Pang Xuelin returned to the bedroom, closing the door and saying, "Tomiko, come out!"

The curtains hanging on the balcony flickered, and Tomoko appeared silently in front of Pang Xuelin.

"Professor Pang, should I try to save someone?"

Pang Xuelin shook his head and said, "Stare first. Have you found the FBI's video framed by Qi Xin?"

Tomoko said: "They did a very secretive job and put the new electrolyte material from Princeton Chemical Laboratory in her trunk during Qi Xin's transit. This process was done without monitoring. We couldn't find it. To the material that can prove Qi Xin's innocence. "

"In addition, they even prepared a surveillance video in advance, sending someone posing as Qi Xin to sneak into Princeton University's chemical laboratory to steal materials, and intentionally left video evidence."

"Did they leave no textual information when they asked the FBI to do something?"

Tomoko shook his head and said, "It should come from a verbal order. I haven't found any valuable evidence yet."

Pang Xuelin frowned. This time, the US side obviously made adequate preparations.

On the one hand, using the Qi Xin case to put extreme pressure on China and Pang Xuelin, forcing China to come up with Jinlong battery technology in exchange.

On the other hand, even if they don't get the Jinlong battery technology, they have to use Qi Xin's case to completely stink Pang Xuelin's reputation.

"How is Qi Xin now?"

"It is very safe. Currently, she is being held alone in the FBI's Los Angeles branch. The counterparty is very rigorous in handling procedures and cannot find any flaws in a short time."

Pang Xuelin nodded and groaned for a moment and said: "Staring at the person in charge of the case on the US side, recording their daily work dialogues and confidential documents, I don't believe they will show no flaws. As for forced rescue, it is no longer necessary, Don't come this far. "

It is not advisable to take coercive measures until Qi Xin's innocence is proved.

The United States is not Japan. Even if Pang Xuelin really rescues Qi Xin, Qi Xin may not be able to live upright in the future.

Therefore, any means of retaliation must wait until it is proved that Qi Xin is innocent and returned to the country without any problems.

Just then, Pang Xuelin's ringtone suddenly rang.

As soon as Pang Xuelin looked at the electric display, he couldn't help showing strangeness.

The call came from Yao Bingxia.

Tomoko laughed: "Professor Pang, should I avoid it?"

Pang Xuelin gave her a blank look and said, "No need."

After speaking, Pang Xuelin pressed the answer button directly: "Hey, Xiaoxia."

"Brother Kobayashi ..."

"Xiaoxia, what's wrong?"

"Brother Xiaolin, I just saw Sister Qi Xin. Sister Qi Xin will be fine, right?"

In Yao Bingxia's tone, the color of worry overflowed.

Before Pang Xuelin was with her, Qi Xin had always been Pang Xuelin's gossip girlfriend.

Later, when the two were together, Qi Xin chose to leave the United States.

Therefore, for Qi Xin, Yao Bingxia has always felt a sense of guilt.

Now that Qi Xin has been detained because he was the secretary of Pang Xuelin, Yao Bingxia's guilt is even stronger.

If it wasn't for Pang Xuelin's sudden appearance, Qi Xin would not have traveled to the United States, and this would not have happened.

Therefore, after seeing Qi Xin's news, Yao Bingxia called Pang Xuelin as soon as possible.

Pang Xuelin could feel the kind of mentality of Yao Bingxia. He said with a smile: "Xiao Xia, you don't have to worry. No matter it is me or the government, we will do our best to rescue Qi Xin."


"Well, don't even think about it, it's not too late now, you should rest early."

"Well, Brother Kobayashi, then you also go to bed early, good night."

"good night!"

Hanging up the phone, Pang Xuelin raised his head, just meeting Tomoko's gaze.

Pang Xuelin glared at her and said: "Tomoko, you took a Poseidon to sneak into the United States tonight, and once Qi Xin is in danger, use force to rescue it directly. If there is no danger, then stare at me. In addition, here is After the United States, I checked the black material of those politicians. Since they are not following the rules, we don't need to be led by them ... "

"I see, my professor Pang."

Tomoko smiled sweetly and went up to peck on Pang Xuelin's lips.

Just then, the knock on the door suddenly sounded.

Tomoko blinked and walked out of the balcony.

Pang Xuelin opened the bedroom door, and saw Zuo Yiqiu standing at the door, looking at him with amusement.

"Professor Pang, were you talking to someone just now?"

"Oh, I'm talking to Xiao Xia, what's wrong?"

Pang Xuelin Road.

Zuo Yiqiu glanced suspiciously at Pang Xuelin. She just faintly heard a female voice coming from Pang Xuelin's bedroom. Did she hear it wrong? Or is Pang Xuelin's phone on handsfree?

However, she responded quickly and said, "I just got the news that the consulate has already visited Ms. Qi Xin. At present, Ms. Qi is still safe. Although she is detained, there is nothing in life except for her personal freedom. Question. Let me tell you above, you don't have to worry, we will do our best to rescue Ms. Qi Xin. "

Pang Xuelin nodded, and said lightly, "I know, it's not too late now, you should go back and rest early."

"okay then!"

Zuo Yiqiu hesitated for a moment and turned to leave.

Pang Xuelin closed the door and came to the balcony. Tomoko had already left.

Pang Xuelin shook his head, just ready to take a bath to sleep, and the phone rang again.

This time, it was Mom who called.

"Kobayashi, what's going on with Xiaoqi? What's going on with her?"

At the other end of the phone, my mother Mei Yuqing heard some anxious voice.

Before Pang Xuelin and Yao Bingxia were together, Mei Yuqing was always optimistic about Qi Xin.

It was only that Pang Xuelin chose Yao Bingxia ~ ~ Qi Xin to go to the United States to study. Mei Yuqing didn't say much besides feeling that the two had nothing to do.

It was just that she never expected that Qi Xin would have been detained by the Americans because of her relationship with her son.

Pang Xuelin said: "Mom, it's okay, now the government is trying its best to rescue, you don't have to worry."

Mei Yuqing said: "I'm not worried about Qi Xin. I'm worried about her parents. If you think about it, your daughter is alone in a foreign country because of such a big deal because of your relationship. They should be worried."

"Mom, do you want to ...?"

"Do you have any way to find out the contact information of Qi Xin's parents? It is not convenient for you to go there. As a parent, I must go there and comfort them."

Pang Xuelin groaned for a moment and said, "Okay, then I will send you the contact information of Qi Xin's parents."


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