Everyone, bioterrorism is currently on the rise, and this new threat is beginning to appear around the world. Each time it will cause huge casualties, forcing us to use the most extreme methods to purify these viruses. Therefore, we must unite to fight biochemical Terrorism, wipe biological and chemical weapons from the world! General Morgan said indignantly.

Eddie dozed off a little while listening. He controlled his ears to prevent them from being too sensitive, otherwise his eardrums would burst. He slept soundly against Excella, not paying any attention to General Morgan who was speaking passionately above.

There are many people with envious eyes. The noble and cool business queen, Axela is a gentle little wife at this moment. Such a woman should belong to everyone, how can she be exclusive? Everyone has the right to pursue her! Eddie, a bitch, actually eats alone. It's really disgusting!

If looks could kill, Eddie didn't know how many times he would be plotted. Jealousy is the original sin and pink eye can be cured.

Axela didn't mind at all, everything she had was given by Eddie, and this man was her little husband.

Even though she knew that Eddie was plotting against the Travis family, Axela was not angry. On the contrary, she was a little proud. Didn't Eddie go to all the trouble to trick her over? Didn't it also prove her charm and value? No wonder Eddie is so excited every time. It turns out he has been thinking about her for a long time!

When she thought of this, Excella couldn't help but smile. It was truly an unforgettable moment.

When General Morgan on the stage saw Eddie, a trace of displeasure flashed in his eyes. This brat was too disrespectful to him.

Dr. Eddie, as a former employee of Umbrella, do you have any good suggestions on how to deal with biological and chemical weapons now? General Morgan suddenly asked.

Eddie muttered and went back to sleep, unmoved at all, mainly because he was a little exhausted last night.

The result is that the three goddesses, including Axela and Jessica, are as radiant as the moistened roses after the rain.

Axela took the microphone and said in a cold and charming voice, Just hit them on the head. If you can't hit them accurately, practice your marksmanship. It's that simple.

General Morgan has no solution at all when he says this. It is true that the weak point of living things is the head. If you can't hit it accurately, it can only mean that you are a loser. Being a loser is the original sin. If you don't hate it, how can you use love to influence it?

General Morgan was extremely angry and could only grit his teeth and continue the meeting.

At the port of Tragriga, three huge drones were assembled on three cruise ships. There are a large number of bottles hanging on it, and these bottles contain the slowly gaseous T-Abyss Virus.

One thing about bioterrorism attacks is that they need to spread quickly. The original T virus is difficult to survive in the air. Even if it is absorbed by the human body, it will not mutate immediately as long as it leaves the infected area immediately. The immune system can kill this tiny amount of T virus without even needing a vaccine.

A bald man stood in the command room of the cruise ship, with a large distinctive Greyhound flag behind him.

Boss, get ready, a member shouted.

Well, connect to TV channels all over the world. Norman was a little excited. This was a good time to show off the Greyhound organization.

In an instant, the big screen in the conference room of Tragriga's parliament building was connected. Meanwhile, television channels around the world were temporarily taken over.

A man wearing a gas mask appeared, Gentlemen and ladies. We are the Greyhound Organization, and we oppose all acts of destruction of nature. When we repeatedly tried to dissuade you, you used force to suppress us.

Today, we are back with the demons of the abyss for revenge. Anyone who damages the environment will die. This is our weapon! The masked man took out a test tube, which was full of scarlet liquid.

The masked man walked to the big fish tank and used a test tube to spread these weird scarlet liquids into the tank.

There were only three goldfish in the fish tank. After being covered in scarlet liquid, they suddenly became extremely violent. After a period of crazy twitching, the goldfish grew in size and began to bite the unmutated goldfish. In the end, it turned into a very weird fish, similar to a piranha, but with lower limbs!

This video shocked everyone, it was a clear threat! Attempting to use biochemical viruses to threaten various regions will definitely destroy the environment if it develops, just more or less.

At this time, the masked man took off his gas mask, and a greasy middle-aged man wearing glasses appeared, it was the leader Norman!

Greyhounds will definitely return nature to its original state. The T-Abyss we have can pollute one-third of the Mediterranean Sea. Hey, by then, you will have tasted the wrath of nature. Changes in marine ecology, you You will pay a heavy price for this! After Norman said this, the video was disconnected.

The effect of this video is extremely shocking. This is no longer a threat, it is about to destroy the whole world!

After seeing the video, General Morgan seemed indifferent on the surface, but his heart blossomed with joy. He is such a good teammate!

Chapter 480: Panic in Tragriga

Everyone, you have seen that this is the threat of global biochemical terrorism. They want to destroy the world, although they don't know what they have in their hands. But we must pay attention to the fact that these viruses must not be allowed to spread, otherwise it will be very dangerous. General Morgan yelled loudly.

Eddie yawned just then, and it seemed like the show was about to begin.

Axela always had a smile on her face, and glanced at her husband with her beautiful eyes. This little husband must know something.

Destroy the world? That has nothing to do with Excella, she is just a woman, a virtuous goddess who only belongs to Eddie, not a savior hero.

At this time, a drone flew past the window, leaving five streaks of scarlet gas wherever it flew, and the gas began to fall rapidly.

At the same time, at the port, some hunters were released and began to kill indiscriminately.

Wycliffe got the moving salary today and was about to go back to buy a bouquet of roses to give to his neighbor. Then he might have a very good affair.

At this time, there was chaos at the dock. A container was suddenly blown away, and a standard container of thirty-six tons was blown up.

Wycliffe watched the container flipping over in the sky, the shadow getting bigger and bigger, and finally thought of running away, but as the container fell, he was instantly smashed into a meat pie.

General Morgan only provided the Greyhound Hunters and the T-Abyss Virus, and these powerful tyrants were provided by Sergey.

Sergei needs the whole world to be in chaos, disrupt the Federation's vision, and buy time for his experiment.

The city guards arrived first and took out their pistols to fight against these hunters.

The pistol bullets hit the hunter's scales, leaving only a white mark, which was meaningless except making the hunter even more furious.

Poof! The head of a guard was raised high, with disbelief in his eyes.

The hunt begins as teams appear, being dropped from the cruise ship to carry out terrorist attacks.

The T-Abyss previously dropped by drones began to take effect, and some affected residents began to cough violently and develop fever symptoms, which were very mild.

Many of the weak ones, who stayed up all night last night, soon began to mutate. The muscles all over the body were melted and turned into a sticky liquid. After the cell walls absorbed the water, they turned into a unique dripper!

Drippers began to appear throughout the city. There were not many of them, but they were extremely difficult to deal with. These drippers can emerge from some sewer pipes and kill prey by surprise. The killed prey will also mutate and gradually spread.

Everyone, please retreat first. Our Counter-Terrorism Committee will purify these invading monsters. General Morgan frowned.

At the same time, Director Warren, who was imagining, saw another biochemical weapon appear, and he was itching with hatred. While angry, there was also a flash of despair. He finally betrayed his wife and daughter to get to where he is today. But before he could get enough of it, something like this happened again. What would he do in the future?

At this time, Catherine called, Warren, send out all the weapons quickly and do your best to stop the attack of biological and chemical weapons. At the same time, organize a manpower retreat. I will ask Terraseph to arrange a camp to attack the evacuating citizens. Get tested and quarantined.”

This call was a life-saving call. Warren's tone was full of gratitude, Thanks, Katherine, I'm sorry.

Catherine, who was teaching her daughters on the Goddess Island, snorted, No need to thank me, I'm just doing the last bit of responsibility I need to do. I don't want to care about your life in the future.

After receiving the instructions, Warren ignored the hypocrisy and hurriedly began to organize people to retreat. This time he could not run away first, he needed to let the citizens retreat. In this way, he can retain his position and become a governor for a while.

Representatives from these regions quickly began to retreat, and the combined fleet in the distance also began to move closer, preparing to eliminate biological and chemical weapons.

The nearby federal biological and chemical counter-terrorism forces also began to dispatch to support Tragriga.

In the building, the meeting was interrupted and everyone retreated in an orderly manner. Eddie did not leave, but stood outside the window and looked at the chaos below the building.

Monsters were rampant on the streets, and many citizens were killed. The main force is the hunter, hunting everything in sight unscrupulously. After improvement, the Sweeper carries highly poisonous claws. As long as the skin is scratched, the Sweeper will die instantly. It is even more terrifying than Hedinghong.

At a certain moment, the anti-terrorist forces in the city built a simple defense line. These well-armed troops used heavy firepower to suppress the onslaught of the hunters, giving the retreating citizens a chance to breathe.

As a result, the next second, an armed man who was sweeping with a machine gun suddenly broke into two pieces. The companion next to him didn't know what happened, and his head also flew up.

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