Chapter 189: Bar Escape

There were other customers in the bar who were frightened and backed away when they saw this scene. This situation had not been discovered before, and there had never been a large-scale attack on the bar by cultists and thugs.

Jessica and Lisa didn't follow them, otherwise there would be no need to worry about these zombies. Even if there were violent zombies, they would not be a match for the two women. Considering the continuous battle, Eddie arranged for Yamaha Kyoko and Michela to check them to ensure that there would be no problems, so he did not follow them.

There is a back door here, we can leave from the back. Cindy pointed in the direction of the kitchen.

Suddenly a bloody figure ran out crawling, Suddenly a lot of cultists came at the back door, and they were eating people! Chef Anru was eaten by them. It's so scary, they are coming!

Bang! A zombie who came out was shot dead by Gildan, and then more zombies began to walk out of the kitchen door.

Everyone kept shooting, but there were too many zombies and they couldn't be cleared away immediately.

Is there any other way? Eddie broke the zombie's neck with a roundhouse kick.

Yes, it's on the roof. We go up to the roof. We can jump from the roof to the rooftops of other buildings, and then go to the pedestrian bridge. There is a temporary settlement place we have arranged over there. Kevin pointed to the bar. upstairs.

Bang! At this time, the glass outside the bar had been broken, and many zombies had begun to pour in from the windows. Even if they were cut all over by the broken glass, they would roar and pounce on any living person.

Bobby, hold on, I'll take you away. Uncle Mark began to carry his friend upstairs.

Unexpectedly, Bobby pushed his friend away and took the other person's gun. Go away, Mark, go away. I know there is no way I can be saved. I will soon become one of those terrifying man-eating lunatics. I am a veteran, I have the dignity of a warrior, and I would rather die quietly than turn into one of those ugly monsters.

Bobby! Just as Mark was about to speak to persuade, he heard a gunshot!

Bang! The dying man picked up a pistol and shot himself in the head. He used death to defend his dignity. He would rather die than become a zombie and harm others.

Eddie looked a little silent. This was not a game or a dream, but a real life experience. Although there were no so-called flying superheroes in Raccoon City, there were still some little people with integrity.

After sighing for a while, Eddie had no idea of ​​saving the entire city. If he wanted to save it, the best way was to break it down and build it up again. These things were for the senators to consider, not for him, a humble citizen.

Uncle Mark walked to his friend and picked up his gun, If I have the chance, I will find the murderer and help you avenge him.

There's no time to lament. We'd better leave here first. There are too many zombies. Let's go to the isolation point first. I suspect this place is out of control. Eddie kicked the zombies away.

Kevin, you guys go up first, I'll take the lead, Jill, you go up too, believe me, Rebecca, you too. Eddie continued to order.

Kevin took the lead and opened the way. The second floor is also the bar's drinking area. There are some small boxes used to provide a private space for family and friends to gather. There are also a lot of zombies here. Together with Leon, they kill the zombies.

The door is locked! Leon tried to open the door, but failed. This seemed to be the door of the employee's room.

This leads to the staff rest room and utility room. Above is the office. I don't have the key, so you can try to kick the door open. Cindy also walked up to the second floor.

Leon nodded and kicked open the door of the room with a strong kick. As a result, a zombie jumped out and bit his neck with his ferocious teeth.

At the critical moment, Enrique killed the zombie with one shot, Be careful, these monsters always like to hide in dark corners and sneak up on people.

Leon nodded, looking a little scared. Coming to work in Raccoon City was really fulfilling for him. It was so fulfilling that he could explode. Thanks, Captain.

Boom! Boom! Boom! There was a huge noise downstairs, as if something was hitting hard. With no one else watching, Eddie wasn't polite and just kicked the zombies away with a few physical roundhouse kicks.

The kicked zombies will also knock down a large number of zombies and shoot them out as human cannonballs.

Click! Grab the chin with your right hand and twist it hard to the left. You can easily break the zombie's neck and completely destroy these inhuman things.

Seeing that everyone had evacuated, Eddie took a fire ax from the fire emergency device nearby. Use force to cut off the wooden stairs to prevent zombies from rushing up.

Kevin and Leon, who were the first ones along the way, kicked open the door with all their strength. The doors here were either made of light aluminum alloy or wooden structures. They were very easy to open. They could pass even without a key. They struggled to find the key. Solving puzzles? That doesn't exist.

Cindy was a little panicked at the beginning. She was just a carefree bartender before, and now she was going to fight zombies. Fortunately, she had the serum boost, otherwise she might not even be able to hold a dagger.

The group of people came to the rooftop and closed the door behind their backs, seemingly escaping. Some customers seemed to be exhausted and collapsed on the ground panting.

Sir, please don't get close. If you hear what I say, please raise your hands, otherwise we will kill you as a thug. Leon picked up the gun and shouted to the three people walking slowly on the rooftop.

No need to doubt, they are zombies! After Enrique said this, he shot three zombies in a row, blowing their heads off.

Okay, now the situation is very serious. This situation broke out in the north almost instantly. We need to go to Annadaly Street to help arrange bombs. The situation is very urgent and we don't have time to stay. Kevin unloaded the pistol magazine Come out and replenish bullets.

Let's go first, go over there and see what's going on. This is not a place to stay. Eddie came up from behind and said.

Bring these survivors with you, too. There is a temporary settlement nearby. It is relatively safe. It is a temporary residence for residents who are fleeing attacks. Leon said, looking at the more than 20 surviving bar patrons behind him. The mission of the Communist Party of China is to protect the lives and safety of citizens.

That's right! You have to take us with you. Damn it, we can pay taxes, and you have the responsibility to protect us! A man in a suit and tie yelled, looking very disgusting.

Chapter 190: Pretending to be arrogant may lead to death

We will ensure your safety. Sir, please calm down first. Kevin frowned. His character was very casual, but it didn't mean that he liked to be kidnapped morally.

I don't care, I won't leave. You must find a helicopter to take me out, or I will go to court to sue you! Damn it, let those cultists destroy this place, damn it, you all deserve to die! The man in a suit He was still yelling and cursing, seeming to be making use of the topic. I don't know if my wife ran away with someone else or was fired.

Eddie didn't care. He wouldn't be kidnapped by morality. If the other party begged him nicely, maybe he could consider what he thought of him with such a condescending attitude.

A figure stood up precariously. It was a young man, and he slowly walked behind the man in a suit who was yelling very vigorously. As if smelling fresh meat, he bit directly into the man's aorta.

Ah! The man in the suit screamed and struggled continuously, but more and more customers around him were mutating, as if they were infected, and they all gathered around to bite and devour.

It seems that it only takes a short time to transform from a normal person to a zombie. The T serum must have mutated during the spread and become more virulent!

Damn it! Kevin had to pick up his pistol and kill the bar patrons who bit the man in the suit. The patrons who had turned into zombies were irrational and their consciousness had almost disappeared.

There were a lot of zombies rushing towards the people who were still alive, but Jill directly grabbed the opponent's chin, flicked it hard, and turned the zombie's head 180 degrees, guillotine!

Almost none of the more than ten customers were alive. They were either mutated or bitten to death. Even though he had escaped to the rooftop, he still could not escape the fate of death.

Eddie patted Jill on the shoulder and gave him a gentle smile, Sooner or later we have to face these things. It's okay. Living is victory.

As if thinking of something, Eddie took out a medicine gun from his backpack, Do you need a shot? I forgot to tell you that this is the vaccine I made recently. I don't know if it will work. It may be useful. . Give it a shot before there is any mutation. If it mutates, it will have no effect.

Come on, I believe you. Kevin was the first to come over and get the injection. They were all members of the team fighting together. If they had tried to harm him, he would have died long ago. How could he survive until now? It was because of his intuition that he believed in Ai unconditionally. Dee.

With Kevin taking the lead, Leon was the second one to come over and get the injection. He also chose to believe that it was a miracle that this senior from the police station could come back alive from a ghost place like the Arklay Mountains!

The reason why Eddie is so kind is entirely because these people are valuable, and only valuable people can become friends, isn't it? People who are worthless are not worthy of being friends.

As long as Kevin, Leon and others are guaranteed to leave Raccoon City alive, they will definitely be the main force against Umbrella after experiencing hell on earth. When someone is dealing with Umbrella, Umbrella won't focus on him. Instead of wasting time playing hide-and-seek with Umbrella's people, why not spend her time doing research or having children?

When we came to the edge, it was only two meters away from the roofs of nearby houses. It only took a run to jump over. Looking down from the rooftop, the streets have turned into a mess.

A large number of infected and mutated zombies are walking towards the intact residents. They are almost everywhere in the streets, alleys and even houses. No one knows how many people have mutated, but panic prevents anyone from going back to deal with these zombies. They all think they are cultists, and killing people is illegal!

These are all good things Umbrella has done. We must live, leave alive, and report Umbrella's crimes. Enrique looked extremely angry. He was an old police officer and had a strong sense of justice. What I can't stand is this kind of lawless thing, which has absolutely no regard for morality and human rights.

At least you have to be alive. Now get to Anna Daly Street. Kevin charged quickly and jumped from the rooftop of the bar. Lyon, Enrique and others also charged quickly and jumped over.

When it was Jill's turn, she took a running start, and she could jump over the distance of two meters. Cindy even exceeded some distance when she jumped over. This jumping ability surprised herself.

There were still a large number of zombies on the streets, and some of the agents deployed here began to shoot and attack. However, there were too many zombies, and they could not defend them at all, and they soon died in the line of duty.

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