The Science Fiction World of Xueba

Chapter 242: First sight

After a long time, Pang Xuelin came out of the reception room.

Cheng Xin, who had waited outside the door for a long time, greeted him quickly and asked, "Professor Pang, how are you talking?"

Pang Xuelin smiled, "He promised!"

"That's good." Cheng Xin breathed a sigh of relief. "Then I'll see him."

Pang Xuelin smiled and nodded.

Ten minutes later, Cheng Xin came out of the reception room and got into the car with Pang Xuelin.

"How do you feel about meeting your old classmates?"

"It's okay, even if he looks at me a little strangely, are you telling me something bad?"

"In your eyes, am I like this?"

"That's impossible!"

After a period of contact, and gradually became familiar with Pang Xuelin, Cheng Xin found out that Pang Xuelin just scratched his mouth, but in action, he didn't really take himself.

Therefore, to this day, she has gradually become accustomed to Pang Xuelin's various satires, and even occasionally dare to say a few words.

Pang Xuelin smiled lightly: "Yuntianming likes you."

"I know."


"I'm not a fool. Besides, during college, more classmates confessed to me."

"Then ... do you have any special feelings?"

"Special feeling, what do you mean?"

Cheng Xin looked inexplicably at Pang Xuelin.

Pang Xuelin reacted suddenly.

In it, Cheng Xin pulled Yun Tianming into the ladder plan. It wasn't until Yun Tianming had undergone a brain resection that he learned from Wei De's mouth that the star was sent by Yun Tianming.

Coupled with the broadcast era, the two were again in communication via long-distance communication, and Yun Tianming conveyed to Cheng Xin the vital information to avoid the dark forest strike.

Only then did her feelings for Yun Tianming deepen.

But this time, Ping Xuelin's plan to send the stars was destroyed by one hand, and Yun Tianming was pulled into the ladder plan. Cheng Xin only played the role of an introducer, mainly to persuade the other.

Therefore, Cheng Xin did not have too much guilt for Yun Tianming, but was more or less sympathetic and compassionate.

Pang Xuelin shook his head: "Nothing."

Cheng Xin sighed: "Yun Tianming is a lonely temper, and I don't know if he can pass the final test."

To this point, she was a bit contradictory, she both hoped that Yun Tianming could pass the test, and she was worried about what happened after he passed the test.

If Yun Tianming can pass the final test, there may be some vitality, but waiting for him may be an extreme human sensory test that is more painful than death.

But if you fail to pass the test and wait for Yun Tianming, I am afraid it will be a dead end.

Pang Xuelin laughed: "I'm bullish on him."

After a pause, Pang Xuelin said, "Where are you going to go? It's so easy to return to China. I will give you two days off."

Cheng Xin thought for a while and thought, "Let's go home, but my home is a little far from the North Fifth Ring Road."

Pang Xuelin said: "Okay, I just need to go to the north to pick up someone, and take you home by the way."

The convoy set off quickly and finally stopped at the gate of the Central Academy of Fine Arts.

After a while, Zhuang Yan's life assistant pushed Zhuang Yan out of school.

Pang Xuelin got out of the car and greeted him.

Cheng Xin put his head in front of the window of the car, and saw a beautiful girl sitting in a wheelchair, even if she was willing to bow down, and was joking with Pang Xuelin.

Pang Xuelin petted her head and drooped down to hug the girl.

"This girl should be the one who talked to Pang Xuelin before."

Cheng Xin thought secretly.

Soon, Pang Xuelin held Zhuang Yan into the car.

Pang Xuelin was riding an extended type of bullet-proof car. The back row was a pair of two seats. It was no problem to seat six people. He and Zhuang Yan and Cheng Xin were naturally not crowded at all.

"Yan Yan, let me introduce you. This is Cheng Xin, my work assistant."

"Cheng Xin, this is my girlfriend Zhuang Yan!"

Hearing Pang Xuelin voluntarily acknowledged that he was his girlfriend, Zhuang Yan's white face could not help but a hint of blush, and nodded nicely to Cheng Xin: "Sister Cheng, Hello!"

"Zhuang Yan, hello!"

Next, Pang Xuelin returned Cheng Xin to her house, and then returned to Zhuang Yan with Zhuang Yan.

In the evening, he invited Zhuang's mother and Li Yao's wife together. When he called Wang Miao, Wang Miao told Pang Xuelin that Da Shi is now in Beijing.

So Pang Xuelin simply called and invited Da Shi to come over.

After dinner, Zhuang's mother and Li Yao accompanied Zhuang Yan to chat, while Pang Xuelin and Wang Miao and Da Shi went to the study.

Da Shi's face was a little pale, and his spirit even looked a little sluggish.

Pang Xuelin already had a guess in his mind, but on the surface he still asked: "Da Shi, what's wrong with you? Why does your state look so bad, didn't you spend time with Dr. Luo Ji?"

Da Shi smiled bitterly: "Brother Pang, I may be hibernating."

"Hibernation ?!"

Wang Miao was surprised.

Da Shidao: "Yes, when Ye Wenjie was arrested in China last year, do you still remember the nuclear bomb girl? I was exposed to radioactive heavy metal by hand, and I went to check it a month ago. I also could n’t find a suitable match for bone marrow transplantation. The director has decided to hibernate me and wake up when future medical technology matures. "

"What about Xiaoming?"

Wang Miao said.

"The boy, in my name, deceived a bunch of old men and old women into a doomsday escape plan. Not long ago, he was sentenced to seven years. Brother Pang, my family has such a single seedling and three generations of single pass. After he is released from prison, If you can help, you can help ... "

Pang Xuelin said: "Da Shi, what are you talking about, rest assured, when Xiaoming is released from prison, I will arrange a job for him to ensure his life is safe."

"Brother Pang, brother I thank you!"

Pang Xuelin smiled.

Da Xiao's son Shi Xiaoming is also a personal character. According to the description, without his help, Shi Xiaoming himself is doing well.

After he was released from prison, he made money again by his ability. Before the trough, he took the initiative to spend his money to hibernate. He passed the era of the trough and can still reunite with Da Shi in the future.

After talking about Shi Xiaoming, Pang Xuelin turned his eyes to Wang Miao and said, "Brother-in-law, what about your nanocenter now?"

Wang Miao smiled bitterly: "Now there is no shortage of funds, that is, the pressure on scientific research is too great. The government requires that the annual output should exceed 100 tons and achieve large-scale industrial mass production within three years. My hair is almost white now!"

Pang Xuelin nodded. He was not surprised by this problem.

After the three-body crisis, the academic community will benefit the most, and the academic community will also suffer the most.

Of course, it goes without saying that the research funding and resources that were most difficult to apply in the past are not piled up at this time.

But the pressure is equally high.

In particular, key projects such as flying blade materials have even reached the level required to establish military orders.

At the current industrial level of mankind, it has entered a trough state after thirty years, and it has a great relationship with this abnormal social ecology.

However, for this situation, Pang Xuelin did not have a good solution for a short time.

Some things that happened in human society in the first three decades of the crisis era are difficult to understand before and after. Historians call it crisis innocence.

It is generally believed that childishness is caused by the sudden arrival of an unprecedented threat to the whole of civilization; it may be so for individuals, but for the whole of human society, things may not be so simple.

The cultural shock brought by the three-body crisis has far-reaching effects far beyond what people originally imagined.

If you look for an analogy, it is biologically equivalent to the distant ancestors of mammals climbing up from the sea; religiously, it is equivalent to Adam and Eve being expelled from the Garden of Eden; and historically and sociologically, it cannot be found at all. By analogy, everything that human civilization has experienced is insignificant compared to this event.

In fact, this event fundamentally shakes the cultural, political, religious and economic foundations of human society.

This impact reached the deepest level of civilization, but its impact quickly surfaced, and the most direct consequence was a trough that lasted for nearly half a century.

That night, the three talked until nearly ten o'clock, and the Wang Miao family and Shi Qiang made their resignations.

Zhuang Yan also played back fake sleep under the compulsory request of Zhuang's mother and the comfort of Pang Xuelin.

Pang Xuelin held a cup of tea and sat on the terrace until late at night.

No one knows what he is thinking about.

Early the next morning, Pang Xuelin took Zhuang Yan to the team and out of the city.

"Big brother, where are we going?"

"Don't you say that you always wanted to see the stars that belong to us? I took you to a good place today."


Zhuang Yan's face showed surprise.

Pang Xuelin took Zhuang Yan to Xinglong, Hebei, where the famous Guo Shoujing Telescope (LAMOST) is located.

This astronomical telescope exists in the real world. After coming to the three-body world, Pang Xuelin asked people in the astronomical world to inquire. It was not expected that there is such a Guo Shoujing telescope in the three-body world, and the two telescopes have similar situations.

The original goal of the Guo Shoujing Telescope was to observe the large-scale structure of the universe, including observations of 2.5 million galaxies in the silver crown areas in the north and south, observations of 1.5 million bright red galaxies and about 1 million quasars.

However, because the telescope design and installation did not meet the original target, the meteorological conditions of the telescope site did not meet the original assumptions, and the observation limit magnitude could only reach about 18, which was far lower than the planned 20.5, and the detection limit was only planned. One-tenth makes it impossible to effectively observe extra-heaven objects.

As a result, the telescope was in an awkward position.

But no one can think of it. The loss of the mulberry elm harvest, the failure of LAMOST in the survey of the galaxy, but it has contributed to its success in the observation of the galaxy.

In recent years, the spectral data of hundreds of millions of stars produced by LAMOST in the survey of the Milky Way has become a unique wealth of global research on the Milky Way.

With the advent of the three-body crisis, LAMOST has now focused its research on Samsung Centaur four light years away from the solar system.

Today, Pang Xuelin is going to pass LAMOST to observe the DX3906 belonging to him and Zhuang Yan, 286 light years away.

The arrival of those facing the wall naturally received warm hospitality from related parties.

Even he used LAMOST to observe the DX3906 he bought for Zhuang Yan, which did not cause any doubt.

Pang Xuelin spent two days in Xinglong, during which he and Zhuang Yan not only found the stars that belong to them, but also observed the spectral data of DX3906 (the real number of this star in the real world is HIP19983) with LAMOST, and established the corresponding Stellar database.

Zhuang Yan has a dreamlike feeling.

Being able to observe the stars belonging to them with Pang Xuelin with a telescope is almost the most romantic thing in her life.

Not to mention, they also took a picture of the star with a very large telescope.

Zhuang Yan even dedicated the head PS of the two and the photo P of the star together as her and Pang Xuelin's mobile phone screensavers.

After this trip, Pang Xuelin returned Zhuang Yan to school.

He himself went to the newly established China Space Army headquarters.

General Chang Weisi, the new director of the Political Department of the Space Force, welcomed him warmly.

"Professor Pang, welcome to our space army to guide our work!"

"General Chang, goodbye last year. I didn't expect us to meet again here."

Pang Xuelin shook hands with Chang Weisi and said with a smile.

When he crossed the road for the first time, he suffered a car accident, which was protected by Chang Weisi.

Unexpectedly, in less than a year, he has become a famous face-to-face person, and Chang Weisi has also started to hold important positions in the space army.

"General Chang, I am visiting today. I mainly want to see the formation of the Space Army and to hear your ideas about the future space fleet and space war. Presumably this is also the hot spot that the Chinese military is studying. Today I am a pure observation. Or you can work normally at your usual pace. "

"Okay!" Chang Weisi nodded. "Professor Pang, just because we have a working meeting in the Political Department, you can come and listen. If there is anything wrong, please forgive me."

Next, Chang Weisi took Pang Xuelin to a conference room. Many people had come to the conference room, most of them were school-level officers wearing space army uniforms.

When everyone saw Pang Xuelin following Chang Weisi into the conference room, the entire conference room suddenly became loud.

No one expected that those who faced the wall would suddenly appear at the important working meeting of the military.

For a while, everyone was talking and speculating about Pang Xuelin's intentions.

"be quiet!"

Chang Wei snorted.

The meeting room was quiet for a moment.

Chang Wei thought: "This presumably does not need me to introduce, everyone knows, Professor Pang Xuelin who is a facet. Professor Pang came to the meeting today, mainly to see the formation of the Chinese space army, and discuss with you the future space fleet and space The idea of ​​the war, everyone can speak freely in the next meeting. Now we welcome Professor Pang. "

There was a sudden applause in the conference room.

Pang Xuelin nodded toward the crowd, smiling and sitting next to Chang Weisi.

His eyes glanced at everyone.

In the end, his gaze stayed in the middle of the conference room, looking straight ahead, and even to his arrival, a young colonel officer who did not show much surprise.

Chang Wei thought: "Comrades, I only received the order to serve as the director of the Political Department of the Space Army a week ago. Today is the first time I meet you. The duties of our Political Department must be clear to everyone, that is Let our troops maintain the faith of victory in the future war. Before this work begins, I would like to ask you a question, everyone here, do you have this faith? Or in other words, do you think there is victory in this war? Is it possible? Raise your hand if you can. "

The conference room became quiet, and Pang Xuelin raised his hand first, and then someone raised his hand, just the officer Pang Xuelin had noticed before.

The officer looked at Pang Xuelin unexpectedly, and Pang Xuelin smiled and nodded at him.

The atmosphere in the conference room suddenly became weird.

Chang Weisi was a little surprised: "Professor Pang, can you tell me where your belief in victory comes from?"

Pang Xuelin laughed: "As a face-faced person, if I don't even have the belief of victory, what kind of face-faced person should I be?"

Haha ...

Even with a serious military meeting, the crowd couldn't help but burst into laughter.

Pang Xuelin smiled lightly: "Well, this is just a joke. I have not only the belief of victory, but also the belief of victory. Of course, the plan to support this belief cannot be said yet, but it is in my mind. If I say that, then I am not a face-off! "

The crowd couldn't help but look at each other, and they didn't know if the wall-faced person was bragging, or if it really happened.

Chang Weisi couldn't help crying and laughing, so he turned to the colonel officer and said, "Comrade Zhang Beihai, what about you, where does your belief in victory come from?"

"It really is him!"

Pang Xuelin raised an eyebrow and said secretly in his heart.

Zhang Beihai stood up, maintaining excellent military manners, and said, "Head, your question is not clear to me in one or two sentences. After all, the establishment of faith is a long and complicated process. What I want to point out here first is The current wrong thoughts in the army. As you know, before the three-body crisis, we have always advocated to look at future wars with a scientific and rational perspective. This way of thinking has continued to the present with its powerful inertia. The joining of a large number of scholars and scientists has further exacerbated this trend of thought. If we use this way of thinking to think about the interstellar war four centuries later, we will never be able to build the faith of victory. "

"Comrade Zhang Beihai's words are strange." A colonel objected, "Isn't a firm belief based on science and rationality? A belief that is not based on objective facts cannot be firm."

Before waiting for Zhang Beihai's refutation, Pang Xuelin said, "I think Comrade Zhang Beihai's words have some truth. The science and rationality we are seeing may not be the true objective facts. We should see things developing and changing. , You can't use technology determinism and mechanical materialism to see the future step dead! "

Zhang Beihai looked at Pang Xuelin in surprise.

The batters are grabbing his lines.

Chang Weisi gave Pang Xuelin a thoughtful look and said, "Professor Pang, do you have any other ideas?"

Pang Xuelin said: "For the military, the belief in victory must be established, and this belief will not have the meaning and value of the army. What is important is how to build this belief!"

At this time, another officer said: "Professor Pang, we understand what you mean. But now the composition of the space army is very complex, from the various units of the navy and air force, from the military and local research institutions, and even Some scholars from local colleges. So how to build the belief of victory, our work is not easy to do. "

Chapter Hokkaido: "I think we should at least start with the mental outlook of the military, such as military clothing, internal affairs, and how to establish a sense of mission. It is undeniable that our space army is currently undertaking the mission of a military academy, but we You should first realize that you are an army and that you are at war! "

Chang Wei thought: "I think everyone said very well about how to build a sense of mission. We can specifically discuss the specific implementation plan in the next work. Next, we enter another topic of today's meeting, that That's how to build a space war theory. "

"At present, as countries’ research on the theory of space war is fully underway, but soon encountered problems: interstellar war research is undoubtedly based on the level of technological development, but now all basic research has just begun, and technological breakthroughs are still in progress. In the long run, this has caused our research to lose its support. In order to adapt to this situation, the headquarters revised the research plan and divided the original single space war theoretical research into three independent parts to adapt to the various technological levels that the human world may reach in the future. , They are: low-tech strategy, medium-tech strategy and high-tech strategy. "

"At present, the definition of three technical levels is underway. A large number of index parameters will be determined in each of the major disciplines, but the core parameters are the speed and range of a 10,000-ton spacecraft."

"Low technology level: The speed of the spacecraft is about 50 times the speed of the third universe, that is, about 800 km / s ~ ~ The spacecraft does not have the ability of ecological cycling. In this case, the spacecraft's combat radius will be limited Inside the solar system, within Neptune's orbit, within 30 astronomical units of the Sun. "

"Medium technical level: The speed of the spacecraft reaches about 300 times the speed of the third universe, which is 4800 km / s, and the spacecraft has some ecological cycle capabilities. In this case, the combat radius of the spacecraft will extend beyond the Kuiper Belt and away from the sun. Space within 1,000 astronomical units. "

"High-tech level: The speed of the spacecraft is about 1,000 times the speed of the third universe, which is 16,000 km / s, which is five percent of the speed of light. The spacecraft has a full ecological cycle capability. In this case, the spacecraft's combat navigation The range will be extended to the Oort Nebula, with preliminary interstellar navigation capabilities. "

"All the comrades present today will become members of the Space War Theoretical Research Group. Although the research of the three theoretical branches has overlapping parts, the research institutions are independent of each other. The names of these three institutions are tentatively designated as low-tech strategic studies. Room, China Technology Strategy Research Room and High Technology Strategy Research Room. This meeting today is to listen to your own choices as a reference for the next job arrangement of the military and political departments. Let ’s talk about your choices below. "


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