Thank you, but I have to go back. Fengling stood up and prepared to leave.

Eddie took out a knife and slashed the opponent's arm, then took out a positioning device. Then he used medicine to quickly repair the scratched area. Is this what you're worried about? Are you a war criminal who was trained as an agent? This seems to be an instrument from Honor Pharmaceuticals, which really makes me more and more curious.

Fengling looked at the small locator she took out from her arm. She could still feel pain in her arm. She would not be able to regain her fighting strength for at least half a month. Thank you, but I have to go back. I won't tell others that I have seen you.

Fengling wanted to leave, but bumped into Jessica. The elegant Jessica pointed at her man.

If you want to leave, you have to ask me. I'm not going to let you go now. Just treat you as dead. I won't let anyone who has seen my secret leave. Eddie raised his index finger and shook it.

I have received professional training and I will not betray the organization's information. Fengling said coldly.

An hour later, Fengling silently buried her head in her arms. At this moment, she looked like a helpless woman.

Eddie lit a cigarette, Are you and King Ada from the same organization?

Fengling nodded, Yes. Her voice was a little hoarse, as if she had just cried.

Go on. Eddie threw a bottle of red wine.

Fengling took the red wine and drank it without thinking. She felt confused about the future and at the same time she was afraid of Eddie, who was a devil.

I remember, doesn't your organization maintain world stability? How come it is related to Shenya Pharmaceutical and Glory Pharmaceutical. Eddie was a little confused. These were things that King Ada didn't tell him, and of course he didn't ask. King Ada is pregnant with his child, and her loyalty is unquestionable.

That's right, when it comes to regional balance, it is not in our interests for the Western Federation to be dominated by one company. I am just an agent under the banner. We don't have much ability. We just collect money to do things. Fengling said drunkenly.

Forget it, let's not talk about it. We need to leave, it's getting late. Eddie looked at his watch, took Fengling with him, and walked out of the laboratory.

The zombies outside have left, and a battle is breaking out above the island. Sound is an important reason for attracting zombies.

Just as he was about to leave the underground laboratory and come to the stairs, he met Leon.

Hey, Eddie, why are you here? Leon asked first.

I was invited over, and I even chatted with your federal representatives, and you know the result. Free is always bad, and next time I'd rather pay for it. Eddie shrugged.

Where's Senator Ultron? Leon asked, they came here to save people.

Are you here to rescue people? It's a pity that he got involved with zombies. If you go back now, you should be able to find his body. As for whether he will bite you, I don't know. Eddie continued after speaking. going up.

Wait, you can't leave, you need to prove your innocence. A bearded agent on the side stopped him.

Young man, you should go back and review who helped develop the vaccine. What you said to me is a joke. If you think I'm easy to bully, I might punch you. Eddie snorted.

If Eddie hadn't appeared, Bruce might have saved Fengling. Eddie's appearance immediately snatched the person away, which can be regarded as giving a hat to the other party. I hope the other party likes it. After all, the style of the hat is very beautiful, green and environmentally friendly.

Chapter 412: The Strong Tyrant

When Kevin saw something was wrong, he immediately stood up and acted as a peacemaker. Eddie is also one of the survivors of Raccoon City. He has done a lot of work to combat biochemical terrorism. He is also a rich man. He is very rich.

The last sentence is a hint that in the Federation, as long as you have money, you can do anything. Capitalism is supreme. If you commit murder, you can continuously reduce the sentence and postpone the sentence by paying money, and finally the matter will be settled.

The evil capitalism is so weird. From a moral point of view, it is easy for people to become morally corrupt.

Bruce put away his gun and said, Sorry, Dr. Eddie, it's just routine. He was also very smart and knew that the other party couldn't be offended, so he immediately chose to pretend to be a grandson.

Leaving the underground laboratory and coming to the surface of the island. It seems that professional special forces troops have begun to attack here, fighting with the biochemical forces.

These biochemicals are similar to ordinary soldiers, but the advantage is that they can be continuously transformed. And the zombies also ignored these biochemicals. From the perspective of a predator, the biochemicals did not have the factors to become food.

The cannibalism of zombies is partly caused by the desire of the virus to continue spreading, and partly caused by the hunger of the infected host. When biochemical humans do not meet this condition, they will naturally be ignored by zombies, just like zombies will not eat soil or gnaw steel.

The ones who will only raid are the ace special forces of the British Isles, united with other regions of the EU. The Federal Biological and Chemical Counter-Terrorism Committee did not participate in the war. They were responsible for eliminating the unrest that broke out in Africa.

A considerable number of missiles were destroyed by interceptor missiles when they took off. The hot explosion flames destroyed the T-virus stored inside. Only the remaining bits fell into the ocean, where they were infinitely diluted and completely lost. Effect.

Is this a war? Yoko, what's going on now? Eddie pressed his ears to make sure he could hear clearly.

Yoko Suzuki was in front of the computer with a big belly. Next to her was Valerie, her roommate from college in Raccoon City. She was also pregnant. Although she didn't want a child, once she got pregnant, it was a woman's nature to work hard to protect the child. , until the child is born.

Honey, the EU has sent a joint elite force to appear, with elite special forces from most parts of the EU. In the outer waters, the pirates are controlling the warships occupied by them to start a war with the British Navy. You must leave quickly. Suzuki. Yoko said softly.

Did it trigger a war? Eddie's eyes flickered, as if he was thinking of some bad idea.

But he already got the things, he wanted the information, he wanted the money, and as for the talent, he also grabbed it. It was time for a happy run, and procrastinating would do him no good.

In the northern part of Kazakhstan Island, the female Hank Olemino took Ye Minzhi to find the jet ski left by Fengling. After checking the gas tank, I filled up the gas I brought with me.

This jet ski can take us to the nearest island, and then we must contact a boat to pick us up. Otherwise, it is impossible to return to land with this small motorbike alone. Female Hank Olemino reminded.

Leave here first, don't worry about anything else. Ye Minzhi trotted over, only slightly out of breath and wearing high heels. Even though her fighting power was not as strong as Oremino's, it was not much worse. She is also a woman full of mysteries.

The two women got on their motorcycles and, taking advantage of the cover of darkness, quickly wandered over to the designated target location. A rescue yacht was already waiting on the island. It was a ship from Shenya Pharmaceutical, coming to pick up Ye Minzhi.

Beginning with a joint special forces attack, many delegates were ferried away, a time to show the EU's strength. It is also the intentional guidance of the Travis family, and we cannot let the families of the Western Federation lead the way.

Morpheus was still grinning. He even cloned his own clone and looked at his brother who was exactly the same as him, My servant, my loyal servant, destroy these intruders for me!

After speaking, Morpheus took out a TG virus and injected the clone.

A flash of orange electricity flashed, and the clone turned into a bald man with a ferocious expression. Under the influence of the chip in the clone's mind, he eventually turned into an extremely strong man, with a height of three and a half meters.

The strong man glanced at Morpheus, and then began to grab the nearby mercenaries and devour them. He urgently needed the ability, and the mercenaries immediately shot and attacked the monster.

The bullet hit the strong man and was bounced off by the tough scales. It seemed that the skin was very similar to the genes of some kind of insect.

The twenty mercenaries hired by Morpheus were eaten alive by the strong men, and then targeted the special team that was gradually approaching. He roared angrily, jumped out quickly, broke the steel bar with his claws, and twisted it hard.

Holding the I-beam in his right hand, he waved it at a special team member. The arrogant force directly knocked the team member away. When he fell to the ground, his whole body was strangely folded in half. This was a sign that his spine was interrupted!

Haha, yes, yes, it seems that Wesker's research is not wrong. Willpower has an impact on the virus. If it can be improved a little more, it will be more perfect. Morpheus laughed nervously, his long hair fluttering in the wind, a little It's seductive, but when it appears on a man, it's a bit off-putting. It's so disgusting!

You can still see artillery firing on the sea in the distance, because the battleships are facing the battleships. Soon, a small team of aircraft flew over. This was the bomber team of the aircraft carrier.

The battleship controlled by the pirates was immediately covered in bombs, and soon turned into a ball of burning iron armor. This is the power of the aircraft carrier. In a naval battle, if there is no aircraft carrier, it will be embarrassing.

Morpheus walked to the edge of a cliff, and below was his hidden submarine. If he left through the submarine, even if there were planes in the sky, he would not be able to find his trace, so he could leave perfectly.

Finding a submarine in the ocean is like finding a needle in a haystack.

All the plans went smoothly, except when Morpheus came to the edge of the cliff, Kevin and Leon caught up with him. The senatorial representative who cannot save the Federation has already failed a mission, and the remaining mission is to destroy the missile silo.

In fact, only one missile silo was destroyed, and the remaining missiles were released. Even though it was sunk, it also meant that the mission had failed.

PS: If you are short of books, you can read the old book Marvel DC's Bastard Heroes. It is an old book with 3 million words. It does not guarantee your character!

Chapter 413: The human-male tyrant Morpheus

Stop, don't move, madam. You are under arrest, and you have the right to remain silent, but every word you say will be used as evidence in court! Lyon pointed the gun at Morpheus and said.

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