Your eyes don't deceive. I can see that you are a very responsible man. Responsibility does not necessarily mean being a good person, but guarding something. You are not a selfish person. I can see that you are a very responsible man. It has to come out. So I believe you! Ms. Yaxi replied with a firm voice.

Cindy wanted to laugh a little, but she held it back. Is Eddie a good person? He is indeed a good person, but to them, to outsiders, he is a bad guy.

Okay, congratulations on successfully joining my team. You can talk about your requirements. But before that, I need to talk about my conditions. You can be cured by me, and I will give you five dollars every month. Thousand dollars as salary. You are not allowed to get married, fall in love, or have more than a friend relationship with other men within thirty years. This is to ensure that you focus on your work.

Cindy and the others are all like this. The difference is that they have lived for twenty years, and you have lived for thirty years. Your conditions are quite special. It will take me a long time to recover the cost. Time is money, my friend! Eddie explained! Read it again.

Ms. Aki just pondered for a moment, I can spend the rest of my life working for you, but I hope Jack can be well taken care of. His talent is good, and he will be of great help to you.

Him? Who do you want him to be? Eddie asked.

Let him make his own choice, but he still needs to be taught basic knowledge. Whatever he wants to do, I will support him in learning whatever he wants. Can you agree to this request? I can do anything. Ms. Aki raised her head, There was a hint of pleading in her beautiful eyes.

Chapter 289: Wesker hinted by fate

Wesker's sister Alex also has one. Although they are not related by blood, as two survivors of Wesker's plan, it is normal to call them brother and sister.

I will try my best, don't worry. Ms. Aki nodded.

Two days later, Eddie just found Billy and briefly told him, and gave him a request, asking him to take care of Jack for a long time and teach him.

Although war-torn areas are not very peaceful, at the same time, this kind of environment can make people mature quickly and not act like a child.

Afterwards, I went to discuss some things with Rachel, and asked her when she was going to have a baby.

After flying back to the cruise ship, the cruise ship was already in the Atlantic Ocean. It was necessary to cross the Atlantic Ocean and come to East Africa to purchase land and establish a company base.

Prices in Africa are extremely low, especially labor. You can marry one wife for one hundred yuan, and you can marry two for two hundred yuan, as long as you can accept it.

Eddie has already told Jill about Ms. Aki, and Jill has no objection to this. Instead, she is surprised that Wesker is a scumbag. It seems that people really cannot be judged by their appearance, and a person who looks upright is actually a scumbag.

Come with me, you need treatment first. If the disease lasts too long, it will become difficult to treat. But what you met is me, a top genius. Eddie led the way, and the feeling of returning home was Really good. At least it was really eye-catching to see Jill walking in front, wearing high heels.

Coming to the laboratory, Yamaha Kyoko, Annette and others were all busy here. Valerie is busy copying other drugs. She is busier than anyone else because she is now counting on these drugs to make money.

Seeing Eddie coming back, the beautiful researchers just nodded and said hello, not too excited. They had passed the age of excitement and gradually became calmer.

Go inside and lie down, I'll start checking you now. Relax, it'll be fine, it doesn't cost anything. Eddie was debugging in front of the instrument.

Ms. Aki smiled kindly. It seemed that her boss was quite humorous. When she saw Jill, in addition to being surprised by the beauty of Izuku, she was also jealous. His eyes always had a look of happiness. Flashed.

After examination with instruments, it was discovered that Ms. Aki suffered from a rare disease, similar in nature to Alex's, which could not be cured by normal medical methods.

Your disease is rarely seen in the world. It will take some time. Eddie frowned.

It doesn't matter. I'm very satisfied to have lived for such a long time. Ms. Yaxi was not depressed, but lived optimistically.

There is no disease that cannot be cured in my hands. Just be prepared to work for me for the rest of your life. There will be no holidays. Eddie snorted, his tone full of confidence.

He could even find a cure for Alex's illness, let alone a second-rate illness like this.

I'm looking forward to it. Ms. Yaxi smiled and nodded, looking at Eddie who was studying hard in front of the computer. She had the illusion that the other person was a real man, a man in her true mind. This kind of seriousness His strength is something other men don't have.

Anita pulled Jill and asked in a low voice, Who is that woman?

Jill responded in a low voice, He is Wesker's ex-wife. She has a son named Jack. He may have inherited Wesker's anti-viral physique, which will be very helpful to Eddie's plan.

When Annette heard about the anti-viral constitution, she understood. Although she was not very jealous, she still wanted to know if there was a reason. If she could help her man, she would rush to the bed to welcome him without saying a word. If not, then sorry, the door is over there, please.

Okay, then it's none of my business. I have to prepare something for Shirley. Jill, do you want to eat sea fish for lunch? Annette left in high heels. After being strengthened by the virus, even if she stood in high heels for a day, she would I won’t feel tired, and I won’t have the nausea and vomiting of pregnancy. This feels great.

Wesker, who was still in France, felt in a trance for a while. He was observing in the woods. Suddenly a leaf fell on his head. He didn't know if it was hinting at something.

Reaching out to pick off the leaves, Wesker felt confused. He was a selfish person, which may have something to do with Spencer's education. He seemed to feel something on his head. After taking off the leaves, it was green, and he didn't know what it was implying.

Wesker shook his head. He had already been resurrected in the mansion, and a certain part of his body was accidentally cut off by the tyrant. This was the sadness he could never say. But there is one upside to this sadness, and that is that you never have to shave again and stay clean and dry.

Staring at the French branch in the distance, Wesker prepared to sneak into the branch to investigate. He investigated for a long time and found that the head of the French branch's research institute, Christine Henry, was a distant branch of the Ashford family. She was entrusted with important tasks by Spencer and was related to the head of the Ashford family. , orthopedic male Alfred maintained a close relationship.

This close relationship means that in research, a certain orthopedic man is not interested in women other than his sister.

Christine is also a woman of great talent and management ability. Because she married a relative of Spencer, she got the opportunity to be entrusted with important tasks. In the family, Christine is a very strong woman, and even her husband dare not ask too much about her affairs.

At the same time, because he was focused on company affairs, even if Christine's husband complained, he did not dare to say anything. Even Spencer felt satisfied, and he, a guy who relies on connections, couldn't say anything.

In front of Spencer's immortality plan, all irrelevant people need to stand aside and block his way, so just die.

Wesker was thinking deeply. He had to find a suitable person to investigate the French Institute. This person should be neither too powerful nor too weak. At the same time, the issue of identity must also be considered. They will not be killed directly or sent for experiments.

Soon, Wesker thought of someone, an old teammate, a teammate who fell in love with and killed each other, Chris!

Chapter 290: Wesker’s trick

Although the Western Federation has imposed economic sanctions on Umbrella, the dead camel is bigger than the horse, and it is impossible for Umbrella to collapse in a short time.

Many people have only partial knowledge and know that Umbrella has been accused, but they can't find actual evidence. We are still muddle along, there is no way to completely shut down the business for the time being, some areas are still open for business.

Some branches have been abandoned, while others continue to conduct human experiments. Experiments will continue on islands in the ocean, while research institutes on the mainland may face closure.

And Spencer has ordered that all his industries begin to be rectified. In particular, some unimportant branches were almost evacuated to support the Caucasus branch.

Strictly implemented confidentiality measures ensure that the location and information of the Caucasus branch will not be known to hostile competing companies. Sergei is not dealing with other things, but is concentrating on building the branch he is responsible for, and at the same time calling on his companions from before the disintegration of Tsarist Russia to join.

Umbrella is really tenacious. Those guys knew that Umbrella was going to collapse, but they still refused to tell the news about human experiments. Chris felt a little unhappy while eating lunch.

It has been a while since I came to France to investigate, but there has still been no progress. On the contrary, it was the other companions. Richard had tracked a secret laboratory and was preparing to go there to check it out.

Isn't this normal? If Umbrella was so easy to deal with, we would have found the evidence a long time ago. Joseph was a little worried about those beauties. France is indeed a romantic country, and they are all very enthusiastic.

While the two were eating, a man in sunglasses came in, took out the banknotes and handed them to the waiter. The attendant behind him was responsible for clearing the place, taking out a banknote and asking those who were still eating to leave.

The man in sunglasses walked straight to Chris and the two, Long time no see, Chris.

Wesker! You bastard! Chris immediately stood up and wanted to attack Wesker, but was stopped by Joseph.

Wait, let's hear what he has to say first. Wesker, you traitor, you betrayed us and took our lives to test those biological and chemical weapons. Do you still have humanity? Joseph asked angrily.

Wesker didn't care about the anger of the two. In his opinion, it was incompetent rage, and anyone with a little ability would not be like this. We all have a common enemy, and that is Umbrella. I faked my death just to escape Umbrella's persecution. It is absolutely true that people will be destroyed for their own sake. If you want revenge, come here.

Okay, give me a good beating and I'll forgive you. Chris stared fiercely at the traitor captain in front of him.

Wesk's eyes flashed a few times, and it was a little angry. After thinking about it, he said, Yes, you will apologize if you want to beat you.

Chris was surprised that Wesker would actually say such condescending words? Is this guy Wesker? You're not Wesker.

I am Wesker! Wesker was a little confused.

Wesker is not that easy to talk to. You are definitely not Wesker. Who are you? Chris said firmly, while taking out a gun and pointing it at the other person's head.

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