Nothing to talk about. Jill didn't want to talk to the other party, but followed her husband's pace.

Eddie squatted on the ground to check. The team members here all died after being attacked by some kind of monster. From the looks of it, they seemed to be Lickers!

Whoosh! At this time, a mouthpart extended directly from the distance. Eddie grabbed it and pulled it directly. He raised the desert eagle and shot the licker that suddenly appeared.

With the appearance of the first licker, more and more smaller but extremely fast lickers rushed out.

Gil and Hilda fought side by side. The two women were facing in different directions. One used close combat and the other used firearms to kill all the lickers that came towards them.

A figure left the camp in a hurry. As soon as he turned around, he was stopped by Eddie, Young man, where are you going? Dad is right here!

This is a black man, Nico, with red eyes, but unlike those monsters who have lost their minds, he still maintains enough rationality, Get out of here, or I'll let you die!

Eddie broke off the opponent's head without saying a word, and the lost black man did not have banelings, but the lickers in the camp howled in pain and finally died screaming!

Chapter 532: Absolutely forbidden bold ideas

Eddie carefully observed the other party's body and pulled out the dead Plaka parasite from the bulge of the other party's spine. This kind of parasite is not a dominant plaka, but it has some advantages of a dominant type.

Jill and Sophia came over and looked at the man who fell to the ground.

Sophia wondered, Isn't this the South African ambassador who disappeared half a year ago?

Is he the one who is rumored to be popular? Is there anything special about him? Eddie frowned.

It's nothing special, except that this person was extremely disdainful of the biological and chemical weapons attacks and looked down on Easterners. Sophia said in a joking tone.

So, it seems like he committed suicide? He died quite miserably, and was taken advantage of. Eddie's eyes saw behind the big tree in the distance, and a figure flashed past, seeming to leave something behind. .

It doesn't count. It's just that a black man is missing. This does not affect anything. Sophia shook her head, What should we do now?

We still have things to do. If you feel big-hearted, then stay. If you feel unsafe, then follow us and leave. After Eddie said that, he found a car that was still intact and got on it.

Sophia did not hesitate and chose to follow Eddie. She knew very well that in this situation, only this man could protect her.

Can you give me something to eat and drink? I haven't eaten for a while. Sophia said without being humble or condescending.

Eddie threw over a pack of compressed biscuits and a bottle of water, You owe me one.

After informing O'Brien of the accident in the camp, he also learned that Chris and others were also trapped.

The local armed forces seem to be controlled by the Plaka parasite and have trapped the BSAA team members in a village, and they are sending people to rescue them. At the same time, Eddie was asked to escort Sophia to a safe place. It seemed that Sophia's family was still very powerful.

It seems BSAA still cares about you. Eddie smiled.

Sophia drank this bottle of mineral water and felt that the water was very sweet, which was different from the pure water in the outside world. Moreover, the compressed biscuits were very delicious and did not have a dry taste. Our family assists the BSAA in selecting volunteers from the military in each region every year. They came to me just to give the family an explanation.

Eddie came to a big tree and left a note with a memory card behind it.

Using a smartphone to read it, William's voice appeared, as well as Wesker's voice, and even a mysterious unknown third-party force.

Do you have any informants? Sophia asked curiously.

All ladies know how to find lovers. What's the point of having an informant curious? Eddie didn't pay attention, but continued to browse the plan.

There wasn't much information in the memory card, it just mentioned Project Ouroboros, and this was just an experimental base.

As soon as he stepped on the accelerator, Eddie drove directly to Sanlian Company's station in a wetland village.

There is a putrid smell all around here, and the hygiene in Africa has always been very disgusting. This place is in a relatively remote place, so naturally not many people are willing to come.

As soon as I arrived here, I heard a strange sound, as if someone was playing something here.

Eddie picked up the gun and walked in. There was no one in the village, so he fired two shots into the sky.

There was a sparse sound, and a hound that looked like it had been stitched up came over to observe, and then yelled a few words behind it.

A man wearing an ancient robe and carrying a backpack appeared with red eyes. He was the black marketeer in Salazar Castle on the Iberian Peninsula. Hello, welcome, do you need anything?

Stop being like this, what are you doing here? Eddie waved his hand and threw away the gold ring he brought from the village.

Do you need to sit down and chat? The black marketeer took back his robe and made an invitation.

Coming to this small village with houses built on the wetland, there are a large number of obese black women, all of whom are infected with parasites. They have a striking similarity, that is, they are ugly and black.

But in comparison, they don't smell bad, unlike the villagers on the Iberian Peninsula who are full of smell.

These parasitized black women did not attack, but just looked at the four Eddies with hostility.

In a large bamboo building in the middle, a black marketeer filled water from a nearby waterfall, took out some preserved tea leaves, and actually started cutting tea!

Eddie looked at everything here with interest, Are you the boss of this? Are these women your wives? Your taste is really unique.

Only strong women can bear Plaka. I'm just here to find my compatriots, and also to find forgotten people like me. The black marketeer chuckled.

You look like a mummy. No need to make tea, and we won't drink it. Do you know who is doing Plaka experiments around here? Eddie said with a frown.

The black marketeer took a package with the logo of Sanlian Company on it, This is the company, they are developing a new type of Plaka. You may have seen that the castrated high-level Plaka only has the ability to control, but not The ability to fuse with the host and become stronger.”

This is what Eddie saw before when the black man had no mutation and was castrated with mutant abilities. This Plaka is more suitable as a tool to control biological and chemical weapons.

Where is their stronghold? Eddie asked again.

The black marketeer pointed to the southwest, In an ancient area, there is a branch of the Kingdom of Dubai. That's where you can find the answer you want!

Okay, last question, what do you want? Eddie looked at the mummy-like black marketeer.

I am a parasitic villager. Maybe it was God's will. I broke away from the controlling command. To Janado, I am an alien. To humans, I am also an alien. I am looking for the same kind. What you see These women are all my kind. Do you need to have some fun? I'm looking for a way to reproduce, maybe you can help me. The black marketeer clapped his hands, and the strong and fat black women walked in.

Eddie shook his head hastily, I really can't help you with this. Maybe you can go find those men with bold ideas. They may be happy to help.

Are you kidding? Only a lunatic would accept this kind of thing. Who in the right mind would do this?

PS: If you are short of books, you can read the old book Marvel DC's Bastard Heroes. It is an old book with 3 million words. It does not guarantee your character!

Chapter 533: Jill’s new ability

The surrounding black women also knelt on the ground, seeming to express their submission.

Black marketeers know very well that the powerful man in front of them can easily destroy them. In order to continue their lives, it is necessary to beg for mercy and lower their posture.

Eddie waved his hand, I'm not the kind of person who kills innocent people indiscriminately. If you want to survive, you better hide yourself. Even if everything is found out, I will leave.

Jill and Sophia seemed to have not recovered yet, so why were they kneeled down inexplicably? This is completely unresponsive, okay?

The black marketeer suddenly handed over a number, Mr. Eddie, if you need our help, please call this number. We are on duty 24 hours a day.

Eddie took the note and said, I understand. I hope you are still alive next time we meet.

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