However, every line is like a mountain, and girls with good voices do not say that they are competent for dubbing work, and it requires long and boring practice. Not to mention the ship girl who is just a good-looking girl with good acting skills.

This is the conclusion that Xiao Wu has come to after seeing the works that Missouri has starred in.

Good-looking, good acting, but not up to the job of dubbing.

In fact, this problem has become more acute.

Personally, he prefers to sign a professional dubbing girl in the company or in the industry.

But then again, if the main dubbing is really like what Bai Yanxi said, using Missouri's words is not without advantages.

In the follow-up publicity level, considering that Missouri itself has its own traffic. Moreover, the voice of the ship's mother makes it easier for the audience to accept such a true story.

These are advantages that cannot be ignored. Brother Bai should also consider this aspect when discussing with him.

These are the two biggest problems right now.

Script, and dubbing.

Xiaowu took advantage of the tea time before dinner to talk about the more detailed issues of these two levels with Bai Yanxi and Missouri.

"As for the script, I'll write it myself." He thought about it for a while and said to Xiao Wu.

"Brother Bai, can you?"

"I have experience in the script, and the writing is okay. I can sort out some stories to discuss with Susu."

"What about the dubbing, let Miss Missouri do it, or should I contact a professional dubbing engineer?" Xiao Wu asked. He has just explained the pros and cons, and now it can be discussed more objectively.

Missouri is also not sure whether she can take the role. She is not good at vocal music, but her idol Quincy Quinby is good at this.

"I know Yuyan's professional vocal teacher, do you want to practice for a while and see?" she suggested.

"Also, if you have the heart, start laying some foundations and follow up later." Xiao Wu thought about it, professional dubbing is more suitable for complete commercialization, so it is easy to start slowly and progress together, and the voice of Missouri sounds quite nice.

After thinking about it, he continued: "If you sign a follow-up contract, you will come to the company at noon tomorrow to see the contract. I will send a position to Brother Bai later. You can take the subway from the city center tomorrow, it's very close."

"So it's over for now?"

"Yes, for the time being, I can provide you with a complete promotion channel on the site. If the response is good, I can also contact the promotion outside the site."

"Alright, come little by little." Bai Yanxi nodded and smiled at him: "Then, happy cooperation?"

"Happy and happy." Xiao Wu raised her glass, and Su Su also raised her glass. As for the contract that will be finalized tomorrow, she is not too afraid. Even if she herself knows about this aspect, Ruan Qin also knows the talents in this area, so she doesn't need to worry.

It's just that I didn't expect to study vocal music specifically.

After returning to Yuyan, ask Qinqin again.

There weren't many dishes ordered, except for the few ordered by Chicheng, which were considered big dishes, and the others were not too many. Bai Yanxi ordered another portion of rice, and all of them ate some.

In the end, he wanted to go to checkout, but was stopped by Xiao Wu, saying that Brother Bai finally came to Pingjiang, how could he let him spend money.

This brat, who was talking about the work meal before, didn't want to call his girlfriend, and the checkout turned into a friend's dinner.

When parting, Xiao Wu wanted to take them back to the hotel.

Bai Yanqi didn't give in, the road was not far, just turn a few street corners, he would go to the company tomorrow to draft the contract, so he and the others would just walk back slowly.

Also as a digestion after a meal.

Xiao Wu and Master Bai are definitely full, and the girls are definitely not full.

Not to mention elder sister Chicheng and younger sister Dafeng, Missouri spends most of the time listening to the conversation between Bai Xiaoge and Xiaowu, and eats even less.

Most of the time, after drinking tea, it tastes good, but it makes me even more hungry.

"Now, go back to the hotel first, or go directly to find something to eat?" Bai Yanxi asked Da Feng.

"Well... let's go back first, where is Akagi Castle." The literary girl handed over her hand to her lover and asked the eldest sister.

"Go back first." Chicheng also didn't agree to find food first. Compared with this, she wanted to know what her brother Bai was doing. After the nearly hour-long conversation, she probably understood some things, and also had some doubts. I believe that the same is true for my sister Feng.

Bai Jun took the initiative to propose to go back, and also wanted to take this time to explain.

"..." Su Su was silent for a while, but did not speak. She couldn't get into the topic. Fighting alone is not as good as sisters. But she has no sister or sister.

Missouri knows what Brother Bai is going to do, and even she is a participant, which is an advantage neither sisters have. Besides, as his ship's mother, Akagi and Dafeng also have the right to know.

Go back to the hotel to find something to cushion first, and just let the little brother explain it to them.


Susu booked a total of four rooms in the hotel in the urban area of ​​Pingjiang, as a resting place for a few people. After taking the elevator upstairs, Missouri went straight to the restaurant on the fourth floor. For her, making up a meal first did not affect the later supper.

And Dafeng and Chicheng also went directly to the room with him. Sister Feng hadn't asked what Bai Yanxi had done during this period of time before, she just knew a little about it.

I didn't know it in detail, it was because of her trust in Bai Jun and to leave a private space for her lover. As for looking at her phone, it was just a last resort, and she hasn't done it recently!

"Bai Jun..." Sitting beside the hotel bed, Da Feng wrapped his hands around the cherry-colored temples, looking at him with beautiful eyes, looking a little hesitant. Akagi sat next to his younger sister Feng and didn't say anything.

This kind of thing, it is better to have a real girlfriend.

It's not a shameful thing, Bai Yanxi prepared some words and told them about it.

From the initial chat idea, and several plans before and after, he went to contact the available promotion resources around him, and Missouri went to the main port to seek the opinions of the company in charge.

Now come to Pingjiang and Xiaowu to hand over, and finalize some details and contracts.

No matter how small or small, Bai Yanxi told them one by one.

When it comes to the end, almost half an hour has passed.

The younger sister was silent and did not speak, but Akagi reached out and took a bottle of mineral water to Bai Yanxi, motioning him to moisten his mouth.

After that, the two girls looked at each other again, and after exchanging opinions, it was decided that the elder sister would speak.

"Baijun." Chicheng's voice was calm, but with a rare solemnity, she paused and continued to ask: "Do you know what you are doing now?"

"Enterprise Says..."

"I'm asking if you know, not the opinions and opinions of other people."

"At the moment, you don't know." Chicheng's voice was very soft, a bit harsh in the empty room. She told Bai Jun what the company had not explained before: "You are creating a war."

"A war called Cultural Invasion."

163. Open heart

If it is divided into factions, then the Federal Starship is undoubtedly one of the leaders of the ship girls.

It's totally understandable for her to act like this.

After so many years, although the company feels that it is still the same, it is still the strong and confident enterprise number of the year.

But the long-established position made her subtly favor the ship's mother on the level of looking at the problem.

Not that there is anything wrong with doing so.

Take now as an example, there is nothing wrong with her approach.

Taking the ship girl culture as an integrated body, let Bai Yanqi, who is a human faction, pack it and spread it out.

It's a success, everyone is happy.

What if it fails?

What will happen.

The enterprise agrees to such an idea and planning, which comes from the increasingly obvious superego, and the id consciousness is more and more suppressed by the position and responsibility.

This is why Akagi said that the company is no longer the company it used to be.

The so-called superego, in simple terms, is the moral branch of psychic functioning that includes the notions of working toward it, and the guilt that is expected when a standard is violated.

She felt that this could be done, and that it would bring great benefits to the entire fleet.

As for Bai Yanxi, the plan for this matter was discussed by him and Missouri, and it came from his personal self.

The id is unconscious, irrational, unsocialized and disorganized.

From his conversation with Xiao Wu today, he can find that Master Bai has ideas, but not a complete plan, and many of them are discussed on the spot.

The id only follows the hedonic principle, which means pursuing the biological needs of the individual.

Just like Mencius said that the nature of food and **** is the needs of the self, so he did not directly answer the question "Do you know what you are doing?"

Sister Chicheng could see that Bai Jun himself did not have a clear answer.

Maybe there are, maybe they are ashamed to say it, maybe because they are irrational, or because they don't understand.

"Is it... can't do it?" The younger brother Bai seemed very honest. Chicheng fought in the endless sea for many years, and he was the eldest sister of the gendarmerie team for five or six years, and he really had something in his hand.

Not enough to read poetry and books, but insight into people's hearts. It really confirms the saying "everything in the world is knowledgeable, and human affection is an essay".

"Don't do it if you want peace and quiet." The eldest sister got up, pulled him to the side of the bed, and pressed him beside her sister Feng.

"If you can control it, you can do it. I'm irrational, but it's the origin of things. There is a saying in the company."


"Don't look at me like this. I don't know what the company said to you, but according to my understanding of her, she should have said this to you."

"There should be my sentence of many dangers, but the gravel in the road, she liked it very much."


The younger brother Bai discovered that Chicheng is really a collection of contradictions. He is quiet and elegant on weekdays, but he was full of coquettishness after drinking that night.

He didn't understand whether the eldest sister was a split personality or it was true.

Abruptly holding her hand, Chicheng would be shy and want to pull it back.

But he wouldn't smile at him like a fox spirit and bully him.

Mingming understands people's hearts, but does not understand love.

I don't know if I really don't understand or pretend I don't.

Brother Bai can't understand.

"Let's talk about the rest." My elder sister grabbed Bai Jun's hand, put it in my younger sister's palm, and sat down on the chair by the table. Although Missouri booked a standard room, but because of the high price, the room is large enough, and the look and feel of a star-rated hotel is good.

After Akagi finished talking about the pros and cons and whether it was feasible, the next thing was Dafeng.

In other words, it was the matter of his ship's mother.

Before Bai Jun didn't personally invite him, there were some things that his elder sister didn't even recognize after being killed.

Dafeng thought about his words.

Her eloquence is different from that of her older sister, who is often on the go. Her younger sister is a reclusive and beautiful girl writer.

Tan Feng is not as good as Chicheng, which is normal. But some things, for her, are a must.

"Bai Jun is an admiral, so he may be lacking in experience, but please keep in mind that your ship's wife will not obstruct any decision you make."

"Anything," she repeated emphatically.

"Akagi Castle explains the pros and cons to you, not to prevent obstacles, but to let you understand what you are doing."

"The cause of the admiral, and the consequences, are borne by the admiral and the ship's mother together."

"Jianniang has an indelible relationship with their own admirals. They never leave, and stay with each other for the rest of their lives. If the admiral goes missing, they will search thousands of mountains and rivers and travel to every corner."

"Even if he really died, there are those who stay to mourn, and there are those who choose to follow him. They will never serve the two of them."

"A heart, if you like it, you like it. For the rest of your life, you don't think about anything else."

"How can they obstruct their own admirals like this? They will only help the admirals, make suggestions, and give everything they can." Dafeng held Bai Yanxi's hand, and his eyes showed seriousness and a heavy weight that was difficult to describe in words. with blind love.

"Bai Jun, just do what you want." The literary girl smiled shyly and said softly: "It is not that simple to break through the front that I built with Akagi."

"..." Sister Chicheng wanted to complain, why did she take her with her. But the atmosphere is so good right now, forget it.

"If the port area is regarded as a complete personality, then the admiral represents part of the superego and id, and the ship girl is a self-like existence, and the remaining part of the superego is supplemented by the external factors in the port area." Akagi took over the topic, Da Feng has almost finished what he should have said.

"They follow some principles, adjust the id as the admiral, are subject to the superego, and satisfy the id as the admiral in the most reasonable way possible."

"If you can't satisfy your id in the most reasonable way possible, it will be in an unreasonable way, so it is similar to the ego, because the ship's love is deformed and irrational."

"That's why the admiral's marriage does not apply to the law, and the ship's love is heavy and blind."

"They can do anything for the Admiral. In fact, I personally don't agree with the practice of opening the Admiral's School in the port area. This is essentially a useless compromise and an inappropriate plan for the breeding of deformities." Here, Sister Akagi threw the last question: "Then now, Admiral Bai, can you tell me."

"Why would you want to do such a thing."

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