The Science Fiction World of Xueba

Chapter 340: Large face scene

United States, White House.

Pang Xuelin attended the press conference at 3 pm and 2 am local time in Washington.

"Mr. President, there is an emergency report."

He was awakened by a loud noise. When he got dressed and came out of the bedroom, he saw Secretary of State Pei Pengao, Vice President Peng Si, President National Security Assistant O'Brien and other White House heavyweight officials already outside the bedroom. Waiting in the reception room.

"What happened, woke me up at night?"

Asked specifically.

Pei Pengao and Peng Si looked at each other and said, "Mr. President, the news has just come from China. They have successfully developed lithium air batteries."

"Lithium-air battery?" He didn't understand a bit, "Is this stuff important?"

O'Brien coughed aside, saying, "Mr. President, the energy density of lithium batteries in the world is currently between 200 and 300 watt-hours. The Chinese have directly increased the energy density of lithium batteries by ten times. It will change the current global energy industry structure and further promote the further development of China's manufacturing industry. It threatens us a hundred times as much as Warwick's 5G technology! "

O'Brien's last sentence made Teppe suddenly realize the severity of the situation.

"How did the Chinese get this stuff? Why didn't they have any information in this regard before?"

Te Pianpu looks a little excited.

"This ... Mr. President, it's like this ..."

O'Brien hesitated a bit and talked about how Pang Xuelin got Kirton Walker from Princeton to Jiangda University, and how to bet with people about getting lithium-air batteries in half a year.

In the end, O'Brien said, "In fact, it is no secret that Pang Xuelin is studying lithium-air batteries. However, no matter whether it is academia or our intelligence department, that genius boy can really make lithium-air batteries.

Te watched O'Brien silently, without speaking.

The reception room was quiet, and everyone seemed to be waiting for Mr. President's decision.

Suddenly, Te Fen clenched his fists and said loudly: "Theft, the Chinese are stealing. They stole our scientists and our technology!"

"Mr. President, do you mean ...?"

Peipao wondered.

He especially said: "Corton Walker is a professor at Princeton University. An American, without him, the Chinese can make lithium-air batteries? This is our technology !!! It must not be exclusive to the Chinese !!!! ! "

The people in the reception room looked at each other, and Pei Penao's eyes lit up.


Not to mention the reaction on the US side.

At this time, China's domestic market has shown a trend of anti-profit.

Although the press conference is still going on, the Internet is like a magnitude nine earthquake, and there are cheers and discussions like mountains and tsunami everywhere.

Weibo hot search from the first to the tenth was completely dominated by this news.

# 庞学林 和 lithium 空气 电池 #, # 金龙 电池 #, # 国新办 新闻 展会 #, # 金龙 电池 的 好好 #, # 庞学林 和田 宏 打 BET #, # 金龙 集团 established soon, # 中油 中 石化 降 止 # 、 # 四 部委 官方 联合 评 #, # 新 凯 材料 科技 有限公司 #, # 星 环 科技 shares Jinlong Group # ……

Almost every one is closely related to Pang Xuelin and lithium air battery.

"Oh my god, this morning when CCTV said that a press conference would be held at 3 pm, I was still worried about something big happening in our country. It was only after watching the press conference that I was convinced that this was A great thing. Until now I still have a dream-like feeling. The 2.78kwh / kg lithium air battery is a miracle! "

"I feel similar, too incredible!"

"Professor Pang once again dominated Weibo search !!!"

"Don't you think the name of Jinlong Battery is very old?"

"Haha, the soil is not enough, the fighting power is five !!! (manual dog head)"

"If you all feel dirt, I'm relieved."

"Academician Pang Xuelin is worthy of the Warriors. Think of the ridicule of Academician Pang Xuelin on the Internet for the past six months. I was also one of the taunters now. Although my face has been swollen by Academician Pang, I am not angry at all. Here. , I formally apologize to Academician Pang! "

"Apologize to Academician Pang +1."

"Apologize to Academician Pang +2."

"Apologize to Academician Pang +3."


In Zhihu, there are more people waiting in line to apologize than Weibo.

You know, when Pang Xuelin and Tian Hong bet, the criticism on Zhihu was the fiercest.

One of the netizens raised such a question.

[Do you think Professor Pang's lithium-air battery project is reliable? 】

This question has been for half a year, and now the answer has exceeded 2,000 people, and 90% of them are looking at the project.

The top answer is as follows: "1. The terrible high specific capacity of lithium air batteries is pure nonsense, because this is calculated based on materials such as Li and O2 with almost incalculable mass. You take a small decimal When the denominator, of course, a huge number will be divided, and this elementary school student will play. But the true capacity of the battery must be counted honestly for all the electrode components (this does not include the equipment that separates pure oxygen from the air , Or the quality of pure oxygen cylinders), in this way, haha, it is not much higher than LiCoO2. The cowhide is completely kicked.

After seeing him, the scotch lithium bull who had lost his reputation in Scotland had to tweak the quality of the Au electrode. How expensive is Au? Is the battery for the local tyrants? (But people still send it on Sce, can't accept it), the result is that the capacity is now only more than 500 after removing the water (how much do you want to use Au).

2. Lithium air or lithium-pure oxygen? These are two vastly different concepts. What the lithium air concept stock flickers is that it can achieve huge capacity with free air, which is simply another magical water to oil! But the fact is that you must use pure oxygen. You do n’t know that nitrogen will also react with lithium, and it is irreversible. So how much nitrogen is in the air? Therefore, the human brain that does lithium empty will automatically filter out the question of "how to effectively and reliably separate pure oxygen from the air". This is a very challenging problem, if it can be realized from the air very efficiently and at low cost Separating pure oxygen, then many energy problems are solved, what battery is still struggling to make?

By the way, because the lithium air system is famous for its liveliness, it is generally necessary to use high-purity oxygen. Generally, there is a little water in the pure oxygen, etc. Then you wait for the reaction with the lithium electrode or electrolyte. Imagine a car uploading a large cylinder of high-purity oxygen in the future. Is this a rocket?

3. DuPont didn't know which evildoer had been given to Huyou (I mean Corton Walker), and dumped a lot of money on the lithium empty project. But then the entire project was completely rooted out, and the leader went to Princeton to take the exam. In fact, DuPont is still the true conscience of the industry. People calm down and study carefully, and finally find out-who brought us to this plagued pit. "

And now, all the water below this post are whip corpses.

"Despite what you said, Professor Pang ignored it and lost you a Golden Dragon battery."

"Experts who know about it, Weibo's gangster, even if you are an insider, but if it's not a big cow, please don't just casually express your opinion, maybe the big cow will slap you."

"Haha, watching the scene of the big face."

"Professor Pang said he didn't know what he knew. You said yours, I'm mine ..."

"I think Zhier owes an apology to Academician Pang."

"Apologize to Academician Pang +1."

"Apologize to Academician Pang +2."


As for the column of Dr. Stanford Tian Hong who bet with Pang Xuelin ~ ~, it was also exploded by netizens.

The following comments are also asking for an apology.

And major portals and media, news about Pang Xuelin and Jinlong Battery also quickly occupied the headlines.

[Tencent News: Guoshi Wushuang, the lithium air battery developed by Academician Pang Xuelin's team officially appeared]

[Pig raising network: the beginning of the future era, Jinlong battery will change the global energy pattern]

[Sina News: State News Office held a press conference, Academician Pang Xuelin announced the successful development of lithium air batteries]

[ Juvenile genius opens a great era, China's industrial upgrading will usher in a strong momentum]

[Burning News: Four ministries jointly declare that Jinlong Battery Industrialization is about to enter the fast track]

[Observer: Academician Pang Xuelin is a gift from the times, and he will be among the greatest scientists of the 21st century]

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