boom! A shock bomb exploded, blinding everyone's eyes.

A blond man with his head on his back rushed in and quickly rescued Erwin.

Eddie looked at Jill next to him, and Jill looked at him curiously, What's wrong, husband? Is there something on my face?

Eddie shook his head, It's okay, you are very beautiful, and I like to see my wife.

It's annoying, there are so many people. Jill rolled her eyes, feeling quite sweet in her heart. She was indeed lucky to be able to marry such a young husband. Sibling love is always exciting.

It should be that the masked man disguised as Gil came in and rescued Erwin. Now Gil followed him from beginning to end, and because he changed history, he did not fall off the cliff or disappear.

So the one who appears here can only be Wesker himself.

Chris saw a person in a trance, Wesker! Let's chase him!

The group of people arrived at the outskirts of the village, only to see a helicopter flying far away. This distance could not hit them. They could only watch Erwin laughing wildly and making an indecent move. Taunt them.

Damn it! Leon kicked the car angrily.

At this time, Sheva rushed over from nearby, Chris, Eddie! Why are you here too? We just investigated a small laboratory nearby and found a document inside. You can take a look.

Chris started analyzing the memory card, while Eddie picked up a cigarette and smoked it, not knowing what he was thinking.

PS: If you are short of books, you can read the old book Marvel DC's Bastard Heroes. It is an old book with 3 million words. It does not guarantee your character!

Chapter 536: Aunt Wang’s information

Sheva shook her head and smiled brightly, I'm fine, thank you. The conditions here are a bit more difficult, just get used to it.

Looking at the young and beautiful Sheva, Eddie thought of Aunt An'erla, the woman who gave birth to a baby daughter for herself. She was also a black pearl beauty. It’s not that black women are unattractive, it’s just that most of them are ugly.

I think it's pretty good. It's quite nice here. If you have time, can you be a tour guide and take us to have fun? Eddie invited.

Sheva nodded and said happily, Of course, this mission is over, I will be happy to help you.

Soon Chris discovered that there was a laboratory in a mine and oil field 60 kilometers away. It was built by a branch of Sanlian Company. There might be news there.

Chris came over and said, Headquarters has sent Josh's team to capture Erwin first. We will go there this time too, in the Uliva Dora oil field.

What the hell is the name? Is it so weird? Eddie complained.

It's so strange. The local people's names have dozens of characters, and you will feel confused. Sheva explained with a smile.

Your name is still nice. Eddie smiled.

Sheva blinked her beautiful eyes and said, Thank you, you are indeed very lovable.

Each other! Eddie and Sheva smiled at each other.

Sophia asked in a low voice, Jill, aren't you jealous?

Jill rolled her eyes, thinking of the sisters on the Goddess Island, and suddenly said angrily, Just get used to this kind of thing, don't you like to worry about it?

Sophia shook her head, No, I'm just curious.

However, Pierce was a little surprised to see that his somewhat violent elder sister had become so docile. It seemed that she had been subdued by her brother-in-law.

If Pierce's thoughts were known to Sophia, he would definitely be dealt with badly. If he dared to laugh at her sister, it would be life-threatening.

After finding the car, the group of people started heading towards the so-called oil field with a weird name. Eddie and others were with Sheva.

Leon was with Chris. These two were a teammate killer and a vehicle killer. Eddie didn't want to be with these people.

Not long after the start, some motorcycle makinis began to appear, with a machine gunner behind them. These people still had red eyes, and it was obvious that they were still infected.

Looks like there's something going on! Eddie looked at the motorcycle and makini villagers behind him.

The cars behind will carry machine guns, and the machine guns will deal with these guys. Sheva said to the team members.

This is a modified pickup truck. It has two fixed machine guns on the back like a truck, which can launch powerful attacks while driving. It is also one of the powerful weapons for support!

Click, click, click, the clear sound of machine gun sounds, powered by the car's battery, providing the speed of rotating fire.

The power of this vehicle-mounted machine gun can easily blow up a car, which is unmatched by assault rifles.

Eddie took this opportunity to browse his phone, which contained messages from Caroline.

Caroline and Michelle teamed up to explore the secrets in Africa and learned that Umbrella's former African branch had indeed been closed down. Even after the Western Federation took over, the place has not been able to resume operations. Instead, it will be attacked by a branch of the Dibai tribe from time to time.

The related Sun Staircase was moved to another place, located in an Ndipaya settlement in the Mcaroon Wetlands.

This race is one of the many branches of the Kingdom of Dibaiia at that time, and has been controlled by Brandon. And the Sun Staircase was transplanted to the underground laboratory of the Ndipaya tribe for cultivation, and it was successful!

Brandon has been in Africa for so long, the mountains are high and the emperors are far away, so he is not as incompetent as he imagined. He secretly cooperated with companies hostile to Umbrella, such as Sanlian Company and Glory Pharmaceuticals, and developed a method to transplant the Sun Staircase.

Edward and Marcus both tried that year, but failed. The Stairway of the Sun has lost its most important ancestor virus, but Brandon's transplant can keep the Staircase of the Sun intact.

There are indeed many dangers in the ruins of the Kingdom of Dibai. There are some tall and crazy giants imprisoned in them. They are covered with tentacles, but they can maintain the appearance of humans.

That was the former leader of the Kingdom of Dibiya. In his later years, without exception, he went crazy. No one knows the reason, so they can only be imprisoned deep underground. This is why there are weird patterns of giants fighting on the murals.

Brandon has now left Africa and gone to an unknown island in the South Pacific to continue virus development.

According to King Ada's information, although Brandon looks old, he is similar to a middle-aged man. He is strong and in good spirits without any side effects. Preliminary inference is that the unknown virus was successfully fused, thus greatly increasing the life span of the body.

This makes Eddie a little curious. The ancestor virus will corrode the host's brain. If he wants to avoid being corroded, he must find other ways.

Even Alexia had to use freezing to solve the problem, so what method did Brandon use?

King Ada and Siena are still investigating this, and the beauty agent has now left the island.

Not because I was discovered, but because it was time to get off work. They have to go back to attend their daughter's master's degree graduation ceremony. As mothers, taking care of their daughters and serving their husbands is their first priority. Being an agent to investigate intelligence is just a side job and a hobby.

Seeing this, Eddie put away his phone. It seems that things are getting more and more interesting. Brandon, who had not been seen much before, actually surfaced. Now it's fun.

The fighting outside continued, and the mob even began to rush up in trucks to prepare for close combat.

But under the attack of machine guns, no matter how powerful these people are, they just die in vain. The superiority of weapons allows BSAA members to easily suppress these monsters.

Even if there are banelings, there is nothing to be afraid of. Just keep your distance and don't let the opponent's sulfuric acid spray. Everything will be fine.

Leon and Chris were secretly discussing something, and Leon took advantage of his vacation time to come here to look for traces of Morpheus.

It seems that Morpheus saved Lyon in the first place, but this time something happened to Morpheus, and Lyon came to repay the favor. But the air seemed to be a little scorching for some reason.

Chapter 537: The Invincible Type Two Giant

From time to time, Gil would take out his samurai blade and shoot at the big black brothers who were coming from the side on motorcycles.

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