The School Prince’s Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 425: You are warm, backlit 18

Biquge, the fastest update honey love 100%: the latest chapter of the school's exclusive sweetheart!

Su Nian thought for a while, but did not reply, Zuo Sihan relentlessly sent another one: "Mid every year, give me a chance to atone for sins, I will wait for you downstairs in your bedroom, if you do not come, I will Keep waiting "

Su hesitated every year, picked up his coat and went on.

She does not yet know Gu Zichen's pressure on the property to the left, she just wants to speak clearly with Zuo Sihan.

Nuo Nuo was so absorbed in watching the video that he ignored the figure of Su Nian going downstairs.

Down the stairs, Su Nian saw Zuo Sihan at a glance.

He stood beside a ginkgo tree, floating yellow. The colored leaves fall, and with his pair of amber pupils, the scenery is beautiful.

However, after the last meal, Su Nian couldn't say anything good about him.

No matter how bright the appearance is, the bones are blackened into slag, which is a bit like a hypocrite hypocrite.

"Anything?" Su asked each year.

Zuo Sihan smiled. "Every year, I knew you would come to see me."

Su Nian frowned, Zuo Sihan's smile was too weird, making her a little hairy, she took a few steps back calmly, trying to keep a distance from him.

"What exactly do you want to say if you are sorry, then you don't need to." Su Nian said coldly, Zuo Sihan shrugged, "Yes, your family hugged Gu's thigh, of course, they are not afraid of anything."

Su Nianbai gave him a glance, "Even if we hold our thighs, at least Gu's family sends charcoal in the snow, it is better than some people fall into the rock."

Zuo Sihan narrowed his eyes and slowly approached Su Nian.

"Yes, the Gu family is your great benefactor, but we, Su Nian, you know what our family is like now"

Zuo's stock market crashed in one day, his father was taken away by the procuratorate, and his mother could not bear the blow and was admitted to the hospital.

Su Nian didn't know this, but looking at Zuo Sihan's expression, I felt a little bad.

She stepped back, Zuo Sihan chased after her.

"I do n’t care about your family. Tell me what it ’s useful for. If you have time to blame innocent people, you might think about how to solve the problem." .

Zuo Sihan clenched his fists: "If your innocent is not you, why would the Gu family shoot our house?"

Su Nian was a little embarrassed by his divine logic. He simply said, "I can't help you to think so. I still have something to do, go back first."

She turned to go upstairs, but Zuo Sihan grabbed her arm fiercely, pulling Su Nian to his side.

"Ah" Su Nian screamed, "What are you doing?"

Zuo Sihan's eyes were red, "You can't go, I don't allow you to go, you have to stay with me"

Su Nian realized that Zuo Sihan might have been stimulated, and a cold sweat rose from her back. When she remembered what Gu Zichen told her last night, the uneasiness in her heart spread.

"Zuo Sihan, calm down and have something to say." Su Nianhan tried his best to comfort his emotions. Zuo Sihan didn't realize it. He kept saying "accompany me, stay with me", and dragged Su Nian regardless Years go forward.

His strength was amazing, Su Nian's painful tears were coming out, and he shouted for help, but the students on the road thought it was a small couple's quarrel.

Zuo Sihan dragged Su Nian to the top floor of the teaching building, kicked the rusty iron door, and pushed Su Nian to the rooftop every year.


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