The Science Fiction World of Xueba

Chapter 141: Wholesale market

After eating, Pang Xuelin and Wang Muhui went out.

To facilitate Pang Xuelin's actions, Wang Chongqing lent Qin Wenhui's bicycle to him.

Watching Pang Xuelin and Wang Muhui side by side, laughing and pushing the bicycle out of the community, Qin Wenhui retracted his head from the window and said, "Lao Wang, why did you just promise to let Xiao Hui go out with Teacher Pang?" This young man and woman has been in contact for a long time, what if something goes wrong? "

Wang Chongqing said: "You, if Xiao Hui really feels good about Teacher Pang, you think we can stop this girl's temperament."

"But ..."

"Okay, there's nothing left. Besides, Teacher Pang had to go back a few years ago. Most of the time, he had to stay in the mountains. Xiao Hui would then have to prepare for the wsk exam. What can be done in ten days? thing?"

"Uh ... you said something, it also makes sense."

Qin Wenhui said hesitantly.

Xi Pang Xuelin and Wang Muhui first rode their bikes to Lincheng Daily.

"Teacher Pang, wait for me. I'll ask the leader to tell me what to do. I'll be out in 15 minutes at most."

好的 "Okay, you go, I'll wait here."

Wang Muhui trot all the way into the newspaper, directly into the office of the director of the editorial department of the newspaper.

"Uncle Zhang, Uncle Zhang ..."

"Xiao Hui, are you looking for anything?"

Zhang Hewen looked at Wang Muhui with a smile.

He and Wang Muhui's parents are classmates. After graduating from university, Wang Muhui has been under the care of him after entering Lincheng Daily.

沐 Wang Muhui said: "Uncle Zhang, I have a big news to follow. I may not be able to stay in the newspaper for the past two days. Can you give me an attendance account?"

沐 Wang Muhui University has just graduated not long ago, and is still an intern reporter in the newspaper. Generally, he can only follow the old reporters to collect his style and fight. Currently, he does not have the right to interview independently.

However, Wang Muhui is a senior student in the Department of Journalism at Fudan University. She is now a key target of training in the club. For her future, Zhang Hewen is quite optimistic.

Zhang Hewen froze slightly, wondering: "What news? Need you to follow along outside?"

Wang Muhui said: "Uncle Zhang, this is the case, I met someone ..."

Then, Wang Muhui told everything he knew about Pang Xuelin originally with Zhang Hewen.

Zhang Hewen pestle his chin, thoughtfully: "A bit interesting."

Wang Muhui excitedly said: "Uncle Zhang, if you expose the true face of this teacher Pang, can this matter be in the news?"

Zhang Hewen smiled and said, "Xiao Hui, why do you think this teacher Pang is a liar?"

Wang Muhui said: "I have seen his English level last night, and my dad is amazed by his academic level in mathematics. And he is a man of great temperament, words and deeds, and has received a good education at first sight. How can such a person be just an ordinary high school graduate who still works as a teacher in Shancun Primary School? "

Zhang Hewen said: "Xiao Hui, if everything Pang said is true, what will you do then?"

Wang Muhui said for a moment, "How is this possible?"

Zhang Hewen smiled lightly: "Xiao Hui, remember Uncle Zhang's words. The most important thing for us media reporters to be objective is to be objective and neutral. Do not presume a stand for anything. Because there is too much in life How illogical, we seem to think it ’s incredible, it just happened, and that ’s the value of journalism. And you do n’t think, if all that Pang said is true, the news value of him Is it bigger? "

Wang Muhui frowned and said, "But ..."

Zhang Hewen said: "Xiao Hui, I can leave the deed of Teacher Pang with you. You do n’t use it for the newspaper every day. Just follow Teacher Pang and record everything he does and report it to me every few days. . "

"OK, I promise to complete the task!"

Zhang Hewen smiled and said, "Yes, that teacher Pang will hold a lecture at Lincheng University at 7 pm?"

Wang Muhui said: "Yes, my dad said that his dissertation moved the director of the Department of Mathematics of Lincheng University. The director has agreed to join the Institute of Mathematical and Physical Sciences of Lincheng University as a part-time researcher of the Institute. Uncle Zhang, should you not Would you like to check it out at night? "

Zhang Hewen smiled: "Hearing is nothing but seeing is believing. How good is Mr. Pang's mathematics level. Go to the report at night to see everyone's reaction."

沐 Wang Muhui laughed: "Also, I will follow up tonight."

Zhang Hewen said: "Let's go now, don't let that teacher Pang wait!"

"Well, Uncle Zhang, bye!"

Uh ...

I came out of the newspaper, Pang Xuelin was standing by the road, holding a small book and recording what.

"what are you doing?"

Wang Muhui said.

"Oh, nothing."

Xi Pang Xuelin put away his pen and small book and smiled: "Let's go to the wholesale market now to see it."

There are several wholesale markets in Zhelin City. According to different categories, there are clothing wholesale, small commodity wholesale, and various daily department store wholesales.

Wang Muhui took Pang Xuelin to the daily department store wholesale market.

After reaching the wholesale market, Wang Muhui said, "Mr. Pang, are you ready to sell anything?"

Pang Xuelin shook his head and said, "I haven't figured it out yet ~ ~ Let's take a look around first. By the way, the king ... may need to borrow your reporter status later."

沐 Wang Muhui smiled poutingly: "Ms. Pang, just call me Muhui or Xiaohui. What do you want to do as a reporter?"

Pang Xuelin laughed: "Okay, Mu Hui, look, are we all dressed like hawkers?"

Because there was a report tonight, when Pang Xuelin went out, he directly put on Wang Chongqing ’s suit. Wang Muhui was wearing a turtleneck sweater jeans, small boots, and a long woolen coat on the outside.

The two walked on the road, the handsome men and women were very eye-catching.

Wang Muhui nodded and said, "Also, what do you mean ..."

Pang Xuelin said: "When you show the press card to the merchants in the wholesale market later, say that we are doing research and asking them which products sell well and which products are more profitable. They generally do not guard against reporters. Will tell us directly. In this case, we will be more targeted. "

沐 Wang Muhui's eyes lighted up: "This is a good way. I can't see it. I didn't expect you to be an elementary school teacher, so many ideas.

Pang Xuelin smiled and said, "It's just a little clever."

Next, Wang Muhui did what Pang Xuelin said, and she got a lot of information.

Even Pang Xuelin set out which townships and villages under Lincheng are good at doing business and which goods sell better.

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