The Science Fiction World of Xueba

Chapter 145: Academic potential

I returned to Wang Chongqing's home, and it was almost ten o'clock. Wang Chongqing was still interested, and he continued to discuss the issues of nonlinear functional analysis.

Qin Wenhui is a little strange: "Xiao Hui, what's wrong with your father?"

Wang Muhui said: "Mom, you haven't listened to the report tonight. If you go, you will know. Teacher Pang is even more powerful than we thought. He has calmed down all the professors from the Department of Mathematics of Lincheng University. ... "

沐 Wang Muhui Bara Balla said a lot, but Qin Wenhui felt more and more incredible: "Girl, is there such an exaggeration, how can I listen so mysteriously!"

Wang Muhui said: "Mom, don't you understand my dad's efforts, dad now treats Teacher Pang as his teacher!"

嗯 "Hmm ... it seems a bit ..."

Qin Wenhui thoughtfully.

Until nearly eleven o'clock in the evening, the discussion between Wang Chongqing and Pang Xuelin was forcibly ended by Qin Wenhui on the ground that Pang Xuelin had to get up early the next day to go to the wholesale market to pick up the goods.

一 In the early morning of the next day, Pang Xuelin got up at 5:30, changed his military coat, and then rode directly to the wholesale market.

This time Pang Xuelin took out 500 yuan to go out, plus the postage, and now he has more than 320 yuan left.

Save the money, in addition to leaving 50 yuan for emergency, the remaining Pang Xuelin is used to buy New Year pictures, wall calendars and old yellow calendars.

One hundred new year pictures, one seven dime, one retail price, fifty calendars and one old yellow calendar, one fifty one, and two retail prices. For the remaining money, Pang Xuelin bought a small folding table. And a folding chair for stalls. In addition, Pang Xuelin bought a lot of red paper, writing brushes and ink.

Packed these things, Pang Xuelin rode directly to Qinglin Town, seven kilometers away from Lincheng.

Qinglin Town is the closest town to Lincheng. Every Lunar New Year's Day, Thursday, and Nine Opens. Today is the 14th day of the lunar calendar. When Pang Xuelin arrives, it is exactly eight in the morning, and the market is crowded.

找 He found a corner to set up the stall, and then wrote some large characters on the red paper with a brush.

[One piece of New Year's painting, one piece of wall calendar and old yellow calendar, one pair of handwritten couplets, one pair of one piece of money. Every time you buy one of the New Year's pictures, wall calendar, and old yellow calendar, 20% off the couplet. Discount

Uh ...

七 At half past seven in the morning, Wang Muhui yawned and came out of the room.

Qin Wenhui is making breakfast, and Wang Chongqing is sitting on the sofa and reading the newspaper.

Wang Muhui asked for a moment, and asked, "Dad, what about Teacher Pang?"

Wang Chongqing looked up and said, "Ms. Pang bought the goods early and rushed to the market."

"What? What a mess!"

Wang Muhui patted her head, quickly brushed her teeth and washed her face, then returned to the room to change clothes, took a shoulder bag and went straight out: "Mom, I don't have breakfast."

"Hey, girl, I won't go to work this weekend. Where did you go early in the morning?"

Qin Wenhui came out of the kitchen with a spatula.

"Ms. Pang went to Qinglin Town today to catch up, I want to go and see!"

"Hey, Xiao Hui ..."

Qin Wenhui had no time to stop, Wang Muhui has stepped down and down.

"Pharaoh, why don't you stop!"

Qin Wenhui turned and frowned.

Wang Chongqing said lightly: "What can be stopped, let this girl follow Teacher Pang, learn more, it is good."

Qin Wenhui said: "But what if Xiao Hui likes the other party? It's not even two days since Teacher Pang came to our house. Xiao Hui is already short as Teacher Pang ..."

Wang Chongqing raised his head and laughed, "This is not too good! Xiao Hui can really be with Teacher Pang, it is Xiao Hui's blessing!"

Qin Wenhui froze slightly, frowning: "Then Xiaohui will go abroad next? You didn't say that before!"

Wang Chongqing put down the newspaper and said, "Wen Hui, yesterday, after listening to Mr. Pang's lecture, I wanted to understand one thing."

"what's up?"

Wang Chongqing said: "Small ponds can't hold true dragons. Some people are destined not to be things in the pool. As long as Teacher Pang continues to develop according to the current situation, within five years, he is fully qualified to run for the Academy of Sciences!

"What? How is this possible!"

Su Qin Wenhui's face suddenly showed horror.

Uh ...

九 At nine o'clock in the morning, Wang Muhui hurriedly got out of Lincheng's urban-rural bus passing Qinglin Town.

At the end of the report last night, Zhang Hewen also specifically told Wang Muhui that she should stare at Pang Xuelin these days.

I just spent the whole day at the wholesale market yesterday. After listening to the briefing for more than two hours at night [Zero Zero Reading 00ks], Wang Muhui fell asleep and woke up again.

This made Wang Muhui startled.

She still has doubts about Pang Xuelin's identity to this day. Even if Pang Xuelin is really going to be a hawker to sell New Year's goods, she is not sure.

If you missed the opportunity to expose Pang Xuelin's secret due to a moment of negligence, Wang Muhui would have to regret it.

Therefore, she didn't eat any breakfast. After going out, she went straight to an urban-rural bus station two kilometers away from her home and took a bus to Qinglin Town.

As an intern reporter of "Lincheng Daily", from time to time, he runs the news with the old reporter in the newspaper. Wang Muhui is no stranger to the large and small towns around Lincheng.

时间 The market opening time of this small town was still told by Wang Muhui to Pang Xuelin.

Qiqinglin Town is not large, that is, the intersection of two intersections, and the total length is less than one kilometer.

But now it is close to Nianguan ~ ~ The market is overcrowded. In addition, it is not known where Pang Xuelin is setting up the stalls. Wang Muhui can only find them one by one along the road.

The time passed by every minute and a half. After half an hour, Wang Muhui was looking for anxious bubbling, but still did not see Pang Xuelin.

Did he say that he came to catch the show to deceive himself?

Or did he never come to Qinglin Town to catch up, but went to other places?

Wang Muhui's eyebrows are slightly frowned.

After two days of contact, although she had some doubts about Pang Xuelin's true identity, she already had a certain favor with the person of Pang Xuelin.

希望 She hoped that Pang Xuelin was telling the truth, not what she had guessed, the other party actually had another picture.

Wang Muhui followed the flow of people step by step, seeing that they were going out of Qinglin Town, a stall suddenly appeared in front of them.

摊 This stall is one of the most remote corners of the entire bazaar, but at this time, it was surrounded by people inside and outside.

From time to time in the crowd, applause came from time to time.

"Ping An bamboo grows thousands of years, and the rich flower blooms a poinsettia. OK! This little brother's words are well written, as well as couplets! With couplets and new year pictures, give me a wall calendar and an old yellow calendar. , I'll give you six dollars, six or six days, and you'll find it. "

"Brother, give me a pair too, I'm in business, just give me a couplet for fortune ..."

Wang Muhui didn't pay much attention, and was just about to leave. She was stunned. A familiar voice came from the booth: "Okay, my brother, how about I write you a couplet like this? I'm in business with Sanjiang, trade Hongshuaisihaicai fortune ... "

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