General Morgan was imprisoned in the Pentagon, awaiting federal trial. This matter ultimately needed to be handed over to the International Court of Justice.

Before that, the Federation could conduct its own trials. Tragriga was destroyed. It was a city jointly established by multiple regions. The Western Federation did not have the final say, so Morgan, a sinner, had to be handed over to the international community for condemnation.

Eddie whistled and followed Simmons to the underground prison. Behind him were still two female bodyguards, Jessica and Lisa.

General Morgan was wearing a prisoner's uniform, his eyes still extremely sharp, What are you doing here?

Simmons suddenly slapped him in the face and said, You are such a waste.

Eddie persuaded, Hey, how can you hit someone? Violence can't solve problems. I'm here to see your jokes. You were the one responsible for the news that targeted me last time.

Hmph, I just wish I didn't deal with you, little beast, because you were the one who provided the information to the BSAA. General Morgan's eyes were extremely angry, and he could not forgive Eddie.

No, I'm not interested in your business. I just want to see you in trouble. If you don't do such a thing, no one can frame you. Eddie took out a cigarette and lit it without caring. There are four words written on the wall: no smoking.

Whatever you say, winners and losers, humph, Simons, I succeeded, and you will benefit too. If you burn bridges across the river, you will be careful not to suffer the consequences. General Morgan threatened.

Hmph, what I want is to maintain the Western Federation's status in the world, not for you to get negative news, you idiot. Simmons roared, and slapped Morgan twice in the face. A slap in the face is the most pleasant thing, and there is no such thing. one!

PS: If you are short of books, you can read the old book Marvel DC's Bastard Heroes. It is an old book with 3 million words. It does not guarantee your character!

Chapter 491: Ashley

It's wrong to laugh at people, but Morgan, the old dog, is not a person, so there's nothing wrong with laughing at him.

Eddie often said that he was not a good person, but he did not kill innocent people indiscriminately, and he would not harm hundreds of thousands of people for a little profit. There is an essential difference between a bastard and a bad person!

After mocking Morgan, the two returned to the office.

Simmons poured two cups of coffee and handed one over. The Morgan incident poses a great threat to the federation. We need to find a way to reduce the negative impact of this incident on the federation.

That's something you need to consider. I only care about money and women. Don't talk to me about the things you have and don't have. Eddie waved his hand and hugged Lisa, like a nouveau riche.

Simmons sneered in his heart, but was indifferent on the surface, I knew you wouldn't care about the interests of the Federation. The longevity plan has taken the first step. Many old people have stood up again, regained their energy, and followed China Same as young people.

Eddie said to the smoke ring, Aren't you worried that those old guys will compete with you for power?

Simmons shook his head, We have an agreement, so you don't need to worry about this. The only threat now is Spencer. He also knows the secret of immortality and cannot let him live. Also, we need to take the next step. R\u0026D, you need to help us.”

Isn't Marcus enough for you? He's done thorough research. Not to mention immortality, he can even be resurrected from the dead. Eddie threw the question away. He didn't want to take this issue.

That's not enough. Leeches are different from humans. I'm not afraid to tell you that there are already many senators from various regions in the EU who want to join us. No one will refuse, and the Federation will always be the hegemon, unshakable! Simmons sneered. road.

Use the temptation of immortality to win over political figures from other regions. This is really a one-step move. Who is willing to die if he can avoid death?

I can't help you at this point. If you get sick and come to me for treatment, I can still help you. Eddie's expression was very contemptuous.

He, a person who has been strengthened several times and has great strength and long life, would make a deal with these short-lived ghosts? What nonsense!

Moreover, the direction of Simmons and others was deliberately biased by Eddie. This method of consuming potential to maintain life cannot go far.

To take a step back, even if the correct strengthening method is discovered. These people have exhausted their potential. Forcibly strengthened, you will eventually become a monster instead of a person.

So Eddie is not worried about these guys at all and lets them play knowledge monopoly. First in the Western Federation? Then he will slowly destroy this first place, and the other party will thank him profusely!

Simmons' expression was very distrustful, I remember Spencer said that you are the most potential virologist. Would you not be able to do this?

Eddie took the computer and pressed it, The Ancestor Virus was discovered in the 1950s. Now fifty-two years have passed. This is the first step. You still want to skip a level? You haven't even studied the Ancestor Virus. Thorough, you still want to run?”

I've made it very clear. If you can find the ancestor virus, I might be interested. That's it. I'll leave if nothing happens. After Eddie said that, he stood up and left.

Simmons was meditating. He himself had also undergone some strengthening. At least now he can still feel dizzy after ten hours of high-intensity work. As a vested interest, Simmons is also very concerned about the next step of strengthening the results.

Kara couldn't trust her, so she could only trust Daniel, whom she had poached from Umbrella. That was one of Spencer's trusted researchers. Compared with Dr. Mueller, one studies body functions and the other studies biochemical weapons, which are different majors.

When Eddie left the Pentagon, a pretty girl suddenly appeared around the corner, and the two of them bumped into each other.

The girl fell to the ground, Oh, how can you walk like this!

Sorry beauty, I'm thinking about things. Eddie stretched out his hand and pulled the other person up.

Only then did I realize that there were two black-clad bodyguards behind the girl. They seemed to be presidential agent bodyguards.

When the girl saw Eddie, she exclaimed, Are you that Eddie?

Eddie looked around and said, If there is no other person as handsome as me, then you are talking about me.

Hee hee, you are so pretty. The medicine you invented has saved many people. You are a good person. On behalf of my father, I thank you. I hope you can continue to provide more cheap medicines to benefit the public. Goodbye, handsome guy! The short-haired girl left with a silvery laugh.

Eddie felt that the other person looked familiar, but he couldn't remember who it was.

Ta-ta-ta-ta, there was a sound of high heels tapping on the tiles. Intelligence agent Hanigan, who was wearing a women's suit, walked over and naturally took the man's arm. What's wrong? That girl is pretty, isn't she?

Eddie told what had just happened. Hanigan laughed and said, Her name is Ashley Greenham. Her father is my direct boss. Do you know who she is now? But as for the somewhat coquettish eldest lady, you are not held accountable by her, which really surprises me.

Half a month later, the BSAA officially took over the demobilized soldiers of the Federal Biochemical Counter-Terrorism Committee. These unemployed soldiers will join the BSAA and become a solid backing against biological and chemical weapons.

Of course, Chris’s recruitment standards are very strict, because he will only accept elites, and he will never accept music equipment! That's right, they wouldn't want music like Morgan's.

Morgan was attacked while being transported to the International Court of Justice, located near the Mediterranean coast. The escorts treated it as dead, and General Morgan's body parts were also there, but it was not certain whether it was him or not.

At the same time, King Ada, Sienna and Caroline sneaked into West Africa, where there was a hidden laboratory. It was the laboratory that the Western Federation had been looking for but could not find that was built underground.

A beam of sunlight fell from the sky to the ground. There were a large number of orange flowers growing on this flower bed. There are a large number of murals on the nearby walls, all of which declare that this is the sacred place of the Dibai tribe.

King Ada felt very strange, It seems that no one has been here for a long time!

Sienna was scanning with a professional instrument, It is true that no one has been here, and the flowers here are made of plastic!

King Ada did not pick flowers easily, but conducted inspection and records here.

Soon the door on the ground was opened, and a group of soldiers opened the door.

The three Ada kings looked at each other, and immediately used their magnetic field ability to fly into the air, leaving the underground flower bed following the sunlight.

Chapter 492: Ashley is missing

There are some bamboo buildings built near the water around. The items on them have been abandoned for a long time and are covered with dust. There is no sign of any survivors. How could Dubai Yabudo, who had migrated to the ground, disappear for no reason?

Finding the underground ruins, these soldiers just guarded the gate and then started calling the headquarters. The Federation quickly notified military bases stationed in West Africa and asked the bases to send soldiers to take over the ruins.

They will not act rashly. Experience and lessons have made the soldiers of the family become cautious. Who knows if there may be any monsters inside.

King Ada is still investigating nearby, and she is curious about these unknown things.

Caroline looked at her watch and said, Okay, it's time, we should go back.

This is a rule. You can go out to explore and collect information, but you have to go back to the Goddess Island once every half a month at most. Otherwise, just wait until you have a second child. You won’t be able to go anywhere during pregnancy, and the penalty for being late is so severe. Even the strong King Ada did not dare to disobey. It was enough for her to give birth to one child, and she did not want to have a second one. It was too uncomfortable.

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