The Second Immortal Road

: End of this testimonial

In fact, Prisoner Chu could imagine that when he saw these words, there would definitely be a book friend (╬ ̄絲 ̄)=○#( ̄#)3 ̄) "Chu prisoner dog thief, take me a knife." But there is no way. , It will end after all! There are many reasons, both subjective and objective reasons, which will be discussed in detail later!

This is regarded as a eunuch, only the human world chapter, not a eunuch, the protagonist became a great monk, so that the rising star sect prospered again, and the human world ended successfully. When I first conceived this book, I felt that Han Ming's teenage baby was away from home, and his future was uncertain. His life must be very exciting, so he thought of giving him a life, and he had a chapter on the human world!

Let me talk about the reasons for this.

First of all, the contract signed has arrived. The content of the contract signed by the second generation was 2.5 million to 3.5 million words. Now the text part is about to exceed the upper limit, and if you write it again, you will violate the contract. This is the first point. .

Secondly, the book can’t be written anymore. The three corpses of the protagonist went to three places, Nine Nether World, Demon World, and Spirit World. All three are Han Ming, and they are all protagonists. A whole six novels sound terrible, and there are no more than ten or twenty million words that can't hold it!

Even if it is extremely compressed, combining the Demon World and the Spirit World into one, the True Immortal Realm and the True Demon Realm into one, and the Nine Nether Realms into one, they are also three super-long novels, and they are too long. Han Ming got on the bar!

A person's life is less than a few decades, and it is the golden moment of youth and youth in life, and this is the only time for everyone!

The third point, I have to admit, there are also reasons for the book's results, but it is by no means the main reason. If you don't write well, this book will die long ago, and it won't be here! The second generation has been "naked~uuu~run" until now, and the results have been like this, but it is still one of the evidences that he wrote to the present.

That’s it for the results of this book. I have back-end data here for decades!

Finally, and most importantly, the prisoner Chu will be busy in the future, and he still can't escape. There is really no room for writing. This is reality. It can’t be the kind of novels. In the novels, as long as you keep your head down, the results will be good. But reality is not. People always have to be sensible. After all, Chu prisoners are not the protagonist of God. Just a mortal!

The reason for the ‘eunuch’ is almost the same, and one more thing, my head is dizzy, I forgot, these days are too busy, stupid!

Next, let’s summarize the things that King II has gone along for more than two years.

The book II was uploaded on August 25th, 2017. At that time, I was not familiar with the way of writing. The first chapter of the mountain village was measured for a long time before it was published, but in fact it was still called water. Shui Shui, haha, also helpless.

The second world signed a contract late, 800,000 characters, not to mention unique, and not too much difference. After that, the results have been on the street, but I have never thought of being a eunuch, because I always feel that you have spent hard work to build a world. , But strangled halfway, I'm sorry for those characters.

Of course, the signing is so late and the results are relatively poor. There is definitely its own reason. The secular chapter is too long (just one reason, the secular chapter is indeed long, but if you choose again, you won’t change it, maybe it will be longer. One point!) Without the secular chapter, the world is incomplete, and Xiao Han's character is also incomplete.

This is the first book. I would rather have poor grades than not sign a contract and try my best to improve it.

At the time of 700,000 words, I haven't received the signing of the station short (in an author group, there are many authors who have not signed the contract, and the **** will be eunuch, haha.), but there was no **** idea at all. At that time, I was ruthless and planned to finish writing the volume of Fengqishengxing, and open another book to write about Xiao Hei (the sky is so big, a book friend calls him Xiao Hei, let's call him Xiao Hei for the time being!) .

Sign the contract with Xiao Hei's book, and then repost all the contents of the first volume of the second world to the east and the second volume of wind rising from Xiao Hei. It is counted as an internal transmission, and a "borrowing corpse to return to the soul"

As a result, I didn't expect that when this idea was about to be implemented, the second generation signed a contract, and then the Little Black Xiuxian Biography was gone. Isn't it a pity, but also helpless, I don't have the energy to write!

After that, I went to the Netherbone Continent. Although I signed the contract, the results of the book are still on the street, but I have never thought about the eunuchs, or that said, the world is incomplete, I give up, I'm sorry Xiao Han, I'm sorry The characters in the book, even if it is a little bit of consumption, have to give him an ending.

Because the second generation rushed to the street and did not promote, so when I had the idea, I thought about advertising myself and knowing that the female channel signing is simple. It happened that there was an essay at that time, and Ye Luohan mentioned that the female channel signing is simple. The competition is small (still the female writer on the street who and I have always touted each other, haha, let her advertise again!). There is the book Song of Lishang!

At that time, I was thinking, write a short song of Lishang, go to some female readers to come and see the second world (song of Lishang can be read by both men and women, don’t abandon me because of female frequency!), and then sent tens of thousands of words , I signed the contract, but I didn’t expect that the female channel’s signing was simple and there were few readers. Later, there was no time. The time was too tight. The song of Lishang named Xizi Zanxian was stranded (For those forced to change, I still like Lishangzhi Song title)! (But Prisoner Chu is not a member of the eunuch, he is only temporarily stranded.)

Later, the second generation, still the second generation, came over step by step, day by day, coming back from the Netherbone Continent, to the north of the earth, and now, it is finally over. The Human World chapter is over, although it is not a complete end, but to After Xiao Han's unusual one thousand years, it can be regarded as fulfilling one of his wishes.

From the publication of the article to the end, it took a few days and a full two years, but from the idea to the end of the human world, it took more than two years. Although the results were very poor, I am proud of it, proud of it, and it is over. In the future, there will be time to revise and correct the details.

I feel that I have a lot of words in my heart, but I can't write, but I don't know how to express it. It's just that kind of melancholy!

Next, I would like to thank many book friends. Those who accompanied the prisoner Chu all the way, or left halfway, or the latest addition. It was your support that allowed the prisoner Chu to persevere, and the Golden Immortal Dao could last forever from the earliest world. , According to the mentality, southern Chinese phoenix trees, old ancestors, etc., etc., many, not listed one by one, up to the present Supreme Treasure, Galaxy, Xianxiafeng, Yizhongren, and a series of numbers, many readers, different As soon as it is listed, the prisoners of Chu are grateful for your support.

Naturally, I would also like to thank the editors of Xianxia, ​​and thank you for giving a newcomer the opportunity to sign.

Next, let’s talk about the problem of this book. A true warrior dares to face the dripping blood and the bleak life. This is what Lu Xun said. Lu Xun said, "Well, I really said this."

The reason why the second world rushed to the street is actually very clear to me. There are subjective and objective things, so let's just talk about one aspect here.

First of all, the secular scroll is too long, and Zhu Chiyuan's paragraph is too boring to attract people, but the sentence is still the same, and it will not be changed or deleted. Without that paragraph, the whole book loses support. One of the significance of this book is that Xiao Han's gradual change, without Zhu Chiyuan and Qingfeng Village, there is less support!

Moreover, a ten-year-old little doll, without Zhu Chiyuan's teaching, traveled east for thousands of miles, it is a strange thing to be able to walk through it, martial arts masters may not be able to walk so far alive, across countries!

Secondly, the second reason is that the sense of gap between the realms is not controlled. When writing the original text, you still pay attention to it. During the foundation period, it reflects the high strength of the pill formation period, the detachment of the Nascent and Infant period, and the manifestation of the yuan during the pill formation period. Infant pride and so on. But to highlight such a difference in realm, it takes a lot of descriptions that I don't like. If this is done again, maybe it will be noticed and it will be changed.

The third reason is that the pretense is not enough. The readers like this taste, especially the invisible dress, pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. To be honest, I am also a reader, and read After reading a lot of books, I am already disgusted with this kind of plot.

Many readers think that Xiao Han is too weak, can't he completely defeat Chi Yuci?

As for other drawbacks, there are naturally, so I won't list them again.

What should I say next? There are a lot of words in my heart, even if I can't say it, it's not easy to say.

By the way, I helped people advertise. Ye Luohan (the author who rushed to the street with the Chu prisoner) is currently writing "Feng Mou Jiangshan", but a new book is about to be opened recently. Everyone can help. Don't look at it, but also click and add a favorite.

It’s really easy to excite bashing authors, a few more favorites, more comments, and two more recommended articles (although bashing authors’ recommendation tickets are useless), it’s really good for a long time, sometimes, dozens of times a day. Backstage, it was like watching readers comment, Prisoner Chu had a deep understanding.

Readers’ comments really support the author. Whether it’s a bad review or a good review, it can make the author'heartbeat'. Anyway, Chu Prisoner has not deleted the reader’s comment (well, I admit that I deleted two, one is Langya List 123, the famous wolf dog, who slandered the mortal flow, was permanently banned, and one who sent the emperor to the Internet was also deleted. Okay, I admit this, I am guilty, and I regret it. Hey-hey.)

Closer to home, if you have time, take a few seconds to support her. (To add, Prisoner Chu also participated in the conception of some plots of her new book.)

This is the last point. It’s time to talk about the next plan. Prisoner Chu really has something to do in the next few months, so that there is no time to continue writing the book. The original plan was to end last month, but it was for the sake of the human world. Procrastinated to the present. (Now the ending is also very hasty, Prisoner Chu admits, admits!)

At the end of the year, at the end of December, without opening a new book, I delete the current content of the Song of Lishang from the beginning and write from the beginning, that is, the current Xizi Banxian, who is not an eunuch. Now that the book has opened, the world has begun early enough. I have to give my Feng Chu, Ye Qingning, and Shi Yiguang an ending!

I should add that although this book is about female romance, (so ashamed, so ashamed, the big man ran to write romance), it is definitely not the romance you usually see, it's just selling dog meat!

Prisoner Chu can guarantee that this is a vast, colorful, and rigorous world. Those **** plots, disdain to write, and imagination is absolutely sufficient, and there is more room for character creation and more ways of expression.

Song of Lishang (now renamed Xizi Zhanxian, although I prefer the name of Song of Lishang, but I can’t help it.), I personally think that the second book will be more readable than the second book, because the second book Limited to the flow of can write too little, express too little, and characterization is also qualitative.

Okay, so be it, see you next year, don't get lost, my more than one hundred readers are huge.

By the way, finally, let me add one more point. In the second generation, Han Ming and Chi Yuqi, maybe they all think that Chi Yuqi is too bad for him. Kneel properly.) But in fact, Chi Yuqi is also the protagonist, but he writes too few words.

Xiao Han is the protagonist of a certain fat man's election, Chi Yuqi is the protagonist of Chu prisoners' election, and Chi Yuqi's existence is also to highlight Xiao Han's character. The two of them are cross-referenced!

The reason why Chi Yuqi looks better than Xiao Han is because he has a low bottom line and has no shackles. This kind of character is naturally more pleasant than Xiao Han, and is more suitable for living in the world of cultivation, but he cannot be the protagonist, because no one is the protagonist. Like such a protagonist, most modern people have a bottom line.

This is what Chu Prison wants to express. Perhaps Han Ming can be stronger, as long as he gives up the bottom line and becomes a person like Chi Yuqi!

Okay, really don't say it, too much!

Okay, let me say that the ending is a bit rushed. There is indeed no time. I can only end today. Sorry, there is no spiritual world.

But he promised that if one day, Prisoner Chu really wrote some famous books, brought his own traffic, he could advertise himself, and the copyright would be fine, and he could continue to write it down, and he would definitely return a complete psychic world to him. Everyone!

Prisoner Chu also didn't want to just write about the end of the human world, sorry, let's sigh, after all, reality is not a novel!

Looking at this memory, I have forgotten one more thing. In the next few months, there will be some rumours from time to time. Eleven Junior Sisters, Chun'er's previous life, Ancient Dongsha, Gyrozong, Chu Youran, Muwang Luohu's little rumor. , Many, many, owed, so big head!

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