The Science Fiction World of Xueba

Chapter 407: Shi Yi joins

After determining the next cooperation plan, under the leadership of Shi Yi, Pang Xuelin visited the laboratory and departments of West Lake University.

At present, West Lake University is divided into three colleges of life sciences, science and engineering, with biology, biomedical engineering, pharmacy, physics, mathematics, chemistry, basic medicine, computer science and technology, electronic science and technology, optics. Engineering, materials science and engineering, mechanical engineering and other first-level disciplines.

The total number of faculty and staff in the school exceeds 400, and there are more than 1,000 doctoral and graduate students.

The faculty and staff are basically doctors from prestigious universities with overseas backgrounds. They are very young, with an average age in their early thirties, which is the age at which they are most likely to produce results.

For Pang Xuelin's arrival, these people seemed very surprised.

Especially after learning that Pang Xuelin will be the honorary chairman of the board of directors of West Lake University, and the school will cooperate with Jiangcheng Advanced Research Institute and Qiantang Laboratory, it is even more exciting.

After all, Pang Xuelin has a good reputation. Everyone knows that following this big man has meat to eat.

In addition, the various experimental platforms being built by Qiantang Lab have been enthusiastic for a long time. West Lake University and Pang Xuelin cooperated, and they also had the opportunity to join Qiantang Lab.

For Pang Xuelin, the cooperation with West Lake University will undoubtedly include the talent pool of West Lake University, and it will also play a vital role in the future development of Qiantang Laboratory.

At noon, Pang Xuelin, Shi Yi and Qian Zhongning ate a working meal together in the cafeteria.

Qian Zhongning left because of their respective jobs, and Shi Yi sent Pang Xuelin to the gate of the school.

At this time, Pang Xuelin smiled and said, "Professor Shi, are you interested in cooperation?"


Shi Yi froze slightly and said, "Professor Pang, haven't we started working together?"

Pang Xuelin said with a smile: "I'm not talking about this kind of cooperation between institutions, I mean, we have scientific research cooperation."

"Research cooperation?" The expression on Shi Yi's face became a little weird: "Professor Pang, do you have research in the field of biology?"

Pang Xuelin nodded with a smile, saying, "Our Qiantang laboratory is preparing to build a large biological science platform, covering structural biology, cell biology, stem cell research and cell therapy, neurological and behavioral biology, developmental biology, biology. Informatics, immunobiology and immunotherapy, epidemiology, nutrition, metabolic biology and metabolic diseases, aging and degenerative diseases, cancer research, botany, microbiology, etc. I hope you can be our Qiantang The director of the laboratory biological center focuses on the structure and function of biological macromolecules such as proteins, RNA, and sugar polymers ... "

Pang Xuelin has a deep understanding of Shi Yi.

Shi Yi's greatest achievement was to analyze the key complex structure of the eukaryotic messenger RNA spliceosome by cryo-electron microscopy during Tsinghua University, revealing the active site and molecular-level mechanisms.

There are mixed reviews of Shi Yi's achievement. Some people think that he was ingenious and took advantage of the time and place. After joining Tsinghua, he had the money and resources and met the cryo-electron microscope *.

But Pang Xuelin knows the difficulty of this achievement.

In fact, spliceosome is one of the most important differences between eukaryotes and prokaryotic bacteria, and its status in molecular biology is no less than ribosomes.

The spliceosome is also larger, more variable and complex than the ribosome.

Humans actually know the spliceosome very late.

In the early 1990s, humans knew almost nothing about it, and the research on spliceosome reached its peak in the 1990s.

However, scientists soon became dissatisfied with the indirect cognitive spliceosome through biochemical methods, hoping to understand its molecular structure.

In the early 21st century, people have been trying to understand the structure of spliceosome through various methods.

Helplessly, before 2010, cryo-electron microscopy was still quite immature, and X-ray crystal diffraction technology was powerless for such a large and varied complex.

Therefore, until 2010, human perception of spliceosome was very superficial.

However, after experiencing the field of frozen electron microscopy in 2010-2014 *, Shi Yi was born in 2015 and published the first high-resolution spliceosome structure, which greatly promoted human understanding of spliceosome and also initiated analytical splicing Body structure boom.

Moreover, according to Pang Xuelin's understanding, Shi Yigong's rivals at the time in the field of analysis of spliceosome structure included Reinhard Lührmann of Max Planck, and Kiyoshi Nagai of Cambridge.

Lederman is a recognized bull in the field of spliceosome.

A lot of spliceosome proteins were made by him. He also proposed spliceosome purification methods at different stages, and solved several early low-resolution spliceosome structures.

His subordinate Hog Stark was also one of the pioneers in the field of cryo-electron microscopy. Several data processing methods of cryo-electron microscopy were proposed by him.

Such a research mix is ​​frightening.

But it was not them who first solved the spliceo HD structure.

Not to mention Kiyoshi Nagai of Cambridge, he is one of the pioneers in the field of spliceosome and also a crystallization expert.

Cambridge molecular biology MRC laboratory is a mecca for structural biology. The data processing software developed by MRC has promoted the development of cryo-electron microscopy.

However, it was not them who first solved the spliceosome structure.

From this, we can see the level of Shi Yi.

Even in a sense, his Nobel Prize ranking is even higher than the original Kirton Walker.

Shi Yi groaned for a moment and smiled bitterly: "Professor Pang, I have been fifty-five years this year and have been away from the scientific research line for some years. In Tsinghua in the past few years, we have been using cryo-electron microscopy to explore the structure of biological macromolecules such as proteins. Structure to understand the basic principles of the work of biomolecular machines. In fact, this is why I am obsessed with structural biology. It allows us to really explain biological phenomena from the perspective of physics and chemistry. Think of countless nanomachines day and night. It is fascinating to start DNA expression, transcription, and protein production. For me, understanding the basic principles of physical chemistry to understand nano-biological machines is the most fascinating place for structural biology. And the discovery of drug targets is nothing but Knowing the gifts of life ... "

"But here, I also tell you the truth, in recent years we have used cryo-electron microscopy to analyze the structure of many biological macromolecules. Some people even said that Shi Yi plus cryo-electron microscopy plus Tsinghua is equal to S. You must say that this work is important. It ’s very important, but it ’s the same thing if it ’s not important. Now that cryo-electron microscopy technology is mature, any trained doctoral student can complete this job. I will do similar research again, in fact, it means It ’s not big. At best, there are more research migrant workers on the front line. "

Pang Xuelin laughed and said, "Professor Shi, who said that I was going to use cryo-electron microscopy to study the structure of biological macromolecules?"

"With a cryo-electron microscope ..."

Suddenly Shi Yi turned back and stared at Pang Xuelin with his eyes widened: "Professor Pang, do you mean you have a new way?"

Pang Xuelin nodded and said, "Have you heard of Atomic Probe Chromatography?"

Shi Yi frowned slightly and said, "I know this, but this technology seems to be mainly used in the field of materials science, right?"

Pang Xuelin smiled: "Our Qiantang laboratory is developing dynamic atomic probe chromatography technology based on atomic probe chromatography technology. This technology is expected to analyze protein, RNA, DNA and other biological macromolecules from a dynamic perspective and atomic scale. Atomic structure and their structural changes from femtosecond to microsecond, to clarify the three-dimensional structure and function of biological macromolecules such as proteins, RNA, sugar polymers. This technology is still under development, currently mainly by Yang Heping and Anderson · White is in charge. We need a top structural biologist to participate in the data software analysis and editing of Atomic Probe Chromatography ... "

Shi Yi took a deep breath and tried to suppress his emotions.

He knew the significance of Pang Xuelin's work.

Many important discoveries in history have been based on human observations.

However, in some areas beyond the reach of technology, obtaining pictures has become an extremely difficult task, and it has also hindered humans' further understanding of nature.

In 2017, the Nobel Foundation awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry to the University of Lausanne, Switzerland ~ ~ Jacques Dubochet, Columbia University, Joak, and the University of Cambridge, UK. Riderson praised them for "developing a cryo-electron microscope that can determine the high-resolution structure of biomolecules in solution".

With the efforts of these three scientists, cryo-electron microscopy came into being.

Scientists can "freeze" biomolecules and observe them in unprecedented ways.

Electron microscopy has long been considered unsuitable for observing biomolecules because powerful electron beams can destroy biological materials.

But in 1990, Professor Chad Henderson successfully used electron microscopes to display three-dimensional images of proteins to atomic-level resolution. This breakthrough result demonstrates the potential of biomolecular imaging with electron microscopy.

Professor Georg Frank made this technology universally applicable.

Between 1975 and 1986, he developed an image processing method that can reveal a clear three-dimensional structure by analyzing and combining fuzzy two-dimensional images of an electron microscope.

Professor Jack Dobchett added water to the electron microscope.

Liquid water evaporates in the vacuum environment of an electron microscope, disintegrating biomolecules.

In the early 1980s, Professor Jack Dobchitt successfully vitrified water-he cooled it so fast that it could freeze around biological samples.

This allows the biomolecules to maintain their natural shape even in a vacuum environment.

It is precisely because of the efforts of scientists that the cryo-electron microscopy technology can be applied on a large scale in the biological field.

And the dynamic atom probe tomography technology that Pang Xuelin said is undoubtedly the new generation of microscopic observation technology after cryo-electron microscopy.

According to the observation level of atomic probe chromatography technology, they can even observe the movement of biological macromolecules at the atomic level. In this way, humans can complete the dynamic analysis of the structure and function of most biological macromolecules through this technology.

This is several times higher than current cryo-electron microscopy techniques.

If it can be successfully implemented, it is totally worth a Nobel Prize.

Not to mention, after the device was developed, it promoted biology.

"Professor Pang, can I meet with Yang Heping and Anderson White? I want to talk to them."

"Of course you can. I happen to talk to Lao Yang about the specific design of dynamic atom probe chromatography."

Pang Xuelin laughed and said, "Professor Shi, get in my car."

More than an hour later, Pang Xuelin and Shi Yi successfully arrived at the Qiantang Laboratory in the east of Riverside and met Yang Heping and Anderson White.

A few moments later, Pang Xuelin began to explain to them the relevant technical implementation routes of dynamic atom probe technology.

Shi Yi, Yang Heping, Anderson White were also the first time they had seen Pang Xuelin's ability.

There are many legends about Pang Xuelin before, but to outsiders, there is always a feeling of seeing flowers in the mist.

There is only a rough idea of ​​the degree of Peng Xuelin's "genius".

Today, for the first time with Pang Xuelin, they felt that Pang Xuelin was extraordinary.

For ordinary people, such a new concept of equipment and equipment, when starting the technical solution design, there will definitely be many immature places that need to be improved step by step.

Pang Xuelin is not the same. His understanding of dynamic APT technology has completely exceeded the expectations of the three. Every technical difficulty of this technology ~ ~ There are many implementation schemes that they could never imagine. Explained to them without any detail.

And they recorded and listened to Pang Xuelin's explanation.

As if back to the college class of that year.

By the time the final plan was presented to them, they were a little bit incredible.

Because Pang Xuelin gave a quite mature and perfect design plan, as if, Pang Xuelin seemed to have seen this plan before.

In this regard, whether it is Shi Yi or Yang Heping, can only sigh, there is really a genius in the world.

Pang Xuelin saw that the three were all in a state of interest, and simply hit the iron while hot, and dinner was eaten in the conference room.

It was not until ten o'clock in the evening that Pang Xuelin had finished explaining the dynamic APT technology.

And whether it is Shi Yi, Yang Heping or Anderson White, they have already filled a whole book.

"Well, let's get here today. The general principle of dynamic APT technology is this. To really make it, we still have a lot of work to do. Lao Shi, I will send Wang Zhi of Xinghuan Technology tomorrow. Madam went to West Lake University to find you. At that time, we will sign the agreement directly. As for the Qiantang laboratory, you will report next week, and the dynamic APT technology will be left to you, Lao Yang and White.

Shi Yi has not eased from the excitement during the discussion just now, and said with a smile: "Professor Pang, rest assured, I will come to report in a few days."

The same is true of Yang Heping and Anderson White. They can also feel that the emergence of this technology is likely to change the entire world.

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