The Science Fiction World of Xueba

Chapter 381: Another year

The Nobel Prize Dinner is at 3 am or 4 am domestic time.

But on the Internet, more than 20 million people watched Pang Xuelin's speech simultaneously through the live broadcast of CCTV News.

"Haha, Professor Pang is so handsome."

"Among a group of old ladies and old ladies, my husband is the most beautiful cub."

"Don't just drink alcohol, eat cephalosporins."

"Learn God is mine, don't rob me!"

"Anyone who has yellow urine, wake upstairs, even if diabetes, don't let him taste sweet."

"Professor Pang's speech is good, I feel very energetic, not like a series of other words."

"Why do I feel this speech is quite satisfactory?"

正常 "Normal, do you want to make any other public comments on this occasion? Besides, Professor Pang is not such a high-profile person ..."

Uh ...

Netizens have been discussing online.

Pang Xuelin didn't feel anything special. In the warm applause at the scene, Pang Xuelin got down from the podium and returned to his seat.

Grandpa Pang Shao'an laughed: "Xiao Lin, you speak well."

Xi Pang Xuelin smiled and nodded.

之后 After his speech was completed, the remaining six winners came to the stage to give their speeches.

The dinner did not officially begin until 7 pm.

The dinner is more abundant than Pang Xuelin imagined. .

The first dish is a pearl meat platter, served with carrot flowers and Gotland truffles, chanterelle sauce and truffle mayonnaise, and served with French Gaston Ziquette traditional champagne.

The second course is fried turbot and Norwegian lobster, served with cream cheese and spinach puree lobster tart, and cabbage minced meat, tempeh and almond mashed potatoes. Precious wine.

Break through the tradition of "white meat with white wine, red meat with red wine".

The last dessert is chocolate crispy nougat and sea buckthorn layer cake, with Italian Michele Chiaro winery Niomoscato Asdi sweet white wine.

The dinner process, as well as the three-person opera performance of the Stockholm Royal Philharmonic and the Swedish National Opera.

Pang Xuelin didn't understand Swedish and looked a little boring.

八 At eight o'clock in the evening, the one-and-a-half hour dinner ended, and then the grand ball.

At the beginning of the Prom Ball, Pang Xuelin instantly became the focus of the celebrities.

This young scientist who is famous in the world is undoubtedly more popular with them than those old ladies.

However, to their disappointment, the first two dancing with Pang Xuelin were two beautiful girls from the east who had been with Pang Xuelin.

Pang Xuelin only accepted invitations from others, including two princesses from the Swedish royal family.

Time passed by unknowingly. Seeing the end of the dinner, Pang Xuelin finally dealt with the last girl. When she was about to talk to Yao Bingxia and Qi Xin for a few days, she saw a slim figure appearing in front of her.

"Professor Pang, let's jump one too."

Today's Zuo Yiqiu, changed from the simpler dress style of the past, and changed to a stylish and elegant blue dress, which looks intellectual and beautiful.

"it is good."

Xi Pang Xuelin smiled slightly, took Zuo Yiqiu's small hand, and slowly danced around her waist.

Zuo Yiqiu felt the temperature of Pang Xuelin's skin, and her fair complexion climbed a hint of redness unconsciously.

I asked Pang Xuelin to dance, but she hesitated for a long time before making up her mind.

It's not that she has any special feelings about Pang Xuelin, but after Pang Xuelin dances with Qi Xin and Yao Bingxia, more and more participating ladies find Pang Xuelin, which makes her feel a little tired.

As Pang Xuelin's secretary, it shouldn't be too much to ask the boss to dance.

Not far away, Qi Xin and Yao Bingxia held a glass of champagne, watching Pang Xuelin and Zuo Yiqiu dancing in the center of the stage.

Yao Bingxia said a little helplessly: "Sister Xin, sister Xiaoqiu should also follow our family, right?"

Qi Qixin shook her head and said, "Should not, I usually look at it on weekdays, but I haven't seen her do anything special."

When she first met Zuo Yiqiu, she and Yao Bingxia were both a bit wary and worried whether the girl would have any thoughts about Pang Xuelin.

But after living together for such a long time, Pang Xuelin and Zuo Yiqiu are completely like a business official, Qi Xin gradually relieved.

Yao Bingxia smiled bitterly: "I hope so."

Uh ...

The day after the awards party ended, Pang Xuelin and his team left Stockholm by special plane.

庞 For the next month or more, Pang Xuelin was always busy.

He first went to Beijing with Kirton Walker to receive a formal high-level interview, and then they went to CCTV to participate in a special program.

After all, the two have just won the Nobel Prize. After returning to China, they naturally have to show their faces in front of the people of the country.

These are all due to boost morale.

After returning to Jiangcheng, Jiangda held another grand celebration ceremony.

The two Nobel Prize winners produced by Jiangda Jiangjing University are unique in the whole country. The president of Jiangda University Xu Xincheng almost smiled.

Even Jiang students, when arguing with Jiang on the Internet who is stronger or weaker than Qingbei, have much confidence.

"Tsinghua's information science and biology are significantly stronger than Jiangda."

"We have two Nobel Prize winners ..."

"Beijing University of Arts and Sciences are better than Jiangda ..."

"We have two Nobel Prize winners ..."

"Tsinghua has Qiu Chengtong, Yao Qizhi ..."

"We have Pang Xuelin, Kirton Walker, and we are all Nobel Prize winners ..."


MMP, can't talk anymore.

He Pang Xuelin didn't have any special feeling. Although the halo on his body increased a little bit, it did not have much impact on his daily work and life.

I can't say no, that is, when Pang Xuelin goes to work every day, there will be many invitations on the desk.

Academic conferences, lectures, summits, and some invitations from universities, inviting Pang Xuelin to give a report in the past.

The appearance fee for these conferences is staggering, at least above 500,000 RMB, even some foreign universities or scientific research institutions are no exception.

However, Pang Xuelin gave Zuo Yiqiu the same push. He wanted to focus on the construction work of Qiantang Lab and Jiangcheng Advanced Research Institute. How could he have time to participate in these messy meetings.

Unconsciously, time entered January 2022.

Xuan Pang Xuelin and Kirton Walker's award-winning enthusiasm gradually dissipated. Another more important news quickly exploded the network and attracted the attention of global media.

The first batch of Jinlong batteries went into mass production and officially entered the application.

Because of limited production, the first product equipped with Jinlong battery is a smartphone.

As for the Golden Dragon battery car, it will not be available until at least the second half of the year.

1On January 10, 2022, the four major domestic smartphone manufacturers Warwick, Rice, Oppa, and Viva released four new smartphones, namely Warwick mateX2, Rice 11S, Oppareno5, and VivaX50.

The price of these four products ranges from 4,000 to 12,000, which can basically guarantee standby for more than one month, light use for more than ten days, and heavy use also have more than five days of battery life.

After the relevant test video was published online, it quickly aroused great attention from the global public and the media.

Because China and Western countries have not reached a related agreement on the export of Golden Dragon batteries, neither Apple nor Samsung can directly obtain Golden Dragon batteries.

On the contrary, four mobile phone manufacturers from China, Warwick, Rice, Oppa and Viva, can be sold directly worldwide.

Even people in Europe and the United States can purchase these four mobile phones through online channels.

On the first day of release, Warwick, Rice, Oppa, and Viva each prepared two million units of supply, which is equivalent to eight million Jinlong battery cell phones, but all took out in less than thirty seconds.

80% of them are purchased by domestic people, and the remaining 20% ​​are from abroad.

In the next few days, the test video of Jinlong battery mobile phone quickly spread on the network. After receiving a shipment, a digital master even delayed the game while playing the game to test the battery life. Time photography.

The whole process uses a substitution and non-stop mode. In the end, the Jinlong battery mobile phone continued to play for more than one hundred hours before the battery was exhausted.

视频 This video has been played more than one billion times on YouTube, and the total number of playbacks on major domestic platforms has also exceeded one billion. The amazing battery life brought by Jinlong Battery has quickly detonated the world.

Almost everyone is proud to own a Golden Dragon battery phone.

It's just a pity that due to the limited production capacity, the four major mobile phone manufacturers have to adopt the practice of placing goods once a week.

Even so, every shipment is sold out within 30 seconds.

不到 In less than a month, more than 30 million Jinlong battery mobile phones appeared around the world.

金 The performance of Jinlong Battery has finally been recognized by people all over the world.

As for Pang Xuelin, he certainly does not need to snap up mobile phones like these people.

Long before the release of the mobile phones of the four major manufacturers, each of the four major manufacturers sent Pang Xuelin hundreds of top-level Golden Dragon battery mobile phones.

So Pang Xuelin simply came to a welfare show and helped his relatives, friends and students change their mobile phones.

Uh ...

正式 The official release of the Jinlong battery cell phone, in the beginning of 2022, was regarded as explosive news.

余 The aftermath of its explosion has directly allowed Apple and Samsung to stop for half a month, and the market value has evaporated by nearly a fifth.

But its influence is far from confined to the field of electronic products, and it has a very important impact on the global economy, politics and other aspects.

上 Since the successful research and development of Jinlong Battery in the first half of 2021, China and European and American countries have started negotiations on Jinlong battery-related export issues.

This negotiation has been scratching the skin for nearly half a year. China has demanded that the West must lift the high-tech blockade against China before China can set up a Jinlong battery factory in another country.

The United States has always been reluctant to blockade on the technology blockade, so progress in the negotiations has been modest.

As a result, after the release of the Jinlong battery cell phone, the storm it triggered far exceeded the expectations of leaders of various countries.

In countries such as the United States and Britain, even large numbers of people have gathered to protest that the government failed to reach an agreement with China, making them unable to purchase Jinlong battery mobile phones.

And companies like Apple and Tesla have also increased pressure on the US government.

Although domestic oil consortia are trying to stop this storm, the industrial revolution triggered by the technology field is far from what they can counter.

On January 20th, the EU failed to withstand the pressure first and took the lead in announcing that if no agreement could be reached between the United States and Europe, the EU would have to negotiate with China separately on the export agreement of Jinlong Battery.

The next day the news came out, Britain, Japan, and South Korea also announced that they would sign related agreements with China separately.

Suddenly, the White House began to sit down.

If the European Union, the United Kingdom, Japan, and South Korea have individually signed agreements with China, it is almost equivalent to severing the United States from the Golden Dragon Battery Industry Alliance, and the United States is likely to miss the industrial revolution brought by the Golden Dragon Battery.

This is unacceptable to the American government.

After two days of consideration, the White House announced that the lifting of the high-tech blockade against China could be included in the scope of bilateral negotiations, but China must conduct a modest technology transfer to the United States.

Uh ...

Xuan Pang Xuelin ignored these disturbances. For him, the best news in January was that Wanyi's team completed the upgrade of the black blade material reaction black box.

From the poor two meters per day to forty meters ~ ~ the output has increased twenty times.

Although compared to practical applications, it is still a sloppy bucket.

However, through this upgrade, the Flying Blade material team has perfected the production line design plan for the production of Flying Blade materials. Next, it only needs to dock with Xinkai Materials Co., Ltd. It is expected that large-scale production will be available in the second half of this year. .

As for superconducting materials, Qiantang Lab has successfully signed a cooperation agreement with the University of Science and Technology of China to help Cao Yuan and his team build a two-dimensional superconducting material laboratory.

At present, Cao Yuan is still conducting related experiments at his own pace, but only sharing data with Pang Xuelin.

Xi Pang Xuelin constructed the theoretical mechanism of superconducting materials based on the collected data.

However, this work is very difficult, and Pang Xuelin himself does not know when he will make a breakthrough.

New Year's Eve in 2022 happens to be January 31st, and February 1st is New Year's Day.

Xi Pang Xuelin had Zhou Chen and Zuo Yiqiu go home for Chinese New Year early. Qi Xin and Yao Bingxia also went back to their own homes.

As for Pang Xuelin, after the New Year at home, he has to get busy.

On the third day of Zheng Zhengyue, he went to the capital first, stayed at Yao Bingxia's house for two days, and then went to Qi Xin's house again.

Hehe, this operation is a bit nasty.

After all, if you want to enjoy double happiness, you have to endure double toss.

Fortunately, my mother Mei Yuqing seemed to be arranged ahead of time. Coupled with Pang Xuelin's current status, the parents of Yao Bingxia and Qi Xin did not give Pang Xuelin a look.

During this period, the system did not stand up to make trouble, and suddenly requested Pang Xuelin to enter the plane world. Pang Xuelin had passed a relatively complete leap year.

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