temple later?”

The Knicks followed Ethan and stopped him.

Fenrir was following me on all fours quietly now.

If it was normal, I would have frowned to put it on my shoulder.

“It’s just a simple poison.”

“Then wouldn’t it be better to take a break?”

“It’s not like that.”

“After all, an endemic disease?!”

“If you talk about it again, be sure not to leave it alone.”

Due to the protective barrier, the divine power and magical power within the body collided, causing a concussion.

Ethan raised his hand and examined the stigma.

‘It looks like this even with stigma.’

He clicked his tongue low.

It was true that the stigma increased the ability to control the divine power.

Therefore, it became more stable when using divine power.

‘Because I’m a human who has never been of any help in life.’

Saint Eileen was also a problem.

The protective barrier had the effect of suppressing the evil one.

Of course, it wasn’t at a level that would affect someone as talented as Ethan.

‘Because even during the Anti-Magic War, the powerful men of the Imperial Army were not greatly affected.’

So Ethan didn’t worry too much when he came to Central.

Because he had stigma.

‘Will the barrier recognize a person with stigmata as evil?’

It was because of such a foolish thought.

But Ethan’s hopes were terribly shattered.

Saint Eileen was a higher tier than expected.

The barrier was to uncover the wickedness of Ethan, who had the stigmata, as a speck of dust.

‘Damn! What the hell is this?’

I thought it would affect only magical powers because they said they would crush the evil one.

That prediction was half right and half wrong.

‘Magic power is declining, and divine power is increasing.’

The phenomenon was small but gradual, disrupting the balance in Ethan’s body.

It would not happen at all to a person with only magical powers or a person with only divine power.

However, in Ethan’s body, divine power and magical power coexisted.

For Ethan, who had been living comfortably with that ability, it was a blow in the back of the head out of the blue.

‘As far as I know, there was no such function in the protective barrier.’

That was Ethan’s biggest question.

However, it was meaningless to keep asking questions and stretching.

Ethan quickly shook his head and thought of a workaround.

‘First, you must consume the divine power. Only then will there be an internal balance.’

It was for this reason that Ethan headed to the temple.

All around the temple were the wounded and the sick.

Healing them would be able to consume divine power.

Then the Knicks woke Ethan from his thoughts.

“but. I think I understand why Ethan is going to the temple.”

“What do you know?”

“Since I can feel the power of Central’s protective barrier that I had only heard of in words, I want to pray to Pars. I can feel the divine power within me to flourish even more with the power of the protective barrier. Isn’t Ethan the same?”

“Did the Guardian Barrier originally have such a function? As far as I know, I’ve heard that you’re hunting down the evil one and subduing him.”

Nyx was a fanatic of the Pars Church, so I didn’t know if he knew about this.

However, Nick frowned at the wrong word.

“It’s kind of like a function. Wouldn’t it be right to call it a blessing?”

‘Anyway, this fanatic child.’

Inwardly he did, but Ethan struck back.

“Okay. Let’s call it a blessing. Anyway, was there such a blessing?”

“I don’t know about that either.”

What came back was an absurd answer.

‘Are you going to kill this bastard?’

Power entered Ethan’s fist by itself.

It seemed like he would feel relieved when he put his fist into Nyx’s face.

But fortunately for the Knicks, the next words were quite useful.

“Oh, come to think of it, I know the Guardian Barrier in Central is starting to react to people with stigma like us. I don’t know when it started.”

“You don’t know when it started?”

“Well, I know that after the death of the saint.”

Ethan frowned.

It was obvious that the damn saint had done something before she died.

Eventually, the two arrived at the temple.

Ethan exclaimed inwardly.

‘Shit, I’ve barely arrived!’

Due to the imbalance of divine power and magical power, Ethan was not deceived.

The paladin guarding the front of the temple blocked the door.

“Please state your identity and purpose.”

However, Ethan went into the temple recklessly without replying.

“Come on, wait. Ethan!”

Embarrassed, Nyx hurriedly issued an identity card and revealed the identity of the two.

Nyx, who followed Ethan, sighed.

“No matter how urgent it is, I was rude earlier.”

“It doesn’t matter now.”

“It’s like that. The same manners must be maintained among those who serve Pars-sama.”

The Knicks spit out etiquette.

Ethan listened to the words and grabbed the servant who was nearby.

“Where is the treatment room?”

“yes? The treatment room is over there.”

Ethan strode towards the treatment room.

Then I saw a priest sweating profusely, concentrating on treatment.

“From now on, I will.”

Ethan pushed the priest away and looked at the patient.

And to heal the wounds, holy magic was activated.

Contrary to the diminished magical power, the boiling divine power began to drain away.

At that moment, Ethan’s pale face was covered with blood.

‘I’m going to live a little now.’

Ethan was relieved and poured out his divine power with the utmost sincerity.

“who are you? Who are you all of a sudden!”

On the other hand, the priest, who was suddenly pushed back, panicked and grabbed Ethan’s shoulder.


“for a moment. Do not disturb him now.”

At Knicks’ insistence, he had to step down.

The priest looked at Nyx up and down as if it were ridiculous.

Judging by his outfit, he was the same priest.

But it was a face I had never seen here.

“Do not disturb. What does that mean?”

Then Nix replied with a determined face.

“He is now replacing the prayer of thanksgiving to Pars with healing. We must not interfere.”


However, Nyx did not answer the priest’s question and spoke to himself.

“Compared to Ethan, I still have a long way to go. He’s a friend I can learn a lot from… … .”

What kind of crazy people are these?

The priest muttered dazedly.

* * *

The deep night has come.

It was noon when the investigation team arrived at Central.

However, while he was immersed in his treatment, the sun had already set and the moon had risen.


Nick wiped the sweat from his forehead and looked around.

He and Ethan were the only ones in the treatment room.

It was because the other priests were tired of Ethan’s spirit and withdrew.

And Ethan was still continuously treating patients with divine power.

‘I’ve been treating you since noon, but you can still afford to do that.’

Nyx reminisced about the day with admiration in his heart.

Ethan’s patients were difficult patients who consumed a lot of divine power.

It was as if they were trying to replace the difficulties of other priests.

‘The prayer of thanks ends with one’s satisfaction, but the treatment of the patient can directly contribute to Pars-sama. Do you mean to show action first instead of flashy words?’

After all, Ethan always spoke harshly, but his actions were not.

Nick nodded to himself.

It was even admirable that he treated each patient in such a fierce manner.

‘okay. It’s like risking your life for treatment.’

Then, someone’s voice came from behind.

“Excuse me.”

Nix looked back at the unfamiliar voice.

“I waited outside because he was taking care of a patient, but he didn’t come out very often, so he came to see me despite my disrespect.”

A young man was standing in front of the treatment room.

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