140 episodes


As my dorm drew closer, Chloe sighed in relief.

From the moment Ethan threw himself down the wall, Chloe had been choking on his chest.

‘Still, I feel at ease because I’m giving you potions.’

As I’ve always felt, Ethan was too reckless.

Because of this, Chloe impulsively delivered the potion.

I wanted to be of some help.

Thinking of Ethan to drink the potion made Chloe proud.

Although I was worried about the taste of the potion.

‘It may not taste good, but can’t a potion just function properly?’

For Chloe, potions were not eaten for taste.

It reminded me of the time when I gave Count Cozy a potion as a test.

– Wow! How are you supposed to eat this? Even if it’s good for my body, I can’t eat it anymore.

At that time, Chloe borrowed a quote from her grandfather.

-Potion is a function! Not the taste!

Chloe nodded to herself.

‘Because Grandpa was always right.’

It was a sight that Nelson Romon would be pleased to see.


As Chloe opened the door and entered, Charlotte, who was lying in bed, spoke to her.

“Did you give it to me?”

“yes. don’t worry. Because I was told to eat once a day.”

“It’s a special potion we made, so you won’t be able to learn it without getting healthy. right?”

Saying that, Charlotte looked cute today.

Chloe patted Charlotte’s head.

“Oh, what? Why are you suddenly pretending to be an adult these days?”

Charlotte bluntly slapped her twin sister, Chloe, by the hand.

Either way, Chloe ruffled Charlotte’s head like a bird’s nest.

“Hey, Chloe!”

When Charlotte screamed, Chloe quickly ran away.

Chloe didn’t notice, but the feelings that had grown without her knowing were making her into an adult.

* * *

Early moning.

Taken from n̲o̲b̲l̲e̲m̲t̲l̲.̲c̲o̲m̲

Velium, the capital of the fledgling Niilum Empire.

“miss! Did you hear from Central?”

Anne hurriedly opened Vivian’s door.

It was rude, but the news was shocking.

But no one was in the room.


Ann looked around in surprise.

Then the door opened again, and this time Vivian came in.

While wearing the attire of a commoner who could not be regarded as an aristocratic lady.

“No, lady?! Dude, where have you been since morning?”

As Anne ran rampant on the road, Vivian raised her hand with a hissing.

“Quiet. Did you plan to spread rumors here and there?”

“I think the rumors will spread before I even tell them. What else have you been doing outside?”

“Don’t be fussy. Because it’s nothing.”

Taken from n̲o̲b̲l̲e̲m̲t̲l̲.̲c̲o̲m̲

Vivian took off her robe and handed it over to Anne.

Then Anne glanced at what was in her hand.

“By the way, what do you have in your hand? letter?”

“Oh right! This is a letter from a member of my family who lives in Central. try reading this please.”

Anne wrote a letter to Vivian.

Taken from n̲o̲b̲l̲e̲m̲t̲l̲.̲c̲o̲m̲

Vivian’s eyes fluttered wildly as she read the letter.

It was natural.

Not long ago, there was a raid on Central by a dark follower.

Shortly thereafter, however, the rebels attacked Central, but were unsuccessful.

Taken from n̲o̲b̲l̲e̲m̲t̲l̲.̲c̲o̲m̲

Vivian couldn’t help but be surprised by the rapidly changing situation.

Anne made a fuss from the side.

“Have you read it all? Eventually, the Saint Candidate stopped the rebels. Besides, according to the rumors circulating in Central, it’s comparable to the white wolf, one of the five swords, right?”

Anne picked out some notable points from the letter and said:


But strangely, Vivian shivered while reading the letter.

‘Did you catch a cold because you went out too much?’

When Anne was so carefree, Vivian said.

“What the hell is this verse?”

“yes? What verse?”

“This part here! Part of ‘The world is suspicious of the relationship between Ethan, who is a candidate for a saint, and Sister Lomon, who is said to be a descendant of the wise man’! Why the hell did you write this in a letter?”

At those words, Anne was rather confused.

People from families spread across the continent sent letters to convey information.

The information contained large amounts of information, but in many cases detailed information about the people who led the major changes on the continent were also included.

Because it can be usefully used in diplomacy or negotiations.

And Ethan was a key figure.

Of course, it was right to include information about him.

“If you ask me about that… for a moment! It doesn’t matter now.”

Anne grumbled, but Vivian was already in her own world.

“right. It was then too. When I found out what it was like when I left for Central with the investigative team, it was obvious that I was in a carriage with Sister Lomon.”

Taken from n̲o̲b̲l̲e̲m̲t̲l̲.̲c̲o̲m̲

Vivian crumpled up the letter she was holding in her hand.

“Hey! Lady, what are you doing?”

Ann screamed as the letter of valuable information was crumpled.

Taken from n̲o̲b̲l̲e̲m̲t̲l̲.̲c̲o̲m̲

Vivian said in a hoarse voice.

“Even if you have information about that person in the future, never bring it to me.”

“yes? But obviously, if something happened, he told me to bring it right away… … .”

When Anne protested, Vivian opened her axe’s eyes.

There was a soft life in his eyes.

“Oh okay. I will not bring it.”

Anne nodded her head with a stiff attitude.

Taken from n̲o̲b̲l̲e̲m̲t̲l̲.̲c̲o̲m̲

Vivian shook her head and muttered a little to herself.

“Next time we meet… … .”

The next time we meet, you’re dead!

I wanted to say that.

But Vivian couldn’t even spit out the back words.

Because even I was confused with my emotions.

* * *

“It is said that nobles are gathered in Daejeon.”

The escort knight said to the princess.

Princess Cynthia, who had just finished dressing up, nodded her head.

“Then shall we go now?”

“Your Majesty, there is information you should know before meeting the nobles.”

“Information you need to know?”

Cynthia tilted her head with a puzzled face.

It was because the escort knight, Ben, looked urgent.

“yes. First of all, take a look at this. This is a video I got in a hurry.”

Ben pulled something out of his pocket.

It was a magical device that could store images.

When I played the video, I saw a man and a woman.

“… This?”

“yes. This is Priest Ethan and Miss Chloe of the Lomon family. This is what it looks like when you enter the castle against the rebels.”

One was Ethan, a person she knew well.

And the other was a descendant of a sage who had only been exposed to information.

Ethan, supported by the sage’s descendants, was passing through Central’s gates.

Seeing the video, Cynthia’s eyes widened for a moment, then suddenly subsided into infinite darkness.

But Ben didn’t notice Cynthia’s change.



“What does that priest’s job have to do with what we will discuss with the nobles in Daejeon?”

Cynthia was smiling, but her voice was very cold.

Ben was taken aback by the completely unexpected reaction.

“Isn’t it a big deal that the priest defeated the rebels?”

“okay. I know.”

“Well, then, why did you say that… … .”

“I don’t want to bring that person out of my mouth right now. Shall we go?”

After saying that, Cynthia headed straight for Daejeon.

As if he didn’t see anything.

However, anyone who looked at it could clearly see that his stomach was boiling.

* * *

After a successful defense of Central, Earl Cozy left the Oval Office.

It was because of the pouring heavy duty.

“Shit. What the hell is this?”

The count, who was handing over the papers, squealed.

It was good until I saved Central.

But the rebels who tried to attack Central remained.

Above all, Central was responsible for the coordination between the seven realms.

The United Kingdom could only move like an organism through Central.

That’s why Central’s role is more important than ever in the current situation of the rebels.


Then someone entered his office.

It was a man with a bald head who entered the office.

He was wearing heavy armor, so he could tell at a glance that he was a knight.

“Count Koji, I tried to contact you, but there was no answer, so I came to see you in person.”

The Count glanced at the man and narrowed his brow.

“Uh, so… Was it Sir Christopher? Take a seat first. Let’s just finish this and talk.”

“Are those documents more important in the face of Miles’ crisis?”


He was from Miles, famous for the kingdom of knights.

“Why is that sound coming from here? I also received a request for support and I am preparing it, so please wait a little bit.”

Christopher approached and slammed the desk with his hand.


“How much longer do you have to wait?! This is a tactile battle!”

“It’s not going to be a problem that can be solved by being so obsessive. Now, not only Miles, but all seven kingdoms have revolted. Neither side can respond to the reinforcements.”

Earl Cozy also had a headache.

In a nutshell, it was like his hands and feet were tied.

“Then, are you going to keep your eyes open and watch as Miles, an axis of the United Kingdom, fall?”

“Neither do I. It is not that there is no way at all, so I will prepare the troops.”

At those words, Christopher’s eyes lit up like someone holding a rope.

“I am really?”

“Then are you going to lie? I will prepare the troops, so you must find the person responsible for leading them.”

“How do I find a manager in Central, where I have no connection? If you don’t want to use that as an excuse to send troops… … !”

Christopher impatiently tried to hit the desk again.

The Count hurriedly waved his hand.

“Wait, wait! Hit it twice and the desk will collapse. You have to listen to what people have to say.”

“Speak quickly.”

“There is a suitable person. So all you have to do is convince him.”

Then the Count smiled meaningfully.

* * *

Ethan left the dorm for breakfast.

When I went out, I saw someone hiding behind a tree.

Ethan’s eyes narrowed.

‘Is it Chloe?’

Did you come here to ask me something strange again this morning?

To avoid trouble, Ethan pretended he didn’t see Chloe and turned in the other direction.

“Ah, Priest!”

However, Chloe quickly followed Ethan without notice.

“what. Why do you suddenly go this way while you usually go that way? Haven’t you seen me?”

“I didn’t see it.”

“Aren’t you pretending not to know me?”

“I hope.”

In the end, there was an annoying hump.

But even if he tried to pull it off, Chloe would be stubborn.

Ethan had already given up on the twins’ strange obsession.

“Are you taking good care of what I gave you?”

“yes. I am eating well.”

Then Chloe jumped with joy.

“really? Does that really work? It was made by me and Charlotte.”

‘… So it was like that.’

Ethan realized why the visuals of the potions were weird.

If the ones sold in the market looked like that, no one would buy them.

Unlike the low-level potions that the mercenaries live in or the healing potions used by knights, it was a health supplement potion that the nobles took care of.

Even twins made it, so the effect would be better.

When I first ate it, I thought I was going to vomit.

The taste of the potion was terrible.

However, he had to replenish his stamina because he had fought a battle with Python and even blocked the holy magic of the saint.

Since the day he received the potion, Ethan has been steadily taking the potion.

‘Cancer, health is the best.’

Ethan mumbled words that didn’t suit his boyish appearance.

As a matter of fact, to get revenge, you had to live longer than the target.

That way you can seize the opportunity.

That is why Ethan worked hard to eat things that were good for his body in his previous life.

Besides, this potion was a gift from the best daughter-in-law in Aurum, so there was no reason to refuse.

“Where do you usually eat?”

“We eat with rations from the temple.”

It wasn’t a lie.

When he had money, he enjoyed a luxurious meal.

But does a priest with no fixed income keep doing it?

‘The wallet will be stolen first.’

So, Ethan usually ate as he came out of the temple, and occasionally spent his own money.

By the way, today was not a lack of appetite, so it was the day of eating from the temple.

Then Chloe was taken aback.

“Are you eating rations from the temple?”

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