Lisa took Eddie's cigarette and started smoking it herself, not caring that it was used by the other person, Really? I'm just reminding you that you are indeed very strong. I'm going to close my eyes and rest!

Lisa looked a little weak. She really needed to rest. It would only take a while for her to recover.

Sometimes being a bodyguard is not that simple, especially when a female bodyguard meets a male host, which can be a bit embarrassing.

Half an hour later, on an unnamed island, the EU fleet united to launch an attack on the Illuminati.

Under the bombardment of naval guns, it almost covered the area of ​​the island. This sudden blow made the mercenaries on the island a little confused.

After the fleet bombardment lasted for half an hour, the BSAA team and the armed forces from the EU region attacked the island together.

And Eddie had just arrived. As soon as he got off the plane, Lisa was the first to jump off briskly. She was in high spirits and her pretty face still had the blush after the cloud and rain. She was amazingly beautiful.

After getting off the plane, I found an old acquaintance, Dawn, the mercenary former Umbrella researcher and current chief researcher of Wil Farma.

This British gentleman greeted him cheerfully, Hi, Dr. Eddie, long time no see. I didn't expect that we would meet again under this circumstance.

In general, I don't really want to see you. It's better for the two foxes to hunt in their own territory, rather than intruding into each other's territory to hunt, right? Eddie threw a cigarette and took it for himself. When she started to light a cigarette, Lisa lit it up very sensibly.

Dawn laughed when she saw it and picked up the lighter. Dr. Eddie is always surrounded by such virtuous and beauties. I have no intention of taking this job. It's just an order from the headquarters. There's nothing I can do about it.

The research and development of the vaccine has made you enough money. Just watch the show in the back. The water here is very deep and I don't want to go. Eddie left after saying that.

Dawn lowered her head, Thanks for the reminder!

Basically, a large number of people on the island covered by artillery fire have died, and even if there are some factory facilities, they have been beaten to a similar extent.

Krausa unexpectedly survived, and Dominant Plaka not only restored his left arm, but also gained greater strength.

Being sane and powerful, isn't this the place he dreams of? Now that the island is under attack, it's time for him to find a way out. If only a separate agent breaks into the island, he will help Sadler without saying a word. Now facing an army, he is not stupid and will never follow him. If the Iron Legion goes head-to-head, it is seeking death.

Just when Clausa was about to leave, Sadler came over with a strange scepter covered by parasites. The weird eyes and tentacles of the parasites could also be seen on the top of the scepter.

Krausa, I order you to stop those people. Delay as long as you can. Sadler ordered.

I think now should be the time to retreat, not the time to attack. Clausa was obviously unwilling.

Really? Do you think you can resist me after you gain strength? Sadler said coldly, his expression extremely cold, and paired with his extremely ugly face, it was really disgusting.

I just want to live, and I'm reminded that this is not the best time to attack. Clausa snorted and unconsciously took out the tactical dagger.

Sadler raised his palms and said, Hmph, my servant, go and defend me from those enemies. Go, go!

As sound waves came one after another, Krausa's mind was controlled and he walked out obediently.

Sadler sneered, Idiot, do you really think that a dominant type can't control a dominant type?

When Clausa left, the combined forces also encountered the strongest resistance. Various powerful weapons smashed the sneaking scouts into pieces.

These mercenaries controlled by Plaka use homemade explosives, modern weapons, and good experience. For a time, even the experienced special operations team members were suppressed and unable to raise their heads. It was not that they were incompetent, but that their opponents were too powerful.

On the BSAA side, Team B and Team C worked together to attack the enemy head-on, while the Alpha Team led by Chris made a quick detour, preparing to outflank the final enemy to prevent the leader of the Illuminati Sect from leaving Wuji. Bah, it was Sadler.

Eddie took Lisa to follow Sheva's team to fight, and happened to see several huge giants rushing out and using boulders to smash several soldiers to death.

After not being arrogant for long, he was taken away by a rocket launcher.

In order to deal with these monsters, rocket launchers are the most commonly carried weapons for infantry combat. To deal with difficult enemies, you need to be simple and crude. Don't use too many Bibis. Bibi is just a rocket launcher.

As we continue to move forward, there are dozens of Doberman pinschers here. These hounds have been parasitized by Plaka and turned into parasitic dogs.

After being killed, parasites will burst out to attack. At close range, it can directly pierce body armor and kill soldiers!

After Sheva killed a parasitic dog, two more parasitic dogs rushed towards her at the same time. She could only deal with the parasitic dog on the right first, and then the hound on the left.

It's a pity that the hound that was killed just now exploded with parasites, which entangled Sheva's feet, making Sheva unable to turn around. She was about to be bitten to death by the hound, and the boat capsized in the gutter!

Eddie took action in time and shot the hound on the left to death, then turned around and kicked the hound to death on the right. He pulled Sheva over and crushed the Plaka parasite to death with one kick. He did it in one go. It can be called a typical hero saving a beauty!

Chapter 508: The villain Bibi is headshot

Sheva still didn't come back to her senses, and after a while she said, Thank you, you have saved me many times.

Eddie nodded seriously, That's right, so when are you planning to commit yourself? I'm still looking forward to it.

Huh? Sheva was a little confused. She didn't know how to answer. Is this guy so shameless?

Eddie smiled and said, Don't be stupid, I'm just kidding. Don't be so aggressive next time. Steady and steady tactics are always the most effective when dealing with biological and chemical weapons!

Sheva's beautiful eyes are a little twinkling. Although she is a black woman, she is good-looking and has a very good figure. Even a model would be ashamed, and she does not have the face blindness of ordinary black people.

In the central position, Clausa, who was temporarily controlled, was indeed very troublesome. Even if he is hit by a bullet, he can recover quickly and is skilled in trap placement and melee combat. A special forces unit has already been destroyed because of this, it was the team sent by France.

When you encounter a troublesome person, ask for air support, ask for air support! An Iberian Kingdom squad leader hid behind a rock and spoke through a walkie-talkie.

As a result, in the next second, Klaus's left hand quickly mutated and turned into a sharp blade-like knife. It smashed the ten-ton boulder into pieces and accurately killed the team leader. .

Heartbroken, the corpses were thrown aside.

Krausa quickly restored his left hand to normal, but there were many more cracks on his arm, which were not repaired for a while.

The law of conservation of mass failed for the first time on Clausa, and this part of the mutation can actually be changed back. This is a bit outrageous!

A Krausa is still very capable of fighting and very tricky before he meets the split agent who can use magical first aid spray and can still be alive and kicking after being blown up by a bomb.

Behind the island, Sadler put some scientific researchers on the ship, and he took the second ship to leave.

At this time, a bomb fell in front of them. The other believers were unprepared and were blown away, lying on the ground twitching.

But Sadler was fine, except that his weird robe was a little damaged.

Wesker appeared wearing sunglasses, combed back hair, a dark suit and leather shoes. He jumped over from a distance of three meters and stood in front of Sadler.

Friend, are you here to stop me too? I think you are no match for me. Sadler sneered without any panic.

Wesker stretched out his hand, Give me the Dominant Plaka and I'll let you go.

If I don't give it, will you kill me? Sadler said with a ferocious smile, raising his head with extremely disdainful eyes.

This look reminded Wesker of the way Sergey looked at him, which was also a condescending look that looked down on him, with an extremely mocking look, as well as disdain and charity.

This look made Wesker unhappy, so he punched Sadler away at the speed of teleportation.

Bang! Sadler hit the steel column directly, deforming the steel column, and finally fell to the steel plate, looking very embarrassed.

Wesker said in an extremely cold tone, I repeat, give me the thing, or you will die!

Sadler was still laughing, No, you are very powerful, why don't you fight with me and join the Illuminati Religion, you will be saved, my child, come on, join my sect!

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