In the past two months, Pang Xuelin had a deeper understanding of the background of the umbrella company through exchanges with Spencer, Alex Wesker, and others.

Pang Xuelin found that this world should be the product of the fusion of games and movies.

In the movie, after Alice escaped from the raccoon city, the umbrella company launched the "Alice Project". Dr. Isaacs copied numerous clones as experiments based on Alice's genes in an attempt to reproduce an equally powerful Alice.

During her adventure, Alice accidentally learns that Alaska in the north is an uncontaminated "clean place", so she persuaded her partner to march towards Alaska.

However, Dr. Isaacs found her trail in an attempt to control Alice.

But Alice got rid of control through her own willpower, and knew that all the disasters originated from the umbrella company, so Alice decided to kill the umbrella headquarters to end it all.

At the end of the third part, Alice uses her super powers and wisdom to kill Dr. Isaacs and also finds her countless clones.

Ellie Ribbon led the clones to the path of finding high-level personnel for the umbrella.

The scene in the fourth part draws on some elements from "The Matrix", deliberately slowing down the action scenes, and rendering the fighting scenes particularly colorful.

With her ribbon army of clones, Ellie finally penetrated into the umbrella company. When she designed a confrontation with umbrella leader Wesker, she was injected with T virus antibody and became an ordinary person.

Losing her superpowers, she can only start from scratch, and fly to Alaska in search of the only remaining uncontaminated part of the world, Arcadia.

However, Alice eventually discovered that the legendary Arcadia was just a giant ship belonging to the umbrella company.

Alice killed the replica of Wesker inside the ship.

Another parachute executive came with a helicopter clan, and a war was inevitable.

In the fifth movie, Alice was captured by an umbrella executive in the previous war. This executive was her partner, Gil, who had fought with her at first, just because she was controlled and could not remember the previous events.

At this point, Ada Wang played by Li Bingbing released Alice.

Gil led the army to chase the two, and Alice and Ada Wang also gradually approached the truth as they fled step by step. Seeing a series of rather shocking and terrible revelations, she also forced her to think that she had always thought it was a reality everything of.

In the end, Alice and others fought against Jill and others. Alice successfully awakened Jill's memory and finally defeated the remaining forces of the umbrella.

When they went to Wesker, Wesker reinjected Alice with the T virus, and Alice once again had superpowers.

In the sixth episode, Alice learned that a bottle of air antibody in the hive could end this biochemical crisis.

So Alice followed her friends to the hive.

At this point Alice met Dr. Isaacs, only to realize that Dr. Isaacs she had killed before was just a replica.

Wesker set up a series of difficulties to prevent Alice from entering the hive, all of which were resolved by Alice.

At the moment of the showdown, Alice saw another Dr. Isaacs, and the truth came to light.

It turned out that Dr. Isaacs decided to use the T virus to destroy the earth for the sake of his own self-interest, and the wealthy can freeze himself to avoid being infected by the T virus by spending money.

Dr. Isaacs, who appeared before, were just copies of the war.

As the plot progressed slowly, an old woman came over in a wheelchair, and the truth became clearer.

It turned out that the founder of the umbrella company had specifically found the T virus to save his daughter Alicia in order to save her premature aging daughter, but this invention was usurped by Dr. Isaacs.

Whether it was after the system was red or Alice, it was actually Alicia's father who made it based on her.

No one can think of, Alice is actually a replica.

Alice, who had learned the truth, could not accept the facts, but for the future of all humanity, she resolutely chose to immediately run outside the hive and break this bottle of air antibodies, finally ending this biochemical crisis.

All in all, from the aspects of science fiction settings and plots, there are many loopholes in the Resident Evil series, and the plot is relatively thin.

Someone once made a summary of each story: Alice is awake, Alice meets the team, Alice and her teammates take a risk, and work together to kill the BOSS. When it comes to the squad, Alice and her teammates take risks together, kill BOSS together, and Alice is arrested again ...

Basically every cycle is like this.

However, after the fourth and fifth episodes, the plot was worse than the first one. It was not until the sixth that the main line was reluctantly retracted, which also gave the story a complete ending.

As for the biochemical crisis world in which Pang Xuelin is located, after integrating the game version, both the world view and the overall architecture are more rigorous than the movie version.

For at least two months, Pang Xuelin has traveled to less than half of the United States. After the large-scale spread of the T virus, the impact on human society has been shown in front of Pang Xuelin step by step.


In the yellow sky, a gas station sits alone in the depths of the desert. Occasionally, one or two zombies exuding a rotting smell are wandering around.

At this time, with the roar of the engine, an armored car modified by Ford F550 rushed along the desert road in the distance and stopped in front of the gas station.

The door of the armored vehicle opened, and Pang Xuelin stepped down from the vehicle.

In the last two months of eschatology, Pang Xuelin's image has changed greatly.

From a scholar-like Professor Pang, he became a western cowboy only in the pioneering times of the United States.

He wore short sleeves, a combat vest, and stepped on combat boots, exposing a pair of strong arms. His original fair skin had long been tanned by the sun.

He had a long knife on his body, an M4 carbine in his hand, and walked into the gas station with a big grin, and said loudly, "Anyone?"

Soon, the door of the gas station opened, and three men and one woman walked out of it, headed by a two-meter-tall black man.

His neck and arms are covered with colorful tattoos, and a large Remington spray is still in his hand.

Two other men, one black and one white.

The black man didn't have any colorful outfits, wearing ordinary T-shirts and shorts, but holding two AKs in his hands.

The male white man had a cock-headed hairstyle, a thin figure, sunken eye sockets, scary white skin, and an over-colored look.

The last one was a woman in a leather jacket. The pony tail is tied high, the jacket is open, exposing the upper body with only a tube top, and the lower body is a pair of short shorts that cannot be shorter. The thighs are long and the skin is wheat-colored.

"Asian kid, you alone? Where did you come from?" Big Black asked.

"I'm from Ohio." Pang Xuelin said.

"You came to Colorado alive from Ohio?"

There was a hint of surprise in Big Black's eyes.

Ohio is located on the east coast of the United States, and Colorado is located in the midwestern United States. This Asian kid is equivalent to crossing more than half of the United States.

In today's situation, not many people can do this.

Pang Xuelin nodded and asked, "How long does it take to get to Irvine from here?"

The **** didn't seem so difficult to communicate on the surface, and Wen Yan laughed and said, "Go straight from here and it will take another two hours. Do you want to cheer?"

Pang Xuelin nodded and said, "How much is the price of 89 gallons with 100 gallons?"

Hei Hei said: "One gallon of petrol, one kilogram of wheat, or a box of cookies, two breads, it would be better if they were canned."

"I have canned tuna here," Pang Xuelin said with a slight smile.

Big black eyes brightened, and stretched out two fingers: "20 cans of tuna, give you 100 gallons of gasoline."

"The deal."

Pang Xuelin turned around, opened the door, and found out 20 cans of tuna from the inside and threw them to the other side.

Hei He directly opened a can of tuna, dug out the fish inside with his hands, stuffed it into his mouth, chewed it a few times, and said with a smile, "Okay, this taste is authentic."

Pang Xuelin smiled slightly and was about to speak.

There was a roar of engines suddenly in the distance.

The crowd turned their heads and saw a black spot on the desert road in the distance.

The air near the ground was tumbled by the sun's transpiration, and the black spots gradually became clear.

The crowd then discovered that a woman driving a motorcycle turned out to be a woman.

With a squeak, the motorcycle stopped at a petrol station for a nice flick.

Woman getting off the car.

I saw her facial features beautiful, three-dimensional, with a double-edged back, a long gun on her back, and a pistol inside her thigh.

The **** man looked at the new woman with a rumbling throat and couldn't help swallowing.

The woman ignored the crowd at the gas station, and found five canned luncheon meats in the storage box of the direct motorcycle, and threw it to Hei Dao, "Come on, 25 gallons."


The **** winked, and his two men began to get busy.

Pang Xuelin smiled and stepped forward: "Beauty, we really have a destiny, will you go to Irvine?"

"you again?"

Alice glanced at Pang Xuelin with a doubt, and ignored him.

She faintly felt that the man was following him, but she could not feel the hostility of the man.

In the past month, she has encountered Pang Xuelin several times. Sometimes Pang Xuelin catches up with her, and sometimes she catches up with Pang Xuelin, but the overall direction of the two is basically the same.

Pang Xuelin didn't take it seriously, and laughed: "I heard that the National Guard has established a large survivor base in Irvine Town. Many people have gathered in the base. Now it is preparing to build a fence to prevent the tide of corpses. "

Alice didn't talk, and the **** said on her own initiative: "The town of Irvine is currently understaffed. Dude, your car is good. You should be able to change a lot of credit points when the time passes."


Pang Xuelin froze slightly.

Hei Dadao said: "After entering Irvine, all weapons and materials must be turned in to redeem credit points. Now the town has enough food. After you get there, you don't have to risk your life and go to some villages. Searching for food. "

"Brother, you should be from Irvine, right?"

Hei Da nodded and said, "This is a two-hour drive from Irvine. It can be used as an outpost. The mayor arranged us here to take care of the people who fled to Irvine."

Pang Xuelin smiled slightly and didn't speak again.

Alice motorcycle's fuel tank is relatively small, and after filling up, she drove away quickly.

Pang Xuelin waited for nearly five minutes and waited until the mailboxes were full before getting on the train.

Looking at the back of Pang Xuelin, the **** black girl at the gas station said, "Boss, why not just start?"

Hei Dadao said, "This man can run all the way from Ohio. Obviously it is not a fuel-saving lamp. The same is true of the women. They are not easy to deal with. Anyway, we are not in a hurry to wait for them to reach El After Wenzhen, it is not for us to knead. "


Hundreds of meters away, the roaring engine sound of Ford's F550 failed to cover up the sound of the **** man, a faint smile appeared on Pang Xuelin's face, and he hurried towards Elvin Town along Alice's back.

In the past two months, he repeatedly fought in this world full of various crises. Pang Xuelin found that he had greatly underestimated the effect of the system's genetic optimizer on the transformation of his body ~ ~ After reforming the optimizer, in terms of physical fitness, Pang Xuelin only felt that his brain's thinking ability and endurance had been greatly improved. Although the senses of hearing, smell, and vision had also been greatly improved, he did not feel obvious.

Now, in this crisis-ridden world, Pang Xuelin's ability in all aspects has been greatly improved after several life-threatening battles.

He has measured the speed by himself. It can reach 100 meters in three seconds at the earliest. If he jumps at full speed, he can jump up to more than six meters, and the farthest step can be more than ten meters. Depending on the strength, he can freely climb any skyscraper in the world. Building.

In the past two months, he has also encountered some humans who did not like him, and even when someone held a gun against his head, he was easily killed.

As for trying to hit him with a gun, it is almost impossible.

At the moment when each bullet pops out of the chamber, he can use the sound to instantly calculate the relative position, speed, and direction of the bullet to himself in the brain, and then make some evasive actions.

Even after being injured, he was able to recover as fast as Tomoko, at best it was necessary to consume a lot of ATP.

After two months of training, he slowly approached Alice and followed her to Irvine.

Pang Xuelin was interested in Alice's mutant T virus.

This is not what he was like Spencer, hoping to find a new direction for human evolution from Alice.

Instead, he faintly felt that Alice might hide the secret to relieve the T virus crisis.

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