So after the vaccine eliminates most of the G virus, there should be a small part of the virus that we can fuse and undergo a second strengthening. This situation is so special that few people can replicate it. This is our advantage. . It’s also our second step towards eternal life, isn’t that a good thing?” Eddie smiled proudly.

Are there no side effects? King Ada took a sip of coffee.

The side effects are not known yet and need to be observed. It should be a violent tendency, which requires control and restraint. Eddie couldn't give an accurate answer. This kind of thing is completely step-by-step, but there is no example that can be used as a reference. .

Restraint? Haha, you really need to restrain yourself. Your willpower is really bad. Svetlana scolded him unceremoniously. If she hadn't thought that the other party had saved her, she would have just hit him with a high heel. Kicked to death.

What he said was a bit inexplicable. Why was he always mentioned? Eddie didn't know what was going on. He couldn't remember. Maybe it was because he was messing around like a monster during the fusion process?

Okay, what are we going to do next? Svetlana took a bottle of wine. She wanted to get drunk, but it was impossible now.

I need to know the latest news. Ada, please help collect these things. They are here. Let me take a look at the information first. Eddie shook his head. It was already broad daylight. It seemed that he had to find an opportunity to go out. .

Victor and others who sneaked in from the Aklay Mountains also came to the theater and shuttled through the abandoned city. Their task is first to ensure the safety of the helicopter, and then to help others leave after confirming that it is not damaged.

Chapter 231: Dirty deal with Sister Wang

The door to the laboratory opened, and the wandering zombies and some mutated infected monsters seemed to smell some food and began to move towards this side.

Eddie took the lead with a roundhouse kick, kicking away a crawling brain-eater mutated by a flea infection. He knocked down a lot of zombies, and his internal organs were kicked to pieces and died.

After strengthening again, Eddie could feel that his strength had become much stronger, and he seemed to be lighter.

Ada Wang was in a good mood. Although she lost a little bit, she got the G virus sample she needed for her mission. The lost things were just taken away by Eddie. They were all his own, so there was no need to be so entangled.

Lickers, violent zombies, and ordinary zombies, none of them can withstand a single attack from Eddie. Among the numerous zombies, they come and go like the wind.

Often when a zombie bites, Eddie has already teleported to the other side, dodged the zombie's attack, and broke the other zombie's neck without regaining consciousness.

He swept out almost brutishly all the way, without an enemy, and it seemed so lonely to be invincible. This sentence can really be used now.

In the laboratory on the other side, Siena noticed something moving outside. She saw the man who interested her very much was harvesting the lives of zombies. That Eddie appeared and was walking towards the passage on the ground. We are now Go out and walk through the dining room and hallway to see him, so be quick!”

The people who were repairing began to pick up their equipment and set off. The mission was meaningful only if they could survive. There was no vaccine, which meant that their lives had entered a countdown.

They knocked down the zombies along the way and hurried on. When they passed the passage where Eddie and others left, everyone fell silent. These zombies and monsters were killed by physical attacks, without the use of guns.

How much physical strength and strength does it take to beat so many zombies and monsters to death?

As Eddie was about to leave, members of the Sixth Echo Squad gave chase.

Hi, handsome guy, do you remember me? I'm Siena, what a coincidence and fate! Don't be nervous, I mean no harm. Siena put her hands on her shoulders, making a non-threatening gesture.

Eddie's expression was a little playful, Oh, it's you. What's the matter? Miss Special Forces?

Ahem, I'm from the Marine Corps, and these are my teammates. I heard that you can make vaccines, and we want you to help create some vaccines. We may be infected. Siena's expression was solemn.

Have you been bitten? Eddie looked at everyone.

No, we just drank mineral water with viruses. I am the captain of the Echo Squad. If you are willing to help us, we will be very grateful to you. Captain Jettingham stood up and explained.

You don't want to become a zombie? Well, I can help you, but just pretend that you have never seen me, and don't tell your superiors that you have seen me. It's that simple, can it be done? Ai Da made a request.

It's very simple. Our mission does not conflict with yours. I promise in the name of a soldier that we will not reveal your information. Jettingham's expression was serious. This was a matter of life and death.

I can also promise you that my subordinates will never betray your information. I will kill anyone who betrays you! Hank also promised in a cold voice.

Oh? Hank, the God of Death? Eddie got a little interested.

It's just a false name. Your team is very strong, stronger than me. They are the gods of death. Hank didn't care.

It took Eddie half an hour to make the vaccine and give everyone a shot.

Okay, you don't need to worry about turning into a zombie now, but don't think that it will be okay. If you are seriously injured, there is still a risk of infection. If we meet again by fate, it is best not to meet again. Eddie He waved his hands and gave Caroline a hidden look.

When we left Spencer Memorial Hospital again, it was already ten o'clock in the morning, a good time for sunny weather.

Come with me, I will take you out of Raccoon City, I have a helicopter. Eddie said to King Ada.

Why not take a ride? Are you still staying in Raccoon City? King Ada asked.

Due to Eddie's intervention, King Ada will no longer encounter Leon, who is of great significance to her, in her destiny. Leon's position has been replaced by Eddie.

There are still some things that need to be dealt with when I stay. When I finish dealing with them, I will leave as soon as possible. What, do you care about me or are you reluctant to leave me? Eddie joked.

You think too much. I just don't want a partner to die like this, otherwise my early investment will be very bad. Ada Wang sneered. She would not express her true feelings, at least not now.

It's up to you, let's go, get in the car, let's find Claire, and then fly away. Eddie found a car, roughly removed the dashboard bezel, and started the ignition in a special way.

The roar of the off-road vehicles did not attract the zombies. There were only abandoned vehicles on the road and some road potholes along the way. These were the potholes created by the police during the battle. They could just run over them.

These zombies don't appear during the day because they are afraid of the sun? King Ada muttered.

No, it's just that you haven't adapted. It will take about two days and you will see the streets full of zombies. This is biological instinct. Even a virus has the most basic consciousness. Eddie explained, these It can be found in Umbrella's archives.

In Spencer Memorial Hospital, the Sixth Echo Team and the Hank Team cooperated with each other, each finding what they needed and going back to work.

What the Sixth Echo Team needs is to repair the Death Tyrant, and what Team Hank needs is to repair the damaged Tracker, and the mission is changed to find William who mutated into a monster, defeat him, and recover biological samples.

This is the Sixth Echo Team. We have been giving the recovery fluid to the Death Tyrant for a while. Jettingham reported over the radio.

Very good, you will retreat temporarily to look for evidence of the Umbrella experiment in the underground research institute. New instructions came from the headquarters.

Chapter 232: Claire’s curiosity is dangerous

Almost half of the zombies and monsters in the underground research institute were hammered to death by Eddie and his team. When Eddie and others got the new power, they just wanted to adapt to the power. The best way was to fight!

Near the apartment, when Wolf Mother Luper brought the team here, they found that the helicopter had been damaged, and even the propellers had been crushed by the collapsed warehouse. There was no way to leave using the helicopter, and they had to use other methods.

It's really unlucky! The wolf mother didn't complain too much. She also prepared several escape routes.

Eddie, this is Luper. The helicopter is damaged now and cannot be repaired. We need to evacuate Raccoon City from other places. Where can we connect? Mother Wolf used an encrypted radio to contact.

Are you near the apartment? I'll be there soon. After speaking, Eddie turned the car around and drove towards the warehouse.

In the warehouse, Eddie saw that the helicopter he had tricked from Warren was damaged, and next to him were three men from the Wolf Team who were on guard.

Wolf mother Luper is still so tall, You look a little stronger.

It's okay, there was an accident, but it's a good thing. Let's go, find a car, let's go to the big cinema, pick someone up there, and then leave from the north. Eddie tilted his head, he knew that things would not be like that smoothly.

Two cars arrived at the theater without distinction.

Claire took Emma and Moira to hide in the employee rest room of the theater. During this period, Claire felt that all she met were weird people. Both Moira and Emma, ​​who look very slender, can easily deal with zombies, and even deal with mutant lickers with ease.

This is incredible, how can two eighteen-year-old girls be so fierce.

Have you ever studied martial arts? Claire and her three daughters hid in the rest room and waited.

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