The self-cultivation of the passer-by hero

Chapter 139 So I’m the only one left?

"This, this is?"

After his eyes became familiar with the darkness in front of him again, Wu Ye could barely see the surrounding scenery clearly - just like the tragedy of a typhoon passing through.

There are occasional broken roots of bamboo on the bare ground, and most of the flat land extends into the distance. If it weren't for the Eternal Pavilion in front of him, Takeru really wouldn't believe that such a desolate area could be the former Lost Bamboo Forest.

Wu couldn't express how much damage Reimu's Yin-Yang Jade had caused in precise words, but it was still possible to describe the surrounding situation.

The huge explosion caused fragments in his memory. The scene that was vaguely frozen before was still the scene where Reimu's Yin Yang Jade shattered the world into pieces.

The huge power of the Yin Yang Jade shattered that special world piece by piece like a mirror, and they returned to the original Gensokyo.

There were still traces of a circle of spells around his feet. Seeing Sakuya on the ground in the distance who was as unscathed as himself, Takeya guessed that it was the defense that Reimu had set up for the two of them at the end.

Such an attack, no matter how strong that guy is, he should lie down, right?

With this thought in mind, Takeru stood up and began to look for Reimu around him. Soon, he spotted the fluttering red and white clothes in the center of the rolling smoke in front of him.


He shouted excitedly, but the next second, Takeya's smile froze on his face. He had indeed found Reimu, but at this time, Reimu was bound by countless chains that shone with strange light. living.

This situation is so similar to the previous scene.

"It's a pity that you almost succeeded."

Walking under the false moonlight, Bayi Yonglin looked somewhat embarrassed, but the indifference and even indifference in her eyes from time to time still added a dash of mystery to her, as well as a strength that made people look up to her.

"It's commendable to be able to destroy the world I created. If you can take one more step, I'm afraid it will be hard to predict whether you will win or lose. It's a pity."

"Hey, arrogant guy"

Cursing and sullen, the blow just now was extremely draining even for Reimu. Her temporary loss of strength was taken advantage of by the other party. She could only be forced to maintain such an embarrassing posture until she recovered completely.

"I know you'll be back on top soon."

Seeing through the depth of Lingmeng, Yayi Yonglin smiled slightly.

"You have protection that is close to the world level. As long as this world still exists, you will be able to recover soon, right?"

"Tch, so, do you want to give me the final blow now?"


With a meaningful smile, unexpectedly Yachi Eirin did not take advantage of Reimu's weakness to do anything. Instead, she bypassed her and walked towards Takeya.

"Yes, is something wrong?"

Being stared at with strange eyes by a guy who was stronger than Reimu, Takeya instinctively felt a hint of danger.

Fortunately, because he never had to worry about "death", he at least ensured that he would not tremble in shame in front of Bayi Yonglin, although judging from the fear in his eyes, it was actually about the same.

Stopping about one meter in front of Takeya, Yachi Eirin was unexpectedly kind even though she still held a bow and arrow in one hand.

"Well, if you look at it up close, it's no different from ordinary humans."

".Because I am just an ordinary human being."

Takeru said awkwardly, it seemed that everyone who met him for the first time would say this, although he never knew why they all had strange expectations for him.

"Normal, huh?"

There was a strange light in his eyes, and Bayi Yonglin's smile suddenly became deeper.

"That's not what I thought."


Wu Ye was slightly stunned when he saw Yonglin suddenly changed his tone, as peaceful as a greeting between neighbors——

"By the way, I heard your conversation just now. Your name is Takeya, right?"

"That's right."

"Then you are Takeya-kun, and I am Yayi Eirin."


He responded blankly, and Takeru nodded habitually.

"Well, Miss Ba Yi, please give me some advice when we meet you for the first time."

"First meeting, huh?"

Chewing on the sparse and ordinary words, Bayi Yonglin's eyes narrowed imperceptibly.

"Although there is no conclusive evidence yet, I am certain now that Takeya-kun, this is not the first time we have met."


Takeya didn't understand what Yachi Eirin meant for a while, and only heard her say in a tone that was like talking about family matters between friends:

"Even if the memory in the consciousness will gradually fade, the memory in the body will not disappear. I can be sure that I have met you before I met you today."


There was a wordless silence, and Wu Ye couldn't understand Baiyi Yonglin's tongue-twister-like statement.

"Okay, if you want to chat, how about coming here?"

With a faint smile, Yayi Yonglin raised the bow and arrow in her hand, her tone was as soft as reading today's dinner menu.

"The two magicians cannot break through my restraints, your reinforcements have been defeated, and the miko has been captured by me. Now, you are the only one left, Takeya-kun."


"So, what are you going to do?"

Gently pulling the bowstring, at a speed that Wu Ye could not detect visually, the deadly arrow was already aimed at him along with the fully drawn longbow.

From the iron arrow that reflected the blue moonlight, Takeru felt that it was different from Yashi Eirin's friendly smile, but rather extremely cold.

"Do you want to fight?"

Looking down at Wu Ye's quietly clenched fists, Bayi Yonglin asked lightly, but——


Shaking his head slightly, Wu Ye's clenched fists slowly loosened, and he slowly raised his hands.

"I vote."

"Go fight for me, idiot!!"


The screams that cut through the night sky made Takeya's unfinished words completely trapped in his throat. In the end, the embarrassing line was not uttered. The person who interrupted it was Reimu, who was being tightly restrained.

"Takeya, you idiot! We've been fighting until now just to embarrass you!"

He cursed mercilessly, even though Reimu was keeping his back, he could still feel the indisputable meaning of the other party's words.

"Marisa and the others are still in this guy's spell, do you think surrendering will end everything!"

As Reimu said, even though the Yin Yang Jade just now destroyed that special space, the magic that trapped Marisa and Patchouli is still there.

"Don't treat battle as a game! Idiot! I'm not down yet, Marisa and the others are still working hard, do you want to run away! Coward!"

The chains that bound Reimu made creaking, creaking friction sounds, and I saw Reimu struggling to turn half of her body, and her eyes showed seriousness that had not been seen for a long time:

"Listen to Takeya! If you let me hear something like surrender again, don't use that guy's hands, I will beat you hard first!"


"So! Now! Immediately! Immediately! Go and beat this arrogant woman to the ground!"

"Easy to say."

Looking dumbfounded at Reimu, who didn't know whether he was encouraging, threatening or tricking him, Takeya raised his hands but had to put them down. Under Yayi Eirin's playful eyes, he knelt down and picked up a stone on the ground.

"That is?"

"As you can see, it's just a stone on the side of the road."

"Is this your weapon?"

"It can only be it, can't it?"

Wu Ye shrugged with a wry smile that didn't seem to be fake:

"Since Lingmeng asked me to fight, then I can only fight, right? Although this is not my original intention."

"It's really an uncool decision. I don't mean to underestimate anyone, but if it's you now, this level is nothing more than a car."

"Tangbi has to block even if it's a car. Maybe it will puncture the tire. I have no way out."

There is not even a tiny bit of confidence in Takeya's hearty smile. Everyone can see this. After all, he is the character who defeated Hakurei Miko. He is just a human and naturally has nothing to win. big idea.

But even so, he still took steps forward.

"Okay, let's fight, Miss Yoshiyoshi Yonglin."

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