Chapter 635: Simmons’ Mother

A woman with blond hair with a few strands of silver was hiding in the bedroom. The surrounding doors and windows were blocked with steel plates to prevent monsters from breaking in.

The beautiful woman with silver hair curled up and seemed to be extremely frightened. From time to time, the sound of footsteps could be heard in the corridor, as if some unknown creature was walking on all fours.

She vaguely remembered how those monsters broke in and started killing, and even professional mercenaries were unable to deal with them and turned into zombies.

All of this was like a nightmare, and even though she was hungry and tired, she still persevered.

Bang! Bang! The monster was banging on the door of this room, and seemed to smell the smell of living people. This smell drove the monster into a state of madness.

Hunger is insatiable, and the monster only has the thought of eating.

Boom! Amidst the impact, the beautiful woman kept trembling. She was just an ordinary person and didn't have much perseverance to persevere. She could hold back and not make a sound, which was already pretty good.

Under extreme stress, people can easily collapse.

At this moment, she was even a little angry at her son, why did he have to do such a dangerous job.

She could live peacefully before, but now? I can only hide in the deep mountains and old forests, without any sense of security.

No fancy parties, no fancy snack lunches, not even everything she wanted!

Boom! The monster finally used brute force to knock the steel plate away, and a distorted sound of sore teeth was heard.

The beautiful woman exclaimed and was dragged out of the closet by the monster.

The smelly sharp teeth were about to bite off the woman's neck. The beautiful woman could even feel the sickle of death on her neck, making her scream uncontrollably!

Bang! The twisted lizard-like monster was squeezed into minced flesh by the pressure of the magnetic field, and fragments of flesh and blood were floating in the air.

The next second, the woman was pulled away, and a poisonous thorn shot out from where she was originally lying.

Then a huge scorpion jumped out, with pincers the size of a car, making people wonder if it had grown on some pig feed.

Jessica and Lisa each grabbed the scorpion's huge pincers and opened them with force, like peeling a walnut.

The huge poisonous scorpion was torn in half. When she wanted to swing the stinger on the tail, Hilda's whip leg cut off the stinger directly!

The huge scorpion that could overturn a heavy tank was torn apart alive by three women in the most cruel way!

The feeling of massacre made Jessica feel relaxed for a while. Apart from the unique medical treatment, this was the only way that could satisfy her desire for violence.

Killing people is not allowed, but killing monsters is not within this restriction.

Eddie activated the magnetic field and squeezed the monsters and mutant snakes in the house into powder. One-on-five is just a thought, and there is no need to take action at all.

Who are you? Why don't you come and save me quickly! Just wait to receive my lawyer's letter! The beautiful woman suddenly became extremely sarcastic and turned against anyone else.

When he was down and out, he was like a dog. Now that he is safe, he immediately shows the ugly face of that upper-class person.

The performance is disgusting. This woman is actually good-looking and charming, but she is so dirty inside!

As soon as Eddie waved, the woman was caught and her feet were struggling in the air. What he hated most was this kind of woman who was glamorous and beautiful on the outside but dirty and ugly on the inside. May I have your name?

Ahem, let me go! The beautiful woman was lifted up by invisible gravity, and it was a little difficult to speak.

I'll say it again, what's your name? Eddie's expression was extremely cold, especially since the woman in front of him was the mother of his enemy Simmons.

Stacey! Ahem, let me go! The beautiful woman was still struggling. This scene made her feel insulted. This was an offense!

Simmons is dead. He gave himself an injection and died. I am his enemy, Eddie. Eddie threw Stacey to the floor with a wave of his hand.

Ahem! You guy, how dare you show up here! Stacey roared at the top of her lungs, with half-white silver threads and an angry roar. Everything was ruined by the man in front of her.

You are really as arrogant as ever, do you think you have nothing to blame? You are so stupid, I just killed Simmons, what's the matter? What can you do to me? Eddie sneered and said, click With a cigarette burning, this kind of revenge is really a bit fun.

Family revenge? He might have been afraid before, but now that his wings have hardened, he is no longer afraid.

Neither the Western Federation nor other regional families dared to provoke Eddie.

This biochemical terrorist attack is the best proof that doctors can save lives and heal the wounded, but they can also kill people invisible.

Stacey felt a sense of fear for no reason, a kind of coldness from the bottom of her heart. This coldness came from deep in her heart, which made her stutter a little when she spoke, You, what do you want to do!

I don't want to do anything, I just want to see my enemy's family in poverty. Haha, look at you, your glory is no longer good, you are such a pathetic woman! Eddie mocked the other person unceremoniously, and only family members were in his dictionary. And enemies, absolutely no ordinary people!

Ahem, don't kill me. I can do anything. Please, don't kill me! Stacey couldn't stand the intimidation. Just a little bit of coldness made her extremely afraid.

This time, my IQ was finally on the line, and I knew that the man in front of me was someone I couldn't afford to offend. dignity? Only living people have dignity, and dead people have no dignity to speak of.

Anything? Eddie looked at the other party playfully, his expression extremely playful.

Anything will do, please, please don't kill me! Stacey put down all dignity. Some people don't know they were wrong until they die, while some people will admit their mistakes in time so that they can live longer. Live longer.

Okay, I think you do know that you are wrong. Eddie waved and pushed Stacey into the bedroom.

In the cities on the east coast, Simmons, who had lost his mind, mutated into a giant fly that only knew how to kill.

He seemed to be aware of something. Although he had committed evil all his life, he still allowed his mother Stacey to have a happy ending and avoid a tragic death.

As for whether the mother will become a reproductive tool or have a tragic fate, Simmons can't care so much. He just wants to keep his mother alive!

Chapter 636: Daughter Ka Lei’s cigarettes

Alyssa is different from Alex and others. Her hobby is to be a reporter and host, reporting hidden facts. Occasionally, she should be a housewife, look after her husband and teach her daughter, and fulfill her responsibilities and obligations as a wife.

A disaster, some people are moved, some people are struggling. There are also disgusting people who are taking advantage of troubled waters, taking chestnuts from the fire, and engaging in illegal and criminal activities.

No one would have thought that this attack would almost turn into a world war, but unlike the previous attacks on people, this time it was a battle between humans and monsters!

Except for non-nuclear missiles and heavy missiles, almost all firepower has been put to use, including various electromagnetic guns.

Artificially controlled biochemical weapons and the long-controversial biochemical army also appeared.

Rather than filling this bottomless abyss with human life, it would be more appropriate to use short-lived biochemical humans.

A crisis exposed almost all problems.

Emergency measures, military response speed, firepower and combat levels, etc., and even logistical supplies are all ridiculous.

Simmons was in charge of the East Coast attack, and Arias was in charge of the Pentagon attack.

Lanxiang City in the Asan region of the Indian Ocean was handed over to other terrorist organizations. As for other places, it was just a casual spread.

On the Goddess Island, there was a slight flash of electric light. Eddie grabbed Simmons' mother Stacey and came to the island, which is an area specially used for teleportation.

Eddie found Margaret, She is left to you. Let her live somewhere else first and teach her the rules. I believe you can do a good job. Also tell Monica and let her come and take charge. .”

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