"Hey, little brother, come and try the meatballs here."

"Selling masks, newly made masks!"

"Fifty coins are drawn once, and the prizes are huge."

Looking at this bustling street that looked like a festival, Wu Ye was so shocked that he couldn't speak for a long time.

"Is this really the path taken by the undead?"

"Hehe, it seems that Wu Ye has never seen such a scene, right? It's not surprising that you are surprised. After all, when you talk about Santuhe, you must only think of places like the lonely and lonely place. A sight, right?”

Takeya nodded silently. It was indeed as Komachi said. When he first heard that this was the road leading to the Santu River for the dead, his first impression was a barren land overgrown with weeds. The stairs covered with lanterns were never expected to be so lively.

"Dead people also like to have fun. Here, sometimes there will be living people who like festivals visiting."

As she spoke, Komachi waved her hand, and all the undead wandering beside her changed from their spherical state to their human form, and they soon merged into this lively festival.

Under the awe-inspiring eyes of all the dead, Komachi led Takeya across the path that the people gave up. Gradually, the noisy voices behind him gradually faded away, and at the same time, a long river that seemed to have no end appeared in front of them.

"We're here, Santu River."

"This is it."

Wu Ye's eyes widened slightly and he looked at the "river" in front of him. No, is it too arbitrary to call it a "river"? To Takeya, this seemed to be a pool of motionless stagnant water accumulated in the river bed.

The water surface of the Santu River is terrifyingly quiet, without a trace of waves, and you can't feel any wind when you stretch out your hands. The surrounding river surface is still wrapped in a strange thick fog, which really makes people shudder.

"It's rare to come here once. Do you want to go to the other side to see it? You may be the first to reach there as a living person. This time you will be free."

"Really? Thank you so much."

Warned by the tendency of curiosity and the sense of suicide, Takeya still couldn't restrain his desire and couldn't help but set foot on Komachi's ship.


Stepping on the unpretentious wooden boat, Wu Ye caught a glimpse of a reed branch that was accidentally brought into it by the corner of his clothes out of the corner of his eye. It sank straight into the lake like a heavy lead weight.

Seeing this weird scene, Wu Ye looked down at the wooden boat floating easily on the water under his feet. Not only was he surprised, could it be that only this small wooden boat could float on the Santu River?

"Sit tight, Wuye."

Picking up a slender paddle from the bow, Komachi used it to slide the small canoe lightly in the water, as if riding the wind, and left the shore in a few blinks.

"So fast."

Takeru was surprised. Although the movements of Komachi's hands were slow as if he hadn't eaten, the speed of the boat was terrifyingly fast.

"Hey, Takeya, don't underestimate me. I'm the God of Death. It's not easy to get to the other side quickly."

"Huh? Normally, wouldn't you be able to row so fast, Komachi?"

"Isn't that natural?"

Komachi shrugged and smiled:

"Wu Ye, you have to know that there is no concept of 'distance' in Santu River."

"No distance?"

The look of confusion on Wu Ye's face became even stronger.

"What does it mean?"

"It literally means, the width or narrowness of the Santu River, and the distance to the other side are far or short, these are not fixed, but are determined by our god of death."

Komachi asked while rowing the boat:

"Takeya, do you know what the Shinigami's job is?"

"Isn't it necessary to extradite the souls on the Santu River?"

"Correct, but how to extradite?"

“Isn’t this just loading souls onto a ship and transporting them there?”

Takeru was a little confused about what Komachi meant. He thought that this question had the same meaning as putting an elephant into the refrigerator, and it was only three steps forward and backward.

"That's not right, Takeya, you missed one of the most important links."

As he spoke, Komachi made an OK gesture with his free left hand:

"The God of Death charges ferry money for transporting the souls of the dead to the other side."


"Hey, you guy, did you just look down on us who are the gods of death from the bottom of your heart?"

Takeya rolled his face angrily and sneered, and Komachi curled his lips and said:

"I said, this is a very important thing. The financial situation in Hell is very bad. Otherwise, why do you think that you have opened so many shops? What if we ferry people don't work hard and go bankrupt. "

"Ah ha ha"

It was the first time I heard that Hell still had a financial situation, and the expression on Takeya's face suddenly became a little exciting.

"Money is a very important thing."

Staring at Takeya in a preachy manner, Komachi said earnestly:

"Wu Ye, you'd better remember that the ferry money has a more important meaning, which is related to whether the undead passengers can reach the other side safely."

"What? Is there anyone else who can't arrive?"

"Of course."

Looking at Takeya making a fuss, Komachi was stunned for a moment and then explained:

"The ferry money is the total property of the soul during his lifetime. If there is more, then the road to the other shore will be shortened. If it is less, the road will be long. If a soul's property is zero, then our god of death will directly send It was thrown into the river.”

". Throw it into the river?"

Looking at the strange river water on both sides in disbelief, Wu Ye swallowed and asked:

"What will happen if you are thrown in?"


Komachi looked at Takeya with a half-smile and said:

"Directly below the Santu River is the deepest level of hell. What do you think would happen if you were thrown in? By the way, you can't swim in the Santu River, which means that as long as you leave this ship, you will be completely ruined. oh."


This is too hasty, no, it’s too terrible!

The originally weird river water was now filled with an ominous aura in Wu Ye's eyes. He silently shrank his body toward the center of the boat, and then asked:

"Well, Komachi, what did you say about the total property of the soul? Saving money?"

"It doesn't mean the property you owned during your lifetime."

Komachi shook his head and said:

"The property that a soul can possess refers to the sum of money that its close people are willing to spend for him after its death."

"Are there any things to burn for funeral affairs?"

"That's pretty much it."

Komachi nodded, and then said to Takeya jokingly:

"So remember to make more friends when you go back, so that you may become a rich man among the undead after you die."


He looked away in disgust. Although this was indeed a very important matter, when he thought about it carefully, Takeya found that something was wrong. He was not close to death yet, so why should he think about his death so early? I almost finished this bowl of broken chicken soup.

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