Everyone couldn't help but shudder at the thought of being parasitized, and they all picked up gas masks and put them on.

Louis also woke up at this time. When the villagers working at the excavation site discovered the outsider, they immediately yelled, picked up the guy and rushed over. There is even a buzzing sound of a chainsaw turning, and it looks like a villager wearing pants on his head and holding a chainsaw, which is both scary and hilarious at the same time.

At this time, Kevin couldn't help but ask, Louis, aren't you a local? What are they talking about?

Despicable foreigners! That's what they say. They don't know foreign languages, so you can't understand. Louis said angrily.

Facing the heavily armed team members, these villagers just came to give away their heads.

Walk all the way forward, get on the mine cart, and go all the way to the interior. There is a huge furnace here, which seems to be a place for refining metal. No wonder they don't need to buy steel from outsiders. They can refine and make it themselves.

At the central furnace, two villagers turned on the device. A door was opened, and two three-meter-five-meter giants wearing chains who looked like philosophers appeared. The face is ferocious and extremely ugly.

As soon as he appeared, he trampled the two villagers who released him to death, and roared at the team members.

Bang! Throw out the incendiary bomb and turn on the active switch in the middle. A crater appeared in the steel plate on the furnace. The two giants were attacked with assault rifles and kept retreating. Finally, they fell into the hot furnace.

Although he kept struggling and roaring, he was still quickly melted by the still rolling molten steel.

It's not that difficult! Eddie said after blowing on the Desert Eagle, which was still emitting white smoke.

Lewis explained, The subordinate Plaka has a certain chance of changing the host's genes, causing the host to mutate and become taller. But at the same time, it will also lose its mind and can still be controlled by the dominant Plaka. You see The Lord of the Lake and these giants who arrived are the products of mutation.

What the hell is the Lord of the Lake? Kevin asked confused.

It's the giant salamander in the lake! Louis said angrily.

Why is it called Lord of the Lake? Kevin asked reluctantly.

Because of its enlargement, it was supported and worshiped by the local villagers. The village chief Mendez brainwashed it again and called it the Lord of the Lake. The village chief you met also used the dominant Plaka. Human, so like a superman,” Lewis explained.

I don't think he's much more powerful than a tyrant, Kevin retorted.

That depends on the actual combat effectiveness. The dominant Plaka can keep the host sane and mutate when necessary. It is definitely more powerful than the tyrant! Lewis argued with reason.

Chris had to stand up and persuade him, If you want to argue, you can go to the bar later and talk slowly. Now let's get out of this hellish place.

The group of people continued to move forward, and Eddie observed from time to time, using an electric current magnetic field to kill the spores in the surrounding soil. Only when you are close to those fossils can you be infected and parasitized.

The mine cart arrived at the end. This is an underground tunnel with a fairly good cement road and many large trucks parked here.

Drive away, don't stop here. Eddie said and got into the truck.

The roads in underground mines are very long, otherwise there would be no need to use trucks. I don’t know what these trucks were used for transporting before. They are a little dirty, but it doesn’t matter.

When the truck came to the middle, Louis suddenly said, There is a laboratory in front. I can go in and make some drugs that inhibit parasites. As long as these drugs are taken in the early stages of parasitism, the parasite spores can be eliminated. That's how I do To escape from being parasitized, you may need some as a reward for taking me out of this hellish place.

Chris thought about it and decided to wait until Louis made the medicine, Let's cover him first.

Eddie waved his hand, Then I'll go to the front and take a look. You guys wait here while he makes the medicine.

All the way forward, this is an upward elevator, which seems to be the place to leave the underground mine tunnel.

Ashley still follows Eddie. Only by following Eddie will she feel safe.

Leon immediately stopped and said, Ashley, it is safer to follow us. Eddie likes adventure. He is a medical scientist and is more interested in this new type of biological and chemical weapons. It will be dangerous for you to follow.

Ashley shook her head, No way, I was injected with parasites before, and Eddie helped me figure it out. It's safer for me to follow him, huh, I will be responsible for anything that happens.

Eddie was a little surprised, Okay, I will protect her safety, don't worry. Once you have prepared the medicine, follow me up. Don't stay too long, the underground is not safe.

Instead of taking the elevator up, we walked up along the truck road here.

Eddie thought that after coming out, it would be Salazar's hiding place, but he didn't expect that he was still in the castle.

There is a cable car parked in front of you, heading to the hillside ahead. There is also a main castle on the hillside. It’s hard to imagine how big this castle is. None of these rich people are so rich.

Eddie held Ashley's arm, Are you ready to take off?

What took off? Ashley asked a little confused.

Eddie held Lisa up with his other hand, Of course I'm going to show you my secret, a secret that only my woman can see.

When Ashley was still about to ask what was going on, she suddenly flew up. There was an abyss under her feet. It was already more than a hundred meters here. If she fell, she would definitely be shattered into pieces. Plus, she heard the roaring wind in her ears. , which made her scream uncontrollably, but she felt very excited in her heart!

Chapter 505: Salazar was killed instantly

You have a lot of questions. If you have time, let's find a hotel and explain them slowly. Eddie said with a bad smile.

I hate it, can't I go to your house to explain? Ashley said with a sweet smile, looking at the passing scenery with a smile. Although she was full of doubts in her heart, she still resisted asking. She knew that when the time came, she would Know everything!

They seemed to hear Ashley's scream, and everyone thought something had happened, but after asking via radio, they found out that they were looking for some excitement.

Eddie and Ashley came to the castle on the hillside together. This is still located in the lower part of the castle. This is the secret location of the Salazar family. A huge and immovable Plaka mother body is here. This mother body can produce parasites, which is very helpful to Sadler's plan.

When Eddie came to the lower part of the castle, he found that Salazar had been standing here waiting for him for a long time.

You know what? Without your presence, our plan would go very smoothly. I, Raymond Salazar, will also restore the entire family. You have destroyed everything, and I will destroy everything for you. Sarah Zha scolded angrily.

You get out of the way. We just need to go out. Whatever you want, you can stay here. But I want to ask you something, and I don't know if you can answer it. Eddie's expression was serious.

Hmph, you are about to die. Do you want to know the truth? Ask, and I will make you a wise man! Salazar shouted proudly.

There is a chrysanthemum-like monster embedded in the wall behind it. It usually looks like a flower bud. Only the wriggling veins can prove that this thing is a living thing and not a dead thing.

Eddie hugged the troublesome pear and asked, You have been injected with the dominant Plaka, can you still have children? Will you be extinct like this?

How dare you laugh at me! I want you to die, all of you! Salazar suddenly became very angry and opened his hands.

The huge chrysanthemum on the wall behind him opened, and countless small tentacles stretched out to grab Salazar and the left-handed insect man next to him, and swallowed them into the flower buds together.

The troublesome Li did not resist, but asked with some confusion, Eddie, why do you ask him this question? Could it be that he can't have children?

Eddie smiled evilly and said, I just don't know, so I asked him. I don't know if he can do it, but if I can do it, haven't you experienced it?

The troublesome Li felt a little embarrassed, Oh, what did you say? It's really unpleasant. It won't be good in the future. You have to change it. At least that guy is not dead yet. It's very bad in front of outsiders!

There was a weird chewing sound, the sealed chrysanthemum opened again, and three huge tentacles rushed out.

Eddie flew into the air with the troublesome pear, and there were a large number of adult Plaka crawling below, running out of the chrysanthemum buds. Because they couldn't reach the three Eddies, they kept roaring. The weird screams made people's scalp numb.

Wow, haha! Despicable foreigners, you have offended your greatest city lord Salazar, you just wait to die! Salazar appeared in the protection of the flower buds, and it seems that he is no longer parasitized by the mother parasite. He, instead, was the short Salazar parasitizing this monster.

You are so ugly. If you want to change back now, is it possible? Eddie was a little confused.

Hmph, you go to hell first! Salazar controlled a huge tentacle and rushed straight over. Eddie dodged it and hit the wall directly, making a deep hole in the wall. It has reached a power of one hundred tons!

Eddie sneered and raised his hand, Salazar screamed, What have you done? You are the devil!

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