Looking at the potion in her hand, Alexia snorted and just put it away for emergencies.

The special forces team members who had just arrived at the front door saw fourteen monsters waiting here, each with their heads lowered. He was holding a big ax in his hand, and his dark green skin was covered with pustules and animal joints, making him look extremely terrifying and ferocious.

Chapter 347: One person challenges the queen of the army

As soon as he finished speaking, a series of bullets sounded. Three teams came in, and two of them were specialized in loading grenades and using powerful grenades to attack these monsters.

The tough skin has become bloody and bloody under the attack of a large number of bullets, and even deep scars can be seen on the bones.

However, these wounds are rapidly repairing, resulting in an insect-like carapace that becomes stronger and more difficult to break.

Boom! The grenade exploded, blowing these monsters away and even breaking the handle of the axe. Suffering another serious blow, these monsters are already missing some arms and legs.

Alexia came to the ground and waved her hand. The monsters infected by her immediately screamed and charged towards them angrily. Braving a hail of bullets, he tore a special operations team member in half!

Eddie, Ada, and the three daughters were also secretly observing, Ada, what do you think of the Veronica virus?

I'm not interested in monsters. You'd better not become a monster. King Ada's expression was very indifferent. She was still a woman no matter what, and would not like species other than humans.

Well, I don't like monsters either. If we can solve the mutation of the Veronica virus and delete the mutated animal genes, then it will be acceptable and valuable. Eddie analyzed while watching.

Perhaps like that woman, frozen for fifteen years? King Ada exhaled softly.

Our daughter has grown up by then, don't you think she's a little out of control? Eddie blinked, smiling a little evilly.

Who has a daughter with you? Humph, stop dreaming, finish your own things first, stand in front of a beautiful woman and fantasize about beautiful women, you are really a bad person. King Ada snorted, she would not admit it, At least not now. Do you want her to be obedient? That takes a long, long road.

When thinking of eliminating the shortcomings of viruses, the first thing Eddie thought of was Carla Radames. That woman's emotional intelligence was not very high, but her IQ was not low. At least her achievements in virology were as good as those of two toilet brushes.

Alexia appeared in person, and her original first state had returned to its normal state. It seemed that she could switch at will at this stage. And once it entered the second stage, the irreversible consequences made her afraid to try it easily.

Perhaps it was because of the fight with Eddie that he was affected by Eddie's words. If you can't maintain the appearance of a human being, you won't have any pride even if you rule the world. You're just a monster. Anyone can do this.

Commanding the vines to launch an attack, the vines sprang out from the floor, and in an instant, members of the team jumped up like candied haws.

The heart was pierced, and these team members were unable to die. The members of the other team turned around to deal with the sudden appearance of the vines. The members of the other team had already begun to retreat, covering the process of retreat.

Boom! The retreating team members felt as if something flashed and the sky became darker and darker. The next second, the blind monk appeared and trampled a special forces member to death.

The marines gathered on the periphery immediately started shooting. A large number of ant limbs protruded from the blind monk's back, and he quickly waved these limbs to block most of the bullets.

However, a large number of bullets still hit him, and many bullets hit his exposed heart.

The severe pain made Alexander roar, jumped up to a height of seven meters, and fell towards the assembled troops.

Boom! A black soldier was penetrated by the ant's arthropods, instantly coughed up blood, died quickly within a second, and became extremely dry, as if Alexander had absorbed body nutrients through the ant's arthropods.

Helicopters take off for support, everyone spreads out and uses fishing net bombs to restrain him! Neil immediately issued the most correct order.

Facts have proved that no biological and chemical weapons can withstand large-caliber machine guns and artillery sweeps. The reason why assault rifles cannot hit is entirely because they are too weak.

A high-speed snowmobile rushed over. Rachel sat in the driver's seat, fixed the accelerator using a special method, and quickly jumped onto the snow.

Alexander, who was restrained, was still roaring, and was braving the hail of bullets step by step to burst the fishing net. At this time, the snowmobile rushed over and knocked him to the ground. Because it hit a hard object, the snowmobile also flipped to the ground.

And Alexander had already had a large piece of flesh cut off, and the bandage chains that bound him had been knocked off. The hands are free, but they have been integrated with the body. The eyes are empty and look terrifying. What kind of monster is this?

Fortunately, Rachel's snowmobile bought the helicopters enough time to take off. These aircraft were all armed helicopters carrying Gatling guns.

Five armed helicopters launched a sweep at Alexander, and the large-caliber machine guns hit him with blood and flesh flying everywhere. Under the sweep that lasted for a minute, Alexander was directly beaten in half, and his flesh and blood were blown out. Only the mountains of bones proved that he was still alive, and the Ashford family fell into decline.

Alexia looked at Alexander's death, her beautiful eyes showing no emotion at all. She hated Alexander and didn't even think of him as her father.

Both brothers are derived from the genes of Countess Veronica, the first generation of the Ashford family. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are clones of Veronica. Seriously, they are Alexander's ancestors, and they have absolutely nothing to do with Alexander.

It was created to defeat Spencer and regain the family's position in the leadership of the Umbrella Group.

Alexander treated Alexia and Alfred with a tool-man attitude. How could he make the two brothers and sisters filial? You can't blame others for committing suicide.

Alexia, who came to the hall, also saw the power of the armed helicopter and raised her white-gloved hands above her head. The snow outside the institute suddenly shook, and five vines the size of truck tires sprouted from the ground.

It jumped sixty meters and penetrated five takeoff armed helicopters. The helicopter that was attacked exploded in mid-air and burned down along with the vines.

The exploding helicopter fragments also cut some unlucky mercenaries and special forces members in half, and their bodies were burning! The power of Alexia's strike has reached such an exaggerated level that fighting on her own is the stupidest method. Only control is the most effective method.

PS: If you are short of books, you can read the old book Marvel DC's Bastard Heroes. It is an old book with 3 million words. It does not guarantee your character!

Chapter 348: The glamorous queen who was plotted

Kill her! Neil was stunned when he saw the beautiful Alexia, and then quickly woke up and directed the soldiers to attack.

Da da da! When the machine gun sounded, Alexia jumped and dodged very nimbly, as if no bullet could hit her. Occasionally, if a bullet hit, even the skin could not be broken.

Whizzing! Countless vines rose from the ground and stabbed the soldier who fired the gun to death. A large number of mutant ants crawled out of the hole at Alexia's call and rushed towards the mixed troops.

Boom! Two grenades exploded in front of Alexia, blowing her away directly. If she hadn't protected her face in time, she would have been disfigured by now.

You ants! Alexia stood up with an angry expression, controlled the vines to lift the snowmobile and threw it out, then picked up the oil can and threw it out again, treating all large items as hidden weapons that could be thrown.

At this time, a man wearing a black ops uniform rushed over quickly and punched Alexia, although Alexia blocked the sneak attack with her arm.

But he was still punched into the wall with huge force. This man was Wesker, and he hit the target with one blow. Wesker didn't even look and ran away, using the restraints of those marines to prevent Alexia from focusing on the enemy.

Whoosh! Just as Alexia stood up, an anti-tank rocket launcher flew over and blew her away again.

Alexia, who was extremely embarrassed, angrily activated her first form, and her body began to be covered with a large number of plant scales, while releasing flames to fight back.

When these flames come into contact with the air, the blood burns violently, resulting in flames.

The combat capability of the regular army cannot be matched by a single person, and Chris' small pistol cannot cause any harm to Alexia.

But the Marines who came this time had learned enough lessons and started bombing wildly with heavy firepower. At the same time, they launched two armed helicopters to launch missile attacks on the laboratory where Alexia was located.

At the naval command headquarters, Caprondo came here with his bodyguards, accompanied by Dr. Mueller, the top researcher who developed the Death Tyrant, whom he had not seen for a long time.

Mr. Consultant, why are you here? asked Medhan, who was in charge of contact.

To help you, we have developed a controllable weapon. This is a test. If successful, this weapon will be used to replace our soldiers in performing dangerous tasks in the future. We can reduce casualties while Get the results we want (merit)! Caprondo said seriously.

Okay, do you need my help? Medhan was a little excited. If this is really the case, he is probably not far away from being promoted and making a fortune.

Just leave it to me next, Doctor, let's get started. Let us witness your most proud invention. Caprondo smiled.

Dr. Mueller nodded. He had reached an agreement with Caprondo and would provide him with better materials for experimental research. Caprondo promised him that the latest tyrant he developed could be used as an art collection for himself, while the previous ones had to be handed over for mass production.

There is only the best art, not the worst. This treatment coupled with Umbrella's cruel human experiment punishment, Dr. Mueller could only hold his nose and admit it.

An armed helicopter flew from a distance, holding a huge freezing tank underneath, and flew over the Antarctic Research Institute. The cryogenic canisters were thrown down and the soldiers retreated simultaneously.

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