The wolf mother raised her legs high and kicked the zombie that had just crawled out from the waist with her boots. The huge force tore the spine!

This tough action made the man feel scared. It is not a good thing for a woman to be too tough.

Boom! At this time, a tyrant appeared on the street. His right arm was twisted strangely. The protective clothing on his body had been removed. He entered the rampage mode. His left hand mutated into a huge claw and thick scales appeared on his body. It looked like It is hardened fiber.

Victor, go ahead and kill him. Luper took out a big knife from her back. She felt very excited. The continuous killings allowed her to vent her violent tendencies that had been suppressed for a long time. Otherwise, she could only find someone to kill him. Eddie helps out.

The three Victors looked at each other and could only step forward helplessly, and the three of them cooperated with each other.

Victor stepped forward to fight the tyrant using the karate martial arts of the island nation, while Demoman Highway was responsible for deploying powerful explosives. Sniper Bodlovsky used a sniper rifle to carry out auxiliary attacks.

I have to say that Victor is very skilled. He seems to have unique fighting skills. He can predict the trajectory of the tyrant's attack in advance and dodge it with great difficulty. He is worthy of being praised by Hank, the God of Death.

The highway took out all its inventory, set up a series of explosive traps, and used all the surrounding vehicles. The secondary explosion is a trap that can directly blow up a heavy main battle tank.

Okay, let's bring him here. After Guo Gu said that, he left first.

Victor ran out quickly, while Bodrovsky used a large-caliber sniper rifle to beat the rampaging tyrant back continuously, attracting hatred, as if telling the opponent to come and beat him, he deserves a beating. !

PS: If you are short of books, you can read the old book Marvel DC's Bastard Heroes. It is an old book with 3 million words. It does not guarantee your character!

Chapter 236: Claire was instantly slapped in the face

Following Bodrovsky's sniper rifle attack, the Tyrant looked very angry and rushed in Bodrovsky's direction.

He fired accurately to seal the tyrant's movement, and at the same time moved his direction to guide the tyrant to the detonator.

When he stepped on a landmine, the mine exploded instantly, causing all the surrounding grenades to explode simultaneously. The car's fuel cap was opened, and the flames flowed into the fuel tank along the fuel pipe, causing the car to explode.

The series of explosions broke off the tyrant's arms again, and he fell to his knees. He had suffered huge injuries and his body functions were destroyed. At this time, the tyrant was close to Molu.

Again, monster! Victor used a submachine gun to shoot at the tyrant's head, piercing the skull that had been weakened by the blast, completely killing the monster.

My explosives have been used up. If I have time, I need to collect and make explosives again. Beltway reported to Captain Wolf Mother.

When we get to the northern defense line, there will be supplies for you. If you don't have explosives, pick up your machine gun and fight, collecting them along the way. Mother Wolf snorted.

She couldn't survive such a huge explosion, there was still a risk.

This is a mercenary with long hair walking out of the subway station, Did something happen to you? Hi, Eddie, I'm so happy to see you. It's great that you are alive.

The person who spoke was none other than Carlos, the biological disaster countermeasures force responsible for evacuating civilians.

Of course I'm still alive, why are you here? Eddie nodded. He didn't expect to meet Carlos. He just took Gil's place.

We are evacuating civilians. There are too many zombies here. We can only rely on the subway station to establish a temporary stronghold. Do you want to retreat with us? It's just a ride. The subway is still safe. Carlos tilted his head. .

That's not bad. You can lead the way. Eddie nodded. He was still thinking about using the underground train to go north.

Although there are no abandoned cars blocking the road underground, it is close to the sewer, so there may be mutated giant cockroaches and other monsters.

In Raccoon City, dangers are just as dangerous above ground as they are underground. There are violent zombies and lickers on the ground. If you are unlucky enough to encounter a stalker or tyrant, ordinary people will have no choice but to die miserably.

We followed Carlos to the underground station. It was empty, and the subway connected by multiple carriages was in the middle.

In the five carriages at the end, there are also a large number of rescued Raccoon City residents. The residents here will take the train to the clock tower on the northern boundary line, and then leave through the street of the clock tower.

In a messy subway environment, a veteran with a beret, pale hair and resolute eyes was sitting on a chair in the carriage.

Captain, I brought back some helpers. Carlos came to the carriage to report.

You really brought an amazing person, Carlos! Mihail sounded a little excited.

Are you rescuing civilians? When will you set off? Eddie took out a cigarette and handed one over. King Ada next to him took the initiative to light the cigarette for him.

You are Eddie Cai, super agent. I am very happy to meet you. If it is convenient, I want you to help us. Many of my soldiers have been bitten by zombies. Our previous vaccines have failed. I hope You can help us. Michael pleaded sincerely.

Well, if it were someone else, I might not care. As for you, it's okay. But there's no research institute nearby, so I can't even help you. Eddie shrugged.

There is a medical institution nearby, maybe there are some instruments that can be used. It's just a street next to the subway station. We also need to go to the nearby subway ground dispatching building to adjust the running track. You have plenty of time. Please, Eddie Doctor, I know you are a good person. Mihai took off his beret, and the veteran exchanged his worthless dignity for the safety of his team members.

The eyes of the surrounding team members were also red. As long as they followed Michael, a veteran of the former Tsarist Russia, no one would be unmoved. This is a very good captain.

I will go and have a look, but I can't guarantee it. After it is done, you owe me a favor. Also, I want to make it clear that I am not a good person. I am just a relatively conscientious capitalist who pays the money and delivers the goods. Eddie blew out a smoke ring. He didn't want to be a good person and collect the good person card. This was not good.

No problem, I owe you a favor, and I can pay it back anytime. Mihail said solemnly. Veterans like him attach great importance to commitment and are also very valuable.

There is no need to get along with people who are of no use value.

It's such a hard life. I'm leaving first. Claire, you can rest here. Eddie ordered.

No, I'll go with you. It's easier to find things if there are more people. I won't be a burden. Claire's eyes were firm. She didn't want to be a vase.

Okay, whatever you want. Let's go to the highway. You and Victor go collect some combat supplies. There is a gun shop nearby. After Eddie finished speaking, he walked out of the car.

As darkness falls, zombies begin to become active, and the night is more in line with the atmosphere of hunting.

Try to shoot as little as possible. The sound will attack most of the zombies. Although we are not afraid of zombies, there is no need. Eddie said lightly.

Claire raised a cylindrical device and said, I have prepared the silencer. Don't worry, I have already told you that I will not be a burden.

As soon as he finished speaking, Eddie pulled Claire over and stabbed a mouthpart from the roof. On the roof was a licker with scarlet muscles and an exposed brain.

Boom! The licker jumped and was kicked away by Eddie. When he landed again, the licker's head and spine had been kicked off, and he was too dead to die.

Claire was a little embarrassed. She had promised to be honest just now, but she was slapped in the face the next second.

Eddie let go of Claire and patted the other person on the shoulder, Don't pay too much attention to this kind of thing. There are dangers everywhere here. It's a good thing to exercise yourself. Come on, I'm optimistic about you.

PS: If you are short of books, you can read the old book Marvel DC's Bastard Heroes. It is an old book with 3 million words. It does not guarantee your character!

Chapter 237: There is a monster

Thank you, I will work hard. Claire smiled sweetly, her eyes becoming determined again. She didn't want to be held back, she wanted to be a useful person.

This building is basically a pharmacy with only some rudimentary instruments. It is impossible to make a vaccine, but the materials can be found.

Emma unexpectedly chose some potions. Her recovery power did not need these medicines at all, unless it was folic acid tablets that she needed during pregnancy.

What do you want these potions for? Noila Mo was confused.

These are materials used to stabilize the electromagnetic gun. Emma explained that she is a genius in weapon design, and her ideas are different from ordinary people.

Are you okay? We need to return to the subway station. There is a subway there that can go to the university town, if the equipment there is still effective. Eddie said his plan.

Svetlana was a little disapproving, You are so concerned about those mercenaries, do you have any plans?

They are still valuable. They save civilians. Only those who are alive can become witnesses. If Umbrella doesn't bother me, the best way is to let him take care of himself. I just let them, they help me do things, perfect A deal. Eddie smiled.

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