As expected, haha, William is already mad. Everything that happens here has nothing to do with me. I have some information on William and Brandon. You help me solve the things William left, and I will give you the information. After speaking, Si Ke directly threw the memory card over.

Kara caught it easily. Compared with King Ada, she preferred to wear a dress and a bright red scarf. She also had a big earring on her ear, which made her look very coquettish and wild. What did William leave behind?

Two 90% replicas are infected with the G virus and the Ouroboros virus at the same time. Wesker pointed at the two monsters behind him.

Eddie was not displeased with Kara's actions. This woman was actually quite pitiful. It seems that you and William, old friends, have finally broken off their friendship!

That's why I'm talking to you. That old dog Spencer created the ugly plan that Alex and I assisted him with. I want to take revenge on him! Alex married you, she must I also thought about taking revenge on Spencer, we can work together! Wesker said calmly.

Instead of doing this, wouldn't it be better if you could join the BSAA and atone for your sins as a warrior? Eddie sneered.

Want to resonate? Please, not at all.

Besides, Alex didn’t take Spencer into consideration at all. Hatred? It had already been resolved when half of Spencer's assets were seized. Like Wesker, he had worked hard for half his life and got nothing.

PS: If you are short of books, you can read the old book Marvel DC's Bastard Heroes. It is an old book with 3 million words. It does not guarantee your character!

Chapter 544: Excella’s replacement

Join BSAA? Huh, just an O'Brien is not bad. What about joining him and being transferred from other departments? Those people are fools, and I have no interest in working with fools. Wesker is also a arrogant person. Even without the crazy idea of ​​world domination or world destruction.

Wesker will not surrender to anyone. Being controlled by others is not his style.

I heard that some people from Umbrella stayed behind, and those responsible for developing weapons were preparing to form a Blue Umbrella company with the intention of combating biological and chemical weapons emerging around the world. Well, of course, under the supervision of some agencies. You Go ahead and give it a try, at least you can live an upright life. Eddie gave a good suggestion.

Wesker pushed up his sunglasses and said, We'll talk about this later. I'll think about it. For now, let's deal with these two guys and that guy Morpheus first.

As soon as he finished speaking, Morpheus was also swallowed by the Ouroboros. Due to his genes, he became even larger and maintained his humanoid appearance very well.

The twisted monster grabbed Leon immediately. If Eddie hadn't used a dagger to cut off the Ouroboros's tentacles, he would have been pulled over and absorbed.

Let's go first. I will tell the fleet to let them fire the cannon and leave it to the fleet to handle it. Leon, you are probably going to be heartbroken again. Eddie joked.

You farted, I didn't, I just wanted to repay the favor of saving my life! Leon explained hurriedly.

Wesker also had a thought, and immediately launched an attack on Morpheus, taking out his pistol and hitting him repeatedly.

However, Morpheus's actions activated the monster program behind him. In addition to monitoring Wesker's escape, they were also responsible for protecting Wesker's safety.

This is to ensure that Wesker can die gloriously without leaving any consequences.

Eddie made a call to O'Brien and asked him to send helicopter gunships to lock down the area and mark the area in preparation for naval gunfire.

At the same time, Kara also quickly came to the computer room and implanted a specific program to allow Janeuri and her daughter to transmit the data here.

Wesker was attacked, and two of William's G monsters struggled with Morpheus' mutated Ouroboros monster.

I saw three balls of fried noodles frantically devouring each other, and the G virus was also multiplying rapidly. The G virus was just unable to produce G adults and was spread in a way similar to the Plaka parasite. However, it can continue to spread as long as there is enough nutrition.

Leon now started to run away quickly. Now that Morpheus's life and death were determined, he had to save this good brother. Oh my god, he had to send this good friend to heaven so that he could rest in peace.

Wesker stayed in place to ensure that the two William monsters could not escape. At the same time, he took out his dagger and dug out a piece of flesh on his arm with a miniature tracker inside.

Chris, who was fighting hard, met Leon. Let's retreat, you guy, stop running around in the name of your own agent.

I am just for my own beliefs. Now Morpheus is dead, killed by William, and turned into a huge monster. Only naval guns can destroy him and give him a happy life. Also, William carries a lot of viruses Go to Vienna, where a United Nations meeting is being held! Leon quickly told the information he had.

What! Quick, let's evacuate! Chris realized that things had really become extremely difficult. This kind of thing would probably shock the whole world!

The Janeuri mother and daughter on the Goddess Island have used satellites to copy all the data, and their daughter Manpel has also eliminated some viruses that wanted to spy on intelligence.

It's done, Kara, you can evacuate. Janeuri responded via radio, which would be transmitted very quickly via satellite.

Manpel was also wearing a bikini, sitting in front of the computer and typing on the keyboard, Mom, when are you and dad going to have a second child? Give me another sister?

Janeuri rolled her eyes, I don't want it. Pregnancy in ten months is very hard.

In the base on the other side, Morpheus has successfully swallowed two William clones. Together with a large number of Makini nearby, they have grown to nearly fifty meters tall. The most terrifying biochemical monster can be seen from a distance, and it is also the largest monster!

Eddie took Carla and Jill and quickly left the cabin experimental base, all the way to the periphery.

At this time, Morpheus was completely invisible, and would only start to spread under the influence of the Ouroboros virus. Once it fails, it will be devoured.

Even Morpheus's physique is not qualified, so what kind of physique is qualified?

Oh my God, this monster! A heroic BSAA team member exclaimed.

This is the nightmare of the world! O'Brien also murmured, this is too terrifying.

The giant Ouroboros monster waved its tentacles and directly wrapped around the armed helicopter twenty meters away, pulling the helicopter over and brutally devouring it.

Boom! A heavy naval gun exploded on the monster's huge head.

However, the effect was not very good, it only blew up an eye and broke off a little bit of the torso. These lost parts soon grew back again, and as Makini's corpse absorbed more, his body grew stronger and stronger.

It seems to have fallen into the fate of abnormal growth of the G virus, and eventually turned into a big ball of shapeless monster dough!

Wesker also took this opportunity to escape from the laboratory, encountering a small Ouroboros humanoid monster on the way. They were all knocked ten meters away by his Tathagata palm. Facing Eddie, he was submissive. Facing these trash, he punched hard!

Facing monsters with low combat effectiveness, Wesker looked like a god of war. He punched the monster away with his left punch, and also knocked away a violent zombie with his right punch.

Eddie stood there smoking a cigarette, This kind of monster can only be eliminated with missiles, or high-temperature explosive bombs, preferably not nuclear bombs. Who knows if they will change into another form due to absorbing nuclear radiation. , then it will be more difficult to deal with.”

Let me try to communicate with them. O'Brien was also helpless. He knew that this monster must be killed.

At the same time, almost immediately after reporting the intelligence, the officials who were meeting in Weiner City panicked and evacuated immediately.

At the same time, the missile base in the British Isles also targeted the location of the ship's cabin. All regions in the EU with missile bases targeted the ship's harbor and defined this operation as a live-fire training!

PS: If you are short of books, you can read the old book Marvel DC's Bastard Heroes. It is an old book with 3 million words. It does not guarantee your character!

Chapter 545: The heroic Shirley appears

Boom! A missile accurately hit the plane, blowing it into pieces.

The second missile also followed and was detonated at the designated location. A third missile crashed into the fire wave, also causing an explosion.

The fourth missile is loaded with accelerant, which increases the burning time of the flame in the air.

William, on the other hand, was protected by two replica bodyguards and crashed into the city of Weiner. The two replicas of the G virus used their physical buffers to help William survive.

Two clones died due to falling from a high altitude, and their bodies were hit by a deep hole in the road.

William kept coughing up blood, and he wouldn't live much longer. So he took out an enhanced G virus, which he enhanced with Wesker's blood.

This enhanced G-virus allows him to retain his sanity, and can reach the highest point that it took hundreds of millions of years to evolve in a short period of time, giving him powerful strength. But there is a fatal flaw, that is, he will die after one day!

This is an experience of extreme power, and the price is your life! Are you going to make fun of your life and be a coward for the rest of your life? Or be a warrior for a day?

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