The elder's televised speech caused a tsunami-like storm around the world.

Especially among those who transformed, an unprecedentedly complex mood came to mind.

In the past month or so, many transformed human infections have gradually returned to humans.

At the beginning, many people were still crying and grabbing the ground, trying to make themselves transformants again.

But gradually, as more and more people became infected with the anti-assimilation virus, they became human again.

Various rumors have begun to appear in society.

One of the most widely spread rumors was that human civilization concealed some forces in those days, and now this force has finally stood out and launched a counterattack against the shrimp civilization.

The words of the elders today undoubtedly confirm the fact that human civilization is launching a counterattack.

It is now only twenty years since the failure of human beings, and many transformed people are not willing to become shrimp people.

If humans have a chance to fight back, many transformants have already considered how to deal with the native shrimp who always hold them down.

In Australia, it's a different scene.

Countless people came out of the room and stared in horror at the two silver-white ships that appeared in the sky.

People near the coastline find ways to sail to the sea, and countless inland humans and transformed people can only pray in horror that the power behind this infectious disease can stand up and reach the leadership of the Shrimp civilization as soon as possible. protocol.

At this point, the Antarctic base.

Shao Yimin, Oliver and others gathered in the conference room one after another. They also received the televised signal of the elders of Shrimp civilization.

"Director Shao, what shall we do?"

Oliver turned his eyes to Shao Yimin, Shen said.

The elder's televised speech set everyone on the fire on the fire.

Although they are very clear, even if they come up with a vaccine against this virus, human civilization and shrimp civilization cannot coexist peacefully as the elder said.

But it really made them watch as the tens of millions of humans in Australia fought in the battleships, and they couldn't do it.

"Is there any news from Professor Pang?"

Shao Yimin turned his eyes to Ali Taylor.

Taylor shook his head. "Not yet."

Shao Yimin groaned for a moment and said: "There are still more than 20 minutes left. If more than 20 minutes later, the two Star Warships still have no abnormalities, we will directly contact the senior people of Shrimp civilization."



At this moment, in the communication capsule of the Goethe spacecraft, Pang Xuelin watched the elder's TV speech without expression, and then said to his colleagues: "I'll go to the bathroom!"

Out of the communication room, Pang Xuelin closed the door and gave a flick of his finger. Soon, the screams of shrimp soldiers came from the communication room.

Pang Xuelin waited for a moment at the door. Soon, Zhizi Yun came out lightly and handed a laser gun to Pang Xuelin.

"MOSS has started as planned. Husband, I will go to the command room. Hurry up and go to the escape cabin. We only have twenty minutes. Be careful on the road!"

"You are also careful!"

Pang Xuelin nodded, watching Tomoko disappear at the door of the passage, he turned around and walked in the other direction ...

Originally due to the outbreak of the anti-assimilation virus, quarantine measures were adopted in various areas within the spacecraft.

But with the help of MOSS, all kinds of isolation doors seemed to Pang Xuelin not to exist.

Even if one or two people are occasionally encountered on the road, no one will realize that Pang Xuelin is from another area.

Silent killings proceeded quickly inside the Goethe.

Fifteen minutes later, Pang Xuelin successfully reached the location of the escape capsule.


A soldier in charge of guarding the escape capsule found Pang Xuelin. Pang Xuelin raised his hand at the opponent's head and shot him. He instantly penetrated his head, leaving only a bullet hole with a smoke in it.

Subsequently, Pang Xuelin rushed directly into the escape room, which was densely packed with thousands of small escape cabins for two to four people.

Pang Xuelin found one of them and drilled in to make sure that the various materials inside the escape cabin were complete. Pang Xuelin said: "MOSS, start the escape procedure!"


The escape capsule made a buzzing sound and was quickly sent into a small pipe.

With a bang, the escape capsule was ejected along the pipe.

At the same time, the fusion engine in the Goethe spacecraft began to run at full power.

Laser cannons and particle beam weapons were rapidly recharged, and various interstellar torpedoes and interstellar missiles launched a sudden attack on the Tia spacecraft 100 kilometers away.

The laser cannon hit first, ablating the Tia's surface armor.

Immediately afterwards, the high-energy particle beam entered the interior of the Tia along the gap created by the laser ablation, causing mass destruction to the crew in the Tia.

Subsequently, hundreds of interstellar torpedoes were torn out by Goethe, and within a few tens of seconds, the light of destruction from the explosion of the hydrogen bomb appeared on the surface of Tia's hull.

"Goethe, Goethe, what are you doing!"

"Without stopping my ship will launch a counterattack against you!"

"The Goethe is attacking Tia, asking for a counterattack!"



In the neutrino communication channel, all kinds of news are flying.

But it was too late, and three minutes later, the completely out of control Goethe hit the Tia spacecraft.

Suddenly, their nuclear fusion capsules exploded violently. In the night sky of the eastern hemisphere, two dazzling suns slowly rose in the eyes of countless people, and then ended quickly.

It seems like a Shrimp civilization flashed by a meteor.

Soon, the world's major cities fell into endless carnival and joy.

No one noticed that at the corner of the two suns, a star flickered by.


Headquarters of the Senate, watching the moment when the two spacecraft exploded, the Chief Elder sat paralyzed on the ground and muttered to himself: "Shrimp civilization, it's over!"

At the Antarctic base, Shao Yimin, who observed all this through a small astronomical telescope, was relieved.

But a word from Oliver put everyone in the conference room into a long silence: "Professor Pang, on the spaceship!"

At this point, in another room at the base, Kris was stroking the slightly swollen abdomen, with a motherly glow on her face: "Baby, your father will come back to us!"


Inside the escape cabin ~ ~ Tomoko quietly appeared holding a quantum computer.

"Husband, we succeeded!"

Tomoko rushed into Pang Xuelin's arms.

Pang Xuelin took the quantum computer with MOSS back into the system space, hugged Tomoko tightly, and smiled, "Yes, we succeeded!"

"Where are we going next?"

Pang Xuelin took a deep look at the earth, then turned his eyes to the distant starry sky: "Let's go to Saturn and see what happened to that wormhole."

Tomoko blinked and said, "Don't go and say goodbye to Chris?"

Pang Xuelin said: "Don't go first, anyway, when we leave, this time and space will enter a frozen state, and there will be time later, we can come and see them."

Tomoko hesitated, nodded, and said nothing.

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