Latest website: The next morning, after breakfast, Pang Xuelin said: "Kris, prepare with Murphy, let's go now."

A little Murphy aside for a moment: "Big brother, where are we going now?"

Pang Xuelin smiled: "Don't ask more, you'll know later."


Half an hour later, Pang Xuelin went out with Kris and Murphy. Kris and Murphy both covered up, put a headscarf on their heads, exposed only a pair of eyes, and followed carefully all the way behind Pang Xuelin.

Pang Xuelin laughed secretly, but didn't say much.

In fact, the small house they lived in has been cleaned up by Tomoko.

Even if Kerry Ribbon walks around Murphy's light and upright, no one will come forward to report it.

Ten minutes later, Kris couldn't help walking to the side with Pang Xuelin, frowning: "Large brother, let's go further, it's Griffin's place ..."

Griffin the butcher has a well-known presence throughout the R9 refugee camp.

The 3K Party controlled by his men is fierce and bloodthirsty. It is the strongest gang in the R9 refugee camp. His 300-plus thugs have more than 50 guns. He is said to have a close relationship with a major battalion commander of the security forces. , Most people dare not provoke him.

Pang Xuelin laughed and said, "We are going to Griffin's old nest."


There was a look of surprise on Kris's face.

However, out of her trust in Pang Xuelin, she did not ask more, but silently followed Pang Xuelin.

What made Chris feel strange was that they didn't get any obstacles along the way, not even a few of them.

About ten minutes later, the three came to a small two-story building.

This small two-story building is like a villa with walls around it. It looks like a pearl in the gravel in a dilapidated and decaying refugee camp.

Pang Xuelin took Kris and Murphy into the doorway. The few members of the 3K Party who held lances and looked viciously at the door even bowed slightly to Pang Xuelin.

This made Chris feel a little incredible.

After she told Pang Xuelin that there was a human counterattack plan last night, Pang Xuelin said that taking her to see a person today, she began to realize that Pang Xuelin's identity was not ordinary.

But she never thought that Pang Xuelin would have such a close relationship with the underworld gangs in the refugee camp.

Pang Xuelin took Kris to a side house in Xiaolou, and a big man came out of the house.

Seeing Pang Xuelin, the man bowed to Pang Xuelin, respectfully said: "Mr. Pang, Miss Zhizi is waiting for you inside."

Kris widened her eyes.

She knows this man.

This is the famous butcher Griffin, the leader of the 3K party, but now, the other party respectfully called Pang Xuelin as Mr. Pang.

Who is this neighbor?

Just when Kris was in a state of turmoil, Pang Xuelin had directly entered the door.

The little Murphy next to Kris dragged Kris's hand, and Kris then reacted and quickly followed.

The room was ornately decorated with all kinds of exquisite furniture. Little Murphy had never seen such a scene. Even with two hands, she didn't even know where to put it.

Chrissie herself looked at this pretty woman who was carefully looking at her various styles with some restraint.

"Professor Pang, this is your little lover. It looks pretty. No wonder people have asked you so many times. You don't want to spend the night in the house."

Tomoko smiled sweetly.

Pang Xuelin glanced at Tomoko and said, "Well, Tomoko, don't make a joke, if you have anything to ask Chris, just ask it."

At this time, Kris had been shy enough to think that Tomoko was Pang Xuelin's little lover. She opened her eyes and looked at Tomoko. This voice was familiar to her. The mysterious woman who rescued her at first, her voice was just like the woman in front Exactly the same.

Moreover, the woman called Pang Xuelin as Professor Pang.

Who is this woman? What is Pang Xuelin's identity?

Tomoko looked at Chris with a smile and said, "Miss Chris, I'm glad to meet you. My name is Wang Zhi. You can call me Tomoko."

Kris took a deep breath and asked, "Chi ... Ms. Tomoko, I want to ask a question."

"Do you want to ask me if I saved you?"

Chris nodded.

Tomoko smiled, "Exactly, it was the order of the man next to you, and I tried to save you."

As for Tomoko's answer, Kris was not too surprised, but she looked at Pang Xuelin's eyes a little more and could not understand the meaning.

Little Murphy aside, looked at Pang Xuelin with a surprised look.

Pang Xuelin said: "Okay, less gossip, talk about business."

Tomoko converged the smile on his face, and said positively, "Miss Kris, you said that your grandfather told you that humans have a counterattack plan. Can you recall the specific content of your dialogue with your grandfather? And say this Time, place, and what kind of scene was at that time. "

Pang Xuelin said: "Kriss, if you think about it, what you say next is very important to us and to human civilization."

Chris nodded and fell into the memory.


Fifteen years ago, mankind failed in the war with the Shrimp civilization. In order to preserve human civilization, governments of various countries threatened Shrimp civilization with nuclear weapons washing the earth and destroying the surface.

In the end, the two sides signed an armistice agreement.

Humans will establish a human civilization reserve in Australia, and all places on the planet except Australia will become the territory of shrimp civilization.

It was that year ~ ~ Kris and her family were on their journey to Australia.

The only thing Chris remembered was that the ship was crowded and crowded.

She and her parents and grandfather squeezed into a small cabin of four or five square meters for half a month.

Everyone on the boat was very depressed, full of anxiety and confusion about the future, and every day people choose to commit suicide.

Until one day, the captain suddenly told everyone through the radio that one day, he would arrive at the Port of Melbourne, and the depressed atmosphere on the ship was only slightly relieved.

But also that night, Grandpa suddenly called the whole family and told them that he was going out. .

Mom and Dad seemed to already know what Grandpa was going to do, but just kept crying. Only young Chris was looking at Grandpa ignorantly.

Grandpa told them to keep hope, human beings have a chance to rise again, and they must not turn themselves into a kind of inhuman and ghostless existence.

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