After sending Britney away, Caprondo also set off to find General Morgan. Eddie stood in front of a pharmaceutical company, Wilpharma, a company researching T-virus vaccines. A branch has been established in the South Indian region. Wherever human experiments are used, even a small financial subsidy is enough to eat dead people.

Just when Eddie was looking at the company's sign and preparing to do something. There was a sudden explosion in the small shop next to it, and the fire spread instantly. It seemed that there was a gas leak.

Jessica stood in front of Eddie first, It's very dangerous here. Do you want to evacuate first?

Eddie shook his head, No, the show has just begun. We can just go further and watch the show.

A dark-skinned young man threw a torch at Wilfarma Company and took out several Molotov cocktails, as if he was conducting a terrorist attack.

He didn't have a pistol, he just set fire and smashed things. The young man threw Molotov cocktails and shouted, Trash company, black-hearted company, you will pay for my parents' lives, damn company, come out, come out!

The security guard of Wilfarma Company rushed out immediately, Sir, please calm down. You are breaking the law. What you are doing is wrong!

Fight! We can't live if we rob them of their things, and neither can they! A figure shouted loudly, and the surrounding gangsters suddenly ran out of the alley. All of them were armed with crude weapons, including single-shot pistols.

Shoot, don't let them enter the company! the security captain ordered!

Bang! As soon as he finished speaking, he was shot in the head by a killer who was mixed in the crowd, and died on the spot.

These charges were made by desperate poor people who had no money to buy medicine. There are also some family members who died because of Wilpharma Pharmaceuticals' human experiments. These family members have come to the company to ask for compensation.

Eddie was holding a Coke, Jessica was holding popcorn, and Lisa was holding a lot of burgers. The three of them were eating and drinking while watching the show.

Someone is instigating these citizens and making trouble! Eddie suddenly woke up.

Jessica and Lisa just ate quietly, not interested in things like riots. Their mission is to ensure the safety of the underground, and other matters must be put aside.

Eddie's keen eyesight spotted several killers mixed in the crowd. They shot skillfully and killed the guards holding the guns. Some people kept shouting and encouraging the poor to burn, destroy and plunder.

Those few people don't seem to be federal people, but mercenaries rolling on the edge of death!

Who hired these people to carry out the riot? What's the purpose?

Almost at the same time, a chain reaction occurred in nearby cities. Some citizens were rioting. All of this was just like the madness in Raccoon City.

Simmons had just gotten off the plane, and he was going to meet with other property tycoons in the family for a meeting, a money-making meeting. As long as a member makes money, they will support him. This is an unchanging truth.

The phone rang, What? The building was blown up? Who did it? I don't know? I don't know what you do? Did you grow up eating shit? Why don't you let me check it out.

Simmons put down his phone and felt a little bad. Just as he was about to make a call, he saw Kara calling, What's going on?

The laboratory was attacked, and our latest research results were snatched away. Information about the mixture of T-virus and G-virus, as well as the improved version of G-virus, were also snatched away. At the same time, there was also a batch of biochemical weapons prepared for sale. We need support, those losers actually let people break through the defense easily, damn it! Carla screamed and cursed.

That was her research result, used to defeat and humiliate Eddie. Now it was taken away. She was very angry, and there was a kind of unwillingness in her frustration.

What! Simmons clenched his fists and made a sound of bones colliding. How dare anyone dare to disturb Tai Sui's head?

Hurry up and send someone to recover the things. If I had the right, I would have mobilized the guards long ago. Those people said that their duty is to guard the laboratory. There must be a mole. Find him! Carla roared angrily. With.

I know, you should take care of the things in the laboratory. After Simons said this, he hung up the phone, then picked up his mobile phone and dialed. This phone number belonged to the military. Obviously, the series of blows made Simmons angry and prepared to A tough battle with real swords and guns.

But in the laboratory, Kara and Oriana looked at each other and smiled, their smiles showing pride and ghostliness. The two women were obviously cooperating with each other.

If nothing else happens, Simmons will soon send a private army to you. Congratulations, but just based on this, it will be difficult for you to seek revenge. As far as I know, the people around Eddie Those two bodyguards are not easy to deal with. Oriana smiled with a hint of teasing.

The attack was real, but something unexpected happened.

There were two groups of attackers. One group was led by Orianna's brother Morpheus, who stole the prepared biological and chemical weapons and sold them for money.

Another group of people came directly to lurk and steal information. After Morpheus led the attack, their whereabouts were exposed, and it finally turned into an armed conflict.

Orianna was very confused, who dared to cause trouble in the Federation? It is still very clear that research data was stolen. The TG virus had just begun to take shape when the other party arrived. Apparently there was a mole in the laboratory.

PS: If you are short of books, you can read the old book Marvel DC's Bastard Heroes. It is an old book with 3 million words. It does not guarantee your character!

Chapter 366: Angry Kara because she likes her

You know Eddie very well? Are you his? Kara turned her head and said with an evil look.

Your look reminds me of an idiom, do you know what it is? Oriana didn't care, she took out a cigarette and lit it. This was a medicinal cigarette that was hard to buy.

Kara stretched out her jade hand and waved, she was not used to smelling smoke. What idiom?

Hate turns into love! Haha! Oriana blew out smoke rings and paired it with smoky makeup, which made her look rebellious and had the urge to conquer her.

If you say this again, I will shoot you to death! Kara didn't think it was funny at all, and her eyes were extremely cold.

Simmons is a good person, and there is a bright future with him. Oriana changed the subject. She was indeed a mole this time, but no one could find out.

Even no one inside Umbrella knew that she was the chief researcher of the Atlantic Division and that she single-handedly led the famous Sleeping Tyrant Project.

She doesn't care about reputation. Anyway, her brother Murphys is the head of the research institute, and he has his back against a big tree to enjoy the shade.

The original study of the Sleeping Tyrant was just for fun, to see if I could make her more beautiful, but now it seems that it is not suitable, at least not applicable.

The pupal virus idea proposed by Kara is very good, allowing human tissues to reorganize in the pupa and become more beautiful, which is what Oriana needs.

Whether he is a good person or not has nothing to do with me. He is an arrogant and arrogant person. Kara said disapprovingly. It is really funny that a guy with such power would be obsessed with a female agent. With such power, who can't find it?

Okay, let's not discuss him anymore. Our plan must continue. I am very interested in your pupal virus. Maybe we can become real partners instead of superficial plastic sisters. Oriana suggested seriously .

After this incident, I will seriously consider it, but I won't consider it now. Kara said coldly, stood up and went out of the laboratory. She was about to start acting, and she ignored Simmons.

The riots in the federal city made everyone panic, and some people even experienced symptoms of vomiting, nausea and high fever. This was almost the same as the original crisis in Raccoon City.

This has tied up all of Simmons' energy. If another crisis breaks out, there is no doubt that the federation's overall strength will decline while other regions will rise. When the time comes to maintain the Federation's transcendent status around the world, this goal will become a joke.

At this time, he no longer cares about who is causing trouble. Simmons must stabilize the situation and ensure that the economic interests of family members and members who support him are not lost.

When Simmons mobilized the family's guard force to return to garrison the laboratory and track down the gangsters who attacked the laboratory. A splendid villa garden area, this is a project invested by the family. Real estate has always been a very profitable industry, and everyone who knows it understands it.

But at this moment, a shocking explosion occurred in the villa area that was about to be completed. High-concentration explosives were buried at the top, waiting to be exploded at a special time.

Projects worth tens of billions were destroyed, and enough was involved to bankrupt insurance companies.

The interesting thing is that the insurance project of this project is also monopolized by family members. The insurance industry always has more income than compensation, and it is a promising market.

Regardless of compensation or not, the rift between family members already exists, and what is waiting is for it to continue to expand and lead to antagonism. Without compensation, the real estate company will be unhappy. If you lose money, the insurance company will also be unhappy, all because the amount involved is too huge.

And Axela was also watching the live video in the office. How could she miss such a wonderful scene?

Her legs were crossed, her high heels were dangling on her toes, she was holding a cigarette in her hand, puffing away at the computer. The above is Alissa’s report. High fever cases have appeared in multiple federal cities.

Since medical care in the Commonwealth is very expensive, private medical treatment is an unbearable burden. Maybe a cold can cost an ordinary person one week's salary. How many weeks can it last in a month? Seeing the doctor a few more times may end up making ends meet.

This leads to a problem that by the time it is detected, it has become somewhat difficult to control.

Avatar City, Trossa City, and Cuencaterra City. The cases in these three cities are worrying. I still remember Hell Raccoon City a few months ago, where there were also countless cases of high fever. Here I call on everyone to be brave enough to check, and also ask relevant departments to be prepared for emergencies. The federation cannot withstand the second Raccoon City. Alyssa live broadcast sincerely.

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