What are they doing? Alexia asked with interest.

Those are environmentalists who believe that this city has destroyed the marine environment and will lead to the destruction of the ecological environment of the Mediterranean. To be honest, this city's idea is very good. Although there are still some areas that need to be processed, it can already be put into use. A very good idea, just like our family. Eddie gave a fair evaluation.

Our family? Haha, it is indeed our family. Alexia smiled charmingly. She also has a family. Can she let go of the shadow of her childhood? Is there anything better than this?

Eddie was very keen and noticed that those people were wearing clothes with the same logo, which were all black flags with black mustangs. Isn’t this the Greyhound organization?

It’s getting more and more interesting, the Greyhound organization is running out.

You people, if we don't disband this city, you will pay a heavy price. The environment is not allowed to be destroyed, you vampires, go to hell! A bald man wearing glasses shouted loudly.

Disband the city! Disband the city! The younger brother behind him shouted.

Eddie didn't care about the farce. As a clown, the greyhound was destined to be abandoned as nothing more than some stupid radicals. The pollution caused by this maritime city is really very small. If we insist on pollution, it is only feces and garbage pollution.

What surprised Eddie was that the manager of this city was an old acquaintance whom he had not seen for a long time. Mike Warren, the former mayor of Raccoon City is also him!

Just over two years after the Raccoon City incident, Warren came clean and took office again in a different place. He was not held accountable. It seems that having a good daughter is different. Thanks to Catherine's help, Warren would have been miserable otherwise.

Hi Eddie, long time no see. Warren apologized to the surrounding senators and came over with a wine glass.

Hi, Chief Warren, long time no see. I didn't expect your political career to start again. Congratulations. Eddie said with a smile.

Thanks to your help and saying hello to Catherine for me, she gave birth to a granddaughter. I should congratulate her. Warren laughed hypocritically.

Yes, Catherine helped me give birth to a very cute daughter. I like my daughter very much. I heard that Mrs. Nabelli also gave birth to a daughter. I want to congratulate you too. Eddie laughed.

Warren's expression changed. His lover Nabeli had left him for more than a year. They were called husband and wife, but they had been separated for a long time. Now they have a daughter. This fucking thing is for him. With a green hat, it’s no wonder he’s happy.

Chapter 427: Greyhound’s Conspiracy

It's easy to say, thank you. Their mother and daughter are safe, don't worry. They have good food and drink here. If you need to invest, I will give you the maximum discount. Warren smiled heartily, and there was no trace of his head. Green, this politician has really cultivated himself to an extremely ridiculous level.

Okay, Ms. Nabeli is a very gentle and considerate woman. You have found a good wife. She is a good woman. Don't let her down, otherwise I will not be polite. Eddie's smile was very mean, mean. Not enough.

Director Warren hesitated to speak. This was the first time he had seen such a shameless person. With this special code, the daughter Nabeli gave birth to was not his at all, but Eddie's. His lungs almost exploded because he actually said such shameless words to him, and he swore that this doggy situation in front of him must have been done on purpose.

Even if he knew that the other party was intentional, Director Warren was helpless. Now Eddie was no longer the Umbrella-related person with a small connection, but a world-renowned boss of a large pharmaceutical group. The two parties were not on the same level.

I understand, and I will take good care of him. I plan to approve the BSAA's permanent presence here. I wonder if Terraseph has any ideas about moving to Tragriga? The environment here is pleasant, and it will be very comfortable to work here. Warren He was going to get this giant to invest, so that if anything happened to the city, he would have someone to support him.

No interest. We live very comfortably in our own territory and don't want to waste time elsewhere. It seems that you will be very busy, so go ahead and do it. If you need investment, my wife will send someone to talk to you. Eddie He did not hide the fact that Axela was his wife, and Axela handled the company's affairs.

After Warren left, Alexia looked at the Greyhound members who were continuing to protest on the street far downstairs, with a weird smile on her lips. She had already guessed what was going on.

The sea breeze was cool, and Eddie was just about to leave when he saw Leon and Kevin coming together. The two were secretly lurking close to the members of the Greyhound organization, seeming to be eavesdropping on something.

Ten minutes later, the members of the Greyhound organization were forcibly expelled from the floating city of Tragriga, and facial recognition was used to blacklist these members.

Eddie walked over, Hey, what are you doing here?

Leon was frightened and took out his pistol, but was kicked away by Jessica. Kevin reacted and stopped Leon's continued reaction, and said angrily, Man, we are on a mission. If you come over so rashly, something will happen.

What's the matter? Just you guys are not qualified enough. Tell me, what's the matter? Why did you two come to this city with me for no reason? Eddie crossed his arms and made a boss gesture.

Kevin looked around, Have you followed us to Kazakhstan Island before? Bruce, the CIA's ace agent, disappeared. He was still alive like me before, and then disappeared after an accident, even though there was a death certificate at the scene. But He was seen around here the other day.

And he is also with a local black market businessman. That businessman is responsible for the sales of biological and chemical weapons in Eastern Europe. We suspect that man has rebelled. Leon took out a photo of two people talking.

Isn't it a CIA agent who faked his death and worked as an undercover agent inside the enemy? There are many scenes like this in movies. Eddie shrugged.

No, we have investigated it. The members who died in that accident also included members of the Presidential Secret Service's logistics team. Our mission is to find Bruce and track down the murderer behind the scenes. Kevin explained.

Why does this scene feel a bit like Bruce? At first, Eddie thought he was Batman from Gotham City. Later, thinking about it, he must have mistakenly recognized the person.

Okay, just tell me if you need help. Eddie left after saying this. This was just a polite word.

At the same time, in a country near the Black Sea, there were continuous snow-capped mountains. Surrounded by snow-capped mountains, there is a modern airport and laboratory. This is a secret research institute jointly established by multiple pharmaceutical companies.

Initiated by General Morgan and sponsored by Simmons, the latest biochemical viruses and derivative weapons are studied here.

Bruce, who had faked his death, appeared here with several scars on his face. And a weapons dealer followed behind with a hunched figure and a large package on his back.

Here is Chief Norman. On behalf of my boss behind the scenes, I have sent you something. I hope you like it. Bruce took out a bottle of virus. This is the modified Veronica virus. It can be used in If it spreads through the air, the best way is to take a shot directly, which will be more effective.

Bald Norman sat in the leader's position with an extremely arrogant expression, Do you think I will give in to you? Hum, I already have a cooperative employer, you can go back.

Bruce said with a gloomy expression, This is an experiment. You can use it as insurance. You can't destroy Tragriga simply by relying on the weapons in your hands.

Why should I believe you! Norman said coldly.

Because this world is being destroyed by humans, my organization is to create a new world, ruled by new humans. The new humans are more civilized, stronger, and more rational. Bruce's eyes were extremely fanatical.

Norman became interested, and their Greyhound philosophy had been distorted. From advocating environmental protection, to opposing high technology, to destroying the old world, everything began to be distorted, but no one suspected it. Who do you do things for?

Sorry, I can't say. Just know that our goals are the same. If you are interested, you might as well join our action. We need to raise funds, and there happens to be a fat sheep in South America. Bruce sneered.

No problem, I'm happy to cooperate with people of the same profession. Puppy, go get my tea leaves. How can you let this distinguished guest stand? Please give me a seat. Norman grabbed his little brother and scolded him.

Bruce, who came back from the dead, didn't seem to be an undercover agent, but seemed to have been brainwashed.

PS: If you are short of books, you can read the old book Marvel DC's Bastard Heroes. It is an old book with 3 million words. It does not guarantee your character!

Chapter 428: The daughter who left Jill speechless

Mother Wolf had already finished processing the documents and was putting her high heels on her desk and smoking a lady's cigarette. This lazy image reveals a mature style that makes people unable to concentrate.

I've known it for a long time, I've been waiting for you. The wolf mother put out her cigarette, stood up and stretched. Fortunately, the virus was strong enough and did not cause her body to deform after giving birth for the second time.

As soon as Gil walked out of the office, he saw his old teammate Chris walking over, Is something wrong?

Chris handed over the document, Richard, we fought side by side in Raccoon City. He went missing when he went to the Amazon rainforest in South America to investigate a suspected biochemical attack. Just now, local agents found him After eating it, he has turned into a zombie and his whole body was badly bitten.

Jill took the photo and said, This is unfortunate news. Any instructions?

I want to take a few people to the Amazon rainforest to investigate. The local area needs communication, and I want to ask for your help. I want to avenge Richard, do you want to go with me? Chris asked, he was just subconsciously acting. .

Just when Jill was about to agree, the wolf mother on the side patted Jill and said, No, we have to ask Eddie.

Jill seemed to have thought of something and did not object. She was already married and had children, so she could not conduct private investigations as before. Although she lost some freedom, she could apply to her husband.

Chris patted Naodao and said, Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot about this. Then please help me communicate with the change. If we join the United Nations, we won't have to go through so much trouble.

After joining the United Nations, it is an official organization. The current BSAA is only a private biological and chemical armed countermeasures force, not a regular army.

You go back and wait. I'll make a call now to apply. It will take a while. You can pack your equipment first. I also have to pick up Ka Lei from school, so I have to go first. Jill apologized, and then pulled Luper away. .

On the way to school, Luper looked relaxed, You feel like you have no freedom, don't you? This is a woman. After getting married, she needs to take care of her family and can no longer go out to take risks. There is more comfort and less excitement.

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