The Science Fiction World of Xueba

Chapter 208: I am a little scared


Pang Xuelin looked at the girl with a smile.

Yao Bingxia gave him a white look and said, "I want to go and see where you usually live?"

"OK, of course!"

He Pang Xuelin smiled, and as soon as he stepped on the accelerator, the car rushed out.

After more than an hour, the Audi a6l stopped smoothly downstairs at the teacher's apartment of Jiangcheng University's Zijin campus.

Subsequently, Pang Xuelin took out the luggage from the trunk of the car, Yao Bingxia looked at him without speaking, and walked towards the apartment building first.

The two of them went upstairs and entered Pang Xuelai's home. Yao Bingxia turned around like a hostess. Let's take a look at it here, and from time to time, I will judge a few words.

"Brother Kobayashi, don't lose your stinky socks. It's best not to wash your underwear and clothes in the washing machine."

"It's almost time to wash the sheets. I'll change them for you later."

"Oh, Brother Kobayashi, you have quite a lot of things in the kitchen, but there is only milk bread in the refrigerator, not even vegetables. Do you usually not cook yourself?"

After a turn, Yao Bingxia came to Pang Xuelin and smiled: "Brother Xiaolin, we are not going to eat at noon. How about I cook for you?"

"can you cook?"

Pang Xuelin looked at Yao Bingxia by surprise. This girl came from a dance practice. She was beautiful, and her skin was delicate. At first glance, she was the kind of delicate girl who did not touch the spring water with her fingers.

"I will!"

Yao Bingxia raised his head, and was somewhat indifferent.

She does cook, but all the memory of cooking comes from that strange dream.

后来 She also quietly practiced at home later, and found that her cooking level was not bad.

And just while in the kitchen, Yao Bingxia had a sudden urge to make a home-cooked meal for Pang Xuelin himself.

Pang Xuelin laughed: "Okay, then we'll go to the supermarket to buy ingredients."

I said to do it, they quickly went downstairs to a nearby supermarket.

I bought a lot of meat, eggs, fish, shrimp and various vegetables and fruit seasonings.

When I returned home, Yao Bingxia went into the kitchen and got busy.

Xi Pang Xuelin was a little uneasy at first. Later, when she saw that she was in the kitchen, she did her work with peace of mind.

After an hour, the feast came out,

Stir-fried prawns with soy sauce, braised pork ribs, stir-fried tofu, tomato and egg soup.

3 dishes and 1 soup, full of color and fragrance.

"Brother Kobayashi, try it and see how it tastes?"

Xi Pang Xuelin picked up a rib and clamped it slightly. A familiar flavor spread instantly from his mouth.

Su Pang Xuelin was suddenly sluggish.

"Kobayashi, what's wrong with you? Isn't it delicious?"

Yao Bingxia looked at Pang Xuelin, and was a little uneasy.

"Oh no, it's delicious!"

Xi Pang Xuelin scooped down the pork ribs and quickly chopped a large mouthful of rice.

Then, he tasted the remaining dishes separately, exactly as he remembered.

Xuan Pang Xuelin raised a speculation in his heart, but Yao Bingxia was still on the scene. For a while, he couldn't find the system to verify.

After the two happily finished their lunch, Pang Xuelin took the initiative to wash the dishes.

After finishing the housework, the two lay on the sofa comfortably, while eating and watching TV.

After a while, Yao Bingxia yawned, rolled over, and wrapped his hands around Pang Xuelin's waist, muttering: "Brother Xiaolin, I went to sleep a little more after I finished home last night, and it was six o'clock in the morning today. I ’m a little sleepy, let ’s take a moment. ”

"Okay, let's go to sleep!"

Xu Pang Xuelin patted Yao Bingxia's back gently. Soon, the girl's long breath sounded in her arms.

Until then, Pang Xuelin closed his eyes and summoned the system and said, "System, isn't it?"

"Host, is there anything wrong?"

"I want to ask, what is the blessing reward for that single dog in the stray earth world?"

"Hasn't the host already experienced it?"

I don't know why, Pang Xuelin has a feeling that the current system is a bit ridiculous.

Xi Pang Xuelin took a deep breath and said, "So to speak, Yao Bingxia in reality is Yao Bingxia in a stray world?"

Systemically said: "To be precise, Yao Bingxia in the Wandering Earth is a copy of the memory of the real world Yao Bingxia. Everything she and you experienced in the Wandering Earth world, and instilled the memory into her brain through the form of dreams. In essence, they are the same person! "

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"You didn't ask!"


Xi Pang Xuelin opened his mouth and tried to curse the system, but in the end he didn't say a word.

He finally understood why Yao Bingxia would behave that way when he first met Yao Bingxia in the real world.

Why did the two people meet a few times and the relationship will progress so quickly.

Why is the interaction between the two so tacit.

It turned out that she was the ending wife who lived with herself for more than 20 years.

No matter what, this is a good thing.

Wandering the earth world, Yao Bingxia and he died together is Pang Xuelin's eternal pain.

Even if she encounters Yao Bingxia again in reality, Pang Xuelin has always regarded her as a replica of his wife who has been with him for more than 20 years.

I now know from the mouth of the system that the two are the same person. In Pang Xuelin's heart, there is only joy and happiness.

But this secret is not available, Pang Xuelin does not intend to share it with Yao Bingxia for the time being.

I let her take that memory as a beautiful dream.

Uh ...

Xi Pang Xuelin opened her eyes again, and Yao Bingxia had already fallen asleep.

He thought about it, quietly got up and hugged Yao Bingxia into the bed in the bedroom, and covered her with a quilt.

Then he came to the desk, turned on the computer, and looked for a science fiction movie.

I didn't know how long it was, Pang Xuelin suddenly felt a scent of fragrance on the tip of his nose, and then a pair of stern arms wrapped around his head.

Xi Pang Xuelin pulled Yao Bingxia into her arms, pecked her lips, and smiled, "Wake up."

Yao Bingxia blinked her pretty eyes and looked at Pang Xuelin with a smile: "Brother Xiaolin, have you taken advantage of me while I was sleeping?"

Xi Pang Xuelin looked at Yao Bingxia innocently: "I want to take advantage of you, and still need to wait for you to sleep?"

He said, he lowered his head.


For a long time, the two men separated breathlessly.

"Bad guy! You hit me."

Yao Bingxia stroked the stubble on Pang Xuelin's face with his hand and muttered.

Pu Pang Xuelin laughed: "Well, get up and clean up, wait for us to go to your grandparents' house."

Yao Bingxia suddenly blushed and said, "We bought so many dishes at noon. It would be a pity if we didn't eat it."


Xi Pang Xuelin looked at Yao Bingxia blankly.

Yao Bing Xia Qiao's face turned red, stuttering: "I ... I didn't tell my family to come to Jiangcheng, I just said that I had gone on a trip with my classmates. I suddenly appeared in front of my grandparents and would be scared It's bad for them. "

He said, Yao Bingxia lowered his head like a quail.

At this time, Pang Xuelin didn't understand Yao Bingxia's meaning, and couldn't help crying and laughing: "Okay, then we won't go anywhere, and we will sleep here at night!"

The last word was accented by Pang Xuelin.


Yao Bingxia buried her head in Pang Xuelin's arms ~ ~ A slight hum, the ears were all red.

In the evening, Pang Xuelin didn't let Yao Bingxia cook alone, but the two hands together.

After dinner, I accompanied Yao Bingxia to paint a few episodes of idol dramas. Seeing that the time was coming to ten o'clock, Pang Xuelin stretched out: "Well, we will have to rush to the plane tomorrow to Spring City, early at night Sleep, I'll take a shower first. "

He said, Pang Xuelin found the big trousers directly from the closet and went to the bathroom.

Ten minutes later, Pang Xuelin came out of the bathroom shirtless, and said, "Xiao Xia, you can take a shower."


Yao Bingxia gave a soft whistle, then looked for a long time in the trunk, then went to the bathroom with a blush.

After half an hour, the girl wrapped in a bath towel, exposed a pair of clean clavicle and long legs, and entered the bedroom.

Xi Pang Xuelin put down the handbook of quantum computer technology, looked up at Yao Bingxia, patted the position beside him, and said softly: "Xiao Xia, come and sleep here!"

Yao Bingxia, wrapped in a bath towel, dived directly into the air-conditioning quilt, covered his quilt with both hands, and looked at Pang Xuelin timidly: "Little brother, I ... I'm a little scared ..."

Xi Pang Xuelin only felt that an anger that had never been hit the head of his head and lifted the quilt. In Yao Bingxia's exclaiming voice, he turned over and pressed the girl under him.

Uh ...

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