The Science Fiction World of Xueba

Chapter 191: New Year's Eve

On Christmas Eve, Pang Xuelin and Wang Muhui accepted the invitation of the Witten couple and enjoyed an American Christmas dinner at their home.

Then there is a Christmas holiday for nearly half a month. The two discussed and chose to travel by car.

出发 From Princeton, head south through Philadelphia and Newark into Delmarva Peninsula.

The well-known American self-driving highway, Del Marwa Peninsula Highway, is located here.

公路 This road is located between Chesapeake Bay, Delaware River, Delaware Bay, and the Atlantic Ocean. It is only a few hours' drive from one of the busiest urban corridors in the east, and is dotted with wetlands and peaceful hydrological landscapes along the way.

Contrary to the hustle and bustle of the city, there are some small towns on the pier in Chesapeake Bay, where the fishermen's homes are.

生活 Life here is long and quiet, as if isolated from the world.

Xi Pang Xuelin and Wang Muhui walked all the way, staying at homestays run by locals at night.

Sometimes I don't want to leave, so I stay in a seaside town for a few days and enjoy a rare two-person world.

到 Until the evening of January 5, the two drove back to Princeton.

In the evening, after the two were lingering, Wang Muhui lay in Pang Xuelin's arms, and looked at Pang Xuelin with a blurry eye. "My husband, I will go back to class tomorrow, and I will not see you for a long time."

The girl who just fell in love can't wait to get tired with her man every day.

For more than ten days of joy, Wang Muhui felt like a quarter of an hour.

Pang Xuelin kissed her on the forehead and laughed. "I drive to see you every weekend, OK, anyway, Boston is not far from Prince."


沐 Wang Muhui nodded and thought of another thing, "Husband, do you want to tell my parents about our affairs?"

He Pang Xuelin grinned and said, "Yes, unfortunately, we will not be able to return this spring festival. After a few months, when I return to China, I will go to Lincheng to see Uncle Wang and Aunt Qin, and talk to them about our marriage."

"Don't!" Wang Muhui blushed suddenly, and said, "My husband, can you wait any longer? When I return in the summer vacation, let's go back and tell them ..."

"Okay, okay ... all listen to you!"

Uh ...

一 The next morning, Pang Xuelin sent Wang Muhui back to Harvard.

The next life in Princeton is relatively simple and easy.

When he was in Tsinghua, Pang Xuelin was the dean of the Faculty of Science. In fact, he was doing the work of the dean.

Although there is not much time for undergraduates, there are departments of mathematics, physics, and chemistry in the Faculty of Science, and various administrative tasks occupy more than half of the daily work.

In Princeton, Pang Xuelin has just joined the post, and there is no need to arrange to bring graduate students. The school only arranged one course for Pang Xuelin, which is to explain Ponzi geometry to undergraduates.

Ponzi geometry is the forefront theory of modern mathematics, but if the mathematical foundation is a little worse, listening to this course is the same as listening to Tianshu.

In Tsinghua, he also gave a postgraduate theory course in Ponzi geometry to graduate students.

他 When he taught the undergraduates at Princeton, half of them could keep up.

Xi Pang Xuelin had to lament Princeton's undergraduate education was great.

Time passed day by day, and unknowingly entered February 1994.

春 The Spring Festival is relatively late this year, and February 10th is New Year's Eve.

Because it happened to be Thursday, Wang Muhui took a two-day vacation with the school, and together with the weekend, made a full four-day vacation.

Xi Pang Xuelin drove to Harvard on Wednesday, and when Wang Muhui's morning class ended, she received her at Princeton.

The next morning, the two got up early in the morning and went to the supermarket to buy flour, fish, and various fruits and vegetables.

Princeton does not have a Chinese supermarket. Some Chinese-specific ingredients such as rice wine, chili sauce, soy sauce, allspice, star anise, cinnamon, fragrant leaves, watercress sauce, etc. are bought and brought back from an Asian supermarket in Boston.

In addition, Wang Muhui also bought Chinese knots, red paper, ink and so on.

Xi Pang Xuelin wrote couplets, and Wang Muhui cut the windows.

The two of them remembered a year ago when they were around the New Year to rush to sell New Year's goods, they could not help but look at each other and smiled.

Set up Xiaojia's festive atmosphere and prepare the ingredients for the New Year's Eve, Wang Muhui said, "Husband, you can call Professor Witteng's family later, and if there are other close friends in Princeton, they are also called Come here, please have a great dinner together in the evening, it's lively. "

Xi Pang Xuelin thought for a while and nodded, "Okay, Xiao Hui, then you are busy at home, I'll go out."

Wu Pang Xuelin first went to the Witten family across the road. The Witten couple were glad to accept the invitation. Jennifer came to help in advance.

Then, under the leadership of Witten, Pang Xuelin visited Andrew Wiles, Pierre Deligne, and Peter Sanak. The Wiles and Delignes were pleased to accept the invitation. The only regret The thing is, Peter Sanak took a vacation and flew to Hawaii with his family a few days ago.

As for the others, Pang Xuelin was unfamiliar.

In this era, according to Pang Xuelin's knowledge, among the Chinese, Yao Qizhi and Cui Qi worked in Princeton.

Yao Zhizhi was a 2000 Turing Award winner, a computer expert, and in the real world, he later returned to work in Tsinghua, and officially transferred his nationality back to China in 2017.

Cui Qi is a Nobel Prize winner in physics in 1998 and is currently a professor in the Department of Electronic Engineering at Princeton University.

After Pang Xuelin came to Princeton, he had not contacted the two big brothers, and it was not easy to invite them to his home.

In the afternoon, Mrs. Deligne and Mrs. Wiles also came to Pang Xuelin's home.

Xi Pang Xuelin accompanied Delinye, Wiles and Witten to the study room for a chat, and their wives helped Wang Muhui prepare the ingredients.

Of course, the chef is still Wang Muhui, and they are just fighting ~ ~ At six o'clock in the evening, the sumptuous Chinese New Year dinner is officially released.

The main food is cabbage dumplings with mushrooms and pork stuffed dumplings and egg fried rice. The side dishes include braised pork ribs, tomato sour soup, dragon fish, gongbao chicken, tuna salad, braised prawns, steamed pork ...

Everyone was sitting around the oval dining table. Pang Xuelin raised his goblet and laughed. "Professor Deligne, Prof. Wiles, Prof. Witten, welcome your husband and wife to our home to celebrate the Spring Festival. For us Chinese, The Spring Festival is a special day, it is a holiday for loved ones, a family holiday. We in China have a saying that there are dumplings in the Chinese New Year and there are no outsiders. It means that people who are busy all year round, people who drift around, during the Spring Festival Generally go home, two generations of father and son, three generations of grandchildren, and even four generations, toasting wine, bowing, father and son filial piety, mother and wife, virtuous people, people in the sound of firecrackers, in the sound of gongs and drums, laughter I enjoy the warmth of the world. For those of us who are drifting away, the Spring Festival is of special significance. It is your arrival that has made my wife and I feel the warmth of the family. Here, I thank you . And I wish everyone a Happy Chinese New Year, and in the new year, happy, happy family! Cheers! "


Everyone cheers together.

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