In fact, it is understandable that Xuefeng is the ship's mother after all, and she belongs to Yuyan. There are her friends and relatives here.

But she, the former flagship of the deep sea in the Brest waters, has a sister over there.

Yamato has never given up the idea of ​​going back.

Comparing heart to heart, it is normal for Xuefeng to want to stay here.

"I'm not ready." Seeing the depressed expression on Big Sister's face, the little girl knew what the other party was thinking. She shook her head and continued, "Just as we said at the beginning. Let's live in Yuyan for a year or two at most, save some money, and then take an ocean liner to Brest."

Why not make a plane.

Although the sky above Yuyan Sea is very safe, it is difficult to say after passing Yuyan.

The probability of being knocked down is quite high.

Besides, Xuefeng never wanted to stay in Yuyan, she just wanted to see this place and her friends back then.

"Xuefeng is Yamato's Xuefeng, not Dafeng's Xuefeng." The little girl said like this. She spent many years with her big sister. Although there are bad days, there are more happy times.

Whenever she is unhappy, Yamato always finds ways to make her happy.

I knew it would be unfortunate to be with her, but I never said anything.

After a long time, the family will be forged.

Just like knowing the danger, Yamato also accompanied Xuefeng back to Yuyan.

"You said it as if I were the Admiral." Yamato's unhappiness disappeared completely, and he was a little ashamed of the thought just now.

Xuefeng has long made it clear that he will always follow him, and he has also said that whether he is an ordinary girl or the flagship of the deep sea.

As a result, she still became uneasy after the other party ran into a former friend.

And this unease comes from the cognition of identity difference in consciousness.

She is Deep Sea, but Xuefeng is Jian Niang. It is "normal" that Jian Niang and Jian Niang stay together.

"Xuefeng never thought of looking for an admiral." The little girl shook her head and put the only saury left in the dish in the Yamato bowl: "Or Sister Yamato goes to find an admiral, and then Xuefeng will follow?"

"I'm looking for a fart admiral, I'm not pachina." The white-haired girl was happy: "And I'm a deep sea."

"But when the power of the deep sea dissipates, the deep sea ship girl will become a ship girl. Big sister Yamato should be fast."

"It may take decades to wait for it to slowly dissipate." Yamato took a bite of the saury and continued: "And I never thought of becoming a ship girl, my essence is the deep sea, and I am also a flagship. "

In addition to the fact that death will reduce the infection of the deep sea, if the core is not replenished for a long time, the power of the deep sea will gradually dissipate.

It's just that the process is very slow and lengthy.

As Yamato said, it may take decades.

She has become almost the same as ordinary people, and it will take decades.

"It doesn't matter if you change into a ship's mother or not, anyway, Xuefeng slowly accompanies Big Sister Yamato." The little girl ended today's dinner with these words.

After that, Miss Yamato was in charge of washing the dishes.

Feeling good again, she even hummed a song.

"I have a pachina that I never ride~" Xuefeng sang according to her tune.


The so-called "Xiao Xiaofeng and Admiral Bai had a good chat, and even left contact information" that the company was worried about did not happen at all.

Even after Xiao Xiaofeng used the enemy search skill.

At most, she looked at Da Fengfeng with curiosity, and then looked at Bai Jun in the other's mouth.

Nothing else.

After confirming that Pipiga did indeed lose her memory, and after another dinner, the person in charge of the port area took Xiao Xiaofeng to leave.

Regarding the ship equipment and carrier-based aircraft handed over by Akagi, she has already handed over to Dr. Yubari in Yuyan Port.

I believe it will be repaired in a few days.

It's just that there's also something that can't be explained, if her memory isn't wrong. Before leaving Yuyan, the Lexington sisters were equipped with B25s and hero fighters.

How come I haven't seen each other for a few years, and then I replaced it with the shabby BTD and the sea fangs.

As time passed, the equipment of the ship girls continued to overflow. The golden fighter Sea Fang, which was hard to find in those days, can now be described as shabby.

Although there is a possibility that Saratoga will sell these equipment.

It's just not very likely.

So, there are doubts all over the blond girl who returned to Yuyan.

Companies are thinking about this. Just now while Akagi was cooking in the kitchen, her younger sister Feng pulled her out the door again and told her and Akagi's conjectures.

Since they have all decided to tell the company about this aspect, these ideas will not be hidden.

"It turns out that the corporate lady also has friends." Xiao Xiaofeng said as she walked on the curb by the side of the road. The girl's footsteps were brisk, and she seemed to be in a good mood for some reason.

"?" The person in charge tilted his head. Of course she has friends, just in Yuyan General Harbor, there are girls from Missouri and so on. Not to mention the branch port area, or those who came to communicate from the outer sea.

"It's not that kind of ordinary friend, it's the kind that prefers family." Xiao Xiaofeng thought about it and added: "Maybe Miss Enterprise doesn't have this awareness, but she was just with Miss Akagi and Miss Hao He. At that time, the expression on his face was very soft."


Of course, there was another sentence Xiaofeng didn't say.

That is, the corporate lady has become less sharp in her words, which is the so-called spray.

In the past, in the office, this person basically said what he thought, and never cared about the identity of the other party. Not a lot of foul language, but definitely not a lot.

Or not so called a man of temperament.

Xiao Xiaofeng didn't know what happened in Yuyangang back then, otherwise she wouldn't be surprised.

Just like no one would know, she is now extremely powerful, known as the Miss Corporation of the Federal Starship, and she was also a girl who couldn't even tell the difference between BTD and BTF.

"Well, they are very close and close friends." There was a nostalgic smile on the company's face. If there was no such thing as a naval battle, she and Akagi would not have such a cracked relationship.

Yuyan may still be a small city, and Yuyan Port is also a small port area.

Akagi is the eldest sister of all the ships, and Lexington and Saratoga are still here and have not gone anywhere.

To this day, every New Year and festival, companies will drink some wine by the window, as if they were drinking with them.

Because Akagi loved tea and wine, the girls in the aircraft carrier formation would drink some at that time.

The drinker of the elder sister is Lexington.

Saratoga is better than her.

For younger sister Feng, it is basically two cups.

No fighting power.

"Is it more kissable than me?" Xiao Xiaofeng smiled and walked to the company to take her arm.

"Almost, it's the kind that's very kissable anyway." The person in charge pinched the girl's cheek.

417. Salesman Hancock

Miss Yamato has grown accustomed to having a Richelieu come over to buy buns every once in a while.

Well, she's already like this, so it doesn't matter.

Who doesn't sell to?

Yamato is also a woman who can get on with money~

In the morning, Chicheng woke up unexpectedly late, so of course there was no breakfast available today. Before the eldest sister hurried out, the younger brother stopped her and asked her if she wanted some steamed buns.

But was rejected by shaking his head.

If time is too late, go to the gendarmerie to solve it.

The other team that needed breakfast was him and Richelieu, while his sister Feng and Saratoga had yet to get up.

However, according to the girl, because of the secretary ship course, she couldn't sleep until noon as she wanted, let alone Saratoga to take care of.

Gaga has always been a child who needs to be taken care of, but this time, from making mistakes and getting into trouble, it has become a worry about daily life.

I couldn't tell that Lexington was there before, but now my younger sister Feng has also experienced the feeling of being an older sister.

If Gaga hadn't forgotten everything, it shouldn't be difficult to find Lexington Dunton.

As for now, we can only take one step at a time.


The most important thing about running and exercising is perseverance.

Today is the second day, and of course Richelieu has no reason to give up, let alone for his own admiral.

I just ate two buns in the morning, which is better for my stomach.

During the walk, Goldilocks told her admiral about her life at school.

For example, except for her and Constellation, almost all of the class are destroyer girls.

As for why "almost" is used, after all, there are a few who don't look like elementary school students at all.

Like the Z31, or the Strett.

What Richelieu is currently staying in is the ship-girl class built by third-year students. As for the senior ship girl, she basically went out for practice with her admiral now.

Just like the junior Admiral Mo Guiyao.

All day long with the shameful Admiral Su Beiguo, and I don't know what it will look like in the end.

What is taught in the class is basically a very basic theoretical knowledge.

Richelieu understood it very easily, and even had time to talk about the constellations that were not very good at it.

After all, it is still too difficult to expect a class that is all elementary school students except these two girls to not speak in class.

Teacher Jianniang, who taught the class, also talked and coaxed.

"Admiral, it's almost there." Richelieu reminded him as he threw the empty bag into the trash can on the side of the road.

"Yeah." Bai Yanxi nodded. He didn't have a professional class this morning, so this trip was just a run. In the past, I ran from Huifeng Garden to the gendarmerie, then came back to take a bath, and then went to a small restaurant to be a salted fish.

But now that there is more Richelieu around, the situation is different.

It's as if the older sister Akagi no longer supervises the exercise, but handed over the task to her.

"I heard that some people just run and run every day and do aerobic exercise, and they can become the number one in the world." While running, Admiral Bai talked about a new topic with his girl.

"The only downside is being bald."

"...?" Richelieu thought for a while and said, "Are you resisting exercise?"

"No." The two ran forward along the maple leaf long road, and Admiral Bai shook his head: "I heard that it is true to become the number one in the world."

"When you can do this, Richelieu will admit that you are the number one in the world." The blonde girl in the sportswear waved her hand very easily, bringing out the sound of the air being torn.


"The ship girls don't dare to say that they are number one in the world."

"I was just joking..."

"Me too." She smiled lightly and pointed to the position of her heart: "You are already number one in the world, here."

"It's so provocative, and it won't give you pocket money." Bai Yanxi is not the kind of existence that will be sunk by two or three sentences.

"You are trampling on the girl's heart, don't you feel uneasy in your conscience?" Richelieu glanced at his admiral, and his tone was slightly resentful.

As for what was on his mind, no one knew.

"Then give you an extra five hundred every month?" Admiral Bai thought about it very seriously.

"The number one in the world only adds 500?" Richelieu emphatically added: "You are the number one in the world, in Richelieu's heart."

The typical digging hole jumped for himself, and the topic he just found at random was used by Richet to counterattack himself.

"Then what do you think the world's No. 1 Admiral can do." Having said that, Bai Yanxi also wanted to see how "greedy" Richelieu was.

"At least I should be able to accompany my ship's mother to eat alone every month, right?" Richelieu smiled, his smile was warm, and he was not greedy at all.

She had just won a lot of money from Miss Missouri before. I was thinking about how I should reward my Admiral.

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