The Science Fiction World of Xueba

Chapter 402: Wind and clouds

Park City, Utah.

This small town at the foothills of Twin Pixar is just a mountain away from Salt Lake City, Utah's capital. The snow trails and mountains near the town have become a paradise for mountaineering and skiing enthusiasts.

At the same time, Park City is also the site of the annual Sundance Film Festival, which is held from January 18 to 28 each year for 11 days.

This native American film festival has become an important spiritual pillar of the independent production industry, and many Hollywood's emerging directors see it as a springboard for directing mainstream commercial blockbusters.

Every winter, tourists and movie lovers from all over the world come to this alpine town to experience the quaint atmosphere of Park City.

But now, this once crowded town has become a run-down and lonely place of silence.

Thousands of zombies wandered around Park City, and the stench permeated the entire city.

At noon, there was a roar of helicopters in the distant sky.

The zombies roaming the town rioted, raised their heads involuntarily, and howled angrily at the huge iron bird in the sky.

But the iron bird ignored the roar of the zombies. At the tail of the iron bird, there was an iron pipe. The tip of the iron pipe was like a shower, and it was covered with dense pores.

At this time, a mist-like liquid sprayed from the pores like a drizzle and fell silently into the zombies.

The zombies felt all this blankly, and continued to roar angry at the iron bird.

About ten minutes later, the changes began to appear. I saw one of the zombies contaminated with fine mist suddenly stopped in place. Soon, the carrion on his body took off layer by layer, exposing Sensen's bones and Some are fairly fresh.

The zombies that smelled bloody, like a hunting dog that smelled a prey, rushed towards the zombie in an instant, desperately eating the fresh flesh of his body.

It didn't take long for the rotten flesh of other zombies who had eaten this zombies to fall off one after another, and then became more zombies' food.

Then soon, the zombies in the whole city started to riot.

On the helicopter, Pang Xuelin looked at the zombies in the storm below, and smiled at Ashford on the side: "The R virus looks good."


In the evening, Pang Xuelin, who returned to the Kempten base, called Alice, Ashford, Jill, and Claire to hold a secret meeting.

The meeting took place in a hidden room at the Kempten base underground laboratory.

Pang Xuelin sat at the top of the conference room and looked at the people around him: "Everyone, the dawn of victory has appeared. The latest experimental results during the day show that the R virus we developed can ensure that the human body is immune to the T virus. At the same time, it can cause a devastating infection to zombies, and the infection will spread like T virus. Our experiment in Park City today is just the beginning, as long as we put R virus in a few big cities As long as one zombie is infected, the domino effect can form and spread on a large scale. The only question now is how do we deal with the umbrella company next. "

After all, Pang Xuelin turned his attention to Ashford and said, "Dr. Ashford, your father was the founder of the umbrella company. Let's talk."

Ashford nodded, saying, "Before the large-scale T virus outbreak, Umbrella Corporation was the world's largest biopharmaceutical company and high-tech company, with a market value of more than $ 3 trillion and underground bases in many cities around the world. In addition, the umbrella company also has a mercenary with more than 5,000 people, but this is data before the T virus outbreak. After the outbreak, this mercenary should be more powerful than before. Moreover, I think Spencer, Ma Scoo, Albert Wesker, William Birkin should all have clones. "

"Clone avatar?" Pang Xuelin froze slightly, wondering, "Isn't it that the clone can't replace the original owner?"

The biochemical crisis world does have human cloning technology. Even in half a year, we can successfully clone humans exactly like the real world through somatic cell cloning technology.

But there is a problem in that, although human bodies can be cloned, there is no way to clone human memories.

So in a sense, cloning humans is equivalent to one's identical twins.

Ashford said: "The clone technology of the Umbrella Company was mature twenty years ago. After Spencer cultivated the clones, they can focus on the cultivation of these clones, so they are fully capable of having two to three. . "

"No matter how many avatars they have, kill them."

Said Alice.

Ashford smiled bitterly: "The problem is not so simple. The umbrella company has more than fifteen bases around the world, and each base is no smaller than those bases originally located in Raccoon City Hive Labs, such as Los Angeles, Tokyo These underground bases in Paris and even the equivalent of some small-scale underground cities. Not only are we not sure of their location, even if we find them and kill them, we do not necessarily kill the real body ... but as long as one of them live Down, even if we finally kill all the zombies in the world, then the remaining humans may not escape the fate of being ruled by the umbrella company. "

"Then what should we do next?"

Jill frowned.

Pang Xuelin said: "This is the reason why I summoned you, we must find a way to deal with the umbrella company to be as foolproof as possible. In fact, one of our most difficult levels has been broken by us, and that is the T virus problem. Without the threat of the T virus, we will have a much higher degree of freedom of movement in the future, and through the R virus, we can even make these R viruses in turn infect the people of the umbrella company. Spencer they use T virus to get beyond ordinary people. Our virus can completely obliterate such a strength advantage. The only problem is **** a blow, or once they have responded, with the strength of our Kempten base, there is no way to deal with the counterattack of the umbrella company. "

At this time, Claire said, "Professor Pang, can we do this? Isn't Spencer working with you to develop a new generation of T virus? You tell him that the T virus development is complete, and then carry the virus sample over, and This virus sample is the R virus we developed, so we should have a chance to get close to Spencer. "

Pang Xuelin shook his head and said, "What if a stand-in comes? And even if Spencer comes, what should Muskou and William Birkin do?"

The meeting room suddenly became silent.

At this point, Alice said, "Dr. Ashford, can you provide the location and strength distribution of all the secret bases of the umbrella company?"

Ashford nodded. "That's OK, what are you doing?"

Alice groaned for a moment and said, "Since we can't determine the position of all of Spencer, we might as well kill each base and lead the snake out of the hole."

"Lead the snake out of the hole? What about the umbrella company's counterattack? Once they let us find us, the Kempten base may not be able to block the other's counterattack."

Pang Xuelin frowned.

Alice smiled, "Pang, you don't need to do it."

"what do you mean?"

Pang Xuelin looked at Alice puzzledly.

Alice said: "The matter is left to me. If you secretly sneak into the major bases of the umbrella company, throw the R virus, at the same time, stir the water, and secretly throw the R virus in major cities. You say, if Spencer or Ma Skull found that his men even lost all the super powers brought by the T virus. You said they would point their finger at the water? And haven't you verified it? The T virus in my body has been transformed into an ERV homologous sequence. , R virus will not cause my ability to disappear ... "

Pang Xuelin froze slightly.

Ashford applauded: "This is a good approach. Although Spencer and Mascu have cooperated on the surface, they are actually just divorced. Both parties actually control some of the underground bases. If they are in the middle, There is a base that has been infected with the R virus, so I'm afraid Spencer and Muscu will think of the other party as soon as possible. But we cannot put viruses on both sides, we can only vote on one side. "

"Put it aside, why?"

Alice wondered.

Pang Xuelin said: "If you invest on both sides, I am afraid that whether it is Spencer or Mascu, you will immediately realize that there is a third-party force joining in. So if we want to invest, we can only invest on one side, and we will invest in Mas Library-controlled base. "

Ashford laughed: "Professor Pang has a good approach, Spencer has cooperated with us, and has a certain understanding of our research and development capabilities, but Muskku doesn't know much about us, and this inexplicable base broke out. Virus, I must have thought of Spencer for the first time. By then, Spencer might not be able to say clearly. "

Pang Xuelin nodded with a smile and said, "Now the last question is left, Dr. Ashford, can you determine which bases are controlled by Muscu?"

Ashford smiled: "It's okay, it's actually very simple. William Birkin has always been one of the three King Kongs under Spencer, and previously controlled the umbrella company's five bases around the world. These include The raccoon city's hive base and the underground base in Irvine have been destroyed. After leaving Spencer, the remaining three bases under his control have also been defeated. Two of these three bases are located in the United States. They are based in Seattle. And Alaska base. "

"What about the last one left?"

Alice said.

"The last one is the Tokyo base. The Tokyo base is very large. It should also be the base camp of Muscu and William Birkin."

Pang Xuelin said with a smile on his face: "It's simple. We just need to kill the Seattle and Alaska bases first. Even if Muskow and William Birkin want to repair with Spencer, I am afraid Spencer will not let it go Pass them ... "


Determine the next action plan, the next day, Alice drove away from the base in secret.

In the next time, people's lives in Kempten base are still intact.

It was Alice's side, and good news kept coming back.

A month later, the Seattle base was breached.

Three months later, the Alaska base was breached.

Next, Ashford kept getting more relevant information about this through his people inside the umbrella company.

At the beginning, after the Seattle base was breached, Muscourt and William Birkin asked Spencer if they wanted to fight with them. Spencer explained as he began investigating the Seattle base.

As a result, the Alaska base was breached before the investigation results came out.

At this moment, Muskow and William Birkin quit, and asked Spencer to give an explanation.

Spencer also realized that this was an opportunity to clean up Muskow and William Birkin, and the two sides fought at the Tokyo base.

At the same time, a mysterious R virus began a large-scale outbreak in Tokyo, with infected zombies dying one after another, even including Spencer and Muscow's men.

However, the two sides who have already killed the red eyes can't stop, but Spencer, after all, has a lot of people, and finally, by virtue of his powerful strength, he will directly kill all Muscu and William Birkin.

After this battle, the umbrella company's vitality was seriously injured, and Spencer had to contract back to the United States.

Even some bases have been abandoned for this purpose.

After the Battle of Tokyo, the R virus began to explode around the world, and zombies died on a large scale.

Those hidden in the dark began to fight back against the zombies.

Even in areas like China, Russia, and Western Europe, armed forces led by government organizations have reappeared ~ ~, and this armed force is still growing rapidly.

Surviving humans around the world have also received a message that the outbreak of the T virus originated from the ambition of the umbrella company, which is now located in the base camp of Los Angeles, USA.

For a while, there were storms all over the world.

Pang Xuelin, Jill, and Claire still live a peaceful life in a small base in Kempten Town.

After a month or two at best, they will receive an encrypted message, which means that the warrior who is still involved in this trend is still active around the world.

When Pang Xuelin came out of the laboratory that evening, he heard a deafening helicopter roar.

He looked up and saw a helicopter with the umbrella company logo landing on the apron at the Kempten base.

Pang Xuelin frowned, but he adjusted his mentality quickly, went to the tarmac, and met Albert Wesker who came over.

Albert was exactly what he was two years ago. Only the corners of his eyes saw a trace of crow's feet.

"Hello Professor Pong, Mr. Spencer has asked."

"Mr. Spencer wants to see me?"

Pang Xuelin froze slightly.

He thought that the umbrella company would send someone over at this time, either Alice's news was leaked, Spencer realized that all of this might be done by Pang Xuelin, or Spencer sent someone to urge, after all, now the R virus swept the world and the umbrella company The vitality was so bad that it became the target of criticism.

Spencer urgently needs a new generation of viruses to address the immediate crisis.

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