Eddie picked up the coffee and looked at Catherine who was humming a little tune. What's the matter? Just tell me directly, don't beat around the bush.

Catherine smiled and said, My dad went on a business trip to Europe. He was responsible for contacting the global pharmaceutical association to put pressure on Umbrella. He called and said he wanted to talk to you. He knew that I was doing something with you.

Did he ask you to go back? Eddie asked doubtfully.

Catherine shook her head, No, I will not leave you. He needs help. Even though he is not my biological father, he has raised me for many years. I need to repay him. Eddie, I will not leave you, so you Can you help me go over and take a look? If the request is too much, don’t agree.

Okay, I'll go over and have a look. When I come back, I'll charge interest. Are you ready? Eddie said with a bad smile. He never helps others in vain, even King Ada. no.

I can give you any favors now. Catherine smiled, a hint of playfulness flashed across her pretty face.

Ding dong, there was a sound, all the solution in the freezer was drained, and the hatch opened. A jade foot stepped into the hatch, and Jessica's figure appeared again.

The height of Jessica who appeared this time has shrunk a lot from two meters to 1.8 meters, which is still relatively rare among women. Her hair was dazzlingly golden, and her eyes had very rare pupils, as bright as gems.

Eddie? Jessica's voice was a little hoarse.

I'm here! How do you feel? Eat something, Catherine. Please go get some food. Eddie ordered. Catherine nodded and quickly turned around and left. She was happy to help and was willing to help Eddie. do anything.

Jessica was a little confused, but she still smiled when she saw Ai, It's so good to see you.

Fool, I can't run away. I'm fine and you will be fine too. Eddie smiled and handed over a plate of donuts. Let's eat something first. Once we've eaten and drank enough, we have plenty of time. I just want to go to Europe, so you can accompany me then.

No one will hurt you, I promise! Jessica's eyes were very firm. Every time she woke up from a deep sleep, she could feel that her body was recovering well. She didn't receive any inhumane treatment from the experiment, which proved that this man really helped her wholeheartedly. Why didn't she repay the favor with a spring?

Jessica's appetite is amazing. Fortunately, the cruise ship is very large, and more than a quarter of it is used to store various foods.

Every woman on the ship is a good eater and needs to spend a lot of food to ensure that she doesn't go hungry. He wouldn't starve to death, but he would be very uncomfortable, so Jill decided to use a quarter of the space to store food.

PS: If you are short of books, you can read the old book Marvel DC's Bastard Heroes. It is an old book with 3 million words. It does not guarantee your character!

Chapter 318: Jessica’s special evolution

After Lisa came out of the freezer, she smiled at Eddie, obviously remembering this person. But the first move was to go over and hug her mother, Mom, it's so great to see you. Lisa also insisted on seeing her mother today.

Jessica helped her daughter tidy up her hair, Mom, you know, are you hungry? Let's go to eat together. After eating, we have to work. While we were resting, Eddie encountered a lot of troubles. This is It’s not wrong for us to fail in our responsibilities.”

I will work hard, mom. Lisa also nodded seriously. Her height dropped from 2.2 meters to 1.8 meters, and she became stronger, even stronger than a fitness girl. The snow-white hair has turned into blond hair, and the young face looks a little weird compared to before.

Catherine came in with a shopping cart full of cooked food that had been placed and just needed to be heated.

If it's the Veronica virus, maybe you can use blood burning to achieve the heating effect, which feels a bit like self-mutilation. Eddie thought as he looked at the refrigerated food.

In fact, the real power of the Veronica virus is that it can control other people, especially plants. Even a tyrant can't hold back the vines once they are whipped down.

But Lisa suddenly stretched out her right hand, her palm split, and a tentacle lifted the shopping cart. The nearly 800 kilogram shopping cart plus the food on it didn't feel any pressure on her at all.

A slight scream came, mainly from the refrigerated food. In the next second, the cold food began to be heated by sound waves, and in less than twenty seconds, it turned into hot food, exuding a hamburger aroma.

Lisa took a deep breath and picked up the coffee cup Eddie drank from to replenish her water. It's time to eat, Mom. After saying that, the tentacle returned to her palm. When she turned her palm over, she couldn't see any cracks at all, which was a bit outrageous.

Yamaha Kyoko and Michelle blinked, what is going on? Even Annette, who had just woken up and went to work, was shocked.

Is this ultrasound? Eddie was a little confused.

Probably, Lisa's control is pretty good. She uses sound waves to heat food without shattering the food. This is very rare. Husband, you have made a lot of money. With Lisa as your bodyguard, you will save a lot of trouble. Annette said with a smile, jealous? No need, just a bodyguard.

Lisa's expression was very dull, and she only smiled at Eddie occasionally, all for her mother's sake. As for the other women, they nodded lightly, still as cold as ever.

At least this made Annette very satisfied. William had done many experiments on Lisa before, and Umbrella would give Lisa a shot of the newly developed virus reagent to achieve the observation effect.

Lisa had given Annette a lot of face by not tearing her apart. Even though Annette had never met Lisa, her research work would have some impact on Lisa.

It doesn't matter whether you make money or not, as long as you are fine. If you have eaten and drank enough, we will start testing to see if there is anything wrong with you. As soon as Eddie finished speaking, he saw nearly 700 kilograms of food being eaten by two people. The woman has finished eating!

He just turned his head and saw that Jessica and Lisa were already doing the aftermath with tissues, which was so damn fast.

There is no need to waste time, we can start directly. After Lisa said this, she walked to the monitoring room to perform strength and speed exercises, and conduct various physical tests to see if there are any defects.

Jessica and Lisa's inspection reports came out quickly. With the calculations of the Crimson Queen supercomputer, the monitoring data was neatly divided into spacecrafts.

Lisa's strength can reach an exaggerated thirty tons. It is unknown if she can explode to the extreme weight. After the Alpha parasite was absorbed by Lisa, Lisa's intelligence was enhanced, and her extended tentacles were also absorbed. This is also why Lisa can use tentacles because she has no excess fat on her body.

Every muscle has been reorganized, and her special physique absorbs and fuses all viruses, thus enhancing all aspects of her physique. Another point is that her willpower is very strong, that is, she must stay sane and survive to see her mother.

The characteristic of ultrasound is caused by the G virus, as is the double pupils. The eyeballs are concentrated in the eye area. Lisa does not want to turn into a monster. Willpower does indeed mutate the virus. The virus does not have reason and can be driven by willpower.

The special physique, strong willpower, and Eddie's special care have resulted in Lisa's unique evolution process.

This kind of evolution is difficult to copy, but it can be used as a reference to collect some experience.

Compared to her daughter Lisa, Jessica lacks one tentacle attack, which is a characteristic of the Alpha parasite. She also added some G-Virus into her sleeping transformation.

Jessica's willpower is not bad, she wants to be a perfect woman, a strong woman, to protect the man who wakes her up. The trend of willpower, even the violent T-virus and G-virus could not erode her sanity, and was suppressed by the strong willpower.

The enhanced physique of the ancestor virus also gave Jessica the capital to fight against the two viruses. Taking a two-pronged approach, she succeeded! The previously unstable features have been successfully repaired, and no disadvantages have been found for the time being.

Perhaps we can use your ultrasound for detection in the future. It's really hard to prevent. It's interesting. You can go and bask in the sun. The most important result is that you can walk in the sun. I still have research to do. Eddie waved his hand and asked The two girls went to rest.

Jessica and Lisa looked at each other, and they walked out of the laboratory together and came to the deck. The sun shines down on the two women.

Jessica wanted to cry a little. She finally regained her life. The wait for all this was very long.

Mom, are you crying? Lisa asked, tilting her neck.

Yes, Lisa, we can walk under the sun, and we have restored our memories. Mom will take good care of you in the future. Mom needs your help and do her best to protect Eddie. Can you do it? Jesse Ka cried with joy.

Of course! As long as I'm here, no one will hurt mom and Eddie. I remember everything, I hate Umbrella very much, and I want to destroy it! Lisa's beautiful eyes flashed with hatred.

Eddie will do it, all we have to do is ensure his safety. Jessica smiled happily.

PS: If you are short of books, you can read the old book Marvel DC's Bastard Heroes. It is an old book with 3 million words. It does not guarantee your character!

Chapter 319: Caroline’s whistleblower

This matter is related to the interests of everyone, even Jill will come to see it from time to time. No woman will refuse this temptation and stay young forever. Those who don't like these four words may be the ones who have gained a very thorough life. Unfortunately, Jill chose to be vulgar and not live so thoroughly.

Europe is the home of the Global Pharmaceutical Association. Although it is the headquarters of Sanlian, various pharmaceutical companies have established important branches here.

Warren was assigned this time to try to persuade the Global Pharmaceutical Association to help Western Federal testify in court. If he could complete this task, he could restart his career. If not, then go clean the toilet.

Spencer no longer needs a wheelchair to walk, and after using the serum, he feels better than ever, which proves that his idea was right. This is the first step towards a new era of humanity!

Having tasted the sweetness, Spencer poured his resources into Alex's research and development project, and only Alex was the most helpful to him. Sergey, that reckless man, is only responsible for making money, and is not worthy of the real immortality plan.

Alex is not surprised. She knows that if you succeed, you will get a huge investment. She cleverly left a secret door. Every month, Spencer needs to be injected with a special serum, otherwise the effect of the serum will disappear and he will become a cripple again and continue to shrink.

This forced Spencer to let Alex continue to develop a new serum to enhance his physique and stop monitoring her. Alex has already earned his trust with her actions, and as for minor problems such as her tone of voice, they are completely acceptable.

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