After spending a day cleaning and preparing, Eddie closed his eyes and kept his mind clear. As the virus spreads, he can feel the twinges, and all he has to do now is stay awake and imagine himself. The virus will subtly undergo cryotransformation and proceed according to the will of the brain.

Alexia looked at Eddie in the freezer and seemed to see her former self. Perhaps it is because of responsibility that I seem to be a little rash, and it is also because the time is ripe for being rash.

No one knows how long this time will last. Perfect fusion requires a certain amount of time, a perfect state, and the fusion of viruses and cells.

Under the influence of the Veronica virus, a faint cocoon covered the three of them, forming a unique pupa. This is a way of imitating insects, which is how caterpillars turn into butterflies.

You go and do your work, I'm here to watch. During this time, Janeuri, monitor the surroundings. As long as someone comes, I will use my pets to destroy them. No one can disturb him! Alexia Mei Her eyes turned cold, and without Eddie's restraint, she returned to her status as a queen again.

Chapter 397: Kara is targeted

Morgan has also asked his corporate alliance to produce a preliminary marine virus. Together with the research of Dr. Mueller, Umbrella's former senior research director, he has begun to create a new marine tyrant.

This is not necessarily an increase in power compared to the previous Death Tyrant, but it maintains unique stable control performance. And it is more suitable for action in the ocean, not weak on land, and more suitable as a collectible.

Simmons also knew about this, but did not intervene. He was also working hard to find opportunities to improve the Federation's international status. Maintaining hegemony allows him to secure his position as leader.

The Western Federation's international status is gradually declining, especially the low-cost drugs developed by Mysterious Pharmaceuticals and Sanlian Pharmaceuticals, which are very marketable in Europe.

The logistics industry under online shopping has solved the employment problem of millions of people. This is something that Bridges, a member of the Senate, proposed to take the lead in doing. This incident once gave him a very high approval rating, and he seemed to be interested in running for some positions in the next term.

This makes it impossible for Simmons to take action against Eddie. If he destroys the other party's business, millions of people in the federation will lose their jobs. The riots caused by that time will continue to cause the economic strength to continue to decline. This problem was something he couldn't bear. At this time, he realized how despicable Eddie was.

Associating yourself with millions of residents of the Federation, you must pay a heavy price for dealing with him.

As for those who are playing dirty tricks, Simmons doesn't dare to do this. He is already afraid. The previous serial bombings and biochemical terrorist attacks left him still a little shaken. If he hadn't been very capable and smoothed things over, he would have definitely stepped down.

Eddie is still principled, but his wife Excella is not so easy to talk to. Simmons knows this and has dealt with it.

Compared to this kind of femme fatale, Simmons would rather continue to fight with a real villain like Eddie.

So during the time period when Eddie was being transformed and strengthened, Simmons missed the best opportunity to take action because of fear and lack of reason.

Six months ago, after the T-virus spread in three urban areas, Simmons began looking for people to conduct experiments. Experiments on Kara's pupa virus have brought great progress to Kara's virus improvement.

Within half a year, Kara had perfected the detoxification of the Progenitor virus and the Veronica virus and combined them.

This elimination only solves the high fatality rate, and the power is correspondingly reduced. The goal is to create the kind of virus Simmons wants that can be tolerated by most people.

Seeing eight thousand failed experiments, Kara's heart remained unmoved. She wanted to surpass Eddie and would never care about other things.

Oriana found an opportunity to run away. Her brother Morpheus had developed the latest model of the TG virus, which solved the shortcomings of rapid decline in IQ and easy mutation and deviation. It is said that this virus can make her become more beautiful.

Even though she didn't really believe it, she still wanted to find a chance to go and have a look.

After observing the pupal virus, Simmons discovered that this thing can indeed change the appearance to a certain extent. If he wants to be truly successful, he must find a woman with a similar gene to Ada.

It was accidentally discovered that Kara and Ada's genes were somewhat similar, and a vicious idea gradually emerged in his mind.

Use Kara as a test subject and make her look like Ada! This idea made Simmons extremely excited, so that he could have a complete Ada King who was loyal to him alone.

This also requires a little preparation, a process of hypnotic brainwashing. Let Kara completely obey his orders. As long as he finds a way, his wish can come true.

On the other side of the Caucasus branch, Spencer became even weaker and had to rely on nutrient solution to survive. Project Talos has been progressing very smoothly, and it's time to start an auction of biological and chemical weapons.

Trusted confidants began to search for cruise ships, invite dignitaries from various regions to the ship, demonstrate the strength of biological and chemical weapons, and start selling orders.

Ahem, I don't have much time. Sergey, I have found an island in the South Pacific, where is the last safe place. If anything happens to me, you will take Umbrella's last hope with you. , go to that island. Umbrella will be left to you from now on. Ahem! Spencer said while coughing.

Sergey stood in front of the dying Spencer, still very respectful, You will be fine. I have started to reversely decode Alex's serum, and the results will be available soon.

Spencer waved his hand, No need to waste your efforts. I know that woman's scheming. Once something is absolutely certain, she will reach a dead end. I can still support it for a while. Western Federation is a good retirement residence.

After being deceived by Wesker, Spencer just felt that there was a missing piece in his plan to become a god. The reason why he was optimistic about Wesker was entirely because the other person was a boy and could inherit the family business. After all, Alex is a woman and cannot inherit the family business.

It was Alex who deceived the most and defrauded half of all the supplies. The only remaining half was not defrauded because the Caucasus branch needed it.

I will find those two traitors and kill them both. Don't worry, you will be fine. Sergey said solemnly.

As a general who has been fighting since the Tsarist Russia, Sergey prefers to be called colonel, and he is not young anymore. Because of the T virus, Cai Cai is stronger than an adult.

This is the effect Spencer dreams of. At least with this kind of physique, he can continue to fight for fifty years.

If you find it, use it if you can. If you can't use it, kill it. Spencer thought for a while and decided to kill the two traitors. He had had enough betrayal and wouldn't accept a third time.

I understand, I will do it. You rest first, and I will prepare something. Sergey nodded and left first. He needed to check the progress of the Talos plan and ensure that the plan went smoothly.

PS: If you are short of books, you can read the old book Marvel DC's Bastard Heroes. It is an old book with 3 million words. It does not guarantee your character!

Chapter 398: Electromagnetic barrier that can annihilate bullets

Eddie has not rested for a moment in the past four months. In extreme sobriety, the virus has almost no corrosion on the brain. Also, because of the enhanced brain marrow extracted from the Alpha parasite, other parts of the brain have been developed, and the mental power has become much stronger.

The intensity of mental strength depends on the length of working hours, and only those with weak willpower need sleep.

Alexia snapped her fingers, and Manteng brought the dining table cart over, How do you feel?

Alexia? Eddie closed his eyes and opened them again. There were a pair of compound pupils in his eyes, which looked very ghostly.

It's me, have you forgotten? Alexia nodded, with a mixture of joy and confusion on her expression.

No, I just didn't expect that you would persist for me for so long. Eddie shook his head. He knew very well how long he had spent. It was just the reorganization stage that allowed him to stay awake but unable to control it.

Fortunately, the recombination evolved perfectly, and with the blood of Lisa and Jessica to neutralize it, he overcame all obstacles. Becoming stronger, looking taller and stronger than before.

Eat something first, and then ask your secretary to report to you what happened during this period. Alexia waved her hand and pushed the three dining carts in front of the three of them.

Twenty minutes later, Eddie stood on the ground, raised his hand, and a burst of electricity flashed. Almost as soon as the thought came, the electricity appeared. Just like the instinct you have, the current is very strong and the voltage is also very high, maintaining it at about three hundred degrees.

The energy consumed was not too much. After reorganization, the organs became electrically resistant and could be controlled at any time. It seemed to have reached a perfect stage.

Very good effect. You succeeded. Where's the battery barrier? Do you want to try it? Alexia took an assault rifle and a smile flashed across her cold and pretty face.

Come on, shoot me. Eddie hooked his fingers and smiled evilly.

Bang! The bullet flew past quickly, and when it got close to Eddie, an invisible force was generated, and a blue electric light flashed past, directly shattering the bullet.

Eddie frowned, It consumes more than before, but it's okay. I can last for eighty minutes. If I'm more skilled, it should be longer.

Click, click, click, Alexia continued to fire without any warning, and controlled seven or eight vines to control the firing of the assault rifle.

Countless bullets formed a metal storm and drowned Eddie. A light blue barrier appeared, blocking all the bullets and deflecting them. No bullet could hit him. This weird situation seemed impossible at all.

The magazine was empty, Alexia threw the assault rifle aside, and a vine took the rifle, Yes, with familiarity, soon even I will not be your opponent.

You are not my opponent to begin with. After I finish processing, I will give you the final treatment evolution. At that time, you will do the thing you least want to do. Eddie tore off the electromagnetic barrier, step by step He walked over and smiled evilly.

Alexia gently stroked the blond hair beside her ear, Really? I'm looking forward to it. I went to bed. I haven't had a formal rest in a long time.

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