O'Brien came to the internal bar and sat next to Chris, I feel very sad about Foster. Now you need to take a break. Stabilize your emotions. When we enter this industry, we are destined to have this. one day.

Chris picked up the wine glass and drank, I know, I just can't forgive Umbrella. They escaped and I haven't settled the accounts with them yet.

I know that Jill may be able to help us. As long as she tells Dr. Eddie, with Dr. Eddie's financial resources, she will definitely be able to find Umbrella's hiding place, O'Brien said.

I will talk to Eddie myself, no need to trouble Jill. Chris drank.

Suddenly the bar became quiet and everyone was watching the TV. The above is a speech delivered by Simons, the Western Federal Security Advisor, based on the previously released news. Condemned Eddie for being a participant in the T-Virus experimental project and urged him to surrender as soon as possible.

Chris was a little angry, Nonsense, Eddie is not that kind of person at all.

How do you know? O'Brien wondered. He didn't trust Eddie. He was a capitalist and would do anything for money. How much charity has Bu Lun done? Unless there is conclusive evidence, he will not believe it.

My sister Claire is his wife. If he dares to do such a thing, my sister will kill him with one shot! Chris roared.

What? O'Brien's expression was very strange. Chris was really miserable. His crush was taken away by Eddie, and his sister also married his love rival, which was a bit embarrassing.

This kind of news has no impact on Eddie. In the past two years or so, there has been news reporting bad things about him every time. He also clarified every time that he was also looking for something to do for his wife Alyssa.

Moreover, his company is not a listed company, so he does not need to worry about the stock price plummeting.

When it comes to reputation, most people won't believe it.

photo? Does anyone know if the photo is a composite?

Are there witnesses? Who knows if he was hired to deal with Eddie.

Alyssa gave a press conference a long time ago because of Eddie's drug research and development activities. A large part of it has harmed the interests of some colleagues and capitalists in related fields. In the country of capital, all means are used. Being slandered is not just a day or two. If you want to wear the crown, you must bear its weight!

The capitalists believe that it is useless, as long as the citizens below who are taking anti-cancer drugs do not believe it. With real benefits in hand, I believe him.

Public opinion continues to ferment in the back-and-forth struggle. Half a month has passed, and it remains the same. It will have little impact on Eddie's industry, and the money should be made.

Drinking wine, hugging beauties, listening to ditties, the life of a capitalist goes on.

In the Mediterranean office, Claire held the phone and said in a very unhappy tone, Chris, let me tell you, my husband is not that kind of person. If he participates in human experiments, I will not let him go in the first place. Don't always do this. If you make insinuations and say bad things about my husband again, be careful and I will beat you up.

Chris was very depressed. His sister had changed and her elbows turned outwards. No, I just asked Eddie to help investigate where the people who evacuated from the Caucasus branch last time went. I want to take revenge on them.

Claire's tone was slightly better, He is already investigating. If there is any problem, he will tell you. The person who framed him last time was Sergey, the person in charge of Umbrella. If you want revenge, you have to line up. Woolen cloth.

Hearing this, Chris felt relieved, Okay, tell him. In three days, we are going to visit the families of the colleagues who died before. This is the only thing we can do.

I know, let me tell you some good news by the way. Last time, the Western Federation directly bombed an African city, and there were about 300,000 zombies. It was suspected to be an accident caused by the spread of the T virus. This incident has questioned the Federal Biological and Chemical Counter-Terrorism Committee. , if the operation is successful, BSAA may be taken over by the United Nations. With an official name, your actions will be much better in the future. Claire smiled.

This is a good thing! Three hundred thousand people lost their lives? Why didn't I know? Chris was a little skeptical.

Because they were suppressed by the Western Federation, the news still spread. The local armed forces also accepted the conditions of the Western Federation and did not say it out loud. The sign of this incident is that the Counter-Terrorism Committee is only for federal services. Bioterrorism is bad. Claire's sources of information are well-informed.

Okay, I understand. Remember to tell Eddie, he is also a member of the tactical rescue team. Chris hung up the phone after saying that. He wanted to go to Caprondo to confirm.

In the Pentagon conference room, General Morgan was furious. Previously, public opinion was discussing whether Eddie was involved in Umbrella's cruel human experiments. However, the situation changed and it turned out that he used orders without authorization to destroy a city of 300,000 people.

This must be someone snitching, which is very detrimental to the Federation! General Morgan said angrily.

It's very detrimental to your power. You blew up a city. Why didn't you notify the Senate? a senator asked.

I have already submitted a report afterwards. The situation was urgent. A large number of biological and chemical weapons rushed out of the city. I must ensure that the virus will not spread. General Morgan snorted, as for the truth? Does that matter?

PS: If you are short of books, you can read the old book Marvel DC's Bastard Heroes. It is an old book with 3 million words. It does not guarantee your character!

Chapter 471: Aunt Beatrice’s Difficulties

Barry also appeared. This old father-in-law had been responsible for weapon modification work and provided high-quality weapons to BSAA members.

Barry's job was also suggested by Moira, saying that he should try to fight as little as possible. Now that he is old, he should be careful not to see Barry when she takes her daughter back.

Three of his comrades were killed, and even Enrique, the squad leader who worked in the FBC, came over. Commemorate the deceased friends and send some supplies to their families.

Joseph and Foster were single, without wives or children. Joseph only had an old father to take care of, and he was sent to a nursing home, with BSAA paying for the care.

Foster's father died, leaving only a fifty-year-old mother who looked very young and seemed to be a woman who knew how to live.

As soon as he arrived at the apartment that Foster left to his mother, Chris received a call. His expression became serious after nodding. Now? Well, okay, I get it.

After hanging up the phone, Chris said to Eddie, We are applying to enter the United Nations establishment and will be under the jurisdiction of the United Nations in the future. Now is the time to test our strength. I need to go back. Barry, you need to come too. go back.

Barry nodded, I understand. Then he patted Eddie on the shoulder, Boy, don't bully Noila Moira, my daughter will not be bullied.

Don't worry, I'm not a wife beater. Eddie smiled.

Enrique and Dooley also received a call, asking them to go on a mission nearby. Sorry, Eddie, we have to leave too, we have a temporary mission.

Eddie waved his hand, Go ahead, go ahead. I know you are all busy. I am a good person and will help you get things done.

In less than five minutes, Eddie was the only one left. Only Jessica and Lisa were still with him, so he wouldn't be alone.

Hello, my name is Beatrice. Thank you for the things you sent me. Thank you very much. Come in and sit for a while. The beautiful middle-aged woman invited with a smile and a very kind temperament.

Okay, if you have any difficulties in the future, you can tell us. If I can help, I will never shirk the blame. Eddie nodded.

For colleagues who have worked together in Raccoon City, he is still willing to help each other with small things. Seeing that the other party's mother is so beautiful and charming, I must do this favor.

The two chatted for a while, and Beatrice got up and went to the kitchen, Be sure to stay for a meal at noon and let me thank you.

Okay, I'm very good at eating. Don't worry about Foster. He was also controlled before he attacked his own people. Eddie told Foster about what happened in the Caucasus. Again.

Beatrice suddenly knelt down and cried, I'm sorry, I didn't know he had been turned into a monster by those people. I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry.

Eddie pulled the other person up and said, It doesn't matter, everything will be fine. The dead are gone, and the living need to continue to live. By the way, can I ask you a question? Lisa, come and cook, I want to eat Your grilled steak.”

Beatrice nodded and looked at this beautiful woman cooking lunch skillfully, Of course, I'm really sorry that I asked the guests to cook.

Eddie shook his head, It doesn't matter, what we are pursuing is efficiency. I looked at the information and found that you raised Foster alone twenty years ago. Why haven't you thought about getting married again?

Beatrice was a little surprised. This was a personal matter. She hesitated and said, Because I was afraid that Foster would have a bad life, I didn't have such a plan. I don't have such thoughts now. I'm old.

Haha, you are not old at all. Do you drink? Eddie took out a bottle of wine.

I usually don't drink, but if there are friends around, I will drink two drinks. Aunt Beatrice said with a smile.

After having enough wine and food, the two drank two bottles of red wine directly. Jessica and Lisa were sitting on the couch reading the newspaper while Addie and Aunt Beatrice were chatting.

That kid Foster is my pride. He has always done things well. Eddie, promise me one thing, live well. Send Umbrella's criminals to prison while still alive. Here. Aunt Beatrice's speech was a little unclear, and she was obviously drunk.

No problem, if I have the chance, I will get rid of them one by one. Have you ever thought about having another child? With a child, you will not be so lonely. Eddie smiled.

Aunt Beatrice, who was still charming, looked at Eddie in surprise, then shook her head and said something unexpected. It's dangerous to have a baby at my age.

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