I'm not worried about this. Have you ever learned how to use a firearm? Eddie suddenly asked.

This made Jill a little confused. Why would her husband ask this question?

Sheva nodded, Yes, before this, I was a member of the regional guerrillas. How did you find out?

People who have used firearms for a long time will have different fingers and calluses, so I asked that. Whether it is a regional armed force or a mercenary, it is actually a profession. As long as you are worthy of yourself, you can be proud of any profession. Eddie smiled.

Thank you! Sheva's expression was calm.

After walking around the construction site, the group arrived at Kenneth's home. This is in a small town. Small towns in remote areas are crowded, and people setting up street vendors can be seen everywhere.

The height of low-rise private houses will not exceed three floors. From time to time, I see houses made only of iron sheets. When the sun is strong, don’t the people inside turn into roasted pigs?

Kenneth's house is a two-story small villa. It is not very exquisite, but it also looks relatively neat.

You guys sit down, I'll cook, and I'll let you try the authentic barbecue meatballs and Shaqima today! Kenneth laughed heartily, obviously very hospitable.

Jill and Anra sat opposite each other and chatted, while Eddie looked around the house. It didn't take long for Sheva to come back. This morning's work was over.

Eddie, I want to get rid of you for one thing. Sheva is very talented, and I don't want her to bury her talent. This place is very barren, and I hope to send her to the Federation for further study. She is a very good warrior. Anra requested.

Sheva was a little surprised, No, Aunt An'erla, I don't need it. She didn't want to owe too many favors. Favors are the hardest and easiest to repay. If you are heartless and shameless, no one will There's nothing you can do about her.

Child, this is what you deserve. Eddie, can you agree to my request? An Erla pleaded. She could not threaten the child in her belly. She was very smart. As long as she pretended to be pitiful, the man would not Will refuse, most men are soft-spoken rather than tough-minded!

Eddie was a little playful. This was just a small request, not to mention that the other party was still pregnant with his child. Of course there's no problem, it's just a piece of cake. Do you want her to go to college?

An Erla nodded, Yes, it will be very helpful for Sheva to learn knowledge and make more friends. I will take care of the tuition fees.

Tuition is a trivial matter, not worth mentioning. If that's the case, I can let her join the Federal Biological and Chemical Counter-Terrorism Committee. Recently, new recruits there will have to undergo training. I know people there, and that guy Morgan is related to me. Cooperation. That is a place where federal resources are concentrated, which is very good. Eddie suddenly thought of a good idea.

Is it okay? Is there any danger? An Erla was a little worried. She wanted Sheeva to become a talented person, not to let Sheeva die.

No problem, I will arrange everything, just don't worry. Sheva, are you willing? If you study at the Federal Biological and Chemical Counter-Terrorism Committee, you can make more friends, study, and practice firearms. This Everything is helpful to you, but only if you are willing to do it. If you have such a mind, you will not be able to learn if you are not willing. Eddie suggested.

Sheva nodded expectantly, I do. I want to learn more knowledge. If I graduate, do I need to stay there and work?

It should be that you need to work somewhere for a while, go through the formalities, and then you can almost resign. It doesn't matter if I'm here. Eddie patted his heart as a guarantee.

Jill thought of something. Her husband was suddenly so kind, which was a bit unlike him. What was he planning?

Eddie and An Erla soon finalized the matter and sent Sheva to the Federation for further study. We will discuss the remuneration later.

Why did you choose to become a guerrilla? I can see that you don't really like fighting, and you have no choice but to do so? Gil asked a question.

An Erla added, Her parents used to work in chemical plants in other areas, which were owned by Umbrella. The explosion at that time was caused by someone attacking, causing the facility to be blown up. Her parents also died. In that accident, it was suspected that Umbrella was doing the finishing work after an experiment.

Umbrella? They also have branches in Africa! Gil exclaimed.

They have branches all over the world. They are not only involved in cruel biochemical viruses, but also in military and other fields. Don't be surprised when you saw their factory that day. It was a sign of their wealth. Eddie The expression is very humorous.

PS: If you are short of books, you can read the old book Marvel DC's Bastard Heroes. It is an old book with 3 million words. It does not guarantee your character!

Chapter 361: Crazy Monica

The caller was Caprondo. After hearing Eddie's words, his expression changed. He finally understood what it means to be in trouble. It's me, Caprondo!

I know that the Federation family now feels that Simmons is more suitable. Your previous solo flight was pretty good. What? Do you want to lend you money to buy a ticket? I'm afraid Simmons will not allow you to leave the country. Eddie He took out his cigarette and lit it, and sat comfortably on the sofa.

Sheva looked a little curious. The man in front of her was still gentle and gentle just now, but now he looked like the legendary domineering president. It was really strange.

We can cooperate again. Caprondo said without giving up. He had to find the best way. He needed an ally.

Dr. Mueller has been poached, poached by Simmons. The remaining talents either transferred to Simmons' laboratory or dispersed to other places.

Because Simmons found the opportunity to attack, Caprondo has almost reached the bottom of the abyss, and it is not an exaggeration to say that everyone is betrayed and separated. At this time, even General Morgan looked at Caprondo like a dog.

Simmons' scheming and intelligence are simply not comparable to Caprondo's. The previous humiliation and respect were just to give Caprondo a fatal blow.

This is why Simmons has never caused trouble for Eddie before. He needs his opponent Caprondo. Now that he has the power, Simmons can deal with Eddie with confidence.

Although I don't know what grudge you have with Simmons, it's obvious that he has started to target you. Caprondo sneered.

Are you mocking me? Eddie blew out smoke rings with a very unfriendly expression.

No, I'm just telling you a fact. You need an ally, and I promise, I will work hard to unite with you. I was too complacent before, and people always make mistakes. Eddie, it was a pleasure to work with us on the spacecraft before, wasn't it? Caprondo is still fighting for it.

Okay, I just have to go back to the Federation. I'll find a chance to talk about it then. Let's do this for now. I'll contact you. After Eddie said that, he hung up the phone.

Caprondo is indeed a very good shield, and keeping this person is still somewhat useful.

Eddie put away the phone, Okay, we should go back. Let's get here today. An'erla, if you have time, you can go to our laboratory for an examination. It will be very good for you. Just contact Jill then. .We will come back in two days, and then it will be time to leave for the Federation.

Okay, walk slowly. An Erla smiled brightly. She was still very satisfied with Eddie. At least this man was responsible and not someone who just ran away for fun.

Back on the cruise ship, Yamaha Kyoko was coming out with a box and handed it to Victor and others who came, Send this to President Excella. There is no room for error.

Copy that. Victor nodded and took the box solemnly.

Eddie got off the plane and was a little strange when he saw this scene, Is it something important?

Yamaha Kyoko shook her head, No, Axela asked us to prepare it for her. You won't agree to this. I'll tell you later.

So mysterious? It's up to you. Just remember, don't get any clues. Eddie shook his head. Each of these women was more full than the last. They planned things that he sometimes couldn't stop. In short, they wouldn't harm him. That’s it.

When she came to the laboratory, Monica had just finished the second stage of strengthening. She was not hungry, but showed some signs of being violent. Her eyes were red, and she could restrain this impulse with reason. Eddie, help. Help me, I'm in pain.

Eddie checked Monica and found that everything was normal, but a little strange. She seemed to use some unique method to alleviate the symptoms.

Three hours later, Monica's beautiful eyes returned to normal, she clenched her arms, and a force flowed through her body. It made her feel very comfortable, and she had a pair of pupils in her eyes. When she was extremely focused, she could detect things that were too small to be seen with the naked eye.

Are you feeling uncomfortable? Eddie drank wolfberry water to replenish his energy.

Very good, everything is very good. Thank you, Eddie, you didn't lie to me. Eternal life is really achievable! Monica found that she was getting younger, and she was a little uncontrollably excited. This was Something that no woman can say no to.

I've said it a long time ago, follow me and you can get more of what you can get. So, don't have any small thoughts. In order to make you calmer, I have a bold idea! Eddie smiled a little evilly. bad.

I will do whatever you say, I have no objection. Monica lowered her head and lowered her eyebrows. She was not arrogant at all because she became stronger. She knew clearly that Jesse was standing over there. Ka and Lisa can torture her with one hand.

Two days later, after synthesizing all the data, Eddie began to strengthen Yamaha Kyoko and others. These women who had been with him for the longest time should receive this kind of treatment. If it weren't for the fact that Jill was pregnant and it wasn't very convenient, he would have helped Jill strengthen it.

As Yamaha Kyoko and Emma entered the freezer, they also began to gradually hibernate.

Eddie looked at the large freezer in the middle. The arrogant and beautiful Alexia was still sleeping inside. When she wakes up, she will come back as a queen with superhuman power!

The laboratory is monitored by the supercomputer Crimson Queen, and any data anomalies will be displayed.

Annette also looked at the freezer in front of her, where her daughter Shirley was also being strengthened. She was very incompetent as a mother before, but now she just wants the best for her daughter.

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