Cryogenic freezing? Christine frowned. She found that she was being led by the other party. This was a situation that had never happened before. Everything was out of control.

This is one aspect, and another aspect is disinfection. Eliminating all bacteria and parasites. I didn't get the treatment you did when I was doing the experiment. The disinfection was not perfect, so there were some flaws. Eddie felt a little melancholy.

Is this why you carry two female bodyguards with you every day? I also think it's because you can't live without a woman for a day. Kristine understood somewhat. There are side effects, but she can still accept it. Looking at the man in front of her, she suddenly felt a little distressed.

Yes, you are right. My side effects still need to be improved, and each of the members who follow me have evolved very well without any flaws. You should take a day off first and bask in the sun. It will be very helpful for your recovery. Benefits, and then we will carry out the second reinforcement. After Eddie said that, he pushed Christine out of the laboratory, and he took Jessica to another room.

One day made Christine feel the power of the virus, and this power once made her a little obsessed. But Kristine, who was extremely controlling, quickly woke herself up. She understood that power was just a bonus, and what really concerned her was the change in appearance.

There used to be subtle crow's feet at the corners of her eyes, which added to her mature charm. After strengthening, the temperament is still mature, but the crow's feet that represent age are gone, and the skin seems to have become better.

Christine is also very involved in biology, and this approach makes her feel very curious and novel. For eternal youth, a period of fifty years is not too much at all. She finally understood what Alex said, why he said that after tasting the sweetness, he would not leave even if he chased her away. No woman would refuse.

Humph, what an interesting man. Is this the dream that old man Spencer is chasing? What a ridiculous old man. His dream was not realized, but was surpassed by a junior. Eddie, I am becoming more and more interested in you. . Christine stood on the deck, watching the sunset.

Soon one day passed, and Christine stepped barefoot into the freezer again. The cold temperature made her gradually fall asleep, and she remembered Eddie's reminder that she must imagine her perfect appearance in her mind.

Viruses have no self-thought, but they have great shaping capabilities. Relying on human will, it can change into incredible appearances. If she thinks she is beautiful, the virus will make her look beautiful.

If a bad person thinks that he will change from a man to a woman, the virus can also complete this reversal, even without minor surgery.

The reason why viruses mutate humans into various monsters is because the human body contains a large number of bacteria and parasites. It takes a long time to eliminate these bacteria, but strengthening only takes a short moment.

This is also the reason why after Spencer used Alex's serum, he could transform from sitting in a wheelchair to standing up, but could not gain superhuman strength. It was a serum that had been used on hands and feet. Of course, it was impossible for Spencer to get it. If you have any chance of becoming a god, you can still become a ghost.

In another room, Annette was studying data. She had a bold idea, so she came over to find her husband.

Husband, you said that you can use the virus to strengthen the baby before she is born. I wonder if it is possible? Annette already knew that the child in her belly was a daughter. She wanted to test the child's gender. It was just a simple matter. .

It's too risky. We don't have the relevant technology, so we don't want it anymore. In fact, as long as both parents are strong enough, the children born will inherit their characteristics, and the genes have been changed. Eddie shook his head and refused, using his own child Do things that are impossible in the laboratory.

I'm just thinking about it. I think it would be better for children. Annette said, stroking the hair beside her ear.

Don't think too much. If you have time, help me study the characteristics of electric current. After that, I have a better idea. Electric current is the first step, which will at least make you safer. Eddie had a bold idea idea!

PS: If you are short of books, you can read the old book Marvel DC's Bastard Heroes. It is an old book with 3 million words. It does not guarantee your character!

Chapter 389: Spencer, betrayed by everyone

Sooner or later, Christine will be willing to pay. As for safety issues, this has never been considered.

Another month later, at a military base in Iceland, Christine used her connections to send the satellite jointly produced by Emma and Alexia into the sky.

Eddie borne the cost this time. At the same time, he opened local medical welfare channels and made an exchange with the senator for low-cost and practical drugs.

In the name of developing the aviation industry, it is not surprising that artificial satellites and rockets can be done by powerful companies. But in comparison, after spending tens of billions, the return is almost zero, and it has no effect.

A satellite cannot bring more benefits. Simply using a satellite phone for communication only shows that the boss is rich and generous.

In April, Spencer was preparing to file an application to resume work. The international tribunal responsible for trying Umbrella on suspicion of developing biological and chemical weapons received a detailed document, which contained evidence of Umbrella's private transactions with some extinct terrorist organizations.

There is also a video and evidence of the use of human experiments, which also contains the names of Albert Wesker, William Birken and others, which reveals the research and development process of the North American Division in detail. The level of detail is outrageous, and there is also a A list of Atlantic Division institutes.

It is worth mentioning that Eddie's name is also on the list, and as a former Umbrella researcher, he did not run away.

Spencer ran away as soon as he saw something was wrong. He was very angry. Who betrayed him? He had already started asking Alex to pressure Eddie into handing over funds to support the immortality project.

As a result, this problem appeared in the blink of an eye. With solid evidence, Umbrella was quickly found guilty and had her assets frozen indefinitely. All business activities were stopped, and a wanted order was issued for Umbrella President Spencer.

This is a scene that Eddie directed and acted himself. He reported his name on the list, and even himself was not spared. Since his laboratory conducts research on common and incurable diseases such as cancer, Umbrella will be implicated to some extent.

I went to pay a bill of 100,000 yuan for Da Bao Jian, reported myself backhand, got myself arrested, and was fined 500 yuan in the end. You don’t even have to pay the bill, you only spend RMB 500 and enjoy the package worth RMB 100,000. It’s so smart!

Eddie's problem is not serious. He is just on the list but not participating in the experiment.

Rather than picking it out, it is better to admit it openly so as not to be implicated by the anxious Spencer. When the time comes, Alyssa, who is passionate about being a reporter and writing articles, can use the news to wash away a little bit of her own stains. It will be perfect!

At the same time, on Totoka Island, Alex killed all the core personnel belonging to Spencer here, and asked the housekeeper Stewart to take some loyal and her scientific researchers to Sabiti Island, a former Tsarist Russian. Go to the island.

Where no one cares, it cannot even be found on the map, and it is not marked. One is in the Pacific Plate, in the Bering Sea near the Arctic Ocean.

There, her team will build a new research facility to serve as a backup island.

The reason why Alex did that was entirely because she discovered the reason for her pregnancy and didn't want to wait any longer. She wanted to return to her husband urgently.

Alex's charisma and stunning appearance have earned her a group of loyal followers, and it would be a waste to abandon them. It's better to find a place to place these people and create a hidden base at the same time

As for the experiment on T fear, Alex did not do it at all. With her husband Eddie here, she only used Spencer's resources to conduct the third phase of related research.

Spencer in the European castle was so angry that he almost vomited blood after hearing that Alex had run away with almost half of his resources. He never expected that Alex, who seemed to be very honest and loyal, and whom he regarded as his daughter, would actually betray him! He also left with his resources, including money, instruments, and some experimental raw materials, all of which were very difficult to obtain.

Even if Spencer wanted to get these raw materials, he had to go through a lot of effort and pay some price. In the end, Alex packed them up and took them away.

The people responsible for delivering the supplies are a trio of Wolves. The Wolves, once a team of six, now have three pregnant women preparing to become mothers. Only Victor and others continue to serve, and from time to time they work as mercenaries to make some extra money.

These three people are very loyal to Eddie. After all, they have seen each other's transformation from nothing to a global entrepreneur. Following such successful people is definitely the best choice, and there is no need to worry about the cunning rabbit dying and the lackey being cooked.

Damn it, send someone to find her. That damn woman dared to deceive me. I want to use her as an experimental specimen! In his incompetent rage, Spencer was like a keyboard warrior. He had no choice but to stop. Cursing may not hurt, but it has no real effect in the morning.

The butler Padrick could only listen quietly. He did not comment on what Spencer did, Roger that, sir.

Ahem! After Spencer cursed furiously, he was so angry that he kept coughing. He had almost lost everything now. The subordinates who were given important tasks left one by one, all after the Raccoon City incident. Now he only has two most loyal people left, the butler Padric and the colonel Sergey.

Make arrangements for me to concentrate all resources on the Caucasus branch and let Sergey do all his research and development. The other branches will lay off employees and sell off their assets, and they can get as much money as they want. In addition, let Chris Ting stopped the TG project and sent the data over.

The French branch will use the remaining resources to develop Predators and sell them. Build a factory in advance at my stronghold in the Indian Ocean and give me full production of Predators. Spencer coughed for a long time before speaking intermittently. Finish your sentence.

What Spencer didn't know was that Alex had spoken to Christine on the phone in advance before leaving, and the latter was also preparing to run away.

Chapter 390: The French branch was raided

There is still some time before bankruptcy. During this period, it is just hanging on. It had no effect, and the Western Federation was also making trouble behind the scenes, making Umbrella even worse. A large and global pharmaceutical company that had been entrenched for half a century finally came to terms with him.

During this period, after receiving orders from Spencer, Umbrella's internal employees began frantically selling the company's assets. From single pieces of biological and chemical weapons to mature industrial chains, everything is sold.

In particular, mature production lines have been purchased by many organizations in turbulent areas. With these things, it is not easy to launch a counterattack.

This situation has led to further turbulence in the global situation, and biological and chemical weapons that had only appeared vaguely began to appear in large numbers.

The cost of one Hunter is less than twenty assault rifles, and its effect is greater than twenty rifles. It is easy to use and obedient. Cheaper and more practical than Tyrant, it can be used in wars without any disadvantages.

Spencer's purpose is to cause chaos in the world so that attention can be diverted. As for whether it will cause irreversible damage, that is beyond his control. After a person dies, it doesn't matter what the floods are, as long as it benefits you.

But soon, a mercenary appeared in France and raided the French branch of Umbrella, which had begun to lay off employees.

This assault was not to kill, but to seize the biological and chemical weapons inside. These armed men are mercenaries, hired by Morpheus to rob the Umbrella Group that everyone is calling for a beating.

The biochemical weapons snatched belong to the mercenaries, and Morpheus only needs the information.

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