The boy suddenly took out a knife and said, Whatever you want to do, I won't let you bully my mother.

The woman stopped the boy's movements, looked at her son dotingly, and then apologized, I'm sorry, my son is a little nervous. I'm really sorry.

Eddie shook his head, It's okay, I'm here to find someone. Are you Ms. Mueller?

The woman in the headscarf pondered for a moment, Who asked you to come to me, was it him?

No, the person you were expecting is now a wanted criminal. Maybe you don't believe it, but after you see the news, you will understand. In the Western Federation, there is a city called Raccoon City, and a crisis broke out there. Most people have become those monsters outside, and it was all caused by that person. Eddie took out a cigarette and lit it.

No, it's impossible. He wouldn't do such a thing. How is it possible? The woman in the headscarf was in disbelief. She raised her head and saw that she had a pair of beautiful eyes.

It's up to you whether you believe it or not. Just stay here now. I have something to discuss with you later. I have no ill intentions towards you, I'm just telling you what happened. Eddie blew out a smoke ring.

I understand, do you need us to compensate you? the hijab woman responded calmly.

Of course not. One person does things and the other takes responsibility. I have cooperated with him before. He is a very cold person. Anyone will be treated as his wife, including those who are close to him. Now is not the time to talk. I still There are things to deal with. Billy, please help take care of them. There will be monsters around here. After they are eliminated, we will talk slowly. After Eddie finished speaking, he waved his hands and prepared to leave.

Thank you, my name is Yaxi Mueller. You can call me Yaxi. Thank you very much for telling me the news. The woman in the headscarf said, raising her head.

It's easy, see you later. Eddie left without looking back.

This mother and son are Wesker's ex-wife and son. Wesker did not know that he had this son, nor did he know that one of the women he had experienced before had left him offspring.

It's useless whether he knows it or not. Wesker is no longer humane. With his personality, he will use anything as a pawn, even his biological son. This is his style of acting and his unique personal charm.

Billy shrugged and said, Okay, you have to pay for this. He turned to the somewhat vigilant mother and son and said, Don't worry, I used to be a soldier. You find a place to hide, I will guard you here. There is only one gate here, and as long as I am okay, no monster will come in.

Along the way, we passed through the market, where many hunters had been killed, and some soldiers and members of the Federal Biological and Chemical Counter-Terrorism Committee had died.

In front of them are Sheila and Parker who are stagnant, and in front of them is Rachel, the elegant football champion.

Aren't you here to find the captain? How come you are slower than us? Silla asked doubtfully.

I got lost, and I encountered a few monsters and zombies in the way. I was blocked by them for a while. They wanted me to stay and have tea with them, but I said another day, but they were not happy, so I had to kill them all. Eddie said a cold joke.

What Silla wanted to say seemed to be interrupted by Rachel, Okay, Dr. Eddie must have his reasons. He is not good at fighting. He is just assisting us and not an official combat team member.

As Eddie's spy lurking in the Federal Biological and Chemical Counter-Terrorism Committee, Rachel naturally had to speak to her man, Dr. Eddie, the reactionary armed stronghold is ahead. We are ready to attack and completely eliminate them. At the same time, capture the leader as much as possible. , asked him where he bought the biological and chemical weapons.

So troublesome? In fact, if there are no residents there, just bomb them. Sending people into street fighting is just to fuel the tactics. Eddie suggested.

What kind of biological weapon is worse than a cannon. Pull out his damn Italian cannon and blast it twice, and the tyrant will be crippled.

No, the intelligence shows that there are still quite a lot of residents inside. We need to rescue them, and we cannot use artillery tactics. Rachel said helplessly, while her eyes covered by blond bangs blinked at Eddie, seeming to Hint for help.

Then send out special forces, advance in small groups, and kill all the enemies... Eddie could only suggest this, otherwise what else could he do?

This is the only thing we can do. Are you interested in going with Dr. Eddie? I will personally escort you this time. Rachel invited.

When a beauty invites you, no one will refuse. Eddie smiled, packed his magazines and moved forward.

Rachel quickly laid out the tactics, basically playing it safe and steady. It's better to waste time than die. General Morgan's order is to complete the task perfectly. It doesn't matter if you waste time. The main thing is to check the intelligence.

The three of them walked forward, followed by a special operations team.

How is working in the new environment? Are you still getting used to it? Eddie asked in a low voice, with a friendly smile.

Rachel smiled brightly and said, It's not bad, I just have to face all the complicated tasks all the time, and some of them are not used to it. With your help, I can handle any difficulty.

What he said made Eddie feel extremely proud, and he was flattered by flattery. It's very satisfying to be flattered by someone, especially when the flatterer is a beautiful woman, it's even more satisfying.

You should pay more attention. If you often go out to deal with these so-called crises, it is best to bring more people with you. If you are not sure. You can call me. Don't force it. You only have one life. Eddie nodded.

Rachel's voice was gentle. I know, and I don't want to turn into an ugly monster. Thank you. It's great to have you.

Cindy heard something strange from the side. Although she was curious about when Eddie placed a spy in the Federal Biological and Chemical Counter-Terrorism Committee, this was not what she needed to care about.

Compared with Eddie's personal affairs, she wants to own a bar and have fun. Watching customers come to drink and brag every day, and hearing many strange and interesting stories, is also a kind of enjoyment.

Rachel whispered after seeing that no one was paying attention, The person selling biological and chemical weapons this time is a man from the Iberian Peninsula, an ugly middle-aged man who seems to have some unique ability. I don't know if it will happen this time. If you encounter one, Eddie, you have to be careful.”

PS: If you are short of books, you can read the old book Marvel DC's Bastard Heroes. It is an old book with 3 million words. It does not guarantee your character!

Chapter 285: Second-rate Dealer Sadler

Iberia Peninsula? Does it have any characteristics? Or is there a photo? Eddie showed a dignified expression as he disappeared. He had a bad premonition that the man seemed to be someone in the rumors.

Mainly, there is a terrible thing hidden in the Iberian Peninsula, an ancient parasite. Although parasites can make people very strong, being controlled and parasitic is the most disgusting thing.

The characteristics of parasites that can mutate, and the fact that they can make the host become a mess, Eddie refuses from this point of view. He wouldn't choose a parasite for a little bit of power. There were a lot of beauties waiting for him to save, so turning into a monster wouldn't be so nice.

What's wrong with that place? It's a good vacation. I want to go there. Rachel hinted.

When you go on maternity leave, it would be nice to go there and play. Eddie teased.

These words made Cindy on the side roll her eyes cutely. It was maternity leave again, although the miracle of creating a new life would be very exciting. It only takes too long to gestate, which is also a burden for women.

Besides, I'll do whatever you want me to do. Rachel smiled and didn't refute. Her intuition was always very accurate, just like she would buy a lottery ticket to play when she felt it. Win instantly.

As the three of them walked along, they encountered basically zombies and hunters. Other huge cockroaches that were over two meters in size did not pose much of a threat.

Is this even called a biological attack? I don't think the effect is outstanding, and I don't know what the people who bought it think. Isn't it better to buy some rocket launchers than these things? Eddie sneered. At the very least, he would send out a tyrant like a tyrant. Such biological and chemical weapons are called attacks, and this is just a small incident.

I don't know, we will do whatever that bad old man General Morgan says. In fact, if we go slower and more steadily, we can still push through. The experience of Raccoon City proves that these biological and chemical weapons can play a great role in small places. But they still can't compete with the regular army. Rachel killed a zombie with a gun.

In the base area of ​​the reactionary armed forces, here is an air raid shelter to prevent missile attacks. Due to lack of funds, this kind of place can only be used as a base.

A middle-aged man with a lemon head and a square face was selling his goods to the armed leader. This is the latest model of hunter. It is highly controllable. As long as you are in a narrow building, or use buildings and alleys for sniping, no amount of weapons will be able to break through your front line.

You are selling it too expensively. This price is higher than what other merchants sell. We cannot accept it. This is extortion! A leader of the elders was very angry. He would not forgive the person who blackmailed him.

Okay, you are good at bargaining. These things will be given to you for a fixed price of one million US dollars. The ugly man made a concession.

Five hundred thousand! the elder leader bargained further.

Then you'd better keep yourself and play with those people. I'm leaving. Goodbye. The man left with disdain. If he didn't achieve his expected goal, he wouldn't choose to sell it. It doesn't make any sense.

Want to leave? Do you think you can leave? Leave your things behind, come when you want, and leave when you want. Do you regard this as a public place? The elder leader snorted, obviously intending to take advantage of others.

You really surprised me. You actually want to turn your back on me. Okay, in that case, let me ask you again, for one million US dollars, do you want to buy it or not? The ugly man was very unhappy. He urgently needed funds to develop. Church, but these bastards are always bargaining.

Three hundred thousand, no more! The leader and elder also sneered. With a wave of his hand, the armed men behind them who were wearing turbans and had distinctive customs immediately picked up their submachine guns and pointed them at the ugly man.

You asked for this! After the ugly man said this, he stepped forward and without even giving anyone time to react, he killed the leader and elder with a knife, and then threw the elder who weighed more than a hundred pounds with one hand. , blocking submachine gun attacks.

Da da da! A few bullets still hit the ugly man. The ugly man groaned, but no blood flowed out.

After other elders outside heard the screams, they asked the guards to come forward to check. They saw the ugly man from before pushing open the door with some blood stains on his body.

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