The Science Fiction World of Xueba

Chapter 322: MOSS, come out and say hello

It was just that Pang Xuelin wouldn't have to worry about Chriss anymore, because Tomoko was back.

This time Tomoko returned, in addition to capturing more than a dozen experiments outside the body, he also brought a more important piece of information.

Uh ...

"What? The second Starship of the Shrimp civilization is ready for testing next year? Isn't it two years?"

When Pang Xuelin brought the news to Shao Yimin, Shao Yimin's face was shocked.

Wu Pang Xuelin said: "They are going to transfer some of the tests on the ground to space and wait for the anti-gravity engine to be installed next year, and then they will start a test flight."

Shao Yimin's brow froze tightly.

Starship, this is the root of shrimp man civilization has an overwhelming advantage over human civilization.

If the Shrimp civilization only has one Star Warship, then they can also find ways to kill one of them. Once the other party owns the second battleship, it means that Shrimp civilization is almost invincible. .

Shao Yimin groaned for a moment, picked up the phone on the desk and dialed out: "Notify Taylor and immediately hold a plenary meeting of the Antarctic Base Management Committee."

Half an hour later, Ali Taylor, director of the security department, Cromwell Oliver, director of the scientific research department, Pan Tong, director of the agricultural department, Schwartz Edman, director of the industrial department, and Yohei Uchimura, director of the internal affairs department, successively came to the management committee meeting. indoor.

After listening to Pang Xuelin's latest information. The needle fell suddenly and quietly in the conference room, and everyone frowned, apparently shocked by the bad news.

Shao Yimin said: "Olive, how quickly can the virus research and development be completed if the test speeds up now?"

Oliver said: "As soon as six months, the virus incubation period is about three months to six months, and we should be able to complete the spread of the virus before the second warship takes off."

Shao Yimin said: "In this case, we will follow the original plan and start the operation as soon as the virus is developed. We must not let the second Star Warship of the Shrimp civilization lift off."

"I understand!"

Oliver nodded and responded directly.

Shao Yimin turned his attention to Taylor, Pan Tong, Edman and others, setting out tasks one by one.

Everyone responded.

At this time, Pang Xuelin said, "Director Shao, maybe we don't have to worry so much."

"Don't worry so much?"

Shao Yimin said for a moment: "Why?"

Pang Xuelin glared: "The second Star Warship is so important to the Shrimp civilization. Even when the virus erupts, they realize that humans are launching genocide against them. Maybe they will let the warship take off at all costs ... rather than letting their second battleship take off ... "

"Let the second warship take off normally, what if they launch a massive and devastating blow to the earth?"

Pang Xuelin laughed and said, "Since the second Star Warship can attack the Earth, it should also be able to attack another Star Warship?"

Shao Yimin froze and looked at Pang Xuelin: "Professor Pang, what do you mean?"

Xi Pang Xuelin said with a smile: "Since the Shrimp civilization has built a second Star Warship, it must definitely form a brand new pick-up unit. At that time, we can find a way to mix in and control this warship."

Schwartz Edman couldn't help crying: "Professor Pang, isn't that the Shrimp Star Warship is wrong and only allows native Shrimp to board the ship? How do your people get involved? How do you pass their monitoring? And even if a few people go well Mix it in, and what role it can play in the face of such a warship with a nuclear load of tens of thousands or even more than 100,000. "

Pang Xuelin smiled lightly: "Mr. Edman, it's very simple, I can prove it to everyone now!"

"how to prove?"

Edman froze slightly.

Pang Xuelin laughed: "MOSS, come out and say hello to everyone!"

Soon, an LED display hanging on the first wall of the conference room suddenly lighted up, and then an electronic sound came out of it: "Mr. Edman, hello, I'm MOSS, very happy See you all! "

"what is this?"

"who is it?"

"Professor Pang, what do you mean?"

Uh ...

The meeting room suddenly became noisy, and soon everyone focused on Pang Xuelin.

If Pang Xuelin wants to use MOSS's control authority to do something to everyone during this period, I am afraid that the control of the base has already fallen into Pang Xuelin's hands.

Pang Xuelin coughed and said with a smile: "Don't worry, don't be impatient. I forgot to tell you before. The quantum computer I gave to the research group also contained an artificial intelligence. Its name is MOSS. . "

Oliver's face showed an incredible color: "Professor Pang, you used MOSS to invade the base's core control system, and thus controlled the entire base!"

"Professor Oliver, you guessed it!"

Xi Pang Xuelin snapped his fingers and said with a smile.

The meeting room suddenly calmed down, and everyone looked at Pang Xuelin in shock.

There are even a few hostility in the eyes of a few people.

You must know that Pang Xuelin entered the base two years ago ~ ~ Although the treatment on the surface is good, but that's all.

各个 Peng Xuelin is not qualified to approach all key departments and important facilities in the base.

Especially Tomoko, during the life of the base, her daily range of activities was monitored.

But now everyone has discovered that the so-called precaution is simply a joke.

The other side was silent and inserted an artificial intelligence into the base control system.

Shao Yimin said: "Professor Pang, so, two years ago, you have completed the control of the entire base?"

Pang Xuelin smiled slightly and nodded.

At this time, Ali Taylor said, "Professor Pang, what do you want to do?"

Pang Xuelin smiled and said, "I just want to prove to everyone that since I have a way to control the entire Antarctic base, then I also have a way to control the enemy's starship."

After a pause, Pang Xuelin continued: "The construction of the second Star Warship of the Shrimp civilization has a large number of transformative engineers and scientists, many of whom are mine. We do not need to wait for the completion of this ship You can start to prepare now, for example, let MOSS secretly lurk into the main control computer of this warship now, and get the control of the entire warship from the lowest level of the system. There is a lot of room for operation. At that time, when I dived into the spacecraft myself, I could completely control the entire battleship, thereby containing another Shrimp civilization ship, and even launching an active attack on it. "

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